exclusive marriage

Chapter 254 Seemingly Courtship

Chapter 254 Seemingly Courtship (1)
Well, this woman's thinking is more than half a beat slower in some ways.

Those frozen pupils showed signs of melting, Zuo Cheng replied quickly: "No."

She nodded, changed her steak with the man's untouched one, lowered her head, and continued eating.

Zuo Cheng's face darkened, his eyes darkened, and his tone became dull: "So you believe it?"

"Don't you like me to believe you?" Her pure eyes, pure question, very serious, very serious.

After a pause of less than three seconds: "No." The corners of Zuo Cheng's lips twitched, his eyes darkened with a smile.

"That's it."

After finishing speaking, the woman kept silent again and continued to eat. She was really hungry, and she didn't even eat lunch after reading all day.

In fact, Zuo Cheng didn't eat lunch, but drank a glass of wine because he was depressed.

After a meal, the woman was very full, but the man barely touched his knife and fork, and was full.

The second round: Leveraging strength, Zuocheng was completely defeated!
After drinking and eating, Zuo Cheng took her woman back and was unhappy all the time. When passing by the lobby, the woman in his arms suddenly asked, "Has the lobby manager changed?"

Zuo Cheng was stunned for a second, turned his eyes away, and nodded: "En."

"Where's Manager Zhang?"

Her woman asked again, it seems that it's not good for women to be too careful, Zuo Cheng thought so, and his mind went for a spin.


Seeing that Zuo Cheng didn't answer, she looked up at him.

Zuo Cheng cleared his throat, and replied without changing his face: "I asked for paternity leave."

This is a common reason for men in the Zuo family to ask for leave.


A certain woman believed in Zuo Cheng's words.

Behind him, he followed Uncle Jin and knocked his head on the elevator, breaking his eyes.

Paternity leave?Good guy, you can fool a kind-hearted young lady like that.

At this time, the poor Manager Zhang was cleaning the glass on Lingdong Island, and hung up the phone with snot and tears. On the phone, his wife said a word: We are divorced.

I'm afraid I won't be able to take this paternity leave for a few years.

When I returned to the room, it was already late at night. Zuo Cheng was depressed all the way, and when he came back, he went into the bathroom, and then there was the sound of water, and the woman who had eaten and drunk went back to the sofa, holding the book again, concentrating looked up.

When Zuo Cheng came out, the woman was engrossed and didn't look at him. His hair was still wet and dripping, and he was only wearing a bath towel. He had an unusually handsome face with a bewitching charm, and he was standing not far away. looking at the woman.In the past, women would hide under the covers in shame, then crawl out with half-closed eyes, dry his hair before crawling back in.

It's just that tonight, Zuo Cheng didn't enjoy this kind of treatment. Zuo Cheng's hair is naturally dried, provided that after two hours.

"Deep summer."

Zuo Cheng, who had always been extremely patient with her, had actually run out of patience. He walked over with a serious expression on his face.

"Yeah." She raised her eyes a little, replied, and continued to lower her head.

"Shen Xia." Zuo Cheng sat over, first hugged the woman into his arms, and then grabbed her hand casually.

"Huh?" She looked up, her eyes were foggy, her brows were furrowed, puzzled.

"It's been two hours." Zuo Cheng explained sullenly, with a slightly awkward tone.

A sullen man would never admit that he was jealous of a book.

"What's the matter?" Her body pressed against Zuo Cheng's bare chest, she blushed a little, and stepped back, not seeing Zuo Cheng's sinking face.

"It's not good for your eyes." He kissed her eyes, "Hey, go take a shower first."

She got up and went to the bathroom, very obedient.

An obedient woman, a woman who is not noisy, a woman who is considerate... Originally, Zuo Cheng liked it, but after today, he doesn't like it, very much. Women, sometimes it's better to be self-willed, the premise is that woman It's a woman from his left city.

When the sound of water in the bathroom sounded, Zuo Cheng picked up the book the woman was reading just now, and flipped through it for a while.

Bang - a graceful arc, the thick book went into the trash can, stretched out its slender legs, and kicked the trash can away.

"Throw those three women out for me." The cold words came from Zuo Cheng's mouth and hit the door.

Zuo Yu, who had been waiting at the door, pricked up his ears, not daring to be careless, frowned, and listened carefully, when four words of fury came from inside: "immediately, immediately."

Zuo Yu staggered: "I'll send someone to throw it immediately."

Turn around and leave, today's husband is too weird, he seems very angry.

In the room, Zuo Cheng half-lyed on the spot where the woman had just been in the nest, stretched out his hand, took a bathrobe, and wrapped it around Wei'an's body, staring at the door of the bathroom with gloomy eyes, knotting his hands fiercely.

Immediately, the picture of **beautiful boy is gone, it's a pity that the handsome face, charming figure, bronze skin...someone didn't take a second look.

The third round: The beautiful man is scheming, Zuo Cheng is completely defeated!

Eh!A sullen and arrogant man, a frank and indifferent woman.

Zuo Cheng was depressed and wanted to find a cigarette to smoke. He paused for a while, then went to the balcony, lit a cigarette, and took a few puffs. Still stunningly beautiful.

One after another, the smoke filled the air, and after a while, the floor of the balcony was full of cigarette butts.

The sound of water in the bathroom stopped before Zuo Cheng put out the cigarette in his hand and returned to the room.

The woman who just walked out of the bathroom frowned, the towel in her hand fell on the carpet, and her wet hair was dripping with water.

"Zuo Cheng, you did it on purpose." The voice was angry, and the little face was flushed.

Finally, the woman got angry, and Zuo Cheng was very satisfied.

With a distance of two meters, Zuo Cheng leaned against the sofa, smiling half-smile.

The woman pouted and walked over, the water from the tip of her hair dripped all over the floor, she didn't care, she just sat on the sofa and stared at the smiling man opposite: "You clearly know that I don't like the smell of cigarettes, and you clearly know that I can smell it."

She has such a sharp nose and such a strong smell of smoke, he must have done it on purpose.

The corner of the man's mouth curled up, and he smiled enchantingly: "Well, I did it on purpose."

She thought for a while: "Are you angry?"

This man only smokes in one situation: angry and upset.Doesn't this show that this master is in a bad mood?

This approach is really naive, the woman thought so.

"Shouldn't I be angry?" Zuo Cheng answered as a matter of course, stretched out his hand and pulled the woman into his arms, picked up the bathrobe he just changed to wipe her hair, and the voice rang in her ear again, "I don't know why angry?"

She doesn't speak.

"Huh?" One word, with a thousand aftertaste.

As soon as her earlobe hurts, her body's conditioned reflex becomes stiff, and her earlobe becomes numb.

(End of this chapter)

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