exclusive marriage

Chapter 277 I owe another debt of love

Chapter 277 I owe another love debt (2)
Xiaoyue wiped the water from her head, glared at the instigator, turned her head, her eyeballs twitched, and she couldn't close her mouth either.

Why is the person standing against the door in front so much like Jiang Xiachu!

Ye Yaolian seemed to be out of shape, looked at the person at the door, got up and walked over.

Ye Zaixi asked: "Who are you?"

The woman replied: "Xia."

Ye Yaoxie laughed, and the woman also laughed.

Ye Zaixi hugged her chest and asked again: "What do you do?"

The woman has a very good temper, and replied lightly: "Composer."

Ye Zaixi smiled: "How much is a song?"

The woman calmly said, "Eighty."

"Deal." She raised her peach blossom eyes with great interest, "Real name."


"real name."

After thinking about it, he answered seriously: "Jiang Xiachu."

"That's right, remember my name is Ye Zaixi."

The above conversation is a code word, and it was also a conversation between the two when they first met five years ago, word for word.

Bingo!After confirmation, this person is genuine.

Ye Zaixi stepped forward, without saying a word, hugged Jiang Xiachu, and rubbed her hair: "I remember it all."

"En." Jiang Xiachu's voice was a little sour.

"Sister Xia Chu, long time no see."

Ye Zaixi's manager Xiaoyue's voice sounded very inappropriately.

Jiang Xiachu pushed Ye Zaixi, and Ye Zaixi glanced at Xiaoyue, secretly cursing her for not being able to see, but she didn't make progress, so she obediently let go.

After the rain, many people recognized Jiang Xiachu, and Ye Zaixi did not avoid suspicion. He dragged Jiang Xiachu over to sit in front of everyone. I don't know whether it was intentional or not, he chose the most conspicuous place, with small eyes in all directions. fly over.

Ye Zaixi seemed to be in a very good mood, and joked with a smile: "Jiang Xiachu, dare you say that you didn't miss me before, and you haven't forgotten a single word you said when you first met me."

Jiang Xiachu was neither cold nor hot, and replied: "I only said nine words, which are easy to remember."

Looking back on the past, the old love is unforgettable, and the roots are broken... How charming and fanciful, Ye Zaixi has not had time to think about it, but Jiang Xiachu's words poured cold water on him.

Ye Yaolian's smiling face froze: "I've been seriously ill, how come this problem of not being interested has not changed at all."

Jiang Xiachu just smiled lightly and didn't say anything.

Ye Zaixi's face turned, and immediately turned from sunny to cloudy: "If you dare to forget my name again, I will never forgive you." Then from cloudy to sunny again, he leaned over to coax with a smile, "Come and listen .”

"Ye Zaixi."

It was rare that Jiang Xiachu was obedient and cooperative, and Ye Zaixi was in a good mood: "This is the first time you have called me by my name after two years." After a pause, he dragged his chin and said, "It would be even better if the last name could be removed."

After a few seconds of silence, two soft words reached Ye Zaixi's ears.

"In the evening."

Ye Zaixi liked these two words very much, his ears were soft, his heart was numb, and he was very happy. The corner of his mouth kept smiling: "Being so obedient, is it because of a disturbed conscience or a guilty conscience?"

Fortunately, there is no color to make the mind faint, and the mind is still clear.

Her eyes were like the moon in a quiet well at night, deep, dark, and unrecognizable, she said after a while: "I'm sorry." After a pause, her tone was very serious, "Thank you, for Jiangnan's affairs, and for The past two years."

This woman has always had a clear distinction between grievances and grievances, and Ye Zaixi was a little curious, whether she was also in the same way about Zuo Cheng, saying sorry on the left and thank you on the right.

Those two sentences were the most polite, and also the most foreign, I don't know what Zuo Cheng thinks, anyway, he doesn't like it very much.

"Why don't you have a long memory? I don't like to hear these words."

One bite at a time, he was expressing his displeasure and displeasure, using such a childish method every time.

Jiang Xiachu just laughed, there was nothing he could do about it.

But Ye Zaixi leaned closer, with a bright smile like a winter jasmine flower on the corner of his mouth: "Those verbal polite words will be avoided, or if you want to give me something real, it's the old rule, how about a promise with your body?" ?”

I have been saying the same thing for five years, and I am not tired of it.The nature of the country is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change. Jiang Xiachu was speechless.

The two looked at each other and smiled, the sky outside was cloudless after the rain.

Let’s take a look at the summer day at the same time, well, it’s a bit cold, and the source of ice comes from the president’s office.

"The man has been found." Zuo Jin's palms were sweating, and he sighed bitterly in his heart: Young madam, young madam, why can't you live in peace?

Zuo Cheng stood by the window, turned around: "Where is it?"

"After the rain."

After speaking, Uncle Jin felt the temperature on his head drop a few degrees.

"Bring the termination contract." Zuo Cheng's voice was dry and cold.

Uncle Jin picked up the contract on the table, and when he looked up, his young master was nowhere to be seen.

Do you want to be in such a hurry, you don't have to worry about being abducted for a short while.

At this time, the sky above has begun to change after the rain.

Jiang Xiachu sat for a long time, most likely Ye Zaixi told her that she listened, and the way of getting along was exactly the same as two years ago, Ye Zaixi was very talkative, from his new play to his new girlfriend and the adulterous relationship between a certain director and a certain actor , and finally talk about his long romantic history.

While Ye Zaixi was drinking water, Jiang Xiachu said, "Are you busy recently?"

Ye Yaolian's romantic history ends here, so how many rumored girlfriends Ye Zaixi has changed in the past two years is a suspense.

Ye Yaolian answered the question with a serious face: "Of course, I am the hottest entertainer in Asia."

Xiaoyue, who was sitting not far away, grabbed the contract termination document in her hand, and said inwardly: It won't happen soon.

Jiang Xiachu asked again: "What about the album? Who is making it?"

"I haven't released a new album for two years. How closed you are, you don't even know this." Ye Zaixi has a lot of opinions on someone's indifference for two years.

"Why don't you sing?"

After a pause, after digging around, Ye Zaixi spit out a word: "Expensive."

Jiang Xiachu was stunned for a moment, frowning, puzzled.

Xiaoyue shook her head in shock: My brother Tianwang, it is very expensive, but it seems that the other party paid for it.

The fact is this, Ye Zaixi is well-known, many composers pointed at him for his famous songs, and they squeezed their heads one by one and paid him a high price.

However, now the Great Heavenly King Ye Zaixi explained it in this way, very serious: "It's too expensive, and it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars a piece. It's still a good deal for the 80 yuan song back then."

The hundreds of thousands seemed to be paid by the other party.Manager Xiaoyue's heart hurts thinking about it now, it's all red tickets, and it's all in vain.

Ye Zaixi lied and didn't write drafts. This trick has deceived countless innocent women. Even the impure Jiang Xiachu believed it, with a guilty expression on his face: "I don't write anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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