If you love, please love deeply

Chapter 28 5 Finger Mountain

Chapter 28 Five Fingers Mountain

Everyone in the family was surprised by Si Yu's performance. When Lei Yao's parents came to see her and asked her what was wrong, she covered her head under the quilt and said she was fine.

Lei Yao's parents looked at each other, and they both looked at Lei Yao questioningly.Lei Yao panicked, made up countless lies, coaxed his parents away, and then dragged Si Yu up angrily: "What the hell are you trying to do?"

Si Yu didn't answer, but looked at him expressionlessly, and her body collapsed limply in his hands.Finally, there was a trace of contempt in her eyes, and she smiled indescribably.

Lei Yao's eyes were stung by the contempt, and he pushed Si Yu down on the bed: "I warn you, don't mess around! Otherwise, I'll make you eat and walk around!"

Si Yu still looked at him contemptuously, stood up tremblingly, and accidentally knocked the vase on the bedside to the ground, the sound of the broken vase gave Si Yu a strange feeling, and suddenly bent down and picked up a piece of it .

"Oh my god, what do you want to do? It's not worth it, right?" Lei Yao quickly snatched the fragments away.

He obviously thought that Si Yu was going to cut his wrists.Si Yu also felt that she was about to cut her wrists. She couldn't tell what it was, but she felt that she was not afraid of anything and didn't care about anything.It is unknown what extreme things she will do under this impulse.

Lei Yao was so frightened that he couldn't say any threatening words.He circled around the room, peeking at Si Yu, looking devastated.

"Okay," he suddenly rubbed his hair vigorously, "What do you want to do? Say it quickly!" "I should be the one asking you what you want to do. What do you want to do when you marry me? That woman again Who is it?" When she said the last sentence, her whole body trembled violently, and a string of ice-like tears rolled down her eyes.

Lei Yao's face turned pale all of a sudden, his eyes rolled a few times, he squeezed out a smile, and held her hands: "I'm sorry, I apologize to you...I shouldn't have lied to you...I knew you were very kind... …I……"

"Don't confuse me with lies anymore." Si Yu glanced at him coldly, "I've heard enough."

Lei Yao gritted his teeth and said, "Well, I really didn't marry you because I like you, nor did I want you to take care of the family." He seriously confessed that Si Yu felt that he was crushing all her hopes.

Lei Yao continued: "To be precise, I married you to deceive others."

Si Yu jumped off the bed as if someone had whipped him.

Lei Yao carried her back to the bed without saying a word.

"Covering people's eyes and ears? Why?" Si Yu stared at him, his eyes almost burst into flames.

Lei Yao avoided her gaze: "This is a very long story, listen to me slowly..."

Si Yu didn't have this kind of patience at all. After carefully analyzing some of his reactions, he suddenly understood: "Are you trying to cover up your parents' eyes and ears?" She vaguely remembered that Lei Yao saw her fall ill in bed, but most of the time he still Disapproval.He only really gets nervous when his parents come to visit her.

Lei Yao's face changed: "You guessed it right, I just want to hide my parents' eyes and ears!"

"Why? Is it because of that woman?" Si Yu's eyes were about to fly with knives. No matter when a woman is doing anything, her mind is always on her rival.

"Yeah." Lei Yao didn't expect her to be so sensitive, he smiled bitterly and annoyed, "Okay, I'll tell you everything, my parents don't allow me to associate with her."

In addition to being furious, Si Yu felt incredible: "Are you an idiot? Your parents don't allow you to date, and you just have to date secretly. Do you have a marriage to cover it up? Can't you tell what is important? ’ She was so excited, she was almost yelling.Lei Yao hurriedly covered her mouth, Si Yu struggled desperately, but couldn't hold him back after all.

"Don't get excited!" Lei Yao said in a deep voice, "It's not what you think, my parents are different from ordinary people!"

Si Yu showed a questioning expression, and Lei Yao knew that she was willing to listen to her, so he tentatively let go of her mouth: "Maybe it's not appropriate for me to say this, you should have read in textbooks that the primitive accumulation of capital is very Cruel, I heard that my dad also carried out quite cruel primitive accumulation in the early days of his business. He is a terrible person. Although my mother is not to the point of 'cruel', she is also very powerful. My parents and her parents were originally She is a close friend, and later became a deadly enemy because of business issues. They thought she and I were uneasy and kind. If I didn't let them believe that I had given up on her, God knows what they would do to her. Even if it didn't hurt her Personal safety, I will definitely use poisonous tricks to make it impossible for me and her forever, and it will even be against me. I have no choice but to..."

Si Yu lowered her head and didn't speak, she didn't feel that Lei Yao was justifiable for cheating on her at all, she even thought that he might be lying, and thought he was very hateful.The strange thing is that she thought she would go crazy with anger, but at this moment she unexpectedly found that she was very calm, but in fact, all thoughts were lost.Whether he lied or not, whether there were extenuating circumstances, really didn't matter.Since he doesn't love her at all, the marriage is a total fraud.Her pride, her happiness, and her sweetness are all illusory, like a dream, and now she finally has the feeling of waking up from a dream.

