Chapter 4 Dissonance

After taking the boat, Lei Yao took Si Yu to visit the market. This market was specially preserved according to the ancient appearance to attract tourists. Once entering, it felt like being in a movie.There are also many street performers performing traditional Arab acrobatics here, among which a young man in a jacket and a headband is the most outstanding performer. Put it to your mouth and swallow it freely, and then put the torch on your body and rub it.The audience screamed and seemed to smell the burnt skin, but he himself seemed to feel nothing.

After performing fire skills, he started playing with knives. He grabbed dozens of sharp blades and threw them all up into the sky, catching them while throwing them. Dozens of knives were all flashing and dancing in the air, and none of them fell to the ground. .

The audience stared straight and couldn't help cheering loudly, except for Si Yu.She squinted her eyes all the time, and secretly adjusted her breathing. "A moving turtle" is the goal she set for herself today.Today, she wants to refrain from fatigue, resentment, great joy, and great compassion... During the event, she will use the turtle breath Dafa, and she must maintain her best state until the evening to complete what she should accomplish as a woman!She originally wanted to cheer herself up, but somehow she became complacent, and let out a burst of arrogant laughter in her heart.However, when she was laughing out loud in her heart, she suddenly heard the surroundings quiet down, and then she heard Lei Yao yelling, "Hurry up and hide?"

hide?Si Yu fixed her eyes on the front, and her whole body froze with fright: a gleaming knife flew straight towards her, right between her eyebrows!

"Shua!" A hand stretched out in time, blocking the knife away.

"Pfft!" A few drops of blood splashed onto Si Yu's face, Si Yu woke up like a dream, looked from the direction where her hand was stretched out, she was frightened out of her wits, her heart ached as if a piece had been cut off, she felt distressed Shouted: "Ah! Lei Yao!"

The one who blocked her was Lei Yao!His wrist hit the blade directly, and his skin was already ripped apart.Seeing what happened, the tricksters were so frightened that they even gave up their stalls, and fled into the crowd as soon as they lifted their feet.

"I didn't expect it to be a real knife." Lei Yao smiled wryly as he pressed the wound, blood slowly oozing from his fingers. His integrity is not directly proportional to his skills!"

"Don't be humorous!" Si Yu hurriedly took out a handkerchief and pressed it to his wound, but the moment her hand touched Lei Yao's wrist, Lei Yao retracted his hand as if he had been scalded, and there were tears in his eyes. He showed a nervous expression.

Si Yu's heart sank, she didn't think too much, she thought that Lei Yao was just admitting his birth, but she thought that even that was unacceptable, how could a husband and wife admit their birth?She squeezed his hand harder, pressed the handkerchief on his wound, and smiled at him more tenderly.

The nervousness in Lei Yao's eyes disappeared, and his eyes became gentle.Si Yu smiled comfortably, took out another handkerchief, and simply bandaged his wound.Compared with paper towels, Si Yu prefers to use handkerchiefs.She always thought it was an old-fashioned vice, but now she thinks this habit is too good.

Lei Yao went to the hospital to treat the wound. Fortunately, the wound was not deep, and because Si Yu treated it promptly, he was not infected.The doctor gave Lei Yao some medicine, and after putting on a bandage, he said that there was no serious problem.Because they were injured and it was getting late, they went back to the hotel.

Because of his obsession with hygiene, Lei Yao insisted on taking a bath even if he was injured.Si Yu sat listlessly on the bed listening to the sound of water, worried that his wound would be soaked, and suddenly felt congested in his heart, what a pity, how could there be bloodshed in the newly married?Wouldn't be a bad sign, would it?
Now that he was injured, it seemed that she shouldn't have "unreasonable thoughts".But if the test is too late, she is really flustered and afraid, and she really can't stand it, so she turns on her mobile phone to find Luan Luan to complain, but Luan Luan finds it incomprehensible.

"What is there to worry about? Do as you want?"

"No, he's injured!"

"Hey... What does it matter if his hand is injured? It's fine if it doesn't hurt where it works?"

"Bah! Why are you so wretched?"

"I'm telling the truth! Act fast! Do what needs to be done today!"

"How can it be so easy!"

"What's the problem? Have you never eaten pork or seen a pig run? What about the books you read? What about the movies you watched? Act like that, hurry up!"

