Chapter 34 Confusion
In front of outsiders, Lei Yao's movements are very restrained.Once in the car, it was different. He was close to her, pretending to protect her, but in fact he squeezed her against the seat cushion with his body, and at the same time grabbed her two arms under the cover of his body. hand.He put his lips on Si Yu's ear and snickered secretly: "Don't be so sullen, I didn't intend to do this at first. I wanted to persuade you to turn back through tenderness, but I didn't expect you to be an oily salt If you don’t go in, you have no choice but to make such a bad move... Don’t be angry, you are scary like that, and you are not beautiful at all.”

He smiled very complacently, which would arouse Si Yu's resentment, and he knew it too.But deliberately pretending to be sad and regretful is obviously more worthy of beating, so he simply revealed his true thoughts.

Si Yu stiffened his neck and just ignored him, but his heart was filled with grief, indignation, despair and cowardice.He not only made her lose the chance to divorce him, but also successfully isolated her from the whole world.He is so despicable, vicious, and powerful... Could it be that she can no longer escape from his grasp?

As soon as Lei Yao entered, he took her hostage into the room and closed the door behind his back.Si Yu shrank back into the room in horror, Lei Yao looked at her evilly and smiled, with a hint of self-mockery and annoyance in his playful smile.He has already risked it all, since words can't convince her, he simply uses actions to let her understand.

He pounced on her like a hungry tiger, pressed her under him, and kissed her lips.Si Yu desperately refused, but he couldn't push him at all.The lips can't be moved away as if they were welded by his lips.Si Yu's body convulsed for a moment, then collapsed in helplessness and despair.

However, after Lei Yao kissed her, he didn't say anything else, he laughed and let her go.After that, he just got tired of being by her side and didn't do anything out of the ordinary.Even so, she was still uneasy and wanted to find a chance to escape, at least not to live in the same room with him.However, after walking around Lei's house, she realized that she can't go anywhere, only living in the same room with Lei Yao.Lei Yao's servants who didn't know the truth all helped Lei Yao, and even the neighbors spontaneously helped to monitor her.Although Lei Shuo's parents knew the truth and felt guilty towards Si Yu, they still chose to help their son.For her now, the whole outside world has become an iron bucket, enclosing her alone.

Si Yu reluctantly went back to the wedding room and sat there blankly.She has no time to care about other people's thoughts now.She only cares about random thoughts, because she shouldn't and doesn't need to lie to her.She is sure that as long as she is honest with her, she will trust and help her to the end.But she just didn't tell her the truth, maybe there would be an irresolvable estrangement because of this, and she hated it to death thinking of this.

However, at this time, chaos came.Si Yu felt a burst of ecstasy, and wanted to express his heart to her, but found that he couldn't say anything.Only now did she understand that the gap between her and Luanluan had been formed long ago.She didn't know how or when the gap was formed, but she clearly felt that it was there.Although I have something to say to her, I just don't know how to say it.It seems to be the same over there.The two of them sat silently for a long time.

"It's getting late, I'll go back first." Luan Luan sighed helplessly, got up and left.Lei Yao appeared at the right time and sent Luan Luan back, showing his kindness as a landlord.After returning, she said to Si Yu with ulterior motives: "Your friend is such a good girl. She is beautiful and knows how to advance and retreat... We had a meal with her before. At that time, I thought she was a very clever girl." girl."

Hearing what he said, Si Yu suddenly became angry: "What are you trying to say?"

"It's nothing." Lei Yao raised his eyebrows, "I just think this girl is nice, and I'm going to introduce a boyfriend to her."

Si Yu's face turned red, revealing an extremely embarrassed expression.To be honest, she also hopes that Luanluan can find a wealthy husband, but if she also finds someone with ulterior motives, wouldn't it be another victim?
Lei Yao giggled, and reached out to touch her chin: "Look at you, with your jealous face, do you think I'm going to reach out to your friend? Don't worry, I won't. Oh, since you If you care about me so much, why don't you be honest?"

