exclusive marriage

Chapter 203 Reminiscing about the bloody storm back then

Chapter 203 Reminiscing about the bloody storm back then (2)
Zuo Huaizhen immediately interrupted coldly: "Third brother, you forgot how to control yourself, why are you so restless?"

"How can I hold my breath, I can't wait to send him—"

Cut to pieces...

Zuo Huaimin breathed a sigh of relief and was stopped by Zuo Huaizhen: "Shut up, it's fine if we hear this, if Zuo Cheng hears it, you think he will give you a way to survive, and he won't accept the old man's relationship , don’t forget how your brothers disappeared.”

Zuo Huaimin felt unwilling, clenched his hands tightly, and couldn't hold back the hatred in his eyes.

"Fourth brother is right, you have endured for so many years, let's bear with it." Zuo Huaijing immediately agreed, looking at the stairs with his eyes, "Zuo Cheng is a cruel one, and if we make a wrong move, we have nothing to eat , even——" Zuo Huaijing made a gesture of wiping his neck.

At that moment, several people nodded in agreement, they avoided Zuo Cheng like snakes and scorpions.

Only Zuo Huaimin didn't take it seriously: "Be patient, be patient again, isn't it enough for me to endure for 12 years? I've had enough of living by looking up to him. People say how beautiful our Zuo family is. Only we know that we are just a group of parasites raised by him in Zuocheng, and if he is not happy, we will finish the game."

"So don't do things that make him unhappy." Zuo Zhengqi took it for granted.

"I've had enough. If this continues, even if I don't die, I will be driven crazy by him." So mad and furious, Zuo Huaimin was like a complete lunatic, biting people everywhere.

"You have lived enough, don't implicate us." Zuo Huaizhen angrily reprimanded.

Zuo Huaimin's face was ferocious and terrifying, and the fire in his eyes ignited uncontrollably: "Are you so afraid of him? Even if he is ruthless, I am not a vegetarian."

Zuo Huaizhen gave Zuo Huaimin a hard look, a little resentful: "You have never seen that man's methods. When Lao Qi died, he was only 16 years old. A 16-year-old child, why should he He beat our five brothers, he was able to rule out dissidents in the Zuo family in only one month, and ruled the whole Lijie and even Asia in less than a year. What do you think he relies on, just being ruthless? He Even if you think about the means, don’t think about them, some of them you suffer, it’s not that I’m alarmist, third child, you still dare to underestimate him to this day.”

Zuo Huai nodded in agreement: "Fourth brother is right, third brother, it doesn't matter if you hate it, as long as you are in front of us, don't let Zuo Cheng see it." After a pause, he slapped his palm on the table, " Don't forget how the second child died, didn't the fire burn enough 12 years ago?"

Zuo Huaijing's wrist, which had fallen on the table, exposed a hideous scar, which was left by the fire 12 years ago.

In that fire, nearly half of the Zuo family's population died, and it was a great fortune to be alive.

"I—" Zuo Huaimin was speechless.

After 12 years, the fire is still creepy when I think about it now.

Zuo Huaimin had no choice but to shut up, the fire still burning deep in his heart.

"Third brother, it's best to forget what happened back then." Zuo Huaizhen changed the subject, "The immediate concern is the Zuo family's affairs. Judging from Zuo Cheng's attitude, he doesn't seem to care."

"Then what should we do? Zuo Cheng can afford to pay, but without Zuo's family, we'll all have to drink the northwest wind." Zuo Zhenghai, who was used to spending money like dirt with big spenders, immediately felt a sense of crisis.

Zuo Huaijing stroked his chin and thought for a while: "The key lies in that woman, I never thought that Zuo Cheng would pamper that woman so much."

Zuo Zhengqian, who hadn't spoken all this time, had a sullen face: "Then it's better to just take that woman—"

Zuo Huaizhen stopped: "Don't even think about it, now I don't know what Zuo Cheng's plan is, and I can't act rashly. If he touches his bottom line, we can't afford the price."

Zuo Zhengqian kept his mouth shut, a little unwilling.

"Zhengqi, go and find out who that woman is." Zuo Huaizhen didn't dare to be careless.


Downstairs is the smoke of gunpowder without war, separated by the first floor, this place is warm and lingering.

"Go to sleep first." Zuo Cheng put Jiang Xiachu on the bed and tucked in the quilt.

As soon as Zuo Cheng let go, the drowsy Jiang Xiachu suddenly lost his drowsiness, and stretched out his hand to hold him: "What about you?" The voice was soft, with the sleepiness of just waking up, like the coquettish voice of a lover.

"I still have something to do." Zuo Cheng lowered his head and kissed her forehead.

Just as Zuo Cheng was about to get up, Jiang Xiachu put his hand around his neck: "You accompany me."

Almost blurting out, Jiang Xiachu suddenly felt like a dream, staring blankly at Zuo Cheng, his eyes melted with all the stars of the night, gentle and beautiful.

"Okay." Zuo Cheng chuckled, kissed her on the lips, then lay beside her, holding her in his arms.

Jiang Xiachu found a comfortable position and leaned against Zuocheng, gently sniffing the breath of Zuocheng.

There was a faint smell of mint smoke on Zuo Cheng's body, which was very pleasant, and mixed with the smell of wine.

He smoked again, Jiang Xia Chu sniffed and frowned.

"What's wrong? Are you not used to it?"

At the beginning of Jiang Xia's slight sleep, Zuo Cheng tried to surround her as much as possible.

Jiang Xiachu rubbed Zuocheng's neck and shook his head: "No, don't smoke in the future, I don't like it."

It has also been said that smoking is not good for the lungs.And Zuo Cheng had been shot in the lung once, so he couldn't touch that thing.

Jiang Xiachu obviously didn't write it down deliberately, but somehow he remembered it.

Jiang Xiachu rubbed against Zuocheng repeatedly, his neck was a little itchy, which made him a little distracted, he smiled helplessly and nodded: "Okay."

Jiang Xiachu's recent drug resistance reaction has become more and more serious, so Zuocheng's addiction to smoking has become more and more uncontrollable.

It's just that since she doesn't like Zuo Cheng, she has no choice but to follow her.

"Zuocheng, tell me about the Zuo family." Jiang Xiachu's thin voice breathed into Zuocheng's ears.

Zuo Cheng plucked Jiang Xiachu's hair, loosened and tightened his hands, and sweated a little. Now that he was in his bosom with warm fragrance and soft jade, he couldn't bear to move, Zuo Cheng only felt his throat tightened, and his voice was a little hoarse: "Why do you want to know?"

After thinking about it, Jiang Xiachu replied: "I just suddenly feel that I don't know anything about you."

"It's enough for you to know that I'm your man."

Jiang Xiachu didn't speak, just looked up at Zuocheng.

Zuo Cheng had no choice but to kiss her.

He really couldn't say no to Jiang Xiachu.

Turning off the crystal lamp, only the dusk light outside the window was dim, he hugged her tightly, and said slowly: "My father was not born to his regular wife. My father only brought me into Zuo's house when I was four years old. At that time, my uncle was in charge of the house. He couldn't tolerate my father and me, and made things difficult for us. When I was seven years old, my father lost a leg on my behalf. When I was nine years old, I took the life of my uncle. In the eyes of outsiders, my uncle died strangely. In fact, I changed his daily life. The medicine I took, the medicine is chronic, even the doctor can't detect it, the old man knows it, but he didn't do anything, because the Zuo family needs an heir with both mind and means."

(End of this chapter)

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