If you love, please love deeply

Chapter 3 Embarrassment

Chapter 3 Embarrassment
The breakfast in Lei Yao's family is very rich, but even though there are many side dishes, the staple food is porridge and deep-fried dough sticks, which is still the habit of ordinary people.

Si Yu stiffly scooped up a spoonful of rice porridge and stuffed it into her mouth. The rice porridge should be hot, but there seemed to be no warmth in her mouth. Maybe she should ask her what happened yesterday.Although some people say that they have done embarrassing things, if the other party doesn't mind and don't mention it, it is best not to mention it myself, but she thinks it is better to ask, because only by knowing what she has done can she make remedies accordingly.

However, she stiffly swallowed another mouthful of fried shredded chicken. God knows what she did last night. If it was really unbearable, would she be ashamed when she found out?While struggling, the note she saw yesterday suddenly entered her mind like a ghost, arousing her vindictiveness. Didn't she decide to defend her marriage no matter what happened?If she can't even do this little thing, what else can she do in the future?

"Hehe." Si Yu smiled and opened his mouth, feeling his teeth shaking: "I seemed to be drunk last night?"

"Yeah, very drunk." Lei Yao smiled as if remembering something interesting.

Si Yu's heart suddenly turned cold, and his smile became even stiffer: "Then did I mess around?"

"No, you just fell asleep, very quiet." Lei Yao smiled and took a sip of porridge, as if he didn't care about it.

Only then did Si Yu feel relieved, but at the same time she was possessed by a demon, shouldn't she also ask him why he didn't touch her?Of course, she didn't want to spend the most important night of her life in an unconscious state, but if he didn't touch her after getting married, did he feel dissatisfied with her?
Thinking of this, Si Yu feels that the sky is getting dark, and the worst thing for a wife is that she is not attractive to her husband!

"I've never drank so much before." Si Yu said with a wry smile, not knowing how to continue the conversation.

"Me too, I fell asleep as soon as I got back to my room yesterday." Lei Yao replied casually.

Si Yu felt relieved immediately, it turned out that Lei Yao also passed out yesterday!
Lei Yao is a lover of Arabic culture, so he decided to spend his honeymoon on the Arabian Peninsula.Si Yu doesn't know much about Arabic culture, but when he was a child, he watched "Arabian Nights", and his impression of Arabia was deserts, camels, gold, gemstones, beauties covering half of their faces with veils, and beautiful boys wearing head wraps. And mysterious and touching myths and legends, but it's charming enough, isn't it?

As the plane took off, Si Yu suddenly felt sick to his stomach, probably because he was hungry.She remembered that she didn't eat well all day because of being overly nervous. It happened that the stewardess brought food and drinks, and she ate it.Maybe it was because of eating too fast, although Si Yu had already eaten a lot, Si Yu still felt uncomfortable.Of course, she worked hard to eat because she was nervous, and sitting next to Lei Yao made her feel a little helpless.Although she is married to Lei Yao, her feelings for him are still in the love stage.While she was eating, she peeked at Lei Yao from the corner of her eyes. He was quietly reading the newspaper, his slender and thick eyelashes drooping down gently, so...

Lei Yao suddenly looked at Si Yu, and Si Yu quickly turned his gaze to the food, and then picked up a small piece of cake and put it into his mouth.

"You seem to be eating all the time, is your stomach upset?" Lei Yao felt something was wrong and asked with concern.

"It's okay." Si Yu didn't know if he had eaten too much just now, but Si Yu's stomach was a little swollen, "I'm just a little..." Suddenly a gust of liquid came up, and he opened his mouth involuntarily.


Lei Yao's face froze immediately.

Si Yu was so frightened that his soul flew out, and he vomited Lei Yao all over himself!
"I'm sorry, I..." Just as Si Yu wanted to explain, he suddenly felt another surge in his stomach and vomited again.

"Oh, my God!" Lei Yao quickly jumped up and helped her to the toilet, "Are you alright?"

"No..." Just as Si Yu was about to answer, he suddenly felt his stomach churning again, and fell to his knees and vomited.

"Oh, my God!" The stewardess ran over quickly, and the whole cabin looked at her in horror, and the people around stood up in panic, obviously afraid that the vomit would splash on them.

Although Si Yu was vomiting violently, he could still hear screams of surprise from around him. This person is really embarrassed!
When he arrived at the hotel, Si Yu was still in a trance.She not only vomited out all the food in her stomach on the plane, but also vomited a lot of acid water, all in all disgusting.It turned out that her stomach discomfort was not from hunger, but from airsickness.Not only did she not expect to ask the stewardess for airsickness medicine, but she also ate it so much that she even vomited Lei Yao all over.

