Chapter 280
Her answer was a long silence.She was thinking, this man is really cruel.

After another long silence, she closed her eyes, and suddenly, Zuo Cheng's extremely clear voice came from beside her ear: "I always hoped that I would be the only one left in your world, then I would be the only one left for you to rely on. "It's so damn good.

What a ruthless idea, what a paranoid man!
Jiang Xiachu sneered and shrank into the blanket, still feeling a little cold.

Suddenly, after a turn, the car stopped suddenly, and a ray of neon outside the car window just shone on Zuo Cheng's turned face, which was so bright and shocking.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he said softly, "However, Chu Xia, I won't say no to you."

This man, ruthless and violent is the habit, and deadly and enchanting is the most.

Who can escape the tenderness under these clear eyes.

She forgot to blink, and just ran into those deep and soft eyes.

Suddenly, early spring warmed up.

Bustling and dreamy after the rain shrouded in neon at night, this place, at the foot of the red carpet, is a holy place for the entertainment industry.

Ye Zaixi walked out gracefully, without a trace of nostalgia.

"How did you come?"

A red Ferrari was parked at the door. Lin Qingyan leaned against the car door and smiled slightly: "Wait for you." She opened the car door for him, "Come in, it's cold outside."

Ye Zaixi smiled and walked over.

In the past, he walked into the gate after the rain with this woman, but today, she was the only one waiting for him in this lonely night and left together.

She is his most important person, even if he doesn't love her.

The car was very warm, and the air conditioner was turned on very high. Few people knew that Ye Zaixi was actually very afraid of the cold.

"Have you terminated the contract?"


She took out a pack of cigarettes, pulled out one herself, handed it to Ye Zaixi, he took it, and let her light the fire for him.

Few people know that Ye Zaixi actually smokes, but only when he is upset, and no one knows that Lin Qingyan bought Ye Zaixi's first pack of cigarettes. Eight years ago, Ji Qiancheng at the funeral.

She puffed out the smoke lightly: "What are your plans?"

Ye Zaixi just smiled, didn't say anything, and took a few puffs of the cigarette in his hand.

After a long time, he opened the window a little, and the wind blew his short hair. He smiled and said, "I'm thinking about whether I should just retire."

Ye Zaixi spoke casually, as if she didn't care.

Lin Qingyan smiled wryly, why pretend to be calm, she knew him so well.

A little hazy through the smoke, her voice was dry and heavy: "Zai Xi, come back to Singapore with me."

She thought, she was actually very selfish, planning to sneak in when he was most frustrated.

just the result...

Ye Zaixi listened to it as a joke, and teased her: "What are you doing in Singapore? Let you keep your little boy?"

Ye Zaixi understood, but pretended not to understand.

There are some things that hurt people the most when they are said.Lin Qingyan was the person Ye Zaixi least wanted to hurt.

After a long time, she smiled, put out the cigarette in her hand, and said with the same playfulness: "Would you like to be my little boy and let me take care of you."

"I don't want to."

This time, he answered very firmly, without any hesitation, and there was no trace of ridicule on his face.

The smile on her mouth could no longer be held back, it was all bitter.

Anyway, left and right have lost their restraint and face, and she has no scruples anymore.

"I asked our company, you are always welcome to join, in Singapore, you can start over."

Since Yu can't do it privately, then Yu Gong, after all, he still has nostalgia for that circle.

It's just... Ye Zaixi shook her head and quickly refused: "I don't want to go."

Lin Qingyan turned pale with shock: "Why?"

Without thinking about it, he responded casually: "There will be a language barrier."

An excuse, such a worthless excuse.

"You still can't let her go." Lin Qingyan smiled wryly, "No matter how much you miss this circle, it can't compare to your nostalgia for her."

Ye Zaixi didn't deny it, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Qingyan, you go back and leave me alone."

He couldn't ignore that woman anyway.

Looking at Ye Zaixi's resolute eyes, Lin Qingyan's eyes were sour. Looking at Ye Zaixi with red eyes, she begged softly: "Can't you leave Jiang Xiachu behind and make a plan for yourself? Zaixi, come with me Let's go, okay?"

Ye Zaixi grabbed her shoulders and shook her head. She was rarely so serious, maybe because she was smoking a cigarette, her voice was rough and hoarse: "Qingyan, do you know that I am congratulating Jiang Xia Chu for his unhappiness, then I will There is a reason to stay."

Look, the two of them are so similar, she herself is congratulating him for his unhappiness, and he is congratulating Jiang Xiachu for his unhappiness, and then they are both waiting to take advantage of it.

She knew that she couldn't take him away, because he was as stubborn as she was, and always liked to be desperate.

She blinked, tears fell on the back of Ye Zaixi's hand, the scorching temperature.

He kept looking into her eyes, watching her burst into tears, and said: "I left her a promise, if I leave, one day she will come to me to fulfill it and can't find me, what should I do?"

He was not afraid that he would not be able to fulfill that promise, but that he would not be there when she needed it.He was already late in Jiang Xiachu's world, and there was no way he would leave first.

Tears hit the back of his hand drop by drop, she raised her head, pursed her lips stubbornly, and opened her lips hoarsely for a long time: "How long?"

"I didn't set a deadline for her."

For the rest of his life...he promised his whole life to Jiang Xiachu just like this, leaving nothing to her.

She finally couldn't help sobbing, and the tears couldn't stop pattering.

"Don't cry, you're ugly."

Ye Zaixi wiped her tears, not gentle at all, with a helpless and bitter smile on the corner of his mouth.

Lin Qingyan cried even harder, and said with a sob: "Then I will give you a promise."

Just as Ye Zaixi was about to open her mouth, she continued, crying heavily, but she was firm in every word: "I will wait for you in Singapore." Choked up for a moment, she looked at him stubbornly, and added, "There is no deadline."

It is also a lifetime...

She promised him her whole life without any reservation, even though she knew that it was a thorny road of no return, she had no hesitation.

Ye Zaixi reached out and wiped her face: "Why are you so stupid."

With tears in her eyes, she smiled at him: "Same as you."

Yes, they are the most similar kind of people who spend their whole lives for a fruitless result.

After wandering around for a whole day, Jiang Xiachu was obviously very tired, but he still couldn't fall asleep in the middle of the night, so he simply got up and put on a white cashmere sweater.

(End of this chapter)

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