exclusive marriage

Chapter 199 The Blind Cat Met a Dead Mouse

Chapter 199 The Blind Cat Met a Dead Mouse (2)
Guan Ai raised his eyebrows again, he looked like a treacherous little fox, and asked with a smile: "Is one Qi Yichen enough?"

After finishing the sentence, the man's eyes tightened as expected.

The snake strikes three inches, the three inches of the left city is Jiang Xiachu, and the three inches of Jiang Xiachu is Qi Yichen, so and so, so and so, Guan Ai now has a bottom line.

President Zuo looked at Guan Ai right now, and when he opened his mouth, he felt a cold pressure: "What do you know?"

look!The tail of the snake is exposed, it's three inches, it's easy to hit!

Guan Ai's eyes were sparkling, and his heart was clear when he saw it, and then he smiled 'toothless' again, and returned to Zuocheng unhurriedly: "I happen to know what you don't want me to know." His tone was lowered after a pause. The voice is even more mysterious, "For example, the American smn thing."

Zuo Cheng's eyes were icy cold, as sharp as a blade.

The aura thing is really creepy, Guan Ai's little heart kept trembling: Damn, hold on!

After a while, Zuo Cheng's Bingshan's expression loosened, and his thin lips lifted: "Conditions."

Phew——Guan Ai breathed a sigh of relief in his heart: This profiteer really couldn't hold back when he met Jiang Xiachu.

Then Guan Ai said slowly: "You turn a blind eye to the materials on your desk."

Zuo Cheng glanced over coldly, and without saying anything, Guan Ai felt a chill on his back, a little unable to withstand Zuo Cheng's aura, and quickly added: "Of course I can guarantee that I will not let that person threaten you again .”

Zuo Cheng pondered for a moment, the corners of his lips seemed... seemed to have a smile, that smile was unfathomable.

"It depends on your sincerity." President Zuo said with a businessman's true colors.

Damn, ever-changing remains the same, a profiteer is a profiteer.

Guan Ai secretly greeted countless times in his heart, his face was extremely calm: "What do you want?"

Guan Ai thought, since he has no money, power or beauty, how can this perverted profiteer eat himself?

Zuo Cheng raised his eyes, a little sharp and a little strange: "In the future, don't come to her if you have nothing to do, and don't teach her how to be the master of the house."

Guan Ai's eyelids twitched: Mother, I heard what I said just now. It's alright for this person to have poisonous eyes, but his ears are also extraordinary.

Guan Ai wished he could bite his tongue, he was really stingy, he gritted his teeth, and gritted two words from his throat: "deal."

Zuo Cheng's eyes narrowed slightly, once again he was in the air.

You profiteer, you are cruel!Guan Ai cursed secretly before withdrawing unwillingly, then got into the extremely luxurious toilet of Zuo's house, sat down on the toilet with massage function, and sighed comfortably.

Looking up at the luxurious crystal chandelier, looking down at the marble floor, Guan Ai gritted his teeth secretly for the nth time: "You profiteer." He took another handful of toilet paper and ravaged it in his hand, "It's so fucking comfortable."

It's just a place to squat, so why burn so much money?

After a long pause, Guan Ai felt more and more comfortable, and hummed triumphantly: "Hmph, if you really care about it, you will be in chaos, and you actually let me empty-handed the white wolf."

What American smn, even a fly can't fly in, how can she have that ability, she's just fishing in troubled waters.

Thinking of this, Guan Ai's eyes paused: "No, did something really happen to the US smn?"

Thinking about it carefully, it makes sense, otherwise the fox in Zuocheng couldn't be put together by her, then there is only one possibility, Guan Ai sighed greatly: "The blind cat unexpectedly ran into a dead mouse."

"Damn!" Guan Ai cursed, and pressed the button on his hand, "It's really cool."

I don't know whether it's really cool to put Zuocheng together, or it's really cool to be massaged by this toilet?
It was already midnight after leaving Zuo’s house. Originally, Guan Ai wanted to stay for a meal and spend the night there, but he couldn’t bear the cold look in Zuocheng’s eyes, so he had to run away in desperation. He secretly swore in his heart that one of them would abduct Jiang Xiachu and make Zuocheng cry.

Thinking of the deal, Guan Ai gritted his teeth secretly, feeling really panicked, so he chose a high-end western restaurant to have a full meal.

After drinking and eating, Guan Ai stretched and touched the wallet in his pocket.

"Bill, please."

This person, on the street, smells like a quack.

The high-quality service boy is expressionless: "The total is 190."

Damn, cheating, why don't you go to rob?Guan Ai was dumbfounded, swallowed his saliva, restrained his swearing, looked back and smiled at the younger brother: "Can you take a look at my order."

The younger brother politely gave it to her, and seeing it, Guan Ai's face turned pale. A dish of boiled chicken cost more than 1000, and a dish of steamed drunk duck cost more than 2000.

Guan Ai touched his pocket secretly, shriveled, shit, definitely not more than four digits.

It's over, do you want to be the overlord?Guan Ai glanced at the table with a pair of smart eyes.

Now it's all over: I'm so hungry, there's no food scraps left, let alone flies in my hair.

If you can't figure it out, keep thinking.

The service boy was well-informed and saw the clue at a glance, but because of the purpose of serving, he still stepped forward and asked in a good voice: "Miss, is there any problem?"

Guan Ai raised his head and replied with a smile: "No problem, no problem."

I'm sorry, if there is a problem, that's fine.

What kind of dilapidated restaurant? Guan Ai glanced at the dining table, and his eyes lit up.

Zuo's Catering——

Heaven will not kill me, with a sigh, Guan Ai quickly took out his wallet, opened it in no hurry, and seduced the waiter: "This is the restaurant under Zuo's name, right?"

The service boy was puzzled and nodded in confusion.

Guan Ai smiled: "You have heard of the last Zuo's celebration, right?"

The man continued to nod, even more confused.

It seems that paying the bill and Zuo's celebration cannot go together.

Guan Ai laughed even more happily: "Then you must know that Zuo's has a proprietress."

The younger brother continued to nod. It really happened. I saw it on TV, and the manager even explained it specifically.It's just... what does it have to do with this person?
Guan Ai smiled openly, not in a hurry, opened the wallet, showed it to the younger brother, and pointed to the photo on it: "Did you see, who is this?"

The little brother took a closer look, a little messy: "Boss lady?"

"The answer is correct." Guan Ai patted his thigh, "I understand now."

The younger brother nodded habitually, and immediately shook his head severely.

"I have a strong relationship with your boss's wife, even if your boss Zuo sees me, he will give me three points."

That's right, don't make a draft!

so what?The always shrewd service boy can't find the southeast and northwest at all.

Guan Ai pouted, revealing a small white tooth: "So, put my list on your boss's account, and I'll just give you a word later."

(End of this chapter)

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