exclusive marriage

Chapter 278 I owe another debt of love

Chapter 278 I owe another love debt (3)
Ye Zaixi thought for a while, with a very tangled look, she gritted her teeth and said, "How about I add some for you?"

Jiang Xiachu shook his head, unmoved.

Ye Zaixi's peachy eyes twitched: "Things without a conscience."

Jiang Xiachu just laughed and didn't speak.

Ye Zaixi also smiled, leaning lazily on the back of the chair, and cast a charming look in his eyes, suddenly, his expression froze.

"Jiang Xiachu, did you escape?" Ye Zaixi's expression was a little stiff.

"what happened?"

"Zuocheng is here to arrest someone."

Jiang Xiachu was stunned for a moment, then his face darkened little by little.

Ye Zaixi raised her hand to look at the time: "It will take half an hour at the earliest from summer to the time when there is no traffic jam after the rain. Damn it's here in less than 10 minutes."

Keeping her eyes on one spot, Ye Zaixi got up and walked up to Jiang Xiachu. She gave a wry smile. As soon as she stood up, Ye Zaixi stretched out her hand and hugged Jiang Xiachu.

Overtly and secretly, I don't know how many little hearts were shocked, especially Xiaoyue, clutching her little heart: my ancestors, you can hug any woman in the world, but you can't hug this one.

Jiang Xiachu was a little dizzy, but fortunately, the flamboyant Ye Zaixi didn't have the habit of wearing perfume, and she felt very uncomfortable in her stomach.

"doing what?"

Jiang Xiachu struggled twice, but Ye Zaixi didn't let go, clasped her head, leaned close to her ear, chuckled, and said, "Add trouble to Zuocheng."

A pair of peach blossom eyes, looking at the door, sure enough, Zuo Cheng's face was ashen.

The earlobes are filled with Ye Zaixi's breath, Jiang Xiachu is not used to such intimacy, a little annoyed, and pushed again: "Let go."

With the beautiful woman in his arms, Ye Zaixi was distracted, clearly trying to confuse others, but he didn't expect to be bewitched by himself, so how could he let go.

"How did you say this, I left it to Zuo Cheng to say it, and it was me who made the trouble when you said it."

Ye Zaixi had just finished whispering to Jiang Xiachu, when suddenly a voice that was cold to the core came over: "Let go."

Zuo Cheng's voice, just by listening to it, you can tell how annoying this person is.

Ye Fengran raised his lips and smiled, very proud: "This is balanced."

A certain person is in a better mood, and he loosens his hand, and the wave is over.

Unexpectedly, there was another wave, Ye Zaixi pulled Jiang Xiachu and turned around, smiling coquettishly: "Hey, is President Zuo rushing to catch the adulterer?" Shrugging his shoulders, he said solemnly, "It's unlucky for us to get caught."

Have you ever seen Dou Xing who is so upright and frank?

Xiaoyue staggered and knocked on the corner of the table, covering her mouth and wanting to cry.

At the door, a circle of people gathered gradually, one by one not daring to take a breath.

Ye Zaixi is a master who is afraid of chaos in the world, and makes a gesture of intimacy next to Jiang Xiachu: "Jiang Xiachu, let's elope."

In a word, there was a thunder that shook the sky, and the sky was turned upside down.

There were only two people present with expressionless faces, one was Jiang Xiachu and the other was Zuo Cheng.

Zuo Cheng still didn't move, he waved at a distance of three or four meters, and said in a half-deceiving tone: "Xia Chu, come here."

Xiaoyue staggered again and bumped to another corner of the table.

There are wonderful things every day, especially today.

Jiang Xiachu glanced at Zuocheng's misty eyes, then turned to Ye Zaixi: "I'm going back."

Ye Zaixi, who was about 1.8 meters tall, suddenly bent down and got very close to Jiang Xiachu, and said in a low voice, "Jiang Xiachu, do you still remember what I said to you two years ago? If you want to leave, I will take you with you everywhere. You go." His eyes were flawless, glowing with seriousness, and he leaned close to Jiang Xiachu's ear, "What I said will always be effective for you."

Jiang Xiachu's body froze suddenly, and he looked up at Ye Zaixi deeply.

This man, this man who is always true and false, this man who regards women as playthings, this man who is full of sly and coquettish, has the most sincere heart for Jiang Xiachu.

She didn't see it until today, and suddenly, her eyes became sour.

"Jiang Xiachu, come here!"

Zuo Cheng's horrified roar came from over there, but Jiang Xiachu turned a deaf ear to it, staring at Ye Zaixi in a daze.

Ye Zaixi reached out, rubbed the hair on her forehead, and said with a smile, "I still have an announcement to catch up, so I'm leaving first."

Then, when Jiang Xiachu was still in a daze, she turned around and brushed her shoulder, with a smile on her face from beginning to end.

Jiang Xiachu finally knew that this man would smile like this even when he was sad. For five years, she hadn't noticed it, because he was an excellent actor and he was the best at disguising.

What she fears most is to owe someone affection, but she still owes it.With a wry smile, she didn't look at Ye Zaixi, turned around, walked slowly to Zuo Cheng's side, raised her head, and said softly, "Go back."

Zuo Cheng didn't speak, but looked at her deeply, with messy and sharp broken light in his eyes.

She reached out and pulled Zuo Cheng's hand, her voice was weak: "I'm a little tired."

Zuo Cheng instantly softened the coldness in his eyes, nodded: "Well, let's go home." He leaned over and hugged her.

He will make her tired, but when she is tired, every time Zuo Cheng hugs her and walks down like this.

The figures of the three protagonists could no longer be seen in the building, and the originally dead building suddenly became lively.

"what happened?"

There was obvious worry in the tone, the woman who spoke was called Zhou Jiajia, a newcomer who had just signed to Yuhou, and also the latest one in Ye Zaixi's romantic history.

"Zai Xi is too bold."

The woman who answered was Shang Shang Shang Shang... Zhang Jingxin, Ren Ye Zaixi's rumored girlfriend.

Ye Zaixi has the ability to make all his exes friends.

There was a sour tone in Zhou Jiajia's tone, and there was a lot of worry: "Yeah, I'm not afraid of playing with fire and setting myself on fire. Just now the president's face turned green, and I was sweating for Zai Xi, but Jiang Xiachu's words were wiped out." fire."

"The fire is extinguished, but it is almost burned."

Ye Zaixi once exaggerated that Jing Xin was smart, saying that she looked like someone, but this Jing Xin was indeed smart, and she saw the way.

Zhou Jiajia is not deeply involved in the world and cannot see through: "What do you mean?"

Zhang Jingxin pulled Zhou Jiajia aside and said in a low voice, "I heard from Lao Qin that the contract with Zaixi will be terminated after the rain."

Zhou Jiajia was dumbfounded: "Terminate the contract? He Zaixi? How come?"

Zhang Jingxin nodded, unable to deny it.

Zhou Jiajia racked his brains and thought for a while: "Could it be—" he was shocked, "The one from the Zuo family did it."

Zhang Jingxin nodded, her enchanting eyes were shrewd and clear.

"Could it be because of Jiang Xiachu?" Zhou Jiajia was going crazy, angry, annoyed and worried about Ye Zaixi.

Zhang Jingxin still nodded, he was much calmer than Zhou Jiajia.

(End of this chapter)

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