At this moment Lei Yao came out from the bathroom.Si Yu was so frightened that he dropped the phone, and quickly picked it up again. The speed can be described as "quick as lightning".However, no matter how fast she is, she can still be seen clearly in front of Lei Yao.This was the second time Lei Yao saw her so nervous about the phone, he couldn't help asking.Si Yu had no choice but to explain with a blushing face, "I'm chatting with Luan Luan...uh, it's Hua Yun!"

"Oh?" Lei Yao smirked, "Are you talking about a little secret?"

"Uh, no!" Si Yu hurriedly defended, "She was teasing me, she said some insincere things..." Thinking of what they had talked about before, her heart pounded wildly, and her face turned even redder.

"Oh, do you feel regretful because you didn't have time to have a bridal chamber?" Lei Yao didn't care too much about it, he dried his hair and lay down on the bed.

Si Yu suddenly felt a rose-colored heat rushing all over his body, and he was extremely excited in an instant.She closed her eyes, feeling full of anticipation in her heart, but also suddenly felt a burst of panic.Ashamed to say, although she has no experience before, she is not that kind of spiritual saint.I have also read a lot of books and movies about sex, and I have fantasized about it myself, and I have long regarded it as a common thing in life.I didn't expect that when it was my turn, I would panic like an ignorant girl.Hey, girls and women, it's the same as long as you have no experience.Because of panic, she began to think wildly uncontrollably, and even thought of something even more "unreliable" said by a certain celebrity. He said that even a little white rabbit may hide a big beast in his heart.So is there a beast hidden in the heart of a Prince Charming like Lei Yao?Thinking of this, Si Yu's heart was boiling like a boil, and he couldn't tell whether it was excitement or panic.

Lei Yao stretched out his arms to hug her, his movements were not human, but it made Si Yu feel that his soul was shocked.Lei Yao leaned over and gently kissed her neck.Si Yu suddenly felt a numbness like an electric shock, and took a deep breath.It's also interesting to say that just now she was panic and excitement coexisting, and she couldn't tell which was panic and which was excitement, but now she clearly felt that excitement overwhelmed panic.And that panic made her feel happy too.However, when she was concentrating on savoring, she suddenly felt a pain in her lower body.

Uh?Si Yu suddenly had a bad premonition, and hurriedly pushed Lei Yao's hand away with a smirk, and ran to the bathroom to check.

what!what!what!When confirming what happened, Si Yu was so angry that she almost hit the wall, how could it be so early!Shouldn't there be a few more days?Why is this "flood season" so early?It is not difficult to imagine what happened after that. The "flood season" has come, and of course Si Yu can't complete his major events in life.However, she was just so unlucky. I don't know if it was because she was not acclimatized to the environment and her body was weak. Her "flood season" this time was extraordinarily long, and it lasted a whole week.Afterwards, Lei Yao took her to the desert party in the desert village, and she accidentally fell asleep while watching the performance.She didn't know that there was a big temperature difference between day and night in the desert, so she didn't pay attention to keeping warm, and accidentally caught a cold, which resulted in a cold.After catching a cold, she was naturally in a mess, and she didn't want to spend her first night in such a mess.As a result, after much tossing and tossing, at the end of the trip, she was still a virgin.

When he got home, Si Yu was so depressed that he could hardly breathe. This honeymoon had been such a failure.Although there is still a chance in the future, but she did not complete the "last rite of marriage" on the honeymoon, she felt panicked no matter how she thought about it.

Si Yu thought dully, and walked towards home listlessly.

"Hey, where are you going?" Lei Yao hurriedly greeted her.

Si Yurumeng just woke up, only to realize that she was walking in the direction of her mother's house, and suddenly felt a sense of loss and panic.How could she have forgotten that Lei Yao's home will be her home in the future, she looked in the direction of her mother's home, feeling a little uneasy, she is really going to start another life now, are you ready?

The day they went home was also the day when Luan Luan came home. Luan Luan felt deeply sorry for not being able to catch up with Si Yu's wedding, and said that Si Yu must make up for her wedding, but in fact it was just sitting together to eat and drink .Of course, Si Yu would not refuse this request, and he generously said that Luan Luan can eat wherever he wants.However, despite what he said, Si Yu was still a little uneasy.She is still unemployed, and all she spends is Lei Yao's money.It would be really embarrassing if Luan Luan really opened his mouth.Luckily, Luanluan is her true friend, and she hasn't changed her request because of her "class" change. The place she chooses is still affordable and cheap, and it's also the place Si Yu and her used to go to—Xiu Fen Chicken Restaurant.

