Chapter 256
There was a sea of ​​people behind him, Ye Zaixi felt that it was not good to be too popular for the first time, troublesome.

After weighing for a few seconds, Ye Zaixi chose the left alley with relatively few people. Just as he took a foot, there was a sudden tug, and Ye Zaixi spun around, and then a soft body covered him.

Ye Zaixi was stunned for a second, then his eyes sharpened: "Who will allow you to hug Grandpa."

After a roar, there was a moment of silence, and a woman's playful voice came from a smile: "If you want to get rid of them, don't move."

Ye Zaixi's furious eyes suddenly froze, and he really didn't move.

The woman smiled, then stretched out her hand, took off Ye Zaixi's hat, took off her clothes, hooked his neck, turned around, leaned against the wall, pulled Ye Zaixi's head down and leaned over...

Tsk tsk tsk—like a pair of wild mandarin ducks kissed passionately by the public, that posture, that movement, yo yo, you can hide your face and be shy when you look at it.

At the turn, the crowd was already approaching, and chaotic voices came.

"Ye Zaixi!"

"What about people?"

"That is?"

Under the watchful eyes of all, is there a large scale?

Immediately, countless glances rushed over in unison, and then each of them hid their faces.


"Ye Zaixi!"


Behind them, the crowd became quiet, and the footsteps were far away, and the movements of 'Wild Mandarin Duck' were still full of passion.

Looking at the world from another angle, although the neck-crossing mandarin ducks were very close, their lips did not touch.

Well, there is a great movement technique in this world called: Borrowing.

The woman leaning against the wall raised her head and met Ye Zaixi's eyes: "Do you remember? This is the method you taught me 12 years ago."

The woman had a bewitching smile, and a pair of big phoenix eyes were bewitchingly beautiful.

What a charming and charming fairy!

If one can be called a goblin, Lin Qingyan is naturally the leader.

This woman is none other than Lin Qingyan who has been missing from the Chinese entertainment industry for two years.

Ye Zaixi pursed his lips, also smiled, stretched out his hand to wrap around the woman's waist, twisted his backhand, and shackled the woman between his arms.

"86, 54, 89." The corners of his mouth were slightly parted, with a soul-catching enchanting aura, he leaned over and pressed against the woman's earlobe, "Lin Qingyan, I haven't seen her for two years, her figure is getting hotter and hotter."

Good guy, with this hug, I can feel his measurements clearly. Do you want to be so perverted?

Lin Qingyan laughed: "It's not bad, the touch is really precise." She stretched out her hand to hook Ye Zaixi's neck, and smiled brightly, "Ye Zaixi, I haven't seen you in two years, you are as vicious and shameless as ever."

These two people, one evildoer and one goblin, are a perfect match!
Who in the entertainment industry doesn't know that Ye Tianwang's hands cover all the beauties, the feeling of touching a woman...cough cough cough...precise, even Ye Tianwang once said: Among the women I have hugged, Lin Qingyan is the most digital It fits my hand, this is the worst...

After two years, Ye Zaixi's technique of hugging a woman has not lagged behind, and Lin Qingyan's numbers naturally cannot lag behind.

Ye Zaixi was very proud of this.

Ye Yaolian laughed mischievously: "Much praise, praise."

Lin Goblin replied politely: "Praise praise."

Looking at each other and smiling, the two hooked their shoulders and walked deep into the alley.

We have known each other for 12 years, and we have been separated for two years. When we meet again, it will be the same as before.

After half a sound, there was a small boat under Yaohu Lake. A man and a woman sat opposite each other at the stern and the bow. There was no boatman, and the boat was swaying with the waves.

"When did you come back?"

"It's been a few days."

"Why didn't you contact me?" Ye Zaixi fiddled with the oars, casually.

The corner of Lin Qingyan's mouth twitched faintly: "I called you yesterday, and a woman answered it."

Ye Zaixi paused in his hands, raised his head, and smiled slightly, without the slightest bit of coyness.

Lin Qingyan turned her eyes away and looked at the lake: "Partner? Or female companion?" There was no wind, and the lake was calm, but there were many lines in her eyes, which were stacked together.

This man has never lacked a woman by his side, and he also knows that besides her, he is willing to join in the show with many women, and he will never take it seriously for a woman.

"Drinking friend." After answering, Ye Zaixi thought about it again, and added a serious sentence, "I just met yesterday, I don't remember his appearance, and his figure is not as good as yours."

It's common for a man to say obscene words, and the only one who can take obscene words so naturally without reducing his value is the man on the bow of the boat in front of him.

Lin Qingyan pulled her lips, smiled, a little inadvertently bitter: "I thought you would defend someone like a jade and be steadfast."

In fact, she wanted to ask, is it okay to join her in a show?At least she still has the body figure he likes.

After all, she couldn't say it out loud, and she never dared to be serious when getting along with him.

Naturally, Ye Zaixi never took it seriously, he smiled and said: "The most easy thing to lose in this era is morality." Because of the smile, the seductive eyes looked at Lin Qingyan, full of teasing, "You won't Guard yourself like a jade for me, and be steadfast, right?"

She didn't pause, and answered smoothly: "Why?"

After two years, their way of getting along is still the same, you are half true, I am half false, each is true and false.

After the joke, Ye Zaixi walked to the stern of the boat, sat down directly, looked at the fish jumping on the lake, and said in a casual tone, "When will you return to Singapore?"

The smile in her eyes suddenly froze, she turned her eyes to look at the lake, and the waves slowly rippled in her eyes, she smiled bitterly silently, then turned her head, her smile remained the same: "I will be filming commercials in Jiangnan for the last month, what happens after that I haven't planned yet, but Director Zhang has approached me, and the script is good. If I accept that film, I won't be returning to Singapore in the short term."

Ye Zaixi narrowed her eyes: "I'll take that play."

Lin Qingyan smiled, not surprised: "That's why Director Zhang approached me, who asked us to act as a couple for eight years."

"Want to pick up?"

Ye Zaixi smiled and asked back, but she always felt that the smile in his eyes was a bit cold, like the misty rain in early spring, no matter how gentle it was, it was always biting.

"In consideration."

If she stayed, the reason seemed good, she thought, what this man lost in two years was integrity, but what she lost was his soul, so he could laugh it off, but she had to look for it thousands of miles away.

"Don't take it."

The three words of carelessness, so easy, shattered all her hopes, and she couldn't laugh anymore. She turned her head to look at him, but she didn't see any emotion from him, and leaned lazily on the boat canopy.

Sneering, she said, "Give me a reasonable reason." As long as it has nothing to do with Jiang Xiachu, she thought, she would agree.

Ye Zaixi remained silent, fiddled with the sawdust on the canopy with her fingers, and there was a wry smile on the corner of her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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