exclusive marriage

Chapter 221 It Will Hurt Here

Chapter 221 It Will Hurt Here (2)
Uncle Jin's worried voice came through the door: "I came back a long time ago. I went into the wine cellar alone. I haven't come out until now. The young master ordered you not to come near. I really couldn't help it, so I disturbed the young lady."

wine cellar?The last time Zuo Cheng entered the wine cellar was six years ago, and his stomach had problems like this.

Jiang Xiachu knew how cruel that man was to him, so he couldn't help feeling a little anxious: "How long has it been?"

"Four hours." After a pause, Uncle Jin continued eagerly and panicked, "Young Madam, go and see the young master, the young master's stomach has bleed several times and he can't drink, I'm worried that he—"

Before he could finish his sentence, the door opened with a click, and Uncle Jin looked up and saw that his young wife's pajamas were a little messy, and immediately lowered his head.

"Let the left and right come over."

At the beginning of Jiang Xia's order, he passed Uncle Jin and headed towards the wine cellar, and Uncle Jin relaxed his frowning brows.

As soon as the door of the wine cellar was opened, there was a strong smell of wine at first, and then Zuo Cheng said coldly: "Who gave you the courage to come in?" The voice echoed in the empty and quiet wine cellar, and it became more and more lonely.

Jiang Xiachu frowned, turned on the light, and walked inside.

"Get out." A roar seemed to ignite a fire in the cold wine cellar.

Jiang Xiachu paused, looked up, saw scattered empty wine bottles snaking all over the ground, the man was sitting on the Chen Mu floor, his eyes were lowered, his slightly long hair covered them, A ray of pale yellow light sprinkled on the side of his face.

Suddenly, her eyes were a little sour, and her voice was choked: "It's me."

The fingertips holding the wine glass trembled slightly, and he raised his eyes eagerly, a trace of ecstasy flashed, and then slowly opened, returning to calm, and then to desolation: "It's you." The corner of his mouth chuckled like a mockery Ironically, "It's still you, why do I only see you?"

With a beautiful face, he held back his smile, and he looked at her so purely and seriously, his eyes were scattered and shattered into many shadows, all of them were her.

In his eyes, there is always her shadow, whether he is awake or drunk.

She subconsciously avoided his scorching gaze, and suddenly, she grabbed her chin with both hands, and quickly, even a little rudely, those hands were cold to the bone.

"Chu Xia, is that you?" He dragged her chin, his slightly drunk eyes sparkled, and his drunken lips were as red as blood.

He was really drunk, and his emotions changed like a child.

She knelt down and nodded heavily: "It's me." Her eyes were red and a little bit astringent.

"It's you." Zuo Cheng's eyes sparkled with joy, and he murmured with a smile, "My early summer."

His throat was choked, and Jiang Xiachu couldn't speak.

But he was so drunk that he pressed his forehead against hers in a childish manner, and murmured again: "Xiachu." He seemed to be in a good mood, raised the cup in his hand, took a sip, and kissed Jiang Xiachu's lips. edge together.

Caught off guard, a sip of strong wine entered her throat, the cool temperature of that man remained on her lips, when she looked up, she saw him looking at her with a slight smile.

This man is really drunk.

"Stop drinking." Jiang Xiachu reached out to snatch his glass.

"If I don't drink, how come you come?"

Zuo Cheng's eyes suddenly became absurdly cold, and Jiang Xiachu's movements froze.

Alcohol is really miraculous, it can change people's emotions so quickly, she forgot to react for a moment.

"Let's go." He seemed to be awake, speaking so seriously.

She smiled wryly: "You're drunk."

"No, I'm very sober, otherwise here—" every word was hot and concentrated in the alcohol, "how could it hurt."

Where does it hurt?His trembling hand seemed to be pointing somewhere, but the dark red wine was spilled all over his body, staining his collar red.

When he cried out that it hurts, she panicked and panicked, grasping his sign language incoherently: "Where does it hurt? Zuocheng, does it hurt? Is it the stomach? Or where? You tell me."

But he suddenly stopped talking, looking at her hand, which was holding his own.

Seeing his silence at the beginning, Jiang Xia became even more flustered: "I let the left and right pass—"

Just about to get up, the man grabbed her hand and pulled it hard. She fell heavily into his arms, and the two of them fell backward together. Before she could recover, a man's domineering voice came from above her head: " Don't go, I won't let you go. You are my woman, my wife, you are mine, and you can't go anywhere."

This man, even if he was drunk, was not an easy master to deal with. Jiang Xiachu was tightly bound by him, unable to move at all, so he could only lie down like that, obediently without struggling, and said helplessly: "I don't know what to do. don't go."

Boom——The wine glass fell to the ground, dripping reddish all over the ground, drunk with the light, and the light illuminated him, he was drunk, and his emotions were all erratic.

"Chu Xia, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He raised his eyes, looked at her face, stretched out his hand, and brushed it bit by bit.

She didn't know how to react, but she felt a little sour.

Those misty and beautiful eyes after drunk stared blankly at Jiang Xiachu: "I'm sorry, Xia Chu, I won't be cruel to you, I don't want a wedding, and I don't force you to love me. I will depend on you for everything. Will you be by my side?"

She opened her lips and was about to speak when the man suddenly hugged her tightly.

"Don't leave me, if you leave, I will die."

Beside her ear, his voice trembled slightly, messy and flustered, his heart throbbed heavily, it hurt so much.

"At the beginning of Xia, if you don't want me, I will really die."

I won't want you... She wanted to answer like this, but when she raised her eyes, she saw that the man was slowly lying down with a drop of crystal in the corner of his eyes. Her heart ached again, and all her words seemed to be blank all of a sudden.

This man, even if his family was ruined, even if he was on the verge of falling into the city, even if he wandered between life and death, he never shed a single tear, but she saw him cry twice, once when she stabbed her in the stomach seven years ago, and once now.

"Zuo, Cheng—" The name she had said countless times, she suddenly choked up and exhausted all her strength.

"At the beginning of Xia, if you are not mine in this life, I will either die or we will die together. Tell me, what should I do?"

Some things are innate and deeply rooted, such as ruthlessness, such as being crazy about love, he is already crazy, crazy.

She just looked at him and, at some point, burst into tears.

"You said you want me, so what do you do? What can I do to keep you?" His hand brushed her eyebrows, eyes, and cheeks, and slowly moved to her neck, with a charming voice, "Did I kill you? You will stay by my side obediently."

Suddenly, that bone-cold hand tightened, taking her breath away.

"I really want to kill you, so you will be good."

"Don't be afraid, I won't let you die alone." The dim light shone on his face, and he was smiling softly, the smile was so beautiful that it was suffocating, and his hands tightened little by little.

(End of this chapter)

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