Lei Yao was taking a shower in the bathroom, the service on the plane was very humane, he cleaned himself up on the plane, but the terrible smell was still there.Not knowing how much shower gel he had to use to wash away her fault, Si Yu quietly listened to the sound of running water, wishing he could become water too.

Forget it, the matter has come to this point, it is useless to blame yourself any more, Si Yu opened the mobile phone QQ, ready to talk to Luan Luan.It happened that Luanluan was online, and she immediately sent a crying emoji to Luanluan, who was naturally very surprised and asked her what was wrong.

"I really want to kill myself!" Si Yu quickly recounted today's embarrassing incident, and then sent three crying faces in succession.

There was a brief stagnation on the QQ side, and Si Yu knew that Luanluan must have been shocked, and his self-loathing became even more serious.

"Hahahahaha..." Luanlu suddenly sent a series of laughing emojis.

"You!" Si Yu almost fainted, "Why are you gloating?!"

"It's not gloating, I just think it's funny."

"What fun! I'm going to be annoyed to death!"

"Why are you upset? It's okay. You and him are married. He won't return the product because of this."

"It's not a question of whether to return the product or not." Si Yu was ashamed, annoyed and blamed himself, so excited that his fingers couldn't work, "My image in his eyes."

"What image is not image? You are no longer in the stage of dating. After marriage, you have to reveal your true colors, otherwise it will not be called marriage."

Si Yu froze, her face flushed like an overripe apple. In fact, even though she was married, she still felt that she and him were still in love!

"Haha, it's okay, you are married now, even if something embarrassing happens, it can be remedied, unlike when you are in love, you may break up if you touch a spoon and smash a bowl, don't worry, it's okay, you can coax well later Just coax him."

Si Yu gradually calmed down under Luanluan's reassurance, and pursed his lips and said "um".

Luan Luan was relieved, and just to make fun of it, he sent a few more witty words, "But you were lucky, you just vomited on the plane, if you vomited when you spent the night with him, he might really have to return the product... Haha, I still have information to read, let's download it first!"

Luan Luan went offline giggling after saying this, but Si Yu turned into petrification, Luan Luan was right!She hasn't had her first night with him yet, if she throws up again during their first night with him, it will be really bad.And because of airsickness and hangover, her head is still groggy, and her stomach is very uncomfortable. God knows if she will be stimulated to spit it out, and her hairs stand on end just thinking about it.If she vomits all over his body after the first night, maybe he really wants to return it!

Thinking of this, Si Yu fell into an abyss of fear, fighting several cold wars in a row.

No, you can't mess things up, Si Yu advised himself from the bottom of your heart, you must be steady, you must not make an own goal, no one can control the stomach upset, you have to find a way to muddle through tonight.Yes, I will pretend to sleep tonight, and if my health is not healthy, I will keep pretending until the condition is better before going to live with him...

The bathroom door slammed suddenly, and Lei Yao came out wearing a bathrobe, wiping his hair with a towel as he walked.

"I've finished washing, you should hurry to wash too!"

"Uh, okay..." Si Yu hurriedly stood up and walked to the bathroom, her movements were as stiff as a robot, it's over, why is she starting to be stiff now, she has to pretend to be natural when she pretends to be asleep later, but she looks like this now , how natural?
After taking a shower in fear, Si Yu sneaked to the door to peek out. If Lei Yao was sitting on the bed waiting to hug her, she would naturally be unable to hide.Fortunately, Lei Yao was watching TV, so she still had a chance to pretend to be asleep.Si Yu tiptoed to Lei Yao's side, and lay down carefully, careful not to make any movement.

Lei Yao was still watching TV intently. He was watching local TV programs, all in Arabic.Si Yu breathed a sigh of relief, closed his eyes and started to pretend to be asleep. Normally, she should be happy to pass the test easily, but for some reason, he felt a little bit disappointed. Did he even notice that his wife was lying beside him?Is that TV show really that good?
It stands to reason that Si Yu would be fine as long as he falls asleep quickly, but for some reason he just can’t fall asleep, maybe he won’t let it go, maybe he will push her unwillingly, or the more Si Yu thinks about it, the more nervous he becomes, his limbs are as stiff as a stone , but there is a nerve beating abnormally inside.

