exclusive marriage

Chapter 258 Dating is Miserable

Chapter 258 Dating is Miserable (1)
"En." She leaned softly against Zuo Cheng, her calf was a little weak.

She is very thin, and Zuo Cheng felt his bones shaking when he hugged her, so he couldn't bear to tire her, so he squatted down: "Come up."

She smiled with a pair of pear dimples, very pretty, not at all twitchy, and climbed directly onto Zuo Cheng's back.

She was very light, and he carried her on his back, walking on the stone steps, stepping on the moss along the way, with deep footprints, step by step, climbing up the steps.

The woman lay on the man's back very quietly and honestly, holding his neck with her small hands, leaning her head on his shoulder, and murmured softly: "It is said in the book that in the south of the Yangtze River, the place with the most misty rain is this misty rain building. Here, it will rain most of the time."

Zuo Cheng didn't say a word, he just felt itchy on his neck, and then touched many places, he was a little distracted.

The woman murmured, and continued to read on her own, with a bit of regret in her tone: "What a coincidence, it rained everywhere else today, only the Misty Rain Tower did not fall."

Zuo Cheng was helpless: "There are many lies in the book, don't read it in the future."

Why not read a book?Look at people, Zuo Cheng's calculation is accurate, he is indeed a profiteer.

"En." The woman replied depressedly, she firmly believed in the man's words.

After walking another foot, we were already approaching the top of the mountain, and through the thick fog, we couldn't see the Yanyu Building clearly.

She lay on his back, and softly asked Zuo Cheng: "Are you tired?" She reached out to touch his head, a little sweaty, she moved, "Let me come down and walk." Although Zuo Cheng has good physical strength, she still couldn't bear it he is tired.

Zuo Cheng's hands tightened a little, and the soft body on his back got closer, his voice was a little hoarse: "Hey, don't move around." This woman is really his poison, really terrible.

This voice sounded very much like Zuo Cheng in 'a certain moment', and the woman subconsciously remained motionless.

After a while she asked again: "Is it heavy?"

"Not heavy, eat more in the future, too thin."

She suddenly realized: "So you like plump ones." After finishing speaking, she put her head on Zuo Cheng's shoulder and sighed vaguely.

The woman at this moment is thinking that maybe she will not be able to become the plump type that Zuo Cheng likes in this life, and he really has wronged him.

Zuo Cheng, who can read minds, understood eighty-nine points from that sigh, and he was a little bit dumbfounded: "Zuo Cheng said that women are fatter and easier to conceive."

Sure enough, after finishing a sentence, the woman fell silent, and the breath on Zuo Cheng's neck was a little hot.Children, the woman is a little happy.

Zuo Cheng smiled lightly, in a very good mood, he didn't feel depressed in this gloomy foggy day.

Ten minutes later, in the middle of the green hills and emerald screens, the Misty Rain Building loomed in front of me, and the buildings and pavilions were shrouded in mist.

After all, it wasn't raining in the Yanyu Building, and several couples came back bitterly. The woman got off from Zuocheng and walked to the viewing platform on the third floor. Looking over, there were green trees and mossy stairs connecting to the sky.


She smiled happily, looking at the distant mountains shrouded in mist, and she was shrouded in mist, and he looked at her: "It's beautiful."

His woman is much more beautiful than this mountain, than this water. You are in the famous Yanyu Tower in the south of the Yangtze River.

She sighed: "I don't know how beautiful it is when it rains?"

Nor will you look good.

Zuo Cheng pulled her into his arms from behind, turned his head, and looked at her face.

She leaned against him and whispered softly, "Let's come together next time."

"Okay." He straightened her up and kissed her face.

"Pick a rainy day."

"it is good."

"You still carry me behind your back."

"Okay." With a smile, he kissed her eyes again.

"I'm going to gain weight, don't think I'm heavy." The woman smiled sweetly.

Without answering, he leaned over, kissed her lips, rubbed and nibbled lightly, holding her waist, he smiled brightly on her lips.

The Misty Rain Building without rain is very beautiful today, and the men and women kissing in that building are extremely beautiful.

After coming down from the misty and rainy building, it was almost evening. The weather in Jiangnan in January was raining again. The days were long and the nights were short. After four o’clock, the sky was dark. Bright neon lights were lit up, and the semi-circular spire at the highest point was slowly turning.

It is said that Zhongshan Tower has three unique features.

One must: tower must.The semi-circular design of the top of the Zhongshan Tower is unique in China and even in Asia.

Two musts: Kings must.At sunset, Zhongshan rotates, and the lights of thousands of houses can be seen at a glance. This scene is unique.

Three musts: people must.Because of the first two features, this Zhongshan Tower has naturally become the most luxurious consumer place in the south of the Yangtze River. Those who can go to the Zhongshan Tower are either rich or expensive, let alone the top of the tower that can only accommodate a dozen people.

So there is such a saying: What is at the end of the Zhongshan Tower is not a job, but an identity.

Admittedly, these are just rumors, only what is said in the book.

Of course, there are still exceptions. For example, a man and a woman on the VIP seat on the top of the Zhongshan Tower. The man only looks at his woman, and the woman only looks at the rice bowl on the table and the night scene outside the glass window. I don’t know how many people look at theirs. identity.

It is said that no one has sat in the VIP seat of the Zhongshan Tower since the first opening of the Zhongshan Tower ten years ago.

At this time, the woman who was sitting in the VIP seat rubbed her sore calf, looked up at the man opposite: "When did you make the appointment?"


Zuo Cheng sat over, put a pair of hands more delicate than works of art on her calf, and rubbed it gently.

The woman snorted a few times comfortably, and said with half-closed eyes: "The book says to make an appointment in advance."


She squinted her eyes and nodded: "You are right, there are many lies in the book, I just need to trust my man."

The woman became more determined, and everything her man said was right.

Zuo Cheng pursed his lips, very satisfied, a certain title, a certain woman who was as obedient as a cat.

She was pressed comfortably by Zuo Cheng, lying on the soft armchair with a whimper, and the food came out in a short while, so rich that it made her speechless: "Why do you order so much?"

He focused on helping her cut the steak without looking up, and replied, "Women are too thin to conceive."

Her calf twitched, very similar to the feeling of excessive force when Zuo Cheng rubbed her leg just now.

"How can you keep saying this on your lips." She seemed angry, but she was angry, and didn't look at Zuo Cheng.

Zuo Cheng's thin lips curled up slightly, and with a light smile, he handed the plate to the woman: "We are husband and wife, of course we can."

She swallowed silently, lowered her head, picked up the knife and fork: "Let's eat."

Zuo Cheng chuckled, eyes full of joy, watching the woman's eyes become more gentle, she kept silent and ate obediently.

"Good, eat more."

Zuo Cheng sent a plate of sliced ​​steak over, but he ate very little.

(End of this chapter)

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