exclusive marriage

Chapter 198 The Blind Cat Met a Dead Mouse

Chapter 198 The Blind Cat Met a Dead Mouse (1)
Jiang Xiachu was silent and stopped talking.

Guan Ai continued to curl up on the sofa and swayed, thinking that this high-end product is different, and he would enjoy it later, when he suddenly remembered, he stood up: "Oh, what happened to you that day, where did you go? , Everyone in Zuocheng has found me here."

Jiang Xiachu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, without any emotion on his face: "It's okay."

Guan Ai cut his eyes, rolled his eyes, and looked contemptuous and suspicious: "It's okay? I'm lying to the kid. I didn't see the sky falling in Zuocheng. I thought it was you who ran away again."

Speaking of that day, Guan Ai still remembers it vividly. She has never seen Zuo Cheng like that. She was so distraught—as if her mind and soul had been hollowed out.If one day, that man went crazy and became possessed because of Jiang Xiachu, she would have no doubts.

I really don't know how Jiang Xiachu tortured that man again?
Jiang Xiachu, who was on the opposite sofa, was silent, not intending to answer at all.

This person has been completely changed by Zuo Cheng, but his temperament has not changed at all, it is still the same deep, hiding everything, his mouth is as stiff as something.

Regarding this, Guan Ai was very disdainful in addition to rolling his eyes: "Don't talk about it, it seems like I really want to know. I don't bother to care about the affairs between your husband and wife. Next time you have something to do, don't bother me. Go back to bed. Let's go."

Jiang Xiachu blushed, lowered her head, a little embarrassed.

This man is really outspoken, he can talk about everything, the sky is bright, and his brain is full of yellow paint.

Seeing Jiang Xiachu's appearance like this, Guan Ai smiled wickedly, lying lazily on the sofa, stretching his legs and hands, like a little ruffian: "Oh, you're still shy." At the beginning, he looked up and down, inside and out, and said, "These days you are nestled at home every day, are you doing that kind of thing between husband and wife every day?"

This guy has no limit to his mind.

Jiang Xiachu didn't even think about it, and immediately replied with a blushing face: "No."

The answer was serious, very serious, it didn't look like it was fake, besides, Guan Ai was sure that Jiang Xiachu was definitely a weak character in this respect, and he couldn't pretend.

So Guan Ai laughed again and again: "Your family is actually a master who can't bear it, I can't see it."

I didn't expect that the devil was still Liu Xiahui, what a surprise, this forest is so big, there are really all kinds of birds.

Suddenly his eyes were fixed, Guan Ai almost bit his tongue: "Could it be—"

Gritting his teeth suddenly, Guan Ai looked at the door with a thoughtful and suspicious expression on his face.

Isn't that man somehow unmanly?

"Don't think wildly." Jiang Xiachu interrupted someone's bottomless speculation in time.

"Then your family is still full of spring breeze, I heard that the sky of the Zuo family has collapsed, and the Zuo family has changed hands." His tone paused, and he changed to a lazy tone, "But I don't believe it. How could a pervert like Zuo Cheng suffer? A profiteer who eats people and doesn't spit out his bones is just like him."

Guan Ai spoke in a serious manner with righteous words, Jiang Xiachu replied nonchalantly: "You are very prejudiced against Zuo Cheng."

Guan Ai was taken aback for a moment, and with a small face, he was very indifferent: "Are you sure it's my prejudice, not yours?"

Jiang Xiachu didn't even think about it, she shook her head.

There is no such thing as partiality in Jiang Xiachu's rationality.

Guan Ai looked suspiciously, then snorted, and said, "Jiang Xia Chu speaks out of your conscience."

Jiang Xiachu was stunned, he didn't know what to think, his eyes were half closed, he didn't say anything, and he didn't really touch his conscience to speak, he just got up and said: "I'll make you some tea."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

"Are you running away?" Guan Ai rolled his eyes, very uncomfortable with seeing it, and secretly said, "Excellence!"

Just thinking about Guan Ai with her toes, she knows that Jiang Xiachu is completely changing the subject. Women also have to think about nine twists and eighteen bends, and in the end, they still can't figure it out.

Hey, there are so many idiots and resentful daughters in the world, why Jiang Xiachu is missing.

After sighing, Guan Ai took advantage of the time when Jiang Xiachu was making tea, got up, walked around the study a few times, looked to the left, and touched again, feeling envious and jealous in his heart, it was just a study, the evil one in Zuocheng Capitalists can also be low-key and luxurious to this extent.

Just as she was lamenting the injustice of the heavens, Guan Ai's footsteps suddenly stopped, and her eyes were fixed on the desk. After a while, she raised her head and glanced at Jiang Xiachu who was focusing on making tea with her head down.

After a while, Guan Ai looked away.

"Jiang Xiachu, let me ask you a question, how do your men usually treat those who have plotted against him."

Jiang Xiachu, who was making tea, looked up: "Four words." After thinking for a while, he replied, "We will never have future troubles."

Guan Ai was taken aback for a moment, turned his eyes, and subconsciously looked at the desk.

Jiang Xiachu stopped the movements in his hands, a little puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Guan Ai picked it up smoothly: "I need to go to the bathroom."

Before Jiang Xiachu could say anything, the man had already left the study.

This person is urinating, so he has to pretend to be in a hurry.promising!
Who said who was here just now?This is the escape?promising!

Jiang Xiachu shook his head amusedly: "You haven't had tea yet."

Guan Ai Mao walked out of the study, just in time to see Zuo Cheng sitting in the hall.

Zuo Cheng didn't even raise his eyes, just pretending to be someone's air.

Guan Ai sneered in his heart, and then looked at Zuo Cheng carefully, thinking about something.

Suddenly, the man sitting upright turned his head, his eyes were so cold.

Guan Ai trembled subconsciously, pretending to be calm, and asked: "Zuo Cheng, I have a question for you, how do you treat those who plot against you."

The man narrowed his pupils, expressionless, and replied with four words: "There will be no future trouble."

Damn, they are exactly the same, they are really a family.

"Damn, are you really so perverted?" Guan Ai shrank his head, rolled his eyes, and asked a foul word.

Zuo Cheng didn't lift his eyes.

Guan Ai touched a cold and soft nail, and felt contempt in his heart, but he didn't attack, his eyes rolled quickly, he leaned over, and said mysteriously: "Zuocheng, let's make a deal."

Only then did Young Master Zuo raise his eyes slightly: "I don't make deals with people who don't have bargaining chips."

The true nature of a businessman!Sure enough.

Guan Ai narrowed his eyes and smiled: "How do you know I have no chips?"

Boom, boom, boom—someone's heart is beating drums in the dark, without showing anything on his face.

Zuo Cheng seemed to be interested, put down the book in his hand: "Let's listen to it."

(End of this chapter)

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