Chapter 23 Poisoning
For the next day, Lei Yao served her wholeheartedly.If it was before, Si Yu would pass out with happiness, but now, the more attentive he is, the more pain she feels.He might have another purpose in doing this, thinking of this, Si Yu felt as if he was about to suffocate in pain.

Because of the fever, Si Yu sweated a lot. Although the fever had subsided, the smell of sweat remained.

She went into the bathroom and took a good shower, wrapped in a towel, looked in the mirror, and found that her skin was rosy, her hair was black and shiny, and her eyes, which were steamed with water, really had a special charm.She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed wistfully, but when she came out, she found that there was an extra person on the bed, and she was stunned.

It was Lei Yao, he was wearing pajamas, lying lazily on the bed, and when he saw her coming out, he immediately gave her a bright smile.

"What is this for?" Si Yu asked in a daze.

"From today onwards, I will sleep here." Lei Yao said calmly, and looked at Si Yu with surprise and ridicule, as if Si Yu was surprised and funny.

"Don't you still want to be filial piety for grandpa?" Si Yu subconsciously pulled the collar of the bathrobe.Although she was still lamenting that she was so beautiful and unloved, she still hesitated when she found out that Lei Yao wanted to share the bed with her, and still suspected that his motives were not pure.

"I don't want to do that again." Lei Yao said with a wry smile, "I think that's unfair to you, and when I think about it, I also think it's a bit pedantic." Rhetoric, because that rhetoric can easily lead to confrontation.

Si Yu bit her lip, she didn't know what to say for a moment.

Taking advantage of her hesitation, Lei Yao stood up and wrapped his arms around her waist, lowering his head to kiss her.

Si Yu felt confused for a while, but slipped away in time: "I think it's better to have a beginning and an end. To be filial, you either don't do it, or you do it to the end. It doesn't seem good for you to give up halfway. If you stop because of me Shou Xiao, I will always feel guilty."

Lei Yao smiled stiffly, hesitated for a while, and left.Si Yu slowly climbed onto the bed and wrapped herself in a quilt like a silkworm chrysalis.Maybe she shouldn't be like this, anyway, she and him are married, and now no one will believe that she is still a big girl.If she doesn't want to do it with him, it may intensify the conflict, but she just doesn't want to do it, she doesn't want to get too deep.

The next day Lei Yao was still tender to her.But she felt even more repelled, and even wanted to run away.Lei Yao looked at her with suspicion and impatience.Si Yu was very uneasy, and subconsciously shrunk her shoulders and neck in front of him, so as not to highlight her body curve.She knew that Lei Yao must be eager to break the deadlock and want to share the bed with her.So she cowered a little in front of him, maybe she could stop him from thinking about it.But if he deliberately wants to possess her, it's no use for her to do this.It's really broken. At the beginning, she tried every means to let him touch her, but now she is very scared.Why this reversal?What on earth did God want her to do?

Just when she was afraid of things, her flood season came.Si Yu breathed a sigh of relief, with a buffer period of a few days, she could free up her mind to think about it.

However, the more he thought about it, the more Si Yu realized that he had walked into a dark maze, and he couldn't get out no matter whether he was advancing or retreating.She was extremely frustrated, and went to the window in a daze.

It was evening, and the garden looked particularly dense under the cover of flowering branches.Si Yu didn't look at the flowers and plants, but just stared at the back door in a daze.Because she desperately wanted to find an exit, she suddenly saw a person sneaking up to the back door.That person was wearing house clothes, but his hair was scrupulously arranged. Who else could it be if it wasn't Lei Yao's mother?
Si Yu suddenly remembered her doubts about Li Buyan's "someone outside", her heart immediately hung in her throat, her body shrank behind the curtain, but she looked harder at the back door.

Li Buyan looked around vigilantly, and then gently opened the door.There was a thin and thin figure standing outside the door, Si Yu felt the blood all over his body rushing to the top of his head, squinting his eyes to take a closer look, but found that it was a short old lady.

Si Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and secretly laughed that she was too nervous, and was about to look away, but saw the old lady handing Li Buyan a paper package with a secretive expression.Li Buyan opened the paper bag, looked at it, and took out a large amount of money from his pocket to give her.

