exclusive marriage

Chapter 298 Do You Love Him

Chapter 298 Do You Love Him (2)
Turning around, looking at the men three meters away: "Stay away."

A dozen men, all wearing the same black suit, took a step back in unison.

"Go further."

Jiang Xiachu said again, and the men took another step back.

"Farther," she continued.

This time, those people did not retreat, a man stepped forward, bowed, very respectfully: "Please forgive me, Young Madam."

Jiang Xiachu laughed helplessly, how could he forget that everyone in the Zuo family only listened to that man.

She just didn't expect that even if he wasn't in her world, he could still control all her tracks.

Shaking his head, he walked back, with a distance of three meters behind him, still followed by a dozen men in black.

In the afternoon, Guan Ai came. As soon as he entered the door, he walked to the entrance and said carelessly: "I thought I went wrong."

Jiang Xia Chu nestled on the sofa, dazed.

Guan Ai was not surprised, he also nestled on the sofa, raised his head, and pointed out the window: "What's the situation outside? There are people in a radius of ten miles."

Jiang Xiachu responded with four simple words: "A radius of a hundred miles."

Guan Ai sighed and said, "I thought the Zuo family was exhausted. It turns out that all the members of the Zuo family have come here to set up camp."

"Let them go." Jiang Xia shrank, it was already summer, she was still wearing a thick coat, and her complexion was not very good.

Guan Ai stopped, didn't say anything else, and changed the subject: "Today is the first trial of Zuocheng's case."

Jiang Xiachu didn't move, but Guan Ai could clearly see that her eyelashes trembled several times.

Will pretend!
Guan Ai was very patient, leaned over and asked, "Don't you want to ask something?"

Jiang Xiachu didn't speak, and really didn't ask anything, but Guan Ai was sure that her heart must be in a mess, urgent and messy, and Guan Ai didn't point it out, stretching on the sofa: "Okay, I didn't mean to tell you Listen, I'll tell my godson." Stretching out his hand, he put it on Jiang Xiachu's swollen belly, and talked in a dignified manner, "Godson, your ice fox father, this time you're really going to jail, Do you know what your father said to Your Honor in court?"

Looking up, looking at Jiang Xiachu, the other party was calm, Guan Ai continued: "Three words."

Looking up again, looking at Jiang Xiachu, the corners of Jiang Xiachu's lips were pursed, his brows tended to be furrowed, Guan Ai breathed a sigh of relief: "Zuo Cheng said," imitating someone's tone of ice death, "convict."

Jiang Xiachu frowned, she could definitely hold a pen.

"several years."

Jiang Xiachu asked, although the tone of voice was not fluctuating, but the light in his eyes was broken and messy.

Obviously caring about it, Guan Ai knew it, and said, "I'm only asking now, Jiang Xiachu, you really can bear it."

When did Jiang Xiachu want to be honest? After making such a big turn, I thought again, Jiang Xiachu wanted to be honest, isn't he Jiang Xiachu?
"A few years." Jiang Xiachu's tone when he repeated was a little eager.

Guan Ai was looking into Jiang Xiachu's eyes, and replied: "It hasn't been settled yet. Originally, the case is already settled. The Zuo family's lawyer didn't say a word, just waiting for the sentence. They said it would be at least decades. However, the attitude of the court is not clear. It should be fearful of the Zuo family. A few words of evidence are insufficient, and the words that need to be investigated are prevaricated. suspended."

Jiang Xiachu listened quietly, didn't speak or move, only occasionally frowning, occasionally pursing her lips, these were her movements only when she was flustered.

Guan Ai picked up the cup on the coffee table, took a sip of water, and then continued: "Actually, the Zuo family's big piece of fat is there, there are many people who want to pounce on it and take a few bites, but Zuo Cheng doesn't resist. , The attitude of not making any moves has frightened them, and they all speculate whether Zuo Cheng is trying to lure the snake out of the hole and draw the fire from the bottom of the pot, so they dare not make any moves for the time being." After a pause, Guan Ai's tone was up and down, and he raised the tone, "However, just wait The first one who is not afraid of death will go forward and charge, and the latest will be the second trial, after that..." Not letting go of Jiang Xiachu's expression, Guan Ai said, "The Zuo family is in danger."

Jiang Xiachu's eyes sank, she was in a mess and panicked: "When is the second trial?"

"After half a month."

After Guan Ai answered, Jiang Xiachu didn't speak any more, and hugged the pillow quietly. I've seen that pillow before, at Zuo's house. It's black, Zuocheng's favorite color. Jiang Xiachu hugged it. It's so out of place. Guan Ai Ai felt that the visual effects fit well.

Guan Ai suddenly remembered that hypocritical sentence: Love always happens inadvertently, and it comes silently.

Just like that black pillow, silent.

This silly woman needs something. A smart person is always very dull in some aspects. Guan Ai pointed it out and said, "Zuo Cheng is waiting for your statement."

Jiang Xiachu was in a daze.

"What about you, what are your plans? Zuo Cheng has been in prison for half a month, and the second trial is not long."

Jiang Xiachu was silent at first, and after a while, he raised his head and looked at Guan Ai, his eyes were a little empty: "Guan Ai, in fact, I have always hated him."

I heard that people who value affection don't hate someone easily, once they hate someone, it is stronger than love, Guan Ai thinks that Jiang Xiachu is such a person.She hated Zuo Cheng so much that she didn't even know that there was another kind of emotion.

Guan Ai nodded: "I know, you hate him." After a pause, his tone was serious, so that no one would have a chance to dodge, "But, have you ever asked yourself?" Looking into Jiang Xiachu's eyes, "Do you love him or not?"

Suddenly, Jiang Xia shook his head, his eyes were blank and empty.

Guan Ai was helpless and sighed: "I knew it, then I'll ask you." Holding Jiang Xiachu's face, he asked solemnly word by word, "Jiang Xiachu, do you love Zuocheng?"

love?Many, many images suddenly flashed in her mind, every scene had Zuo Cheng.

Zuo Cheng said: My Chu Xia, why are you so cruel to me alone?

Zuo Cheng said, Chu Xia, Chu Xia, if you turn around, I will be in hell.

Zuo Cheng said: Even if I die, I won't let you die.

Zuo Cheng said: No one can judge me, I only gave you this right.

Zuo Cheng said: You don't want me, Chu Xia.

She remembered so many words so clearly, every word, even every expression, seemed to be engraved in her memory and corroded into her body.

For the first time, she asked herself: Do you love Zuocheng?

He opened his mouth, not knowing what was going on, and dared not answer.

Guan Ai came over and rubbed her hair: "Don't answer me in a hurry, honey, think about it carefully. I'm leaving, and my man is still waiting for me downstairs."

After Guan Ai left, she was the only one left in the room, and the silence was fermenting. She felt cold, shrank into the sofa, and mumbled two words unconsciously.


(End of this chapter)

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