exclusive marriage

Chapter 299 I'm Sorry

Chapter 299 I'm Sorry (1)
There is a kind of love that goes deep into the bone marrow, in the softest and most secret place, invisible, undetectable, and because it is hidden deep, it cannot be removed, that kind of love is called: love, but cannot love.

Guan Ai went downstairs, passed the intersection of the community, looked at a group of bodyguards with expressionless faces, and stepped forward: "I said, brother, don't you need to eat and drink?"

Regarding this, Guan Ai was very curious, how could these big bodyguards be able to overwhelm Mount Tai and not move?

No one spoke, not even looked at one.

Guan Ai asked again: "Brother, does your girlfriend know that you are guarding other women every day?"

Well, people from the Zuo family are all looking for girlfriends internally, so the girlfriends Guan Ai talks about also guard a woman every day.

"Please have a little reaction, okay?" Still no reaction, Guan Aiyan said, "Well, I'm asking for trouble."

Not far away, Cheng Xinzhi shook his head helplessly, stepped forward, and pulled Guan Ai: "Let's go."

"Guan Ai."

"En." Guan Ai replied casually, still thinking about those bodyguard brothers in his mind.

Knowing that Guan Ai was absent-minded, Cheng Xinzhi supported her face, paused for a long time, and suddenly his tone became dull and depressed: "Two years ago, the car accident was not an accident, it was me."

Guan Ai was not surprised, but curious: "Why are you talking about this all of a sudden?"

"It's not sudden, I wanted to tell you a long time ago."

Guan Ai didn't know how long Cheng Xinzhi hesitated.

Guan Ai took Cheng Xinzhi's hand away, and smiled nonchalantly: "But I knew it a long time ago." With a turn of his eyeballs, his pupils curved like a first quarter moon, "For your first love, I understand , Who hasn't fallen in love with some scumbags when they were young."

The scum in Guan Ai's mouth is indeed Guan Yu.There is no way, the relatives and sisters settle accounts clearly, in the eyes of the successor, the predecessor will always be scum.

Cheng Xinzhi was surprised: "How do you know?"

"Occasionally." Guan Ai only replied two words, not intending to elaborate.

She didn't tell Cheng Xinzhi, because of this accident, she even risked making a deal with Zuo Cheng. She didn't tell her, because she didn't want her man to have a psychological burden. After all, it's embarrassing for a woman to come forward.Secondly, I don't want Cheng Xinzhi to know that she missed him two years ago, he's too popular.

Cheng Xinzhi didn't ask carefully, his brows were furrowed, thoughtful.

Guan Ai suddenly thought of something, half mocking and half angrily said: "I said, you like Guan Yu so much, and you are willing to hurt the world for her?"

Hey, why is there a sour smell in the air, who knocked over the jar of vinegar.

Cheng Xinzhi hugged her, with a half-smile: "At that time, I thought I owed her, and I couldn't refuse."

Guan Ai's tone was even more sour, as if he was old enough to be jealous: "No wonder, it's the hardest thing to bear the grace of a beauty." He snorted through his nose, glared at Cheng Xin, and was very indignant, "Don't change the subject, what do you like about her? Come on? Isn’t it beautiful? You lustful fellow.”

It must be that his brain has been soaked in vinegar, and he actually forgot that the twins are alike in beauty.

Cheng Xinzhi looked at her amusedly, but replied seriously: "I like her name to be Guan Yu."


Guan Ai obviously didn't believe it, only a fool would believe that a man will fall in love with a woman because of a name, unless he is really a fool.

It's just that Guan Ai knows so well. Many years ago, in Gulong Lane, a girl named 'Guan Yu' made Cheng Xinzhi stupid for so many years.

Cheng Xinzhi kissed her lips that were pouting because of anger: "I like the eyes in memory, a pair of beautiful eyes, they will bend when you smile, and they will bend when you are angry."

Guan Ai was angry, his eyes were crooked.

Cheng Xinzhi looked at Guan Ai, it was this pair of eyes that he deeply remembered when he was young, he couldn't help but stepped forward and kissed her eyes: "It's just that you two look so much alike, it took me a long time to find out , those are your eyes."

At the hospital that day, she smiled and said: Tell me, did I fall in love with you?

At that time, she just smiled slightly, her eyes were curved, like the crescent moon at the beginning of the month, those eyes were exactly the same as in her memory.

He suddenly realized that everything was wrong.At that time, he did a very stupid action: escape.

A belief that has been held for more than ten years has changed in an instant, and his face has changed beyond recognition. He can do nothing but run away.

It's just that he was glad that she was still there after being wrong for so many years.At this time, this woman was in front of him, smiling deeply at him with curved eyes.

Guan Ai blinked his crescent-shaped eyes: "Are you complimenting my beautiful eyes? Well, although I don't understand, I like it."

Cheng Xinzhi just smiled and hugged her tightly: "I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"Didn't recognize you at first."

She didn't speak, just wrapped her arms around his waist, her heart was full of joy.

Time waits for no one, the memory is left in the blank fleeting years, fortunately, she is waiting for him, even if it is wrong, it is not eternal.

This is called, the edge is shallow, the affection is deep.

Half a month passed quickly. For the first time, Jiang Xiachu felt that time waited for no one, and it was too hasty. She just meditated a few times, and was in a trance. Time passed between her fingers, and she didn't have time to think deeply or wake up.

It has been [-] days since Guan Ai asked her if she loves Zuo Cheng. She asked herself for [-] days, but she didn't find the answer. This afternoon is the second trial of Zuo's case.

Jiang Xiachu was as usual, nestled on the sofa, thinking about things, forgetting herself, she needed time, she needed to think, but it seemed that she had no time, and there was no time to think, in the morning, Uncle Jin came.

"Young madam, I beg you, save the young master."

Without further ado, he cut straight to the point as soon as he arrived, explaining that time was running out, and there was no time for doubts.

Jiang Xiachu hugged the black pillow, seemingly absent-minded, but answered seriously: "I can't save him."

She couldn't even sort out her own thoughts, how could she save him?
"Only you can, Young Madam." Uncle Jin said in a serious tone, "How can a Qi Minghai trap the young master, the young master gave the order to die, and the entire Zuo family didn't move at all, not because he didn't come out, but because he didn't want to come out. "

Jiang Xiachu pursed her lips: "Then you shouldn't beg me, you should beg Zuocheng."

Uncle Jin sighed helplessly: "Young madam, the young master is betting, betting with the young madam, he gave up all his chips and only kept you. He put his life, everything, and even the entire Zuo family on you. I'm just waiting for a word from you, a compromise."

Another big gamble, it was Zuocheng's exclusive show.Jiang Xiachu suddenly wanted to laugh, and snorted coldly: "At the beginning, if he had compromised with me once, Yi Chen might not have died."

(End of this chapter)

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