exclusive marriage

Chapter 240 What a coincidence

Chapter 240 What a coincidence (1)
After finishing speaking, he snorted coldly and twisted his pretty face.

That so-and-so was ruthless, so after entering this ghostly place from Guan Yu, Guan Ai made a plan that he would never be able to enter the house.

Still the same sentence, crazy is better than dead.

It was rare to be quiet for a while, Guan Ai didn't speak.

"Come back to see you next month, don't you don't know me again." Guan Aisha raised his hand, turned around, took one step, and turned his head three times.

The person I hated so much, went around and entangled for two years, and became the person I couldn't let go of.

When the person in front walked away, the corner of the woman's mouth in the wheelchair twitched slightly, as if sneering.

On the back of the wheelchair, suddenly a pair of hands was put on and slowly pushed the wheelchair.

"Will you listen to her?" The man's voice was mellow and seemed depressed.

The wheelchair didn't stop, and turned under the fountain, and the cool water splashed out, oozing coldness.

"You are very smart, just like two years ago." The man smiled, his hands stopped suddenly, and he walked around in front of Guan Yu, "But you are definitely not as good as him."

he?When it comes to intelligence, there is indeed one person in this world who is invincible.

The corners of the mouth of the person in the wheelchair were raised slightly, and a bright fire was gathered in his dull and stupid eyes.

After a while, the man sighed and spit out two words: "Zuocheng."

Zuo Cheng, is he not only a smart man, but also a ruthless man?How could a smart woman not know.

The man smiled, looked at the shift nurse approaching, turned around and left, the light leaking from the tree gap hit his racing suit, and the mottled shadows swayed.

Behind him, a woman's voice sounded: "Finally back."

Silent and cold, the voice that seemed to have been silent for a long time was extremely hoarse.

"Two years."

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and then he returned to dullness, and the same stupidity in his eyes.

Then, the nurse pushed the wheelchair into the room, and outside the place where the wheelchair was parked, three leaves fell and were torn and crumpled.

Women, it's scary when you're stupid, and even scarier when you're smart.

But that's not the case. Sometimes smart women are more people love and hate.

There was a smart woman in the Zuo family, who made Zuo Cheng suffer from headaches, helplessness and insomnia.

The sunset in December always falls very fast, and the sky suddenly becomes dark.

The corridor on the third floor of Zuo’s house was dimly lit before the lights were turned on.

The woman stood straight, her back was thin, and she stared blankly at the attic door for a long time.

"Young lady."

The light came on suddenly, and the woman raised her hand to cover it subconsciously.

Zuo Yu walked quickly to the woman: "Why are you here?" Looking up, Zuo Yu frowned.

this attic...

The woman who had been dazed all this time shook her head: "Suddenly I found out that I have never gone up to this attic."

She was not very curious, she didn't know why, but this time was an exception, she reached out and landed on the key of the combination lock.

"It's just some miscellaneous things here." Zuo Yu, who doesn't like to talk, explained.

The woman was facing sideways, and the light illuminated her side face, which was dark and unclear.

"Ding, ding, ding, ding." Once, after a pause, she pressed four times, conditioned reflex and strange movements.

Zuo Yu clenched his palms and was sweating, otherwise, his face was expressionless.

"Password." Suddenly, the woman spoke, and the two words were calm and breezy, unable to capture any emotions or anger.

"Huh?" Zuo Yu frowned even tighter.

She smiled: "I obviously don't know, but why did I press this number?"

Zuo Yu replied lightly: "It's a coincidence."

coincide?For the permutation and combination of nine numbers, she just pressed those four numbers and searched in that order. The probability of such a coincidence is too small.

With a slight expression on her face, she stretched out her hand and grabbed the doorknob.

If the door opened, she thought, it would not be a coincidence.

Lift your hand little by little...

"Young Madam." Zuo Yu's voice was a little hurried.

The woman paused.

"Sir is back."

Smiling, she withdrew her hand and looked at Zuo Yu: "Did you see what number I pressed just now?"

"I didn't pay attention." Zuo Yu lowered his head, not looking into the woman's eyes.

"Strange." With a wry smile, "I actually don't remember."

It was a conditioned reflex, an uncontrollable, memoryless insanity, and even she herself doubted whether she hadn't pressed the number just now.

Raising her hand, she wanted to try again.

"Young lady, sir is already waiting."

The second time he paused, the woman sighed softly and turned her head with a smile.

Behind him, Zuo Yu took a deep breath, raised his hand, and messed up the numbers he had pressed.

1209... Actually, she saw the number the woman pressed just now.

A pot of tea was brewed on the table, and the faint fragrance of tea permeated the air. Zuo Cheng lay on the sofa, half-closed his eyes, with his suit jacket open and his tie hanging loosely.

This man looks like a monster!

"I'm back." The woman walked down the stairs with a smile.

Zuo Cheng opened his eyes, smiled, and lazily replied: "Yes."

"It's very early today, is the company okay?" She picked up the cup he used just now and took a sip of tea.

Zuo Cheng took the cup in her hand, reached out and hugged her in his arms, whispering softly: "I miss you."

The cheeks were like the sunset glow in the evening, a little crimson, and the woman pushed in embarrassment: "Is there anyone else?"

Zuo Cheng chuckled, so happy, the woman in his arms poked her head out, and glanced around.

Where there are still people around, if people from the Zuo family don't have this kind of vision, then there is no need for them to exist.

Zuo Cheng kissed her flushed little face: "Why are you still so shy?"

The thin-skinned woman's face was even more blush, making her enchanting and beautiful.

Zuo Cheng leaned over and kissed again, smiling slightly: "You have to get used to it."

Habit?Are you used to his intimacy regardless of time, place, or occasion?Well, she felt hopeless, she hesitated for a long time and only came out with one word: "You—"

I don't know if the small face is shy or angry, the crimson color overlaps, and the long eyelashes flicker under the watery eyes.

It is said that women from the south of the Yangtze River are as gentle as water and as elegant as jade, which is true.

"My woman is so beautiful." Zuo Cheng hugged and kissed him deeply again.

He prided himself on his extraordinary determination, but when he met this little woman, all principles, forbearance, and reserve were completely defeated.

Kissing and kissing, he wrapped his hands around her neck and brushed away her hair, and then she felt a chill on her neck.

"Do you like it?" His voice still has the hoarse sexiness that comes after every intimacy.

(End of this chapter)

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