Lei Yao turned off the TV.Si Yu suddenly became extremely nervous, and felt that he was lying beside her, and pulled the quilt up. It was a bit embarrassing to say, but the slight vibration caused by Lei Yao was like a steamroller pressing beside her. .Lei Yao lay down, and then there was a tense and ambiguous blank, Si Yu closed his eyes tightly, and his heartbeat reached the limit.

It was very quiet around him, and it was getting quieter. Si Yu hesitated to open his eyes, turned over quietly, and found that Lei Yao had fallen asleep. Si Yu breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly felt very uncomfortable.How could he give up so easily?Didn't even call her, is he too considerate, or is he not interested in her?

The more Si Yu thought about it, the more embarrassed he became, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, but he fell asleep vaguely in this emotion.After waking up the next day, he still felt embarrassed, but Lei Yao acted like nothing happened.Si Yu felt embarrassed and embarrassed again because of her embarrassment and embarrassment, that's all, stop thinking about embarrassing things, and start thinking about traveling!It's in Dubai now!Yes, in Dubai...Dubai...What the hell is Dubai?

Lei Yao would let her know where this place is, and take her out early in the morning, the first stop was the magnificent and splendid Grand Mosque.Although most of the religions in various countries emphasize simplicity and poverty, the temples are all magnificent and splendid, and the mosques are no exception.The domed white walls outside the mosque are magnificent, and the walls and pillars inside are full of exquisite paintings and enamel crafts, which have a combination of richness and solemnity.

Muslims have already started praying, kneeling on blankets, praying in deep voices, with such concentration as if there is nothing in the world but themselves, their prayers, and Allah in their hearts.It's impolite to watch Muslims praying at close range, and it's even more impolite to take pictures of them, so Lei Yao and Si Yu stood far away in the corner, trying not to attract attention.Because Muslims forbid idol worship, so in Si Yu's view, they are worshiping in the sky.Lei Yao looked at them who were concentrating on worshiping, with expressions of reverence, excitement, fascination, shame and pain intertwined on their faces.Si Yu couldn't understand this expression, but he could feel that he should have sensed this religious aura.People once said that high-level intellectuals can comprehend by analogy and quickly understand everything, and Lei Yao is probably like this.Si Yu bit her lip, feeling admiration and frustration at the same time, how could she have no reaction to this kind of occasion?Is this the so-called playing the piano against the cow?

After coming out of the mosque is the Dubai Museum.The Dubai Museum is one of the cultural symbols of Dubai. It is said that it was the royal palace before, and it houses cultural relics from various eras in Dubai, from utensils to iron cannons.There are also labor scenes of ancient Dubai people restored by video, such as fishing pearls in the sea, etc., to help tourists understand Arabic culture more comprehensively and quickly.The image of fishing for pearls in the sea reminded Si Yu of Sinbad's voyage, and he watched it with interest for a while.She is not very interested in other things. Although some things look ancient, they don't suit her appetite at all, so they can't attract her attention.As for the things that Lei Yao likes to talk about, such as the wall made of coral and shells, it is said that this is the traditional construction method in Dubai. It is said that this kind of wall is very strong, but she doesn't see any tricks, it looks like gray It was hazy, and I couldn't see the color and shape of corals and shells at all.If Lei Yao didn't explain it, she would have thought it was just ordinary plaster!Oops, she now knows how terrible it is to be uneducated!
Although Si Yu tried his best to pretend to be interested, Lei Yao had already seen that she was not interested, but he didn't mind, he just laughed it off, and took her to the commercial street of Dubai after lunch.This time, Si Yu didn't need to wear black gauze, and she felt that her steps were much lighter. Dubai's commercial streets are famous for their luxury, and the streets are full of high-end cosmetics and luxury goods stores, most of which are gold stores.

Women in Dubai, and it should be said that women in the entire Arab world, are notoriously obsessed with gold jewelry.For them, the amount of gold jewelry a woman owns represents how much her husband loves her, so rich and powerful women must wear gold jewelry all over their bodies, and many women even weigh their weight when buying gold jewelry.Si Yu met a few women like this on the street. They were all covered in black veils, but they wore golden glitter on their bodies. One woman even showed off her huge pair of earrings to Si Yu. She saw That face shook slightly, although Si Yu couldn't see the expression on her face, she still felt a needle-like discomfort.What, isn't it gold jewelry?Those rings you wear may not be worth as much as my rings?Si Yu encouraged herself angrily from the bottom of her heart, but she clearly felt a trace of frustration in her heart. There was no other way. If you lose your aura, you lose your aura. The brilliance of gold jewelry is incomparable to anything else. Although the brilliance of diamonds The sharpness can even pierce everything, but it still can't resist the overwhelming golden color.