Xiufen Chicken Restaurant, as the name suggests, is a place that specializes in selling all kinds of chicken dishes.Naturally, the consumer group is a mixed bag, ranging from Confucian businessmen who are newcomers to foremen with muddy feet.At the beginning, Si Yu didn't care much about the consumption environment, but later he found some problems. When Lei Yao walked into the store, he felt different from them. His clothes seemed to be extraordinarily clean, his hair seemed extraordinarily neat, and his face seemed to glow faintly. , all in all, they are not the same kind of people.Si Yu suddenly felt strangely uneasy, wouldn't Lei Yao despise her just because she chose this place?
Fortunately, Lei Yao didn't care about anything, and started to look at the menu after taking his seat, but Si Yu became nervous for no reason, ordered a drink and drank it in big gulps.

"Xiao Yuzi!" A familiar voice suddenly sounded.

Si Yu quickly raised his head and looked towards the entrance, and frowned with a smile when he saw Luanluan.This girl is real, and she dresses indiscriminately.Maybe it's because the lawyer's standard attire is too restrictive, and when it's time for leisure, Luanluan will vent to wear bright and fancy clothes.The clothes she is wearing today are full of bright colors, like a tropical fish, her hair hangs down like seaweed, and there is a shiny starfish clip in her bangs, she looks like a non-mainstream...

While Si Yu was laughing and teasing in her heart, she was deeply ashamed of herself.Seriously, today's messy look is strikingly beautiful, even though it's gaudy.If it were her, wearing this kind of clothes would definitely look vulgar and ridiculous, but messy clothes can look beautiful.There is no way, she has a good background, although Luan Luan is a law student, she doesn't look like a lawyer at all.She has the figure of a Hawaiian girl, with long eyebrows, big eyes, and plump lips. Coupled with the big curly hair she has always maintained, she is full of power with a little dressing up.Si Yu suddenly felt uneasy. Although she knew that Lei Yao didn't like this type of person, she still couldn't help worrying that Lei Yao would compare her to Luan Luan...

Lei Yao and Luanluan had already finished exchanging greetings and took their seats.Luan Luan looked at Lei Yao for a few times, it was the kind of undisguised direct stare, and then he smiled: "It's true that you can see it more clearly from a close up than from a distance. You are so handsome. No wonder my little Yuzi was killed by you. I was so fascinated, I was so happy when I said I was going to marry you, I still couldn't believe it was true, and sent me eight text messages a day asking me if she was dreaming..."

"Oh! Nonsense! How could it be that exaggerated!" Si Yu was so frightened that he lost his wits.Not only because of talking about the embarrassing things about her not being humane, but also because her words and deeds are too bold.God, chaos, can't she be a little bit more ladylike, can't she be a little bit more ladylike?

Fortunately, Lei Yao just smiled slightly.

Seeing that he didn't accept the move, Luan Luan became even more excited.Seeing her expression, Si Yu panicked to the extreme. It's over, she's going to start messing around.Although she knew in her heart that Luanluan was messing around with Lei Yao because of their good relationship, but she was uneasy.Only now did she realize that she had subconsciously regarded Lei Yao as an exquisite crystal product, holding it carefully all the time, not daring to let him get a slight shock.

"Hehe... Speaking of which, we are also classmates, do you still remember me?" Luanluan deliberately winked at Lei Yao.

"Of course I remember." Lei Yao smiled politely.

"I'll remember it if I think about it!" Luan Luan suddenly smirked, "You even hit me up!" "Huh?" Lei Yao was startled, and Si Yu almost spit out the drink in his mouth, it's over , Chaos, this is obviously nonsense!Uh?Is it really nonsense?

Although he felt that Luanluan might be playing tricks, Si Yu subconsciously cast a questioning look at Luanluan.

Under the surprised gazes of the two people, Luanluan remained calm and composed, frowning as if thinking: "When was that? It seems to be my sophomore year, when I put in my meal card from the ATM in the cafeteria. Saving money, you were next to me at that time, you should have learned how to save money long ago, but you came to ask me for advice, haha, what is it if it’s not flirting?"

