exclusive marriage

Chapter 227 Prosperity Wedding

Chapter 227 Prosperity Wedding
Zuo Cheng half-closed his eyes, his white suit couldn't hide his royal aura.

"Master—" Uncle Jin hesitated to speak, but said cautiously, "Chu Ying is here."

The man who was leaning on the guardrail turned slightly, with a sharp look: "I thought you understood my temper, Uncle Jin, you are really old."

Zuo Jin has followed three generations of the Zuo family's masters, Zuo Cheng is the first one to give him such pressure, he bowed his head, and obeyed in his bones: "I lost my mind."

Suddenly, another white figure came slowly from the bottom of the stairs. It was clearly the same white, but there was a world of difference between the two.

"Yo, isn't this the groom's officer?"

Who else could have that weird tone of voice besides Ye Zaixi?
Ye Zaixi was also dressed in white, with a charming and handsome face full of charms, with a charming smile on his face.

Fuck, a man can be like this!
"Three ten minutes." Zuo Cheng leaned lazily on the guardrail, his eyes were filled with melted ice, slowly glowing beautifully.

Ye Zaixi spread his hands, shrugged, and leaned lazily beside Zuocheng, smiling very eye-catchingly: "Don't worry, even if you're a little late, Jiang Xiachu's cooked duck won't be able to fly .”

A little while?This man really has a sense of time!

The corners of Zuo Cheng's lips were coldly pursed, and his sharp eyes turned to Ye Zaixi: "You did it on purpose."

Damn, do you want this man's eyes to be so poisonous?Ye Zaixi almost doubted that he could read minds.

Ye Zaixi didn't show any signs of being dismantled, and turned his back on the general: "It can be seen from this, since you dare to invite me, you should make preparations."

For this wedding, Zuo Cheng invited him just to make things difficult for him, so he naturally wouldn't say nothing, he still understands the principle of reciprocity.

So, let's block it, add it, it's best to block your heart attack!

It's just that I didn't expect that the man had no dust in his eyes, and he took it calmly, and threw four words: "I am prepared."

Ye Zaixi glanced over, feeling at a loss: This man is not the one who suffers, he won't be tricked, right?
"Why do I feel like I'm being calculated by someone." Ye Yaolian hasn't had this feeling of being strangled for many years.

The corners of Zuo Cheng's lips looked like a smile but not a smile: "Except for your invitation, everything else is at nine o'clock in the morning."

Come on, nine o'clock?

Raising his arm, the standard watch showed 08:30, Ye Zaixi's mouth twitched: "Does that mean I came half an hour early?"

Damn, plot against me and make me an hour and a half early for nothing.Ye Zaixi shouted in her heart.

In fact, the thing is like this, Ye Zaixi came at 07:30, in order to do something to embarrass someone, he made a big circle outside the villa before coming in.

Why is it so embarrassing in my heart, this is almost catching up with the myocardial infarction, and the news of the world is coming too fast.

Zuo Cheng was expressionless, cold and restrained: "It's earlier than I expected."

Therefore, Zuo Cheng wrote nine o'clock in Ye Zaixi's invitation.

Ye Zaixi was furious in her heart, resisted the outburst, gritted her teeth negatively: "Is this how you got Jiang Xiachu into your hands?"

Zuo Cheng was silent.

Needless to say?People who are full of conspiracies and tricks are naturally the most calculating.

Ye Zaixi only felt like countless ants crawling around in his heart, wanting to scratch but couldn't scratch the itchy place.

He snorted coldly, still in a strange tone: "I used to be too soft-hearted towards her. If I had known, I would have acted first. Otherwise, how could you be the groom today."

"I don't like people who miss me."

Calm but not hairy, cold and self-controlled, this man is really a daunting presence.

Ye Zaixi's enchanting peach blossom eyes rolled slightly, with a smile on his face, he asked teasingly: "Your person?" The smile was so unbearable, but it was enchanting to the bone, "Who knows? But there is no guarantee that anything will happen again." Moth."

Zuo Cheng's complexion darkened, his eyes blurred with blackness, thick and gloomy.

Ye Zaixi felt a chill down his spine, but felt relieved, turned around and went downstairs, muttering: "Maybe, it's just today."

This crow's mouth is not afraid of good or bad spirits?

Zuo Cheng leaned against the guardrail, his dark eyes became even colder.

Ye Zaixi turned her head and saw that the man was still on the second floor, and said with a smile, "I don't know how the bride is doing?"

In a word, the man on the second floor started to follow, and Ye Yaoxie in front of him laughed so hard that his flowers trembled wildly.

It's really a snake hitting three inches.

In the aisle at the door over there, the woman with exquisite facial features is very beautiful, but she has no aura.

"Chuying, let's go back." Uncle Jin waved his hand, looking helpless.

"He did a fantastic job."

Cheng Chuying snorted coldly, looking at the threshold under her feet, she smiled wryly, the door of the Zuo's house was really sealed to her, leaving no room for it, it really was that man's style.

Uncle Jin looked at it and couldn't bear it: "Forget about everything related to the Zuo family."

"If it's possible, I would like to." Her eyes darkened and sank, and the dazzling array of luxury lost all brilliance in her eyes. She said, "Tell him for me, I wish them happiness."

After speaking, she turned around and stepped out of the threshold.

Once she turned around, she never looked back once: Zuo Cheng, I'm not that generous, and I will never bless you.

"Why bother?" Uncle Jin shook his head, the corners of his mouth were extremely bitter.

At this time, across the aisle outside the threshold, there was a dazed woman standing there. She was beautiful, but equally lifeless.

"Do you have an invitation card?" The doorman said routinely, expressionless.

The woman shook her head and said nothing, her lifeless eyes were still looking inside.

The guard's face was a little heavy, and his attitude was so cold that he said mechanically: "You can't go in without an invitation."

Coincidentally, Uncle Jin passed by, took a look at the past, understood it, and walked over quickly.

"Uncle Jin." The guard at the door immediately bowed in a standard salute, obviously well-trained.

"Miss Guan Ai, why didn't you come here until now, the wedding is about to start, go in quickly."

The woman's dejected eyes froze for a moment, then suddenly brightened.

"Miss Guan, I'm off to work. You can go straight along this road to the innermost place and you will see the young lady. I'll go first." After a few instructions, Uncle Jin went in.

When the person walked away, the woman still stayed where she was, with a half-smile, and muttered two words: "Guan Ai?"

The woman took a step suddenly, and the guards did not stop her. She raised her footsteps, but before she could land, two women brushed past her, and there was a burst of discussion.

"Did you see it? I heard that the 99 roses were made of real diamonds in Africa." The woman expressed her unabashed envy.

'Guan Ai' who had just stepped one foot out of the door paused, and raised her eyes. The crystal roses covering the hall had no brilliance in her eyes. She withdrew her foot and stood where she was.

(End of this chapter)

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