Chapter 27 Black Hole
Lei Shuo was reading a book in the study, Si Yu took a deep breath and pushed the door open with a smile.

"Dad, good evening." Si Yu said with a smile, and then put the diary on the table.When Lei Shuo saw that it was the diary, he immediately frowned.

"Dad, I'm here to apologize." Si Yu tried his best to keep the corners of his mouth from twitching, "I found this diary from my mother by accident, and I mishandled it afterwards, which caused such a diary. I hope you can forgive me."

"Is that old woman bothering you?" Lei Shuo frowned in annoyance. It seemed that the problem between him and Li Buyan was not as serious as usual. When Li Buyan was mentioned, it seemed as if he remembered a deep hatred.

"No." Si Yu tried to maintain a smile, "I came here to hope that you can help me alleviate some mistakes. I hope you can read this diary, and it is best to read this diary."

Lei Shuo's expression was very strange: "Why do you want me to watch?" Then he became even more suspicious, staring at Si Yu and looking again, his meaning was obvious: since you said you are here to alleviate the mistakes, then you are here to ease the conflict .Since it is to ease the conflict, why did you ask me to read this diary?Don't you know how a man will react after reading the love words written by his wife to other men?

Si Yu knew what he was thinking, so he quickly took a deep breath to stabilize himself: "I hope you read this diary because you may feel that the words in it seem familiar. Do you know that the place where I found this diary is A Under a maple tree in the park, and this is said to be the place where you and your mother first met!"

Lei Shuo was shocked, he seemed to understand something, but he had an expression of disbelief.

Si Yu plucked up her courage and said: "Actually, all the love stories in the diary were written by your mother! Lei Yao and I misunderstood because we didn't believe that there can be such lingering love words between husband and wife. Wait for her to tell us in person. Only then did we understand..."

With a horrified expression, Lei Shuo grabbed the diary and quickly opened it. The more he looked at it, the more shocked he was, the more moved he was, and the more heartbroken he was.Later, when he reached the point where "clam" was written all over it, he couldn't turn it at all. "Clam" is Li Buyan's exclusive nickname for him.Because when he and Li Buyan first started dating, they were young men who were not very good at flattering girls.Li Buyan was curious and funny about him, so he said that he was like a big clam with a rough and hard shell.After that, Clam became her exclusive nickname for him, but she rarely called him that now.

Lei Shuo stared blankly at the page, slowly lowered his head, pressed his palm to his forehead, and suddenly burst into tears.Si Yu didn't expect that a big man like him would burst into tears suddenly, this surprise was naturally no small matter.However, this also proves that this diary has successfully aroused Lei Shuo's old feelings for Li Buyan, and perhaps greatly enhanced the relationship between them.

Si Yu knew that there was no need for him to stay any longer, so he smiled and retreated gently, hiding in the shadow of the corner.After a while, he really saw Lei Shuo coming out of the study, walked gently into Li Buyan's room, said something to her, and then heard Li Buyan's cry.Si Yu bent down and looked in through the crack of the door, and saw Li Buyan crying on Lei Shuo's shoulder, while Lei Shuo was stroking her hair with love and regret.Si Yu smiled happily but bewilderedly, stood up and went back to her room.

Lei Yao was not in the room, she was slightly unhappy, but also a little uneasy.When he was about to go out to find Lei Yao, he came back with a look of relief and gratitude: "They are reconciled, I really want to thank you very much." Speaking of this, he suddenly showed an extremely ashamed expression, and subconsciously rubbed nose.

Si Yu thought he remembered his distrust of her before, so he quickly smiled generously.In fact, when Si Yu went to Lei Shuo's study, Lei Yao followed because he was afraid that Si Yu would make things worse.However, to his surprise, Si Yu actually made his parents reconcile.At first he couldn't believe it, but after Si Yu left, he leaned over to peek at the door, and after confirming it with his own eyes, he suddenly had mixed feelings.

Lei Yao couldn't help but praise Si Yu, but Si Yu didn't have much reaction.Not because she was unhappy, but because she was too happy.Anyway, she did a great favor to the one she liked.Great joy can make people stay silent, she just sat quietly like this, accepting Lei Yao's compliment, it felt like she was about to fly among flowers.