Seeing that she was "very calm", Lei Yao thought that the situation was not serious and that she might be persuaded, so he quickly held her hand: "I'm sorry, I know I'm sorry for you, I apologize to you, I will Compensation for you! I will give you money that you can't spend, as long as you can bear it for a while, and play with me for a while..."

Si Yu didn't answer, just smiled contemptuously.She has already heard that Lei Yao's real "difficulty" is that he is afraid that the conflict between the woman and his parents will threaten his status in the family.He married her, probably because he wanted to show that he had surrendered to his parents, and he would no longer insist on marrying someone his parents didn't like, so as to buy time and complete the family's seizure of power. It's really insidious!How despicable!

Lei Yao's tone began to harden: "Then there's nothing I can do. I didn't want to say it, you'd better keep acting with me obediently, otherwise I will tell you that you won't get any money when you divorce, and you will have to carry a lot of money on your back." A notoriety that can make you unable to remarry. Also, you like design, don’t you? I also have the ability to make you never have a bright future in the design industry, don’t think I’m joking.”

Si Yu didn't think he was joking, with his family's power, it was really easy to ruin her future.But she didn't take his words to heart, to be precise, she didn't take anything to heart now.

After threatening Si Yu, Lei Yao eagerly waited for her response, but seeing her dead fish-like appearance about to undergo a biochemical mutation, he knew he shouldn't act too hastily, so he sighed and retreated.He called Chen Ma to supervise Si Yu, determined not to let her leave Lei's house, and then went out.He was busy trying to appease his "her", she must have been frightened, and he had to hurry to calm her down.

As soon as he left, Si Yu stood up, the more one was in extreme emotions, the more subtle voices could be heard.She heard the conversation between Lei Yao and Chen Ma, and knew that he asked Chen Ma to watch her.Chen Ma is strong and strong, her arms are as strong as a mallet, she must be able to keep an eye on her.

However, Si Yu absolutely didn't want to stay and act with him. He wanted Si Yu to accompany him until the day when he could control the family's financial power--in fact, a wealthy family is a bit like a court, and whoever holds the power can do whatever they want.Si Yu is not willing to do that!She is leaving.He had to be divorced, but she wanted to leave first.Find a place where no one is around, and be quiet for a while.There must be a lot of messy things to do in divorcing him, and she just wants to be quiet now.

However, before leaving, she must find out who that woman is.She pretended to be sick and ill with tuberculosis, and the nanny Amei, who was simple but not strict, gave her grapes to eat, and then asked her to help her peel them, so she took this opportunity to ask her partner in Lei's family.Mrs. Amei naturally knew everything, and Si Yu quickly determined that Lan Yaowu was the woman's father.

He is in the shoes and hats business, and is Lei Shuo's old friend. Later, he turned against each other because of investment problems.Chen Ma has been eavesdropping nervously outside, probably planning to come in to interrupt when they mention the daughter of the Lan family.However, Si Yu didn't continue to ask, and dismissed Mrs. Amei, and closed the door by herself to search for "famous ladies" online.

Si Yu turned several corners before finding her name—Lan Ling—from their company's post bar.She searched the name on RenRen again, and confirmed that she was Lan Ling.In the photo on the home page, she looks pampered and self-satisfied in a stylish plaid skirt.

Si Yu smiled contemptuously, and shut down the computer heavily.She opened the closet, found the suitcase, and started stuffing clothes in it, making a "bang bang" sound on purpose.

When Chen Ma heard the sound, she quickly pushed the door open a crack. In Si Yu's room, the closet was wide open, a lot of clothes were missing, and the window was open, but Si Yu was gone!
Chen Ma rushed to the window, there was a big tree under the window, a thick branch just reached the window, could it be that Si Yu slid down the tree with his burden on his back?
Chen Ma hurriedly ran downstairs.As soon as she left, Si Yu crawled out from under the bed and dragged out a suitcase, which was a golden cicada's plan to escape her shell that she had read in a certain book.

Si Yu dragged the suitcase and slipped out through the small door of Lei's house. Mama Chen never had a chance to meet her face to face.As soon as Lei's family came out of the rain, he dragged his suitcase and ran, and did not slow down until he was in the urban area.She has to find a place to hide and raise it slowly for a few days, where is more suitable?It seems that there are only small hotels on the outskirts of the city.The fees there are cheap - she came out in a hurry, didn't have a lot of money with her, and living there was not conspicuous.

Si Yu then went to the outskirts of the city to find a small hotel with a friendly owner and friendly employees, and found a room in the back to stay.I didn't feel anything the first night I stayed, but the next morning I felt my nose was stuffy, and I couldn't get up after lying down for a long time.

