exclusive marriage

Chapter 202 Reminiscing about the bloody storm back then

Chapter 202 Reminiscing about the bloody storm back then (1)
Zuo Zhenghai and Zuo Zhengqian, the two sons of Zuo Huaizhen, the fourth master of the Zuo family, should be singing together. I heard Zuo Yu say that one is a playboy and the other is ambitious.Only then did Jiang Xiachu raise his eyes and take a look.

The man beside her embraced her shoulders, and whispered in her ear without hesitation: "Don't worry about it." Then, he raised his eyes and looked coldly at Zuo Huaimin, who was in the first place, "Speak, what's the matter?"

Zuo Huaimin blushed immediately: "You—" He hummed heavily, looking at Zuo Cheng with unconcealable hatred, "You just talk to the elders like this."

The third master of the Zuo family, Zuo Huaimin, was impatient and had no children under his name. He only raised a goddaughter. It is said that a fire killed a son and a daughter.

It is not easy to think about this fire, it should have been 12 years ago.

Jiang Xiachu felt more and more that the water in the Zuo family was very deep.

Zuo Huaizhen also said: "Zuocheng, we are also a family, it's rare to get together, everyone is here, just have a peaceful meal."

This person shouldn't be simple, he can't offend anyone, he's a smooth fox.

Without raising his eyebrows, Zuo Cheng fiddled with Jiang Xiachu's hair from beginning to end, saying, "Since there is nothing else, we still have something to do."

After all, Zuo Huaimin couldn't hold his breath: "What else can you do now, the Zuo family has been taken up by others, but you are just holding an empty seat, pretending to be a busy person."

Jiang Xiachu looked at the past, the eyes of the old man who was over fifty years old were full of hatred, it seemed that the fire that burned his son and daughter had something to do with Zuo Cheng.

Zuo Cheng suddenly stretched out his hand to block her sight: "I'm tired, let me squint first." Looking up, he met Zuo Huaimin's angry eyes, and asked calmly, "Uncle San is very dissatisfied?"

"Shouldn't we be dissatisfied? What does the good Zuo family look like now? Let alone being pinched by foreign surnames, even you, the president, have no real power. Shouldn't you give us an explanation?" Zuo Huai Min almost said through gnashing of teeth.

The third master of the Zuo family is probably not only dissatisfied with Zuo Cheng, but also seems to be at odds with each other.

Jiang Xiachu couldn't help but look up at Zuo Cheng, what kind of background this man was born in.

Zuo Cheng brushed Fu Jiang Xia Chu's eyes, his movements were gentle, but his words to Zuo Huai Min were cold, full of aura and strength: "I don't think I need to explain anything to you."

Zuo Huaimin was furious: "Zuo Cheng, do you still see our elders in your eyes?"

"Third Brother, if you have something to say, speak up, after all, you are a family." The one who spoke softly was Zuo Huaizhen, who had been singing bad faces all the time.

Zuo Huaimin gritted his teeth: "A family? When did he put us in his eyes? I'm afraid he wished that the fire in 12 would burn us clean."

Suddenly the atmosphere froze and became cold.

In the end, it was about the fire that happened 12 years ago.

"Third brother, be careful, Zuo Cheng is now—" Zuo Huaijing said half a sentence, with a taste of being cautious.

It's just that Zuo Huaijing's words are of no use to Zuo Huaimin, who is burning with anger and hatred. He still insists on going his own way and doesn't know how to measure it. Every word contains accusations: "Even if Zuo's family is big by yourself, it's still a family business. Everyone has shareholdings, and now you have caused Zuo's shares to plummet several times for a woman, and even let outsiders take advantage of the loopholes, can't we say something?"

There was another dead silence for a while.

Only then did Jiang Xiachu poke his head out of Zuocheng's arms.

This went around, and the topic actually turned to her. That's right, rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry, and dogs will jump over walls when they are in a hurry. With Zuo's current situation, these family members who rely on Zuo's for food naturally can't hold back.

After a long time, Zuo Cheng replied tepidly: "Uncle San seems to have a problem with the way I choose a woman."

Zuo Huaimin didn't care much, and sneered coldly: "Isn't it a woman? What kind of woman do you want in your current status? For a woman, who lost Zuo's real power, everyone will settle the score."

Immediately Zuo Huaizhen also opened his mouth: "Zuocheng, your third uncle is right, it's just a woman, why make such a fuss."

These are all human spirits, and they live in such an openly and secretly fighting Zuo family, women are naturally not worth mentioning to them, that's why they made such an outrageous remarks.

Jiang Xiachu just sneered and looked at Zuo Cheng.

Sure enough, the man's eyes were colder and colder: "My woman can't tolerate your comments."

"Is what we said wrong? You don't take into account the overall situation, don't know how to judge the situation, and you are repeatedly passive. Such a woman is not suitable for the Zuo family." Zuo Huaimin gave Jiang Xiachu a hard look, his eyes were full of disdain.

"It's up to me whether it's suitable or not." Zuo Cheng said, holding Jiang Xiachu in his arms, with a gentle face, but the words were oppressive.

Zuo Huaimin was furious: "Sooner or later the Zuo family will be defeated by this woman."

"It's all right if she wants to."

Jiang Xiachu smiled slightly, looked at Zuo Cheng with tactful eyebrows.

"You—" Zuo Huaimin became angry, and his gloomy eyes did not dare to stare at Zuo Cheng, so they stared at Jiang Xiachu.

Zuo Huaizhen seemed to be weighing things up, and then he opened his mouth to break the deadlock: "Third brother, you don't know how to restrain your irritable temper." Then he said to Zuo Cheng, "Zuo Cheng, your third uncle has just this temper, don't forget to keep it in your heart." Go, it’s hard to come here once, don’t hurt your peace.”

Friendly?The Zuo family is still friendly, and the only connection left is the chain of interests.I'm afraid these individuals all point to Zuo Cheng being hacked into pieces to relieve their hatred.

Sure enough, people always have a lot of skin and hypocrisy.

Naturally, this Zuo Huaijing is also a master of the middle school, and echoed: "Yes, you must have plans for Zuo's matter, as long as you have a solid foundation in your heart, since you have become the Zuo family's family, you will naturally do it for the Zuo family. We don't need to say more about the Zuo family's plan."

Zuo Cheng raised his cold eyes slightly: "So I haven't forgotten, I am the home of the Zuo family."

The implication is not to be presumptuous.

Zuo Huaimin didn't know whether he was angry or frightened, his face was a little pale, but his voice was slow: "You—look what he said."

"Third brother."

Zuo Huaizhen glanced over, Zuo Huaimin shut his mouth unwillingly, and didn't say anything else.

Then, the three Zuo family masters said something, and the three juniors did not make a sound from the beginning to the end, which should be limited by the rules and qualifications.

Zuo Cheng was inattentive, Jiang Xiachu was a little bored, after several cups of tea, he was a little groggy.

"Are you tired, I'll take you to rest." Zuo Cheng couldn't help saying, and immediately hugged Jiang Xiachu.

Those chattering old men were suddenly dumbfounded.

"Prepare dinner for the young lady."

Zuo Cheng turned a deaf ear to him, and went upstairs with Jiang Xiachu in his arms after giving his orders.

Zuo Huaimin looked at Zuo Cheng's back, the fire in his eyes rolled, he gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Sooner or later -"

(End of this chapter)

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