Lei Yao praised Si Yu for a while, then went to peek at his parents again.I didn't expect him to be so old, and he was still as happy as a child when he saw his parents reconciled.When he came back, Si Yu had already fallen asleep.He silently walked to Si Yu's window and stared at her sleeping face.Sighing softly, he stretched out his hand to stroke her forehead, her long eyelashes drooping slightly, catching a trace of melancholy.

"You are really a good wife!" He murmured, "If it weren't for that, I really want to continue with you!"

Si Yu's face was still peaceful, and he didn't even move his eyelashes.Lei Yao sighed softly again, turned back to his bed and fell asleep.However, as soon as he lay down on his bed, Si Yu opened his eyes.

She didn't really fall asleep, just because she wanted to enjoy Lei Yao's gentleness more, and wanted to sit up suddenly to play a prank on Lei Yao, so she pretended to be asleep on purpose, but she didn't expect to hear such terrible words because of it.

Si Yu raised her body slightly, and looked directly in the direction of Lei Yao's bed.what does he mean?What is "not that"?What is it like?Did he really have ulterior motives in marrying her?What is "I really want to continue with her"?Could it be that he had planned to end his "time selection" with her early in the morning?

Si Yu's heart ached like a fire, and she fell helplessly on the bed.

Si Yu also pretended to be asleep the next morning, and didn't get up until Lei Yao left.She didn't brush her teeth or wash her face when she got up, she just paced back and forth.She must know the truth.Maybe the quickest way is to ask Ling Sihang to clarify, but she can't listen to the words of the man who coveted her.Things in her marriage should be seen clearly through her own eyes, but what can she do?Looking for a private detective?But she doesn't know much about this business at all, what should she do if she encounters a liar, or the quality of a private detective is not good enough to cause any trouble?
Si Yu thought about it in distress, his brain ached, and he fell on the bed.However, when she was rolling around on the bed, it suddenly dawned on her that she could go find Luan Luan!

There are many lawyers in the chaotic law firm who are good at handling divorce lawsuits, and they will naturally have contact with institutions such as private detective firms.Luan Luan is a high-profile new star lawyer in the law firm, so it is not difficult to find help from these people.Si Yu immediately found Luanluan, and asked her to find a device that could monitor her husband's whereabouts as quickly as possible, and asked her not to ask why.Luanluan is really a good friend and very understanding, so he found him as quickly as possible.

It was a GPS locator, installed in the car, only the size of a cigarette pack.Si Yu felt that it was too big, and asked Luanluan if there was anything more hidden.Luan Luan frowned and thought for a while, went out for a walk, and brought back a collar.This is used by developed countries to monitor pets, and the core part is a chip the size of a fingernail.It is waterproof and acid-proof, just put it in the thing to be monitored.Si Yu picked out the chip, put it in his palm and looked at it carefully, Luan Luan watched her silently, hesitant to speak several times, but never opened his mouth.

Si Yu was very satisfied with this chip, thanked him a thousand times and left.Luan Luan silently sent her out, looking at her back, his expression suddenly became melancholy and gloomy.

When Si Yu came home, Lei Yao had already returned, and the car was parked in the garage, and Si Yu immediately entered the garage.After a while, Lei Yao also entered the garage.At this time, Si Yu had already left, leaving nothing about her.However, when Lei Yao was about to open the door, he suddenly saw a fingerprint on the door.Lei Yao smiled contemptuously, and immediately drove the car to a private detective agency.

"Oh, Mr. Lei!" The staff of the detective agency greeted him warmly when they saw him, "Do you want to 'add something' to your girlfriend's car again?"

An indescribable smile flashed across Lei Yao's face: "No, this time is to prevent someone from 'adding something' to me, so hurry up and check my car with an instrument!"

The staff quickly took out relevant instruments, but no abnormality was detected from the front of the car to the parking space, from the seat cushion to the car hanging.Lei Yao was very surprised, frowned and thought about it, and finally smiled reassuringly.

Si Yu was sitting in the room at this moment, staring at the chip in a daze.In fact, she planned to put the chip in Lei Yao's car today, but stopped when she was about to put it.Because she suddenly thought of a question, even if she found Lei Yao's secret, what would happen?