"Ah?" Lei Yao suddenly laughed awkwardly, his eyes were also rolling quickly, and he could see that he was thinking quickly, "Is that really like that? That's really rude..."

Although Si Yu felt that Lei Yao might be out of politeness by answering first regardless of the truth, but he still couldn't help feeling suspicious, and stared blankly at Luanlu.

Luan Luan looked at them proudly and slyly, and suddenly burst into laughter: "Hahaha! I lied to you! I think I lied to you too! You are so cute!"

"You!" Si Yu's chin almost flew out, and he couldn't help but slapped Luan Luan fiercely, "You are really serious!"

On the other hand, Lei Yao breathed a sigh of relief, and gave Luan Lan an embarrassing look, as if he was more ashamed than angry, probably annoyed at how he was fooled by this woman's random words.

After the gossip was over, it was naturally time to eat and drink. He randomly picked up the menu and ordered a roast chicken, a stewed chicken, and a braised chicken, plus three cold dishes, and three cold vegetables and vegetables. Three bottles of beer.Hearty and affordable.Because this kind of shop does not have gimmicks such as "high-grade, high-level" to attract customers, it will fight for the taste, so the taste of these dishes is particularly delicious.All three of them enjoyed their meal, at least Si Yu thought so.When the wine was half drunk, Luan Luan got up to go to the toilet because he drank too much beer.Si Yu and Lei Yao sat facing each other, chatting some tasteless gossip.

"Your friend is quite cute!" Lei Yao said suddenly.

"Ah...haha, she just likes to mess around, I made you laugh." Si Yu thought that what he said was ironic, and immediately felt ashamed.

"No." Lei Yao smiled and picked up a cold cucumber stick, "I think she is very good like this, she is straightforward. Maybe you don't know, those people I face every day are polite, but they are very fake in dealing with others. It's like wearing a mask. There may be sinister faces hidden under this mask, and sometimes even knives can be poked out." Speaking of this, Lei Yao's expression was slightly solemn, and he took a sip of wine with a smile.

Because he spoke relatively easily, Si Yu didn't take this sentence to heart, and just turned around to urge the dishes, and the stewed chicken didn't come up.

The stewed chicken finally arrived. Si Yu poked a big hot pot with a spoon, and was pleasantly surprised to find that there were chicken kidneys in it—chicken kidneys, commonly known as sewing kits, are a favorite food of the market people. Si Yu's favorite.It is said that nowadays restaurants, especially small restaurants, always like to buckle the sewing kit when cooking chicken, and take it out to cook another dish, so it is very rare to see chicken kidneys here.

Without even thinking about it, Si Yu gave Lei Yao the chicken kidney.

Unexpectedly, Lei Yao was stunned. He frowned and smiled: "I don't like eating chicken kidneys. Chicken kidneys usually contain a lot of toxins and waste."

"Ah?" Si Yu froze for a moment.

"Don't you like eating chicken kidneys? It's okay." Lei Yao picked up the toothpick and picked out the chicken kidneys. Si Yu seemed to be whipped in the face, almost crying for a moment.God, she gave him her favorite food, but she was misunderstood as throwing garbage to him.

"No, let me eat it!" Si Yu picked out the chicken kidney with a toothpick with a pale face. Although she was very unwilling to be misunderstood, everything she said now was false. The blood seemed to stop flowing.

Because she was in a depressed mood, Si Yu accidentally dropped the chicken kidney on the plate. She was about to pick it up again, when suddenly a toothpick came over quickly and picked the chicken kidney away.

Si Yu looked up in surprise, and found that Luan Luan was standing beside the table, chewing mischievously.

"Ah You……"

"Hey." Luan Luan smiled and showed her white teeth, "Who told you to slow down?" Then he turned to Lei Yao with a smirk and said, "You don't know, this girl likes to eat chicken kidneys the most. The next time I want to eat, I have to snatch it from her, saying that I haven’t snatched a chicken kidney for a while, and this time I finally got my revenge!”

"Oh..." Lei Yao's face suddenly brightened as if being illuminated by the sun, and he smiled a little shyly, "So you gave me your favorite food!"

Only then did the blood in Si Yu's whole body resume flowing, and then his heart was filled with flowers, he nodded shyly, grateful for Luanran, and quietly shook Luanluan's hand vigorously from under the table.

(End of this chapter)

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