exclusive marriage

Chapter 281 The Mystery of Yichen

Chapter 281 The Mystery of Yichen (1)
She still smiled, a little shyly, like self-comforting, but also like self-mockery: "No matter what the reason is, you are still here."

After all, it was worth the wait, even if it was shot through the abdomen, it was worth it.

Neither of them approached again. Across the dead bodies on the ground, the man's voice came coldly: "Why?"

Cheng Chuying smiled, her face was terribly pale: "Do you believe it if I say it's for you?" Her fingertips were warm, and the blood flowed even more fiercely.

Zhang Wenji, who was shot in the head by Cheng Chuying, is an anti-leftist. Do you think this is a matter of business, or is it just for personal gain?
Zuo Cheng remained silent, no one could guess whether he believed it or not, but the indifference in his eyes made people feel cold.

Suddenly, as if waking up from a dream, the wound started to hurt. She pressed a little tighter, and her voice was weak: "Smuggling, drug trafficking, black laundering, that guy Zhang Wenji has done everything. The middle hall has been staring at him for a long time. I issued an arrest warrant, and I was doing business, so I shot him dead, and he gave me a bullet before he died, and I took off a layer of skin if I didn't die."

Just as Cheng Chuying said, with this shot, she would lose a layer of skin even if she was shot, but she could bear it and didn't say a word, just standing straight in front of Zuo Cheng like that, but she didn't get a look from him.

Zuo Cheng was still as cold as ice: "It's up to you whether it's public or private, I'll just say it for the last time." Raising his eyes, his eyes finally fell on her, "You are not from Zuo's family, whether it is from Zuo's family or Li Street, give it to me." Stay away."

After a lot of heartfelt and heartless words, it really fit Zuo Cheng's temperament.

She trembled, gritted her teeth and stood firm, without bending her back at all, her pale lips bit the skin, and her voice was dry and hoarse as if she had been smoked: "I haven't figured it out after two years of thinking, why don't you give it to me?" I leave a little room for that, when you brought me back to Zuo's house that year, I always thought that I was a little different from other women, but you seemed to be more cruel to me." She sneered at him, with lifeless water in her eyes : "I didn't do anything, why can't you tolerate me?"

His eyes have not changed, and they are still piercingly cold: "It's not that I can't tolerate you, it's that I can't tolerate your ambition."

Women's ambitions are too crazy for men and for love. He doesn't like this kind of game, because his women don't like it.

He, except for Jiang Xiachu, never gave women a chance.

"Oh." She sneered in despair, "I can't hide anything from you,"

How can there be no ambition? With such a man, whoever can escape a look in his eyes can only admit defeat. She doesn't regret it, but she can't do it without resentment.

With a strong smile, she pretended to be calm: "Anyway, thank you for saving me." There is no doubt that if Zuo Cheng didn't show up, she would definitely not be able to get out of this inner street.

"I didn't save you."

Cheng Chuying was taken aback.

Zuo Cheng said, "If I want to save you, it will be before that shot."

Her face was pale, and her fingers covering the wound were trembling, because of too much force, blood oozes out after the scab formed.

It turned out that she only guessed one of them right, he came, so she was safe, but she didn't know that he had come a long time ago, but she just watched the gun go through her abdomen.

She walked up to him tremblingly stepping on the blood on the ground, raised her eyes, and asked with the last bit of strength stubbornly: "If that shot was aimed at my heart, would you cut it off?"

"will not."

There was no hesitation, no warmth, no trace of emotion could be found on Zuo Cheng's face, and then, after speaking, he turned around without staying for a moment.

She shouted behind her: "You are much more ruthless than I thought."

Zuo Cheng didn't look back, stepped on the red ground, walked out of the deep alley, under the early morning twilight, his back was cold and arrogant.

Finally, she exhausted all her strength and fell heavily to the ground, blood gushing out, and her dry eyes were as red as blood.

She fell on the ground, looked at the corpse beside her, and sneered: "My life is no different from yours, and he is just an ant."

At dawn, the lights of Qin's Psychological Clinic were on all night, and before they could be turned off, Qin Xiyuan rubbed her sore eyes, her eyes frightened, and her yawning hands stopped.

"Doctor Qin?"

At the door, the woman's voice was hoarse, with slightly messy long hair, she couldn't see her face clearly, her white skirt was stained with blood, her hands covered her abdomen, and her nails were stained red.

As a psychologist, Qin Xiyuan frightened for a few seconds before recovering her voice tremblingly: "I'm a psychologist, not a pathologist. I think you should go to the hospital now."

According to Qin Xiyuan's estimation, whether this injury will kill this woman in a short period of time may not be certain in the long run.

What a strange woman, Qin Xiyuan felt like she had stepped on a land mine.

The woman covered in blood seemed to be unable to stand still, and she fell on the white sofa, and the pillow was instantly stained red. She just frowned and raised her head: "I heard that patients who come to Doctor Qin only need to tell a story, and I happen to have one too." a story."

Qin Xiyuan pretended to be calm: "If you want psychological consultation, you can make an appointment."

Early in the morning, a woman covered in blood was talking nonsense, so it's better to leave first.

The woman was still covering her abdomen with her hands, and a smile suddenly appeared on her pale lips: "Do you know how Qi Yichen died?"

In a word, Qin Xiyuan's throat was tightly strangled by a feeble voice, and she asked almost tremblingly, "You, who are you?"

Qi Yichen... Those three words refer to Doctor Qin's illness, so he grasped it accurately.

The woman hooked her lips and smiled: "Want to hear that story?"

Qin Xiyuan was silent, holding her palms, sweating profusely.

"Where do we start?" The woman's bloodless lips were still smiling, "Let's start with Shanghai No. [-] Hospital two years ago."

Whose story, who is singing it, is not an eternal masterpiece, but it is heartbreaking.

The morning light is unrestrained, this morning, one place is noisy and the other is quiet.

Having insomnia almost all night, Jiang Xiachu rubbed the aching brows.

"What about him?"

Zuo Yu replied: "Sir, he went out in the early morning and hasn't come back yet."

Last night, after drinking so much, he still went out in the early hours of the morning?Feeling slightly annoyed for no reason, she asked, "What happened?"

She has always rarely asked about Zuo Cheng's affairs, but she couldn't suppress the inexplicable uneasiness in her heart.

Zuo Yu opened the curtains: "Young Madam, don't worry, it's nothing serious, but do you want Mister to come back?"

"I'll wait for him."

She waved away the restless thoughts in her mind, got up and walked to the window, with a gentle side face soaked in the sun, and picked up the letter paper on the table.

Summer days, winter nights, after a hundred years, return to its residence.

Winter night, summer day, after a hundred years, return to his room.

She had insomnia all night and wrote countless times about those words that could not be said, and finally only left these 28 words.

(End of this chapter)

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