She obviously can't do anything.On the contrary, if the situation has reached that point, what awaits her may be a worse situation, or even break up.If unraveling the truth would make things develop like that, she might as well lie to herself in the gourd like this.The truth will always come, and the ending will always come, and she knows this too, but she just doesn't have the courage to unravel the truth.It's not just Gou An, but I feel that I may not be able to handle the changes after the truth comes.Jealousy and suspicion gnawed at her heart like a poisonous snake, driving her to find the truth.

Under the attack of these two thoughts, Si Yu's heart was tormented, but he was even more timid because of it.

However, it was this hesitation that made Si Yu see a very important thing.

Lei Yao has a platinum necklace, which is always locked in a drawer.However, every time he wears it, he feels faintly refreshed, in other words, it seems that he only wears it for some happy event.Si Yu found out that the frequency of wearing necklaces was not low recently, so he suddenly understood.Finally got a chance to take a closer look at it one night.

That day Lei Yao seemed very tired, dripping with sweat, hurried into the bathroom to take a shower, and casually put the necklace on the writing desk outside.Si Yu immediately rushed over to take a closer look, and found that it was handcrafted in platinum, Egyptian style, and the pendant was an eagle with wings spread.Because it is hand-made, there must be many gaps that act as patterns, Si Yu stuffed the chip into one of the gaps, and Lei Yao didn't notice it when he came out.

Afterwards, Si Yu monitored Lei Yao's whereabouts through the Internet, and finally discovered that Lei Yao had gone to an area outside the normal range of activities one afternoon.Si Yu immediately went there and made sure that he entered a high-end apartment building.She looked up and looked upstairs, and felt that the building was too high, which made her dizzy.Instead of rushing upstairs to search around, she leaned quietly outside the unit door.It was slowly getting dark, and it was raining.The place where she was was not able to shelter from the rain, but she still stood there blankly, and her clothes were soon drenched by the rain.

After the rain stopped, Lei Yao came out of the building talking and laughing with a woman.When he came out, he didn't look towards the door of the unit. After walking a few steps, he suddenly felt as if he saw a familiar thing from the corner of his eye, and turned his head quickly.Seeing Si Yu standing by the door drenched all over, he was struck by lightning.Si Yu looked at him expressionlessly, her eyes were already like black holes, she didn't stay on him for too long, but turned to that woman.

She was really beautiful, she looked like a doll, and her hair was curled like a doll.

The clock is ringing "crack, clack", like a boot constantly kicking people's nerves.Lei Yao and the woman sat on the sofa nervously, staring at Si Yu intently. Si Yu sat directly opposite them, lowered his head and remained silent for half an hour.

This is far worse for them than crying and making a scene.

"What exactly do you want?" Lei Yao finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Si Yu didn't answer, raised his arms to hug his shoulders, and uttered a sentence dreamily: "I'm a little cold, give me hot water."

The woman hurriedly made Si Yu a cup of hot coffee.

Si Yu picked it up and took a sip, then put it down suddenly, the bottom of the cup collided with the coffee table and made a heavy sound.

Both Lei Yao and that woman were stunned.

"I'm not used to drinking coffee, can you make me some ginger soup?" Si Yu handed the teacup to the woman.

That woman was fooled, and Lei Yao was even more fooled than her.She had no choice but to cook a bowl of ginger soup for Si Yu. Obviously, she had never made this kind of stuff, but she even used a soup pot to cook a big pot, and she didn't know whether to put brown sugar or not.

Even so, Si Yu still picked up the cup and drank it down without taking a breath.

"Lei Yao, let's go." She put down her glass and stood up, "Come home with me."

Lei Yao was stunned, and hesitantly glanced at the woman.The woman quickly pushed his shoulder lightly.Lei Yao hesitantly followed Si Yu out, and drove her back.Along the way, he peeked at her from time to time in the rearview mirror, anxiously planning how she would make a fuss with him when she got home.

However, after returning home, Si Yu just lay down on the bed without saying a word, motionless like a stone, and did not get up at noon the next day.

(End of this chapter)

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