Si Yu was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood, she gave him a hard look, turned around and left.

During bedtime, Si Yu didn't dare to stay anywhere, but curled up on the sofa.Lei Yao giggled, lying on the big double bed swaggeringly, and deliberately lifted the quilt on the other side a little, and said to her, "I will always reserve a seat for you."

Si Yu ignored him, went to find a blanket by herself, curled up on the sofa and fell asleep.As soon as I woke up the next day, I checked my clothes, and there were no signs of being removed or messed up.There was an extra quilt on her body, Lei Yao came to cover her in the middle of the night?Si Yu pinched the quilt, and couldn't help feeling dazed again.

Lei Yao didn't violate her again for several days, but Si Yu didn't take it lightly.Seeing Lei Yao come back drunk one night, he immediately hid aside.Today seemed to be just an ordinary business meeting, but Lei Yao was extremely drunk and seemed to be in a bad mood, Chen Ma just sent him away after serving him the hangover tea.Si Yu didn't want to ask, but hearing him lying on the bed, moaning, felt really uneasy, so he walked up to him hesitantly and said, "Do you want to be okay? Why are you drinking so much?"

Lei Yao sighed for a long time, and said with a wry smile, "Isn't it because of you?"

Si Yu was speechless, she looked at Lei Yao's flushed face, sighed in confusion, poured water for him and handed him a towel, and tried her best to take care of him.Lei Yao stared at the ceiling, seemingly unintentionally put his hands on her shoulders.Si Yu was wearing clothes with an open collar today, and Lei Yao's hands were placed directly on her skin in an ambiguous position, with the top of the shoulders facing down.

Si Yu's body shook slightly, but he didn't push his hand away.An aggressive smile flashed across Lei Yao's lips, and he sat up and hugged Si Yu in his arms.He's not that drunk, he's just pretending.Using force will only arouse women's hostility. If you want to find out a woman's true thoughts, you must first show weakness.

Si Yu was caught off guard and struggled desperately, Lei Yao suppressed her resistance disapprovingly.He had found out Si Yu's heart through that action just now, and she was actually willing in her heart.Since she was willing in her heart, he didn't have to care about the details.He stripped Si Yu naked in a few strokes, and then frantically exercised his power as a husband.Si Yu couldn't help but submit to him.She tried her best to suppress her moaning, and she couldn't help crying out when she was treated fiercely.Chen Ma passed by the door, and when she heard Si Yu's scream, she shook her head and said disdainfully, "I'm an old married couple, why would Lang Cheng do this?"

By the time the first one ended, it was already midnight.Si Yu buried her head deeply in the pillow, and ignored him even if she didn't look at him.

"Are you still angry? Please, don't be like this, okay? We are all adults." Lei Yao leaned against her, reaching out to stroke her back.She wrapped the quilt tightly around her body, and he could only touch her through the quilt.To be honest, he was a little annoyed with himself, he knew he should take his time the first time, but he lost control as soon as he touched her body.His desire for her was far stronger than he imagined.Although a little impulsive today, it can be regarded as an expression of true feelings.The remaining problems need to be remedied slowly.

"Why are you unwilling to let me go?" Si Yu said coldly, with indescribable pain and humiliation in his tone.

Lei Yao was startled, knowing that he couldn't smile anymore.He wanted to express his heart solemnly, but he didn't know how to express it. In the end, he could only smile bitterly: "Why can't you believe that I really like you?"

Si Yu didn't respond.

Lei Yao sighed again: "I know that you actually have no confidence, and I'm afraid that I don't really like you, but I really like you, your excellent qualities, and your beauty. In fact, you are very beautiful, but I didn't appreciate it before..." As he said that, his eyes overflowed with a different kind of heat, and the movement of touching her slowed down, "I thought you were like other women. A woman who can't get to the north, later... It's ironic to say that when you insisted on divorcing me, I realized that you are really a rare woman who can't be promiscuous if you are rich and can't be fooled by your appearance... Such a woman, I am determined not to let go.”