Si Yu's heart skipped a beat, what is this?Why is it worth so much money?Could it be... Si Yu suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.Could it be some contraindicated drug?Could it be that Li Buyan wanted to poison Lei Shuo to death so that he could live and fly with the man he loves?
Thinking that Si Yu was almost paralyzed from fright, she tried her best to reassure herself that it was not true, but seeing Li Buyan went straight to the kitchen after taking the medicine, she was so frightened that she almost fainted.

She didn't know what to do, she didn't even want to ask anything, just hid in the house, which was obviously not acceptable.When she got to the kitchen, Li Buyan was staring at a casserole.The strong aroma wafts from the casserole, it should be black chicken soup with ginseng and Tianma.It seems that Li Buyan has already boiled this pot of soup, maybe he has sprinkled the medicine in it just now.She couldn't stand by and watch, but what could she do?Can you rush in yelling and overturn the soup pot?Or rush in and snatch the soup pot and send it to the police station for drug testing?She couldn't be sure whether Li Buyan had spilled the medicine into the soup pot, nor could she be sure that what Li Buyan bought was poison. If she couldn't find a way to test the poison, she really couldn't do anything.

Si Yu's mind suddenly brightened, and he came up with a bold solution.This method is a bit risky, but now she doesn't care so much.

"Wow, it smells so good!" Si Yuqiang kept his composure, walked towards Li Buyan with a smile and asked, "Is it black chicken soup?" "Yeah." After seeing Si Yu, Li Buyan was a little nervous.

"Wow! This is really good." Si Yu showed a surprised expression, sniffed it hard on purpose, and begged Li Buyan with a sneer, "Let me have a taste, okay?"

This is her plan.If the soup was poisonous, Li Buyan would definitely stop her from drinking it.Li Buyan must not have reached the point of insanity, and he certainly would not want to take another life.Besides, if she ate the poisonous soup by mistake and something went wrong, Li Buyan's plan would definitely be disrupted.

Li Buyan was stunned.

The blood from Si Yu's whole body rushed to the top of his head, is there really a problem?
"This is medicinal food, it's for the elderly and weak. It's not good for young people to eat it. Besides, it hasn't been stewed yet!" Li Buyan said with twinkling eyes.

Si Yu bit her lip, suddenly wavering.Although Li Buyan's expression was somewhat suspicious, her reason was very good!Alas, in the final analysis, she couldn't believe that Li Buyan would suddenly murder her husband. Although she had seen many such things on TV, she just couldn't believe that such things would appear in her life.Besides, she thinks Li Buyan is suspicious, is it because she has preconceived ideas and suspected that someone stole the axe?
Si Yu didn't come up with any results, and retreated resentfully.Unwilling to retreat, she hid at the kitchen door for a while, and waited for Li Buyan to come out with the soup, then went to the kitchen to check to see if there was anything left there.

According to her experience, when a person pours a powdery object, it is very likely that some will leak out of the container.Searching with this thought, she found a pinch of powder on the pot table.

Si Yu hurriedly found a piece of paper, and used chopsticks to push the powder onto the paper little by little. She suspected that these were highly poisonous substances, so she dared not touch them with her hands.

"Oh, ma'am, what are you doing?" Suddenly someone called her from behind.

"Ah!" Si Yu just put the powder on the paper, but because of this surprise, he sprinkled it all.She stared back angrily, and it was the nanny Cui Mei's big black eyes that greeted her.After seeing these pure eyes, Si Yu couldn't get angry even if he wanted to, so he retreated resentfully.As soon as she came out of the kitchen, she heard that Lei Shuo was back, and guessing that Li Buyan would definitely let Lei Shuo drink soup, she hurried over.

Lei Shuo is in the study, sitting face to face with Li Buyan.Li Buyan was serving him soup from the pot with a smile.It was only a short time between her leaving the kitchen and Lei Shuo's return, but she had already been groomed carefully, her hair was re-coiled and combed perfectly, her face was heavily made up, she was wearing an embroidered silk dress, her wrist The platinum Cartier Cheetah bracelet on the watch is particularly eye-catching.

