exclusive marriage

Chapter 241 What a coincidence

Chapter 241 What a coincidence (2)
She lowered her head, and there was an extra necklace around her neck, a slender chain, looking at the elegant and simple pendant, and after a closer look, she realized that the pendant was a gardenia flower.

Gardenia?She likes Bai Lily!But she was still happy in her heart, put her arms around Zuo Cheng's neck, and asked with a smile: "Why did you suddenly buy me a gift?"

"Do men have to have a reason to buy gifts for their women?"

While saying this, Zuo Cheng rubbed her neck, 'by the way' took off the other chain that was originally hanging around her neck, and 'by the way' put the chain in his palm.

The woman closed her eyes with a smile, and glanced at Zuo Cheng's palm: "You don't like this ring, do you?"

"Yeah." Zuo Cheng couldn't deny it, and then added as a matter of course, "Your man is stingy, you can only wear what I bought."

The 'stingy' man said and put the ring on the chain back into her hand.

Awkward man!
She laughed and laughed, thinking that her man was really interesting, so she teased: "That stingy man, can you generously tell me your bank card password and safe password?"

"Why do you want to know?"

She thought about it and said an official reason: "I heard that this is the privilege of being a wife."

It is said that?The wife of the young lady of the Zuo family didn't step out of the door, and there were only a few people who could come in and listen to the wind, so left and right were the first choice.

Zuo Cheng's eyes seemed dark and bright, floating deeply: "Have you ever heard of the privilege of being a husband?"

"Huh?" The woman thought about it seriously, as if she hadn't said anything about it, she looked up at Zuo Cheng, waiting for his answer.

Zuo Cheng raised the corner of his lips, leaned over, and his lips fell on the woman's lips. After a long hiss, he said, "I'll let you get used to this." Then, he slowly moved his hand up from her waist, "And All the intimacy above that."

He said with a smile, his hands fell on her chest, moving once and for all.

Embarrassed, she was so ashamed that she hurried to grab her hand.

Zuo Cheng laughed out loud, in a very good mood.

The woman blushed, her eyes rolled quickly, and then she turned away from the topic that made her fidget: "You haven't told me the password yet."

"1209." Holding her in his arms, he said again, "This is the password for all the family."

Suddenly the person in his arms froze.

"What's wrong?" Zuo Cheng followed her eyes carefully and looked over.

She raised her head and raised the ring in her palm: "This ring is also engraved with 1209." She rubbed the ring, and the numbers on the small ring were clearly patterned, probably because the previous owner had brushed the ring many times.

"It's just a coincidence." Zuo Cheng hugged her tightly, and only said four words in his ear.

She sighed, her voice was inaudible: "There seem to be many coincidences today."

She suddenly remembered that she had pressed these four numbers for the attic password.

coincidence?What a coincidence.

"Don't think blindly."

She shook her head and said she was not thinking nonsense, but her mind was in a mess and couldn't stop, she just had no clue.

Zuo Cheng frowned calmly, his eyes were dark, as if he was waiting for an explosion.

In 1209, he was careless, she didn't plan, but he fell into a beauty trick and forgot to guard for a while.

The coincidence ended hastily, and the two of them didn't talk about it in detail. They seemed to be deliberately avoiding it, and the tacit understanding seemed to be premeditated.

Everything was the same as usual, except that when Zuo Cheng wanted her tonight, he lost half of the gentleness of the past.

Later at night, Zuo Cheng lifted the quilt, got out of bed, and didn't come back for a long, long time.

On the open-air rooftop, a man's obsidian-like eyes are limp and unfathomable, half-closed, a cigarette is caught between his white fingertips, and the handsome face is so beautiful in a trance, unreal.

On the ground, cigarette butts were thrown all over the place.

The man stubbed out his cigarette, poured a glass of red wine, and moved his red lips closer.

Suddenly a white and slender hand grabbed the cup, and the woman's voice behind her was clear and elegant: "Left and right say your stomach can't drink."

The man's half-closed eyes were lifted up, a flash of starlight shone brightly, the first glance was shocking, and then he didn't have the courage to take a second look.

Who else is this unbelievably handsome man besides Zuo Cheng?
Zuo Cheng smiled and took the woman into his arms: "I only had one drink."

"Not even a glass."

"It's okay." He gathered her thin coat.

Leaning against him, she wrinkled her nose, then frowned: "You smoke."

Zuo Cheng smiled and scratched her nose: "The nose is really good."

The smell of smoke is so strong that you can smell it even if it doesn't work.

She was a little annoyed: "You don't want to die. You smoke and drink again. How can your stomach stand such a toss?"

This angry concern was very useful to Zuo Cheng, the corners of his mouth raised high: "It's okay."

Is it okay to smoke so much?Lie to the child.


Zuo Cheng just tightened his hands and didn't speak.

"You like to smoke when you're bored."

His woman has a clear and exquisite heart.

Nodding, biting her earlobe and answering a word: "Yes."

Her eyes sank, and the Jiangnan woman's voice was clear and pleasant: "If you can't tell me, you can tell Uncle Jin or the others, don't smoke alone, and don't cover it up with wine just because I don't like the smell of smoke. "

She suddenly thought of the coincidence during the day, but failed, and then a man's gentle voice came from her ear: "Okay, it's all up to you."

She turned her head, stretched out her hand, caressed his frown, and smoothed it gently.

"It's still so good-looking. I don't like the way you frown."

He let her palm fiddle with his brows, and felt like a cool little hand was stirring in his heart.

She pursed her pale lips and frowned delicately: "Obviously it can be touched like this, the cool temperature is just why I always feel like a dream."

Dreams are often so beautiful that people sink, and they are often broken at the touch of a touch, and then wake up, never forgetting.

She stopped suddenly, not daring to touch it.

Zuo Cheng pulled her somewhat stiff body, took her little hand that was still hanging, and brushed his face bit by bit.

"This is my eyebrow."

"This is my eye."

"This is my nose."

"This is my lips."

This face is so beautiful that it makes people sink.

The moonlight was gentle, melting on his face, soft and beautiful: "In the palm of your hand." Tightening her little hand tightly, he said, "It's me, your man."

That captivating face fell on her palm, the cool temperature was very familiar, how could it be a dream.

This man had a pair of bewildering eyes and a bewitching voice, and she sank into it all at once.

(End of this chapter)

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