Lei Yao saw her displeasure, and immediately took her into a gold shop, perhaps specially to relieve her anger, he picked out a string of giant necklaces for her, made of countless gold pieces, gold wires and gold tubes They are connected in series, unfolded like a waistcoat, and weigh an astonishing two kilograms.

"It's better not to have it!" Si Yu declined with a smile, not only to show that she was not greedy for vanity, but also because the necklace was too heavy.

Lei Yao smirked, pulled her over, put the necklace on Si Yu's neck forcefully, and said to her while putting it on: "People here judge whether a wife gets her husband's gift or not by how much gold jewelry she wears. Beloved, since you are here, you have to do as the Romans do, if you don't wear some gold jewelry, people will think that I am a stingy husband who doesn't know how to love his wife, and I will lose face."

Lei Yao was really good at talking, if Si Yu continued to evade, it would be tantamount to injuring him, Si Yu obviously couldn't do this, so he had to let Lei Yao buy the necklace.

As soon as Si Yu came out of the store, she subconsciously wanted to take off the necklace, but Lei Yao let her wear it for shopping, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, the folk customs here are simple, no one will rob you."

"It's not because of this." Si Yu muttered in a low voice with a blushing face. She was not just afraid of being robbed, but this necklace was too eye-catching.

Lei Yao pursed his lips, seeming a little displeased, Si Yu immediately dared not say anything more, and agreed with a forced smile, and walked forward gracefully, holding his hand.

This necklace is really eye-catching, and all the women walking past her showed envious eyes. Although Si Yu still couldn't see their expressions, he could still be sure that they were envious of her. Women are very sensitive in this regard. , and even some people are whispering admiration.Si Yu suddenly felt a little buoyant, and subconsciously held her head up, but soon she couldn't "float".

The chain is too heavy, it hangs on the shoulder like a big shackle, Si Yu walked on for a while, and soon couldn't even stand up her shoulders, Lei Yao noticed her embarrassment, and asked with a bit of distress : "Is the necklace too heavy?"

"No, it's okay." Si Yu quickly forced a smile and shook his head.

"Forget it, let's take it off!" Lei Yao smirked and helped her take off the necklace, "If I crush my beloved wife, won't I become a bad husband?"

Beloved wife?After hearing this sentence, Si Yu twitched with excitement, but then felt a little ashamed and bewildered. He could make himself so excited just by saying such a sentence?

It was getting late, and Si Yu was very tired, but Lei Yao was having fun and wanted to take a boat on the Dubai Creek.Si Yu had no choice but to grit his teeth and follow along, but when he arrived on the boat, he found that this choice was actually very good. The Dubai Creek is so beautiful.The blue river water is so clear that it makes people want to plunge into it and wash away the smoke and dust.Even if Si Yu just stood on the boat, she could feel the moistness and refreshingness of the river water. She felt that the blue river water was slowly turning into molecules, blowing into her lungs with the wind, and then slowly merging with her body. .In that instant, she felt as if she had become a native Arab who had spent decades with the river.

The boats on the Dubai Creek are made of logs, and the hulls with their true colors are painted with simple and elegant patterns with colorful paints.Unlike Chinese ferries, which always have a cabin stuck on them, the boats here only have wooden pavilions. These pavilions are exquisite and elegant. Sitting in them, you can see the panoramic view of the shore, which makes you feel very cheerful and comfortable.

The boat is slowly moving forward on the Dubai Creek, and the waves are gently agitating under the boat, just like the goddess in the river is gently shaking the cradle.Lei Yao has been looking at the modern buildings on the bank with great interest, but Si Yu just looks at the water surface in rapt attention.Some people say that the mother river is the soul of a nation, and now it seems that this is indeed the case.She seemed to have felt the pulsation of spirits in Dubai, and felt that the river seemed to take them back thousands of years to experience the fantasy stories in "Arabian Nights".

Gradually, she seemed to be able to see the unbelievably beautiful Arabian goddess in tulle, with a ruby ​​between her brows, although covering half of her face, walking towards her slowly, and she seemed to be able to see gorgeously dressed handsome men and women riding The flying carpet flew over, and finally I could see the gate of heaven slowly opening. This is obviously a paradise in Arabic mythology, with golden temples, endless flowers, and countless angels in white clothes...

(End of this chapter)

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