exclusive marriage

Chapter 255 People in love are idiots

Chapter 255 People in love are idiots (2)
"You didn't even look at me when you came out of the hotel." She walked around in front of him, glaring at him, angrily, "You did it on purpose."

A handsome little face was puffy, like a wrinkled bun, and flushed.

"Heh." Zuo Cheng chuckled, not half as calm as before, pulled the woman over and kissed her angry lips, "Well, I did it on purpose."

Her eyes widened, this man was not like this before.

Zuo Cheng's eyes are like glass: "This way you will keep looking at me."

The woman got angry and blushed, angry and annoyed: this man is really hateful.With an offended look, he turned around, walked around the man and left.

Zuo Cheng followed with a smile.

"Deep summer." Zuo Cheng held her shoulders and called softly.

"Yeah." She replied casually.


"Not tired."

"Are you thirsty?"

"Not thirsty."


"Not hungry."

The considerate and gentle man tirelessly asked the woman's ear, but the woman blinked her eyes and looked away, saying every word perfunctorily.

Behind him, Zuo Yu scratched at the short hair cut to the ears: Why is this conversation so familiar?

Oh, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, Feng Shui turns around.

Damn, what a bad idea!

Zuo Yu felt contempt for those two people for the second time today, Zuo Yu was right: people in love are idiots!
As he was cursing in his heart, the back of his neck felt cold, and a trace of cold air leaked in. Zuo Yu shuddered, and hurriedly followed without distracting thoughts.

After a fruitless conversation...

Zuo Cheng complained: "You don't even look at me."

She turned her head, glanced at it, and smiled like a flower at the corner of her mouth: "This way you will always look at me."

After finishing speaking, he continued to look away. The man smiled helplessly, and his eyes fell on the side of the woman's face from beginning to end.

In the small alley around the corner, an oiled paper umbrella was lifted up, and a delicate and enchanting face was shrouded in the hazy rain and fog.

"Enemies really have a narrow road." There was a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

This man is so evil!

Ye Zaixi held an umbrella and walked forward at a lazy pace.

It's sunny and sunny, even though it's raining, it's rainy and foggy at most. A big man with an umbrella can be as flamboyant as he wants, so naturally he is the focus of attention wherever he goes.

"Are you Ye Zaixi?"

"Yes, yes."

"It's Ye Zaixi."

"It's really you."

One, two, three, four, are all women's voices, coming from all directions, Ye Zaixi narrowed his eyes, and still saw four excited faces.

She deserved to be a show, so by chance, she was in the spotlight.

Lowering her head, Ye Zaixi did not rush, pulled up the hat of her coat, and changed into a low-key K: "You have admitted the wrong person." As he said, he lowered the umbrella and raised the hat again.

Suddenly a hand came across the sky, raised the umbrella, and shouted: "It's you!"

wipe! Fa-savvy fans in the 21st century, why not be so tough.

Ye Zaixi looked away, with a smile on her face: "No, you—"

Before she could say a word, a bear hug rushed over: "Ah, Ye Zaixi, I like you so much."

Ye Zaixi felt that his eardrums were about to burst, and he almost fell down. It took him a long time to stabilize his figure, he took a long breath, gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand, and pulled the woman away: "I said you—"

"Sign me your name."

Ye Zaixi's words were still stuck in her throat, a white woman's face approached her, her nose was filled with the smell of perfume.

For the first time, Ye Yaolian felt that perfume was not suitable for women.

Brushing his forehead and rubbing the center of his brows, Ye Zaixi had a terrible headache. Looking at the two figures in the alley ahead, he reluctantly took the pen.

The woman took off her coat and leaned in front of Ye Zaixi: "Here, here."

"And me, and me."

"Mine, mine, sign this."


They're all monkey kids, it doesn't matter if they sign on clothes, but if they sign on their faces or hands, what's the matter?On weekdays, Ye Yaolian might be fine with this.

After signing, Ye Zaixi looked up again, and the two of them walked a long way.

"Sorry, I still have an announcement."

Ye Zaixi left a charming smile and was about to leave.After taking a step, the laughing man who was so fascinated that he didn't pay for his life collapsed.

"Ye Zaixi."


"Ye Zaixi!"


Looking up, there are three intersections, each with a huge momentum, and people rushing into the alley one after another.

It's all right now, I can't leave, Ye Zaixi's handsome face is completely petrified.

Three seconds later, the crowd grew a lot.

"Fuck." The corner of Ye Zaixi's mouth twitched, "I'm too popular, there's nothing I can do."

"I will never let you go next time." Glancing at the woman who was walking further and further away, Ye Zaixi ruthlessly withdrew her gaze, then slowly, showing a monstrous smile, turned around gracefully, held the umbrella, and ran away , the action did not reduce the enchanting feeling at all.

Because there is such a sentence in Ye's famous saying: In front of any camera, even a mobile phone, you must never leave a blind spot.

Have you ever seen such a narcissistic person?Have you ever seen such a perverted narcissistic person?

There is one in a certain alley in Yanyu Jiangnan.

Over there, a man holding an umbrella and a group of crazy women behind him screamed one after another.


"Ye Zaixi!"

The lingering sound lingers in the ears, echoing in the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River.

Here, the woman in Zuo Cheng's arms was pestered.

"What happened over there?" He poked his head out of Zuo Cheng's arms and looked curiously.

What a lot of brains!There was a faint sound, and she was about to listen carefully, when Zuo Cheng reached out and straightened her head: "It's okay."

"There are a lot of people around." She continued to poke her head out.

Zuo Cheng stretched out his long arms, hugged her and walked away, throwing four words expressionlessly: "Multi-level marketing."

The woman is serious: "Oh." It turns out that such a poetic and picturesque place must have a dirty atmosphere.

With no doubts about the woman, Zuo Cheng showed a great mood, smiled, and walked away against the crowd.

Behind him, Zuo Yu turned his head frequently, muttering: "Ye Zaixi!"

MLM?Zuo Yu smiled, knowingly indifferent.

In the depths of the alley, Ye Zaixi has been chased for several blocks, and he lost the umbrella in his hand at some point, the rain and fog wet his bangs, he was out of breath, a certain evildoer who always pays attention to his image, This time, all images were lost.

Turning the corner for the fourth time, Ye Zaixi paused, looked back, Jun's face darkened: "Damn, it's not over yet."

(End of this chapter)

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