Si Yu still didn't speak, but was secretly annoyed and ashamed.She was like this now, but she wasn't like that then, otherwise she wouldn't have messed with him.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Lei Yao found it more and more difficult to speak. He sighed and said tentatively: "Of course, I also know that I am not good enough in many places, but I will correct it for you, please believe me..."

Si Yu was still silent, Lei Yao sighed in disappointment when he saw that she didn't like her, and started thinking about "convincing her with actions".He pulled off the quilt wrapped around Si Yu's body, put his hand in, and swam around her body like a snake.Si Yu grabbed his hand without saying a word, and pushed it away hard.Lei Yao sighed, tore off the quilt, and pressed against her again. After being rejected, his desire rose again, but this time he remembered to take his time.

Afterwards, Lei Yao got off work on time every day, and after dinner, he took Si Yu back to his room and begged her.Si Yu didn't want to, so he insisted.But he will take her feelings into consideration, let alone hurt her body, anyway, he knows that she is willing in her heart.Si Yu was very ashamed about this, because she also knew that she was not completely reluctant in her heart.It was like this the first time, and it is even more so now... I don't know if the heart will be bound after the body is possessed, she feels that she is sinking gradually, and the rational factors are also disappearing.

In this case, it is also difficult to maintain a rational judgment.Si Yu knew it very well, so she felt that she had to leave.But according to the current situation, it would be absolutely difficult for her to leave.So she decided to pretend to be obedient first, in order to deceive Lei Yao, and then deceive everyone else.

She began to pretend to be submissive and intimate with Lei Yao.Lei Yao was very happy and desperately gave her presents.

That day Si Yu was sitting at the table reading a book, but she was actually reading to cover up her contemplation. Lei Yao quietly leaned over and put something on her wrist with lightning speed.Si Yu was taken aback, looked at the wrist, and suddenly felt that the crystal light was dazzling.

It was a huge diamond bracelet with countless diamonds inlaid on it.

"This is a set of accessories for couples!" Lei Yao pulled out a key from the gap in the bracelet. The key was quite beautiful, with several diamonds inlaid on it, and a string of platinum chains at the end.

Lei Yao hung the chain around his neck, held Si Yu's hand tightly, looked into her eyes and said, "Did you know? Bracelets are transformed from handcuffs. When a man puts a bracelet on a woman, he wants to tie his beloved forever. A woman." Then he tightened his grip, "I'm putting 'shackles' on you, and I'm going to keep you chained for the rest of my life."

After hearing his confession, Si Yu felt hot and confused for a while, but soon calmed down again.He still wants to use "tied" to her!
Lei Yao has lost his vigilance towards her, and the people around him are almost the same.Si Yu took the time to escape, she didn't bring anything extra this time, only some money.As for the expensive diamond bracelet, she wanted to keep it, but because she needed a key to open it, she couldn't take it off.

Si Yu touched the bracelet, and suddenly felt a numb pain in his heart: This can be regarded as Lei Yao's souvenir for her!
Because he is afraid of being bumped into or caught, Si Yu always sneaks into alleys.Just as she was passing through an extremely secluded alley, it was already dark, and she felt a little scared.But at this moment, she seemed to feel that someone was following her.Could it be that Lei Yao followed?Si Yu's heart suddenly felt hot, but soon it became cold to the bone.

Not Lei Yao.

The hairs all over Si Yu's body stood on end, and just as he was about to start running, a handkerchief soaked in chloroform suddenly covered his mouth and nose.She struggled a few times in vain, but soon stopped moving.

When Si Yu woke up again, he found Mei Ruoting's face with a silly grin in front of him.Si Yu sat up suddenly in shock, and suddenly found that she was sitting in a low bungalow.

