exclusive marriage

Chapter 236 That's Not Her

Chapter 236 That's Not Her (1)
Guan Ai almost bit his tongue, what does it mean to shoot himself in the foot?

But Guan Ai made sure of two things. First, he hid Jiang Xiachu, and second, he was afraid that someone would find Jiang Xiachu.

Guan Ai became more confident: "Zuocheng, what are you afraid of?" His tone changed, aggressive, "Or, what did you do to Jiang Xiachu?"

What is the reason why Jiang Xiachu must be hidden?What exactly is Zuo Cheng still guarding against?Guan Ai couldn't figure it out.

"You don't need to know, you just need to remember that she is fine."

shit!It's okay to be hidden and tucked in, that person is a complete masochist.

Guan Ai snorted coldly, and retorted: "It's fine if you say yes? I believe you and I are fools, unless I see it with my own eyes. If she is really living well, I will naturally not destroy it."

Zuo Cheng was pondering, his eyes sank and floated up and down, the dim light shrank like a beast in the night.

Guan Ai raised her heart in her throat, waiting for an answer, thinking there was something going on.

Right at this moment...


Zuo Jin whispered something in Zuo Cheng's ear, Zuo Cheng's expression seemed to change, but he couldn't tell whether he was happy or angry.

After a while, Zuo Cheng said, "You can see her if you want."

This was the tone of a businessman, it was another negotiation, Guan Ai wanted to scold his mother again, and scolded his mother's profiteer in his heart, gritted his teeth, and endured it: "What conditions?"

Zuo Cheng pursed his lips and smiled.

Outside the Zuo family's house, a woman came slowly, with a slender figure, half of her face was covered by a big black windbreaker hat, and the other half of her face was soft and holy under the light of stars.

This woman is not the most beautiful, but the softest.

Zuocheng Yi Wang Jinghai lifted up ripples, which rippled in his eyes, ripples and ripples.

"Why are you here?"

He hugged her into his arms, pulled off her hat, and smiled brightly with a palm-sized face.

"I forgot to say something on the phone." She said, her voice was soft, adding some softness to this winter night.

Zuo Cheng's tone raised: "Huh?" He tightened his grip and pulled the woman's entire body into his arms.

She snuggled into Zuo Cheng's arms: "I miss you."

The muffled voice was subtle, soft, but so clear.

She said, I miss you.The shy and shy she has never spoken so softly and sweetly.

Zuo Cheng smiled, the joy on his lips couldn't be concealed: "Say it again." Like a lie or a coax.

She smiled foolishly, and boldly put her arms around his neck: "Zuo Cheng, I miss you very much, even if you hug me like this now, I still miss you."

Zuo Cheng smiled, stretched out his hand, put his arms around her waist, leaned over and kissed her.

In his heart, there is a sentence that is almost the same as her, such a similar lovesickness.

In his arms is the woman he loves the most, in his ears are her most beautiful love words, his eyes are as bright as day, such a night is very beautiful.

The long kiss, completely forgetting myself, she responded, without skill, very hard, even biting his lip a little painful, but she couldn't bear to let go.

For a long time, she nestled softly in his arms, her voice soft and hoarse: "What should I do? I seem to be more dependent on you than I thought."

He smiled, and his lips fell on her forehead: "But I want more."

Some people, some emotions, like habits, like instinct, evolve to a certain extent into something that cannot be controlled and has no limit. That kind of thing has a terrible name called addiction.

This woman is his Zuocheng addiction.

However, addiction has a very domineering quality: you always want more than you have.

Zuo Cheng's eyes were too deep, as if he wanted to hide all the intenseness, then a pair of tender white hands brushed across his eyebrows, and slowly rubbed: "I don't like the way you frown." She stood on tiptoe, Leaning closer, kissing Zuo Cheng's eyes, "You, Zuo Cheng, have made my whole world, isn't that enough?"

How can it be enough? It's an addiction. The more you give, the more greedy you become. It's a vicious circle.

"Fool." He hugged her and called her a fool.

Zuo Cheng, love that fool like that.

She nodded, didn't speak, and sniffed his breath.

This fool, willingly.

He leaned on her shoulder and said, "One of your left cities gives you the right to want the whole world, do you know that?"

Leaning on his heart, she said, "I know, but I'm not greedy."

She is not a greedy woman, and all she wants is this man holding her.

This woman only got one him, and made her the whole world.He thought, if she wanted it, he would give it even this world.He could afford it, and he was willing to give it, but this silly woman only wanted him.

Maybe you said, this is an exchange of equal value for love, but he and her made a bet to exchange, how many people in the world would dare such an exchange?Or, how many people can?

Maybe the wind is too strong tonight, there are so many people in the open and in the dark, so many eyes are sour and astringent, but the eyes of the men and women who are embracing each other are clear and mellow.

"Is it cold?"

Zuo Cheng gathered the woman's windbreaker, and then pulled up the hat.

She shook her head: "It's not cold." After the kiss, her lips were crimson, very pretty.

She is not cold.

Zuo Cheng took off his coat, and said involuntarily, "Put it on." He wrapped the woman tightly.

"Zuocheng, let's go home." The woman smiled, the rippling dimples were like a round spinner.

"I still have something to do."

There was a sudden silence, and the dimple around the man's mouth froze slightly.

Leaning over, Zuo Cheng kissed the woman's face, coaxing gently: "Hey, go wait for me in the car."

The woman pursed her lips and turned around obediently.

Zuo Cheng watched the woman walking away, suddenly wanted to find a cigarette to smoke, but remembered that women didn't like it, so he gave up.

Behind the dark iron gate, one foot slowly protruded, and he came out a little staggeringly. The man's big phoenix eyes were obscure, and the pupils dilated in shock: "You—you—" stretched out his fingers, trembling "Who is she?"

That face, that voice, are all familiar to Guan Ai, other than that, the man's every word, every frown, every move, and the tenderness flowing between his brows and eyes, are as strange as an illusion.

She panicked and shouted: "Who is she?" Startled, dumbfounded, "Is it Jiang Xiachu?" She shook her head violently, her voice tearing, "No, no, that's not Jiang Xiachu, not her."

Guan Ai grinned, his eyes full of sarcasm: "Then how could it be her, such a smile, such words, such tenderness, and the way she looks at you, how could it be her?" Smile He suddenly retracted, his eyes were sharp, and he turned to Zuo Cheng, "Zuo Cheng, who is she?"

Don't say it's Jiang Xiachu, otherwise, she's afraid that she can't help but lie down and bite this man to death.

(End of this chapter)

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