exclusive marriage

Chapter 237 That's Not Her

Chapter 237 That's Not Her (2)
Guan Ai's eyes were as sharp as knives, Zuo Cheng didn't respond, he didn't raise his eyes: "You are the one who has worked hard for three years."

"Huh." A sneer.

"Hmph." Another sneer.

Guan Ai held his belly, laughing a little painfully, but it didn't look like a stomachache, she thought, this man is so ridiculous!

The knife in the eye scraped against Zuo Cheng, Guan Ai's pink lips lifted, and she stiffened: "No. It's not her that is contained in her body."

Zuo Cheng couldn't deny it and remained silent.

Damn man, he's so fucking amazing!Gritting his teeth, Guan Ai swallowed these words, sneered, mocking: "Sure enough, there are no bones left." Nose snorted, "What did you do to her?"

"As you can see, she is not her." The man's eyes were indifferent, cold and heavy.

Damn, I'm ashamed to say, pervert!Guan Ai greeted the ancestors of the Zuo family one by one in his heart.

Tolerate!Guan Ai gritted his teeth and took a long breath.

Fuck, I can't help it.

The utterance was full of curses: "Killing people like hemp, being insane, being insane, being ruthless and ruthless is really flattering you. You are a fucking pervert, and you are the ultimate pervert who has cultivated to become a master."

After scolding, the fire in my heart still couldn't be extinguished, it was burning hot, Guan Ai's little face was extremely red, and was about to continue to scold, Zuo Cheng took the words, lukewarm: "It doesn't matter what I am , I only care about what she is."

"Hmph." With a sneer, "She is a shell without a soul."

"She's fine." He spoke very quickly, as if trying to cover up.

Guan Ai retorted, putting his courage on the top of his head: "Deceive yourself! How about not even knowing who you are?"

Zuo Cheng didn't speak, but closed his piercing eyes.

Silence again, damn man!Guan Ai felt his teeth itching, wanted to bite someone very much, snorted his nose, full of contempt: "Why do you care about this, you only want a heart under the skin, if you don't get it, you will destroy it and remodel it."

"so what?"

Asked in a lukewarm manner, the man stood in the dark night, staring at him.

Guan Ai looked at him coldly, wanting to laugh, this creator is really amazing, he can actually create a man with Zuo Cheng's appearance and temperament, appearance: so beautiful that he is not human.Temperament: ruthless like a human being.In a word, this man is not a person!

"Zuocheng, is that really Jiang Xiachu?" His cheeks were sore from laughing, Guan Ai couldn't laugh anymore, even with a sneer, "That's not it, you didn't get her, so what's the point of that person loving you now?" significance."

"Do you not allow others to comment?"

Guan Ai snorted.

There is no Jiang Xiachu in this world anymore, there is no one who makes her willing to spend her heart and soul, no one she is willing to run around, no one she is willing to treat as her own sister, she thought, from now on After that, she will live incomparably comfortable and relaxed.

Just why is there a piece of my heart missing?What a fucking pain!
Guan Ai, you really owe me money!
After scolding himself, he was still angry, and turned to Zuo Cheng: "Are you happy to have such a woman who is neither human nor ghost, and has a bad brain? Why did you change her into this appearance? Made her fall in love with you? Or did you do something unforgivable to her again?"

Ren was silent for a moment, Guan Ai answered the question on his own: "Is it Qi Yichen?"

Uncle Jin on the side almost choked on his saliva, this woman is really daring, she is so reckless, she looks at her young master.

Zuo Cheng's face, which turned all sentient beings upside down, showed no expression at all.

"Don't talk?" Guan Ai sneered, "It seems that my guess is almost inseparable, you have nothing to say." A certain person's courage swelled up tonight, and he continued: "Zuocheng, you can't There is a cure."

Uncle Jin's eyes turned red, and he clenched his hands tightly.


I don't know how many people from the Zuo family raised their guns slightly.


The air was wiped with gunpowder smoke, just waiting for the fire beside Zuocheng's lips to be lit, but he remained silent.

Sometimes when she loses her senses and gets angry, she will always do something to kill herself. This is the case with Guan Ai tonight. She cursed so dryly that she took a long breath.

"Jiang Xiachu, when she met you, it was more than a dozen lifetimes of misfortune."


The night was very quiet, this sound was very clear, Guan Ai could hear it clearly, it was the sound of machines rubbing against each other.

Rumor has it that everyone in the Zuo family is ruthless and murderous without blinking an eye.

Guan Ai's anger finally subsided, followed by panic, how could she forget how vicious this man is.

Guan Ai finally understands what it means to have a misfortune come from the mouth.

"You, what do you want?" The articulate Guan Ai tied his tongue for the first time.

She thought: three words: it's almost over.

Zuo Cheng didn't speak, he turned his body sideways, half of his handsome face was illuminated by the moonlight, gloomy and ghostly.

If you don't withdraw at this time, when will you wait!Turning around quickly, Guan Ai took a small step back, and then another small step, and when he was about to take a big step back, suddenly there was a gust of wind in front of him, and two ghostly shadows appeared.

Want to be so scary at night, Guan Ai glared at the two men who stood in front of her out of thin air: "Get out of the way." After a pause, his tone was not as confident as when he was cursing just now, "Why, do you really want to kill people to silence them?"

The two men didn't respond, their hands were hanging down.

If Guan Ai knew that two of the four hanging hands were holding the gun, he would definitely spit out a mouthful of blood.

With no way to escape, Guan Ai had no choice but to turn around and look at a terrifyingly handsome face under the moonlight: "Don't tell me you want me to meet Jiang Xiachu?"

Suddenly, Zuo Cheng's expression softened a little.

Uncle Jin still clenched his fist, and stepped forward to ask for instructions: "Master."

Guan Ai's heart fluttered up and down. She knew that her life and death depended on this man's thought. Just now she deliberately mentioned the word Jiang Xiachu.

After a while, the man suddenly spoke, and the coldness caught people off guard: "Go out of this door and forget what you know."

After saying a word, countless muzzles of guns turned in secret.

Guan Ai's back burst into cold sweat, and he stepped into the coffin only to realize that he was afraid. Sure enough, the three characters Jiang Shenxia were a life-saving talisman.

Putting her heart back into her stomach, she replied, "Don't worry, I haven't lived enough, and I don't want Jiang Xiachu to become more pathetic."

Turning around, all the way was smooth, Guan Ai took a few steps, stopped, and finally made a bold move.

"Zuocheng, you are as pitiful as Jiang Xiachu, she is no longer her, and you are no longer you, you are all crazy."

After speaking, he quickened his pace.

It's a joke, if you don't leave, what should the man do if he repents?
Within ten seconds, Guan Ai's shadow disappeared.

"They're all crazy." Zuo Cheng suddenly muttered three words, which echoed in the dark night.

(End of this chapter)

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