"Oh, you finally woke up...I'm so worried!" Mei Ruoting brought Si Yu a bowl of hot stewed eggs.

Si Yu didn't dare not stop eating, and he was really hungry, so he took it and sipped it.

Mei Ruoting watched her eat with a smile, very happy: "Oh, is it possible that I can't stand Lei Yao at last? In fact, as soon as I heard that you were going to divorce him, I knew he must be sorry for you. I wanted to rush to Lei's family rescued you, but I just couldn't find a chance, so whenever I have free time, I will walk around his house. Haha, I happened to run into you today!"

Si Yu smiled wryly, but she didn't expect that the one who trusted her was actually this paranoid.If she had encountered such a thing before, she would definitely be full of fear and disgust.She was fascinated by appearances before, and Mei Ruoting existed like a fly in her eyes.However, she now knows how to look into other people's hearts, and has a different view of Mei Ruoting.In any case, he is the one who is madly in love with her, and she shouldn't insult him.

Thinking of the word "crazily in love", Si Yu froze, and then became sober.Mei Ruoting probably didn't want to "save" her, he carried chloroform with him, and obviously planned to take her away from the beginning.In addition, there was a bundle of rope piled up in the corner of the room, obviously he intended to tie her up for a long time.Why does it look more and more like a perverted movie!

Si Yu's heart was suddenly like ice and snow, so Mei Ruoting's eyes seemed abnormal.what!Mei Ruoting was originally narrow-minded, and after being ruined by Lei Yao for half her life, she would definitely go into a corner.Maybe he is already half crazy, after thinking of this, Si Yu panicked and couldn't control herself, but reason told her that she must calm down now.

Calm down first, then use words to confuse him, wait for the opportunity to escape, people in the movie do this, she has to try it!

"I'm done eating, it's delicious." Si Yu put down the bowl with a smile.

"Really? My craftsmanship is not bad, right?" Mei Ruoting smiled with her chin in her hands, like a child being praised.

"Of course it's very good, it really surprised me!" Si Yu stroked his hair and smiled charmingly at him, "I feel homesick after I'm full, take me home, I'll introduce you to my mother. "

"Introduce me? Why?" Mei Ruoting smiled.

Si Yu originally wanted to say let her see her new son-in-law, but thinking that the signs of deceit were too obvious, he changed his words and said, "Let her see my good friend." Although the words were cryptic, the implication was still is quite obvious.

Mei Ruoting was overjoyed when she heard this, but at the same time, there was deep doubt in her eyes.These days, his mental state is indeed not optimistic, and he has been in a state of splitting.After hearing the news of Si Yuda's attempted divorce, his thoughts became even more wanton and uncontrollable.On the one hand, he fantasizes that Si Yu has recognized Lei Yao's true colors and will happily go with him; on the other hand, he feels that this is impossible.It was the same after hearing Si Yu's rhetoric. On the one hand, he felt that it was a beautiful thing, but he couldn't help suspecting that it was just a lie.

Si Yu watched him staring blankly at her, the expression on his face changed strangely, he couldn't help feeling a little apprehensive, and subconsciously turned his gaze to the side.However, relying on this gesture, Mei Ruoting actually got a glimpse of her true intentions—sometimes lunatics are the most sensitive.

"You lied to me! How dare you lie to me!" Mei Ruoting's face turned scary, and he roared like a mad wolf, "Do you still remember Lei Yao? What's so good about him? You're such a jerk! You're such a jerk!" Said Then he took a rope to tie Si Yu up, and Si Yu struggled desperately, but he didn't expect him to be more powerful after going mad, Si Yu had almost no strength left to resist, and was quickly tied up firmly by him.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door.Mei Ruoting was taken aback for a moment, before she could figure out what to do next, the door was knocked open.

what!It's Lei Yao!Why is Lei Yao here!

(End of this chapter)

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