Chapter 257
Lin Qingyan didn't speak, and waited quietly. After a while, she felt irritable. She found a cigarette from her bag, lit it, took a few puffs, and exhaled a little smoke.

Ye Zaixi smelled the smell of smoke and turned her head: "When did you start smoking?" His face was stained a little blue.

"Two years ago."

Looking at his face through the smoke, it was a little blurry, she blinked and looked carefully, the smoke in her hand was already half burned.

Ye Zaixi pursed her lips and teased: "Don't say it has anything to do with me."

Lin Qingyan just smiled slightly, her finger holding the cigarette butt was light white, painted red Danko, the red and white contrasted very coquettishly, she did not speak, and put the cigarette into her mouth.

wipe!Women are so troublesome!Ye Zaixi took a few glances, sighed, walked over, snatched Lin Qingyan's cigarette, and threw it into the water: "Stop smoking, what a woman smokes."

A woman should be like Jiang Xiachu, quiet and refined, not smoking or drinking, clean and indifferent.Ye Zaixi's mind convulsed with such a cognition, hidden in his heart, silently determined.

Lin Qingyan, who was robbed of the cigarette, smiled instead of anger, and rinsed her mouth with water: "I only smoke occasionally."

Occasionally?The posture of lighting a fire and smoking a cigarette and puffing clouds is clearly a veteran!Ye Zaixi didn't bother to expose it, so she lifted her sexy thin lips: "I hate women who smoke and drink the most." It's better than Jiang Xia Chu, who doesn't smoke or drink!

The corner of Lin Qingyan's mouth twitched: I hate women who smoke and drink the most, so why go to bars to hunt for beauty?

What hates smoking and drinking, it should be the person who hates smoking and drinking.Lin Qingyan's eyes sank, and her tone became less gentle: "You haven't answered me yet? Why did you ask me not to accept the script?"

Ye Zaixi pretended to think about it, and answered solemnly: "I heard that you won four awards at the Singapore Film Festival."

does it matter?This fight is so far!
"You did well in Singapore." Ye Zaixi said again.

does it matter?keep on talking.

In this world, the person who knows Ye Zaixi best is Lin Qingyan, better than himself.

"You can say it directly."

Ye Zaixi smiled and said, "Go back to Singapore."

It's really concise and to the point, without any detours, so fucking ruthless, the directness of stabbing a knife into the heart.

Lin Qingyan suddenly thought: Why did you come back to find this man's suffering?
"Why?" she asked, with a smile on her lips, and the determination in her eyes was undisguised.

"Zuocheng is back."

"I know, so I'm back."

Ye Zaixi fell silent suddenly, his eyes were lowered, his eyelashes were long and drawn back.Lin Qingyan just stared at him blankly.

She was thinking, if it was because of Zuo Cheng, she would listen to him, as long as it wasn't because of Jiang Xiachu, as long as it wasn't her, she would be willing...

Suddenly, he spoke, a little urgent, even a little panicked: "Jiang Xiachu—"

Heh, I still thought that woman... I went around and stopped for two years, but nothing changed.

"Are you worried that I will be bad for her?" She asked with a smile, her eyes were calm, seemingly emotionless.

Ye Zaixi paused for a moment, and when she was about to speak, she spoke first: "I came back not for her, but for you."

Ye Zaixi was stunned, and then laughed loudly: "You said just now that you would not be steadfast for my sake."

If it was really Ye Zaixi, only he could so easily downplay a woman's sincerity as a joke, a banter.Smiling at each other, they didn't take it seriously.

Either way, it's better than two-phase embarrassment, at least Singapore doesn't have to go back for the time being.

Lin Qingyan smiled in a half-smile, the corner of her mouth curled up, enchanting and charming: "Don't you know, men nowadays are duplicity, let alone women."

Ye Zaixi smiled back: "You mean me?"

"What do you say?"

Ye Zaixi smiled and said nothing, it's terrible to have a woman who understands herself!If you want to lose your integrity, you can't lose it.

The two chatted again and again, about the script, about entertainment, about integrity and chastity... In short, they tacitly chose not to say a word about a certain person's affairs.

The two chatted and chatted like this, and the boat drifted and drifted like this. After an hour passed, the rain seemed to be getting heavier.

Lin Qingyan glanced at the sky-blue clouds: "Hey, how do you think we'll go back?"

"Row back." Ye Zaixi occupied most of the cabin and lay down comfortably.

"You can?"

Ye Zaixi sat up slowly, facing the mobile phone, straightened her hair smugly, and replied: "No!"

Lin Qingyan's expression changed: "Me neither."

Ye Zaixi's phone almost hit her face: "You should have said it earlier!"

The corners of Lin Qingyan's mouth twitched, it seemed that it was someone who knocked the boatman off the boat.

She raised her head and looked at the sky, it was gloomy, it was a sign of heavy rain, she put aside all poetic and picturesque, Lin Qingyan began to worry: "What should I do now?"

"Cold salad." After finishing speaking, he fell back and continued to occupy most of the place to lie down, posing in a provocative pose to look at Lin Qingyan, "Anyway, it will always come to the shore."

Is this optimistic?No, it's outrageous!
Lin Qingyan shook her head, her eyes were full of smiles, and complained: "Ye Zaixi, two years older, and still so unreliable."

Ye Zaixi folded her hands on the back of her neck, narrowed her eyes, and said very lazily, "You are also two years older, and you still trust such an unreliable man."

Lin Qingyan laughed dumbfounded.

Not long after, it really started to rain heavily, and Ye Zaixi found out with conscience, so she moved Lin Qingyan a little shelter from the rain.It was pouring rain outside, and in the cabin of the boat, a man and a woman looked at each other and smiled, completely forgetting themselves. This scene was very similar to many years ago, when they were so innocent.

In the south of the Yangtze River, in the rainy season, there are heavy rains in some places, dark clouds in some places, and cloudy and sunny in some places.

At this moment, here, there is no rain in the sky above Zuocheng, today is really not a good day to watch the rain, at least not in this misty rain building.

"Don't go up, okay?"

Zuo Cheng led his woman and stood at the foot of the mountain, frowning into the word Sichuan.

The stubborn woman shook her head: "Maybe it's raining up there? The weather on the mountain and down the mountain is very different."

Zuo Cheng was silent, and went up with the woman in his arms.

The Yanyu Building is famous for its continuous mist and rain. It is built on the mountain. From the bottom of the mountain to the pavilion on the top of the mountain, there is a mossy staircase. It is said that there are more than 500 steps. Therefore, the Yanyu Building has another name, called the road to heaven.

road to heaven?Well, the woman who is being embraced by a man at this moment doesn't feel like a paradise at all, her heart feels like a ball of cotton, and it's like the weather halfway up the mountain, gloomy, but it just doesn't rain.

Can you not be depressed?Come to the Misty Rain Tower to watch the rain, but what about the rain?Do you want to be so impermanent.

Halfway through, the woman was a little out of breath, her face turned pale with exhaustion, Zuo Cheng was heartbroken, and hugged her in his arms: "Tired?"

(End of this chapter)

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