exclusive marriage

Chapter 226 Yichen's Accident

Chapter 226 Yichen's Accident (1)
The corner of Uncle Jin's mouth twitched: My young master, do you have to be so jealous?
"Zuocheng, you are unreasonable." Jiang Xiachu blushed and glared angrily.

Zuo Cheng pulled her over, kissed her, and coaxed: "Xia Chu, be good." After speaking, he wanted to kiss Jiang Xiachu's lips, but Jiang Xiachu turned his head away.

"Zuoyu, draw up a new copy with the original name."

Zuo Cheng looked over with cold eyes, Zuo Yu's scalp was numb: "This—"

You have to listen to this young lady's words, and you have to look at this gentleman's eyes, it's really fatal.

Uncle Jin gave him a look, which meant: the young lady has the final say.

Zuo Yu understood, after weighing the pros and cons, Zuo Yu bit the bullet and took the list in Jiang Xiachu's hand, and whispered back: "I'll go right away."

As soon as I lowered my head, I still felt a biting cold.He turned around and hurriedly backed out, gritted his teeth secretly: Never mind, the young wife of the Zuo family is in charge, and the young lady is the biggest.

"Chu Xia." Zuo Cheng yelled uneasily.

"Are you angry with me?" Zuo Cheng frowned, a little secretly annoyed.

Jiang Xiachu didn't say a word, but looked away.

She really has nothing to say to a man.

"Don't be angry, I'll do whatever you want." The man's eyes were so gentle that he couldn't melt them.

This man knew this earlier, so why bother just now, against Shang Jiang Xiachu, he has no chance of winning, except compromise, or compromise.

It's just that Jiang Xiachu didn't respond, so he got up and left.

Zuo Cheng was helpless, frowned and smiled wryly.

"Uncle Jin, am I worrying too much about gain and loss?" The eyes that were always looking down on everything turned out to be cautiously uncertain.

This man is really in too deep.

"Young master, although I don't understand, I think this has the same principle as the stock market." Uncle Jin said it logically, "Tighten it tightly, and the rebound will be huge. Only a little space is left to be a live stock."

Zuo Cheng frowned, silent in thought.

For those who play the stock market, when it comes to love, that's another matter.The stock market is his world, but Jiang Xiachu is his doom, it's not the same.

Zuo Cheng shook his head: "For her, I dare not relax."

She was afraid that if she relaxed a little, she would flow away.

For Jiang Xiachu, Zuo Cheng was always unsure.

Uncle Jin was helpless and speechless, the stock market is easy to understand, but feelings are too complicated.Who knows if Mrs. Shao is a rebound stock or a quicksand stock?

"Left City."

Eh?Uncle Jin was taken aback, looked over, with a smile in his eyes: This young lady is a slow hottie.Looking at my young master, the dark clouds just now covered the sky in an instant.

Without saying a word, Zuo Cheng pulled Jiang Xiachu over, hugged him tightly, and chuckled contentedly.

This man is so easy to please.

Jiang Xiachu's expression was a little unnatural, but his face was indifferent: "Have you drawn up the man's guest list yet?"

"You asked this when you came back?" Zuo Cheng frowned slightly.

"Yeah." Jiang Xiachu nodded sullenly.

A duplicity woman!I didn't know who was pacing back and forth in the room just now, looking downstairs.

Zuo Cheng leaned over, took Jiang Xiachu's lips in his mouth, and bit it lightly as if punishing him.

"Not yet." His voice was hoarse and sexy, "It's up to you to decide."

Sometimes this man is so stingy that people are speechless, and sometimes he is so generous that people are helpless.

After speaking, he continued with the kiss just now.

Jiang Xiachu's face blushed, looked at Uncle Jin who was automatically lowering his head, and pushed Zuocheng away: "This is the hall."

Zuo Cheng stopped dissatisfied, and glanced over.

Uncle Jin immediately lowered his head even lower, thinking to himself: I can't see anything, I can't see anything.

Just as Jiang Xiachu was about to get up, Zuo Cheng picked her up in his arms, and a charming voice rang in his ears: "Then let's go back to the room."

Jiang Xiachu's small face became hot again, she buried her head in Zuocheng, she couldn't even let go of her hands and feet, her whole body was very stiff, only a man's chuckle came from above her head, it was extremely joyful.

Jiang Xiachu was secretly annoyed, this man is really hateful.

Uncle Jin looked at the two people who disappeared into the living room, and shook his head again and again, my young master, this is a bright day, some things are better left to night.

At night, the lights of Zuo's house suddenly turned on brightly, piercing the quiet night.

Hasty footsteps came from the door: "Young Master, Young Master."

The man in the room suddenly opened his eyes and gave a cold look: "Go out."

There was a moment of hesitation and silence outside the door, before continuing in a deep voice: "Master, the matter is urgent."

"Let's talk about it tomorrow no matter what."

"What's wrong?" The woman in her arms opened her eyes, slightly sleepy.

"It's okay, baby, sleep." He kissed the woman's eyes.


At the door, Uncle Jin hadn't finished talking, Zuo Cheng interrupted in a deep voice: "Get out!"

Uncle Jin gritted his teeth and didn't speak again, but there was no sound of footsteps coming from the door.

Most of the drowsiness in Jiang Xiachu's eyes dissipated: "Go and see, Uncle Jin has always been measured, something must have happened."

Zuo Cheng frowned, and pondered for a moment: "Go to bed first, I'll be back soon."


After kissing the woman, Zuo Cheng got up and went out after tucking the quilt up.

The door was closed, Zuo Cheng's side face was serious: "What's the matter?" Half of his face was shrouded in the lamp, as if covered with a layer of autumn frost.

"A call from the United States said——" Uncle Jin lowered his voice, especially heavy, "Qi Yichen has an accident."

After a word, there was a dead silence, Zuo Cheng's brows were deeply frowned, and the starlight in his eyes was ups and downs.

Silence makes one's heart stagnate. After a long time, he pursed his thin lips slightly, and said coldly, "Is it dead or alive?"

The four words without temperature were cold and dull, and then there was a long-lasting silence.

Zuo Cheng suddenly smiled wryly, and whispered a word: "Death."

God is always beautiful, not sooner or later.

Uncle Jin was silent for a while, nodded, and frowned worriedly: "What about the young lady? If the young lady finds out, I'm afraid—"

"Immediately block all news." He narrowed his eyes, "The wedding will be held as usual."

"Master, no, if the young lady finds out one day, she will definitely blame you."

Zuo Cheng's eyes turned cold: "Then keep it from me forever."

Since the sky wanted to take him down, he went against the sky and overthrew this fate. He was bound to win that woman, even if it was this day, he would never even think about overturning this fate.


That's the person in the young lady's heart... Uncle Jin almost uttered this sentence, hidden in his throat, so blocked that he couldn't breathe, looked up and saw Zuo Cheng's resolute eyes like iron, he still swallowed .

Hey, what a doom!Uncle Jin sighed secretly and had nothing to say.

It was late at night when Zuo Cheng returned to the room, he moved slowly, and just as he lifted the quilt, the woman who was sleeping with her back turned suddenly turned around: "I'm back." The voice was a little tired, but there was no sleepiness.

(End of this chapter)

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