Si Yu felt more and more weird, and hurried in.Lei Shuo was about to drink soup, but when he saw Si Yu coming, he smiled and talked to her.Si Yu chatted with him casually, then laughed and praised the soup, asking Li Buyan to give her a bowl too.

She now has to verify that there is no poison in the soup.

"Didn't I tell you?" Li Buyan still disagreed, and said nervously, "This is for the elderly, and it's not good for young people to drink it."

"But I'm greedy!" Si Yu smiled, she knew that now she could only act like a baby.

"It's better for young people to be greedy. A gluttonous body is a strong body. I still count on you to give me a grandson!" Lei Shuo didn't understand, laughed loudly, and then turned to Li Buyan, "Since she wants to drink, she can drink it. Give her some. Chinese medicine is mild in nature, so give her a little, and it shouldn't cause any serious problems."

Li Buyan froze, just when Si Yu thought she was determined not to let him drink, she filled a bowl and put it in her hand.

If Li Buyan resolutely refuses to let Si Yu drink the soup, it will prove that the soup is poisonous.And if Li Buyan is willing to let Si Yu drink the soup, it doesn't mean that the soup is non-toxic.Because Si Yu and Lei Shuo drink soup at the same time now, there is no time difference.But if they drank the soup and died, it would be Li Buyan who poisoned them. She would be so stupid as not to find a way to get rid of the crime?Or does she have other arrangements?
When she was hesitating, Lei Yao came in suddenly.Seeing his expression, Si Yu knew that he must have heard that she had gone to Lei Shuo's study and came here because he was worried.Seeing his tense expression, Si Yu couldn't help but secretly sighed, his mind really hasn't changed.

Seeing that Li Buyan was there, Lei Yao was startled, and then realized that this was a family sharing soup, so he quickly smiled.

"Oh, Ayao is back!" Lei Shuo greeted him with a smile, and immediately called Li Buyan to serve him soup, "This is a great tonic, give him some too! Young people are working hard now, and Should make up for it."

Si Yu was extremely nervous, she didn't want Lei Yao to get involved!
Li Buyan actually served Lei Yao a bowl of soup.

Si Yu almost cried out in shock, but later felt that this was an excellent proof.There is no mother who does not love her son, even if Li Buyan hated Lei Shuo to the extreme, she would definitely not poison her own son to death.Of course, this is only normal, if...

Lei Yao saw her staring blankly at him with a very strange expression, and felt very strange, but he didn't expect that it had something to do with the bowl of soup in front of him, so he picked up the soup and prepared to drink it, and Lei Shuo also scooped up a spoonful of soup to prepare Send it to your mouth.

Li Buyan glanced at them, pretending to look at the soup pot unintentionally, and suddenly called out "Ah".

Everyone was startled, put down their bowls and looked at her.

"Look, look!" Li Buyan scooped up a spoonful of soup and pointed at it in a fuss, "There are bugs in here!"

"Where there are worms, there will be worms!" Lei Shuo frowned, obviously thinking that she shouldn't make a fuss, "Don't traditional Chinese medicine often produce worms?"

"That won't work." Li Buyan snatched their soup bowls with lightning speed and poured the soup back into the pot, "Bugs are bugs, dirty things! I will never let you drink soup with dirty things !” Then he picked up the soup pot and left like a gust of wind.

Lei Shuo watched her leave with wide eyes, angry and funny at the same time.Looking back, Si Yu also watched her leave in a daze, with a very strange expression on her face, and suddenly became embarrassed: "Haha, don't worry about her, she is like this, a deadly cleanliness... When I was a child, when there was a shortage of food, the insect-infested She doesn't know how much rice noodles she ate, but now she's becoming more particular about poverty."

Si Yu smiled wryly, but did not answer.Li Buyan refused to let Lei Yao drink the soup, could it be that the soup was really poisonous?

Si Yu shook his head secretly, feeling extremely confused in his mind.Until now, benign and malignant speculations coexist in her mind.She still hoped that all the suspicious points she saw from Li Buyan were taken for granted.

(End of this chapter)

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