exclusive marriage

Chapter 235: Swallowing No Bones

Chapter 235: Swallowing No Bones (3)
Just thinking about it, there was an order: "Continue."

My young master, this is a sky-high mansion. After living in it for so many years, why don't you miss it at all?
Uncle Jin couldn't do anything.

Guan Ai snorted coldly, contemptuously: "I didn't expect that a person like you would do such a thing as destroying corpses and removing traces, it's really shocking."

Guan Ai guessed that Zuocheng's plan to burn down the old house he lived in must have something to do with Jiang Xiachu, but she couldn't figure out the relationship.

"If you're just talking nonsense, you can leave." Zuo Cheng was a little gloomy in silence.

I haven't seen this man for two years. He is even more hateful. He is vicious and sinister.

Guan Ai resisted the urge to scold her: "Well, let's get straight to the point." She said straight to the point, "Let me meet her."

Half a month after Jiang Xiachu returned to China, she had been staring at Zuo's house for a while, and it was obvious that Zuocheng had moved away with a clear purpose - Zangjiang Xiachu.


Looking at Zuo Cheng's face through the purple iron gate, Guan Ai felt that it was a bit colder than the purple iron, his heart shrank reflexively, and he gritted his teeth: "What about you? I want a reason." Without further ado, she changed her tone and said directly, "If you want Jiang Xiachu to come, I refuse to negotiate with you."

Guan Ai thought, if you encounter the strong, you will be strong. When facing Shangzuocheng, you must strike first to be strong, otherwise you will be miserable.

It's just... Zuo Cheng pursed his lips and sneered: "Then you can go."

Forehead?It's just as miserable to strike first.

Guan Ai had a bad start, and he had no countermeasures for a while.

"No." Zuocheng chased away the passengers, beating the purple-red iron fence with his white fingertips.

What a fucking beautiful pair of hands, damn, evildoer!Guan Ai cursed inwardly, then raised his head: "What if I don't leave?"

She doesn't have many advantages, she has thick skin and courage.

Zuo Cheng sneered, darkly, his eyes sank a little.

Uncle Jin on the side immediately understood, and waved: "Miss Guan, please go out."

Immediately, a big man in a black suit came out out of thin air, Guan Ai Mohan, rely on the real gangsters, just come when you say it.

Guan Ai took a step back, and the two men took a step closer, she yelled: "Stop."

Those two people looked at Zuo Cheng, their eyelashes drooped over there, and those two people stopped.

Guan Ai was speechless and helpless: "Okay, okay, you need a reason, right?"

Zuo Cheng raised his silent eyes slightly.

Guan Ai's face turned pale, and he threw it out when he said he was angry: "I've been fucking looking for her for three years, and I've been heartless to anyone because of her. She treats her as my sister, and convulsions as my own, I have been running around for a little bit of news about her for two fucking years, and even my mother’s coffee shop is about to close." Finished in one breath, without taking a breath, A pair of sharp eyes turned directly to Zuo Cheng, "Are you fucking saying these reasons enough?"

Uncle Jin's heart trembled, yo, you are so courageous!I've been holding back this fuss for a long time.

Zuo Cheng's eyes became even more silent, looking at Guan Ai, something frantic was jumping up and down, but he didn't speak.

Zuo Cheng didn't speak, Guan Ai frowned: "Not enough?" He gritted his teeth, "Okay, I'll give it!"

Zuo Cheng raised his cool eyes again.

Uncle Jin's heart trembled a little more, this little aunt, grandma, really fucking desperate?
The furious woman over there took a few steps closer, and somehow, her height of 1.6 meters gave off a hint of arrogance, and she came out with witty remarks: "You fucking whole The devil, killing people like hemp, insanity, insanity, cruelty, and cruelty is all flattering you, don't think I don't know, you man is a psychopath, if you don't get it, you will destroy the world and destroy the world, and you can't wait to hide her in the ends of the earth to swallow her bones. Right? Jiang Xiachu has been unlucky for eight lifetimes, no, not just eight lifetimes, at least dozens of lifetimes of doing evil to meet you, the devil." His tone softened, but his aura was even more compelling, "You can talk about it later. , Jiang Xiachu fell into your hands like this, I was anxious and anxious, how could seeing her not be a reason?"

This eloquence, this vital capacity, one by one, one by one, are too numerous to write down, can't it be a reason?Guan Ai must have died with a mouthful of salt soda.

Guan Ai is a woman whose mouth is like a knife, and whose heart is like tofu. This woman loves and hates so clearly that it cannot be tolerated.

Zuo Cheng seemed to be holding his temper, and raised his unruly eyebrows: "Have you said enough?"

Will this murderous demon be careless?Guan Ai felt that there was a trap, so he stammered tremblingly: "Not yet!" Just now, he ran out of courage because of his feverish head, and now his legs began to weaken.

Zuo Cheng walked around the iron fence, his slender figure glowing like a ghost under the gentle moonlight of stars all over the sky.

Guan Ai swallowed his saliva, swallowed the heart in his throat, took a few steps back in despair, and hesitated a few times: "You, you, what do you want to do?"

Who is Zuo Cheng?Killing people like numbness, insanity, ruthlessness, and cruelty, but it's really not a joke, after Guan Ai is scared.

"Not a little courage." Zuo Cheng had already approached, and Yin Han's face was unexpectedly handsome.

It doesn't matter, he died early and passed away early, and he was a hero in 18 years. Guan Aimo read a sentence, raised his head and stared at the past: "After destroying the corpse and destroying the traces, you want to kill people and silence the mouth, right? A word of advice, walking too much at night If you encounter a ghost, it’s not that you don’t report it, it’s just that the time has not come.”

The head can be broken and blood can flow, but the bones must not leak oil.Guan Ai lives up to her motto.

While the handsome and irrationally handsome man smiled coldly, he was fascinated: "It's really flattering me to kill people like hemp, insane, ruthless and ruthless."

Guan Ai's heart tightened, this was obviously what she said, this man's retelling was really frighteningly gloomy, he really was a man from hell, he was too sinister.

Gritting her teeth and blinking her eyes, Guan Ai's small white face was only hard and lacking in imposing manner: "You, you, let me kill you or cut me to pieces." Her palms and backs were sweaty, and she wiped them secretly behind her back.

The night is dark and the wind is high, and you can't see your fingers. It is the most suitable place for murder and arson.

Guan Ai continued to retreat.

Zuo Cheng walked gracefully and gracefully: "Hide her to the ends of the earth and swallow her so that there is no bone left?"

It's still a retelling, every word is gloomy and cold.

My god, this man is really a ghost, too dark.Guan Ai's teeth were trembling, his tongues were fighting gloriously, and he was speechless.

The man stopped suddenly: "You know me very well, and you speak accurately." His left hand brushed his right hand, and the obviously ghostly and terrifying movement actually made him act charmingly, and his tone was also cold, and he continued slowly, saying , "In this case, how can I let you see her, I will hide to the ends of the earth as you said, and swallow no bones left."

(End of this chapter)

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