exclusive marriage

Chapter 163 The showbiz is a certain guy's world

Chapter 163 The showbiz is a certain guy's world (2)
The spotlights were dimmed in the arena, and it gradually became quiet. Ye Zaixi leaned into her ear and whispered: "Do you know who the host is today?"

She didn't look up, she didn't care about it.

"Guan Yu."

Only after Ye Zaixi uttered two words lightly did she react, her long eyelashes trembled a few times, and she said, "What a coincidence."

Ye Zaixi sneered: "If she embarrasses you on stage, I don't know what Zuo Cheng's expression will be." His brows and eyes raised lightly, gloating.

No matter how it sounds, it sounds like I am afraid that the world will not be chaotic!

Jiang Xiachu just smiled and said nothing, his gaze deviated slightly, looking for something.Ye Zaixi looked over, wasn't Zuo Cheng sitting on the VIP seat over there?

He snorted coldly, and got up: "I'm going to the opening performance. I haven't been back for a while. If there's any situation, just call. Zuo Cheng will come over immediately to save the beauty." After giving instructions, he kneaded He rubbed her soft hair before leaving.

Frowning, she didn't like such an intimate gesture, she raised her hand, brushed the broken hair in front of her forehead, raised her eyes, and bumped into the eyes of the man, they were cool and bright.

Is he mad?Her hand suddenly stopped, she thought about it, and then she was busy avoiding her sight, pretending to be indifferent.

Familiar music sounded, it was her song, with a quiet and gentle tone, Ye Zaixi's voice could always make people absolutely quiet or absolutely dynamic, he was born to be a singer.

Of course, he was also born to harm women, so many women's hearts were touched by one look.

Several popular singers finished their performances one after another, and the spotlight hit the middle of the stage, showing a beautiful smile: "Good evening, I am Guan Yu from Lingjiang Radio Station. I am very happy to spend tonight with everyone and witness this music festival."

The same opening remarks, passed through Guan Meiren's mouth, kicked off the upsurge of cheers that night.

The lighting is beautiful, the stage is beautiful, the skirt is beautiful, and the most undeniable thing is that Guan Yu is beautiful. Jiang Xia lowered her head and subconsciously clenched her lips.

It's too easy for such a proud girl to make a man's heart flutter. She looked up at Zuo Cheng, and saw the man's soft and tender gaze, and she just looked at her quietly, all the time.

This man, he will always only have her in his eyes.Suddenly, her brows loosened.

Suddenly, a hand came across in front of him, covering his sight.

"Enough is enough." He pushed Jiang Xiachu mercilessly, "This side has a good view, change seats."

Good sight?How about a corner over there?What kind of wind is this guy smoking.

Jiang Xiachu froze for a moment before sitting down, lowering her eyes quietly.Ye Yaoxie sat down with his legs up, blocking all sight.

The temperature at the VIP seats dropped sharply, and for no reason, there was a gloomy wind.

This guy Ye Zaixi did it on purpose, he curled his lips into a smile, and pointed to the stage: "Look at these on the stage, which one has the style of the master."

Regarding someone's self-promotion, Jiang Xiachu doesn't express any opinion, he is used to it, Ye Zaixi is just like that, narcissistic to the point of pervert.

"Have you heard?"

It was a woman's voice, thin and broken, coming from the front row.

"Zhang Xi was originally shortlisted for the best newcomer award, but I don't know if he offended someone and was removed."

"It looks like he got into a lot of trouble, why was he so careless, how could such a mistake be made in the career of an artist."

"Yes, who knows—"

The topic between women is still going on, endless.

"Is that you?" she asked, looking at Ye Zaixi.

With thick smoky makeup, he couldn't see the lines under his eyes clearly, so he replied casually: "I'm not that powerful."

There is only one person with such great powers - Zuo Cheng.

She pursed her lips and subconsciously looked at Zuo Cheng.The light changed color, and the brilliance melted into her eyes. She smiled, and he smiled, they were just smiling, very similar.


The inexplicable but faintly cold snort came from the man beside him, and Jiang Xiachu just turned his eyes away.

"Watch the show well." After speaking, he gave Jiang Xiachu a cold and unruly look.

It sounded like there was an unexplainable anger.

Regarding this, Jiang Xiachu remained silent. Anyway, the man beside him never played cards according to common sense.

After that, for a long time, whether it was the award presentation or guest performances, the men around me would always say something, either to praise themselves or hurt others.

"Ghosts are crying and wolves are howling, my ears can't take it anymore." Ye Yaoxie picked out his ears.

The one who sang was the Little King of Rock and Roll after the rain, known as the oriental Elvis Presley in the circle.

Jiang Xiachu was silent.

"I have been singing for more than ten years, and I am so happy to have won a contribution award."

"Why don't you thank God, thank you? Too fake, official!"

"What a genius, out of tune like this."


I really wonder if there is anyone in this world who can fall into the eyes of King Ye Datian.

Jiang Xiachu, who was silent from beginning to end, finally raised his eyes: "Ye Zaixi."

She just pronounced his name clearly, and he lazily replied: "Yeah." The other side still didn't forget to complain, "Why haven't we finished singing yet?"

"Actually, you were out of tune just now."

This sentence, without emotion, stated calmly.

After thinking about it, Ye Tianwang didn't take it seriously: "Really?" The eyes under the smoky makeup were even more alluring, with a very immodest high-profile, "Then it still brightens the audience."

Indeed, he just has such ability, and he is also incomparably handsome when he is out of tune.

Talking to Ye Zaixi, Jiang Xiachu was very powerless, but he couldn't find words to refute.

"It's almost your turn."

"Next." With Erlang's legs crossed, Ye Zaixi was a little absent-minded, without the slightest excitement and urgency before the announcement.

The lighting changes and the brisk background music make it easy to guess that the next awards will be of high gold content.

"The next award to be presented is the Best Male Singer Award, please invite guests..."

After that, various processes went through step by step.

Someone got impatient: "It's really long-winded, just give it to me, what's the name, doesn't it give people hope and disappoint?"

This person, I have to say, is very confident, so confident that he deserves a beating. Such words make the singer who has sung for more than ten years and won a contribution award feel so embarrassing.

"Are you sure it's you?"

It's not suspicion, Jiang Xiachu is just curious, where does this man get his confidence, rationally speaking, she is more optimistic about Gu Qi, except for his looks, Gu Qi is not bad for him.

Ye Zaixi smiled wickedly, raised her heroic eyebrows, and without saying anything, a sentence came from the stage: "The winner is——Ye Zaixi."

This sentence echoed several times in the arena.

After adjusting her clothes, Ye Zaixi stood up: "I have no eyesight."

(End of this chapter)

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