exclusive marriage

Chapter 200 1 Entering a wealthy family is as deep as the sea

Chapter 200 Once entering a wealthy family, it is as deep as the sea (1)
Oh, after going around such a big circle, I just want to eat the overlord's meal.

"I'm afraid it won't work. There are rules in the store, and I can't make the decision."

Guan Ai glanced at it, and was unhappy: "Then call someone who can make decisions."

The little brother was really in a dilemma, although this person was messing around, the photo didn't seem fake, so he lost his mind for a while: "This is not very good, if it is convenient for the lady, can you—"

Damn, if it's convenient for me, why bother?Guan Ai was speechless for a moment.

Just when Guan Ai was at a loss, a bright red bank card was stretched out in front of him, Guan Ai raised his bright eyes, and when he saw it, his face turned blue.

"Give the bill to this young lady."

What a small world!Guan Ai couldn't help sighing, and looked at the man in front of him, feeling 1 unhappy, but he had no choice but to force a smile: "What a coincidence."

Cheng Xinzhi twitched the corners of his mouth and handed the card to the younger brother without saying a word.

Damn, what are you pretending to be.

In other words, I haven't seen you for a while, this old man's face is a bit decadent, he must be frustrated in love, promising!
Guan Ai was very contemptuous in his heart, but his face was full of pride: "There are three urgencies in people, and there are often emergencies in the world. Thank you this time."

Besides, I also saved you once.

"No need, if you feel sorry, don't let me run into you next time."

Guan Ai immediately took the words, very smooth: "Who says I'm sorry, it's you."

Thinking of the deal with Zuo Cheng today, Guan Ai became more confident, a meal is nothing, no exaggeration, it was a life-saving grace.

Naturally, Cheng Xinzhi didn't know that there was another one to come, and after hearing Guan Ai's incoherent remarks, his expression was not very good, and he turned around and wanted to leave.

Behind him, Guan Ai said, "Cheng Xinzhi, why did you become a racing driver?"

Cheng Xinzhi paused, thought for a while, and there seemed to be a hint of sarcasm on the corner of his lips: "Because someone said it was suitable."

"Guan Yu?" Guan Ai blinked, boldly guessed, and was startled. It turned out that the two of them had been 'broken' a long time ago.

Cheng Xinzhi didn't admit it, but he didn't deny it either. From Guan Ai's point of view, this was the default. He nodded and sighed deeply: "No wonder."

no wonder what?There is no more text.It seemed that Cheng Xinzhi didn't want to say more, and was about to leave when Guan Ai's lukewarm voice came again: "It's a pity, it's a pity that such good racing technology is used to help the evildoers."

It was a pity in his mouth, but there was no regret in his tone, it was full of sarcasm and mockery.

Cheng Xinzhi turned around sharply, his eyes always flustered: "What do you know?"

Guan Ai laughed mockingly.

Originally, Guan Ai was somewhat skeptical about the materials on Zuocheng's desk today, but with Cheng Xinzhi's expression now, it is likely that this matter is inseparable.

Unexpectedly, this man is actually a man who is crazy about love. I don't know whether to be shocked or sarcastic, Guan Ai's voice became more and more cold and indifferent: "Then think about it carefully, what have you done?"

Cheng Xinzhi's eyes were sharp: "That's my business, what does it have to do with you?"

Getting acquainted with each other can be regarded as some kind of friendship. Guan Ai has never seen him so aggressive. Sure enough, the dragon has Ni Lin, and Cheng Xinzhi's Ni Lin is really Guan Yu.

Ruoyou sneered, Guan Ai shrugged, and smiled nonchalantly: "I'm full, so mind your own business."

As he said that, he went out before Cheng Xinzhi, and behind him, the man seemed to sneer, with helplessness.

What kind of wind is this man?It's annoying.

After walking a few steps, Guan Ai Shengsheng stopped and turned around: "A word of advice, don't be stupid for the sake of impossible possibilities. Guan Yu is not your possibility, and Zuocheng is even more difficult to mess with."

Cheng Xinzhi didn't make a sound, just laughed desolately.

Guan Ai remembered the promise he made to Zuo Cheng, and said, "Don't do it again, it's enough to do something ridiculous once."

After finishing speaking, Guan Ai turned around and left without waiting for the man's reaction.

Behind him, the man continued to smile wryly: "It's really ridiculous."

After leaving the restaurant, Guan Ai turned around and could not see the figure of that person, so he slapped himself on the head and said angrily: "It's okay for that person to have convulsions, why should I follow the convulsions. Damn, I really hold on Come on, why do you care about that guy's life?"

While walking, he was thinking about when Guan Yu had sex with Cheng Xinzhi so much, Cheng Xinzhi became obsessed because of Guan Yu, Guan Yu became obsessed because of Zuocheng, and Zuocheng became obsessed because of Jiang Xiachu.

"It's really evil fate." Guan Ai couldn't help sighing, took a few steps, paused, scratched his hair, and touched his chest, "It's weird, why is my heart so blocked?"

People, it's all like this, the authorities are confused by the bystanders, and they can see other people's hearts clearly but not their own.Isn't it evil fate?Now, isn't she obsessed with someone?
In the blink of an eye, the early winter, the sun is slightly warm, through the window sill, shining on the men and women embracing each other in the attic, I feel that the years are quiet and beautiful.

Uncle Jin at the door sighed: I never get tired of it all the time.

Shaking his head, he walked in, disturbing the tranquility of this winter day.

"Master, someone from the inner street invites the young master to go."

"Those old foxes finally couldn't sit still."

She couldn't see Zuo Cheng's face, but felt that his voice was like the winter wind, soft, but it couldn't hide the piercing.

"Do you want to send it away casually?"

"Need not."

Uncle Jin was surprised for a while, looked up, but still couldn't see Zuo Cheng's face, only a tall figure on the attic.

The century-old Zuo family has many branch branches, but since Zuocheng took over from Zuocheng, the Zuo family has almost cut off contact with Benjiajie. Now this...

Uncle Jin really couldn't figure it out, but he heard the cold voice over there suddenly turn into a soft heart: "Xia Chu, come with me."

"Where?" The woman's voice was lazy, very similar to this winter day.

"The old nest of the Zuo family." The shadow under the attic reflected the gentle movements of the man, stroking the woman's hair, "It just so happens that those old things we got married haven't given the bride price yet, and there are still some debts to settle."

"What account?" Jiang Xiachu asked.

"Blood account." Zuo Cheng's voice suddenly turned cold.

She didn't ask any more questions, and he didn't say anything, just kissed her neck, where she had a thin scar.

"how did you make it?"

"Twelve years ago, there was an accident. I lost a lot of blood. Fortunately, I didn't die." Jiang Xiachu just said lightly.

"That day." Zuo Cheng sighed, and said leisurely, "I met you."

Jiang Xiachu suddenly looked up at him, but he pursed his lips without saying a word, staring at her deeply, and then kissed deeply, swallowing everything.

So many things happened that day...

Uncle Jin made some calculations at the door, and sighed: blood debts always have to be paid in blood.Frowning, he left the attic.

(End of this chapter)

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