She had a fever, and although she didn't know the temperature, she felt like a fire.Maybe she had a fever since she found out about Lei Yao and Lan Ling, but she didn't know it.Real pain can make people numb, like a strange poison. When it invades the body, you don't feel it at all. When you realize it, you have already suffered great harm, and you are even on the verge of death. Si Yu is like this.

Si Yu felt that she had to call for help, but who could she turn to now?Lei Yao must have issued a "wanted warrant" for all her relatives and friends. No matter who she contacts, she will probably return to his palm immediately.She struggled to get up, rummaged through her luggage in a daze, and suddenly a business card fell out.

Si Yu picked up the business card and looked at it, then smiled self-deprecatingly.This is Zhang Moli's business card, the female taxi driver she once called "March [-] Hero".Although Si Yu couldn't tell whether she was really reliable or not, it seemed that he could only turn to her for help now.

Zhang Moli rushed over as soon as she received her call, and when she saw her face was flushed, she screamed out of heartache.Hearing that she escaped because of a dispute with her husband, he gritted his teeth and scolded Lei Yao for her.It turned out that she had always remembered Si Yu and wanted to know how she was doing.If Si Yu heard such words before, she would definitely feel that she was "[-]", but now she feels warm.When she saw Gu Manzhen escape from the magic cave with the help of a person she met in "Half Life", she thought it was nonsense.It is only now that I realize that life is so wonderful sometimes, and the ones who help you at critical times are people you have never met before.

Zhang Moli immediately sent her to the hospital, and Si Yu fell asleep in a daze on the way, still feeling hot like fire in her sleep.After an unknown amount of time, Si Yu gradually felt more comfortable, and slowly opened his eyes.

what!Si Yu was startled, the person in front of him turned out to be Lei Yao!She couldn't believe her eyes, so she closed them hard and looked again.Oh my god, did Zhang Moli betray her?

"You, you! What's the matter?" Lei Yao scolded her loudly when he saw her open her eyes, very angry but also very sad, "Why did you run away without saying a word? The state before you left, I really thought you were going to throw yourself into the river! Do you know? As soon as you left, I reported the police, the river management office, the forest management office and various hospitals. Once a young man who is seriously ill, injured or dead is found Woman, just notify me immediately! Do you know how worried I am?!"

Si Yu didn't speak, just smiled contemptuously.She couldn't believe his words now, and the only thing that made her feel relieved was that Zhang Moli didn't betray her.

"Okay." Lei Yao breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, it's just acute pneumonia. The doctor said it's fine. You can leave the hospital today. The conditions at home are much better than here, and it's more conducive to recuperation. The doctor will come to visit you later. Treat you."

"No, I won't go back." Si Yu said calmly, but his tone was firm.

"Oh, big sister, you can go back!" Zhang Moli actually came over to persuade her.It must be that she doesn't know the truth, and only knows to use the old rules to deal with "marital disputes"-the so-called old rules are to persuade reconciliation and not to persuade divisions. Lei Yao seems to be very willing to "repent" and "reconcile", so of course she wants to Persuade Si Yu to go back with him.

Si Yu smiled sadly, and shrank under the quilt without saying a word.Lei Yao knew that this was an expression of her reluctance, so he came over anxiously to pull her away.

Knowing that Si Yu was unwilling, Lei Yao's face sank immediately, and he stretched out his hand to shake Si Yu's hand: "Be obedient! There are too many patients here, and it's easy to cross-infect. What you have is not a serious illness, you can go home and recuperate. .”

Si Yu didn't say a word, but suddenly withdrew his hand.In fact, Lei Yao's gesture was just a symbolic gesture, with a hint of control.Even so, he was still very angry after being rejected by Si Yu, and held her hand tightly again.

"Big brother!" Zhang Moli suddenly stood up, "I think it's better for Miss Si Yu to stay in the hospital for a while. Pneumonia is a serious disease, but if it has an acute attack, it will be quite troublesome."

"It shouldn't matter." Lei Yao smiled and turned around, but seeing Zhang Moli's eyes full of doubts, he couldn't force Si Yu anymore.He thought for a while, and reluctantly agreed to let Si Yu rest for a few more days, while he himself watched in the hospital.Si Yu knew that he was just afraid that she would run away, and he didn't care about her at all, so he became even more angry and ignored him.It's not surprising that she wasn't bewitched, but what was rare was that Zhang Moli wasn't bewitched either, and kept secretly looking at Lei Yao with suspicious eyes.Si Yu was very pleased and surprised by this, so he asked Zhang Moli when Lei Yao was out on business.

"I just think it's a little strange." Zhang Moli looked puzzled. "My husband and I have had many times of awkwardness, and we would run away from home, and my husband would come to pick me up. Of course he would also be angry and talk to me. I fight, but your husband... doesn't look like it."

Si Yu pursed his lips vigorously, but did not speak.She knew Zhang Moli's subtext was that she also saw that Lei Yao might have ulterior motives in getting her home.Si Yu was rather dejected—it turned out that the problems between their husband and wife were so obvious that everyone could see it!

(End of this chapter)

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