Chapter 33

Lei Yao was also sensible, and since then he has not harassed her, nor mentioned the signing of the contract.It seems that he said that he asked her to help sign it was just a pretense, and his purpose was just to delay the time.Si Yu could only sigh in bewilderment at this, and was going to have a talk with him.However, when she was thinking about what to say to him, Lei Yao appeared. "Go out and play with me tomorrow!" He smiled and said to her, a little nervous.

Si Yu wondered if this is still the time to say this, and was about to refuse, but he guessed what Si Yu was thinking, and stretched out his finger to gently touch her lips.

"Don't refuse me. I want to celebrate your birthday before you leave me. Have you forgotten that tomorrow is your birthday? You and I are married, but I haven't even celebrated your birthday. I’ll definitely regret it in the future. Don’t reject me, okay?” As he spoke, he showed the begging expression of a little animal that was about to be abandoned.

Si Yu's heart softened, and she thought it was just hanging out together, so it shouldn't matter.No matter what he does, she just needs to be an iceberg.It's just that he didn't expect him to remember her birthday.Because she was upset, she couldn't remember her own birthday. Thinking of this, she felt confused again, so she quickly took a deep breath to "get rid of all distracting thoughts".

Early the next morning Lei Yao took Si Yu to Park B.This is the largest park in the city and also the most advanced park.There are even European-style gardens and castles imitating European architecture, which are crowded with people every holiday.Today happened to be Sunday, the park was empty, Si Yu couldn't help showing a questioning look to Lei Yao.

"The person in charge of this park is my friend, and I rented it from him." Lei Yao looked at Si Yu affectionately, "Today is just for you."

Si Yu pursed her lips and smiled: "Using nepotism to misuse public resources!"

"Don't say that, I paid enough rent." Lei Yao rubbed his hair with a wry smile, feeling that Si Yu was still resistant, so he could only beg her with a smirk, "Don't be like this, cheer up, it's you today Don’t cast a shadow on your own birthday, and at least give me some face.” Speaking of this, I brought a bit of sadness: “This is the last time we meet, please allow me to do something for you at the end , okay?"

In fact, Si Yu didn't hate it, she just subconsciously wanted to dispel his delusions at any time.Hearing what he said, I couldn't harden my heart, and secretly decided to cooperate with him as much as possible today.

Knowing that she agreed, Lei Yao was very happy, took her hand, and led her straight to the side of the European-style garden.There is a carriage standing at the entrance of the garden. This carriage is different from ordinary carriages. Needless to say, the workmanship is exquisite and the wood is high-grade. The strange thing is that its board walls are curved and bulge outward. The entire carriage... like a pumpkin? !

"Pumpkin carriage." Lei Yao said with a smile, "I found it with great difficulty!" As he spoke, he took out a shiny silver crown hair ornament as if by magic, and put it on Si Yu's head, "Let's experience Cinderella The feeling, of course, is after becoming a princess."

Si Yu almost laughed when she saw the crown. She wanted to say that she was no longer 17, but seeing his apprehensive and begging eyes, she readily accepted and smiled happily. She was really happy.

Lei Yao asked Si Yu to sit in the carriage, and jumped into the driver's seat to be the driver.His movements are a little rusty, but quite in place.Maybe it's just learning, but it's learned very carefully.Si Yu felt that her heart was gradually warming up and began to melt uncontrollably.Her rationality told her to stop it, but she couldn't control herself at all.Any woman is intoxicated when she encounters happiness, even if it is unreliable happiness.

The carriage drove slowly in the garden, Si Yu watched the green trees and red flowers flash by, feeling vaguely like a fairy tale.I couldn't help but fantasize that I was the Cinderella who put on the glass slipper and sat in the pumpkin carriage, and was about to enter the castle of fate and marry her prince forever... At this moment, Si Yu felt a sudden pain in his heart , all fantasies suddenly vanished.A fairy tale is a fairy tale, and it cannot be fulfilled in reality.She has already argued this question with her own mistakes, is she going to repeat the same mistakes now?
The carriage stopped in front of the castle, Lei Yao jumped out of the carriage, smiled and went to hold Si Yu's hand, unexpectedly found that she was still smiling calmly.Lei Yao was slightly at a loss, in his expectation, she should have been dizzy with happiness, but he didn't expect that she could hold her breath.But that's okay.He still has several tricks!

Lei Yao took Si Yu to watch the castle, and asked her in a tender voice: "How is it? Have you found the feeling of a princess?" Then at the entrance of the castle, without warning, he knelt down on one knee.

Si Yu was shocked, and his body trembled, but he stood firm and did not move.

Lei Yao took out a ring from his pocket, and put it on Si Yu affectionately and respectfully.It was a diamond ring, with pink diamonds and white diamonds assembled to look like a crystal slipper.After Lei Yao put the ring on Si Yu, he kissed deeply on the back of her hand, and then stared at her affectionately, full of expectation and prayer.

Si Yu's eyes melted, and he closed his eyes with a smile, as if he was completely intoxicated.Lei Yao thought that the time had come, and with a successful smile, he slowly stood up.

However, when Si Yu opened her eyes again, her eyes were still clear. She smiled and looked at the crystal slipper in her hand, and then slowly took it off.

Lei Yao seemed to be struck by lightning, his face quickly darkened, but he still smiled forcefully.

"I'll give you back the crystal slipper." Si Yu handed back the ring to him.

"Why?" Lei Yaoqiang smiled and didn't answer, "That belongs to you."

"No, the magic clock is ringing at midnight, I should go back to my ashes." Si Yu smiled detachedly and relievedly, but also with a bit of sadness.

"Do you have to go back? I'll kneel down for you." Lei Yao rolled his eyes and said in a coquettish tone.This doesn't mean that he doesn't take it seriously, on the contrary, he is very flustered now.However, even if you are flustered, you can't show it, let alone yell impulsively.If you accidentally caused Si Yu's hostility, everything would be over.

"Haha, maybe you knelt down for me today, but you were thinking about asking me to lie down in front of you in the future." Si Yu said teasingly, but then his expression became serious.Because she felt it was entirely possible.

Lei Yao smiled awkwardly, his eyes were still rolling quickly, as if he was still thinking about how to save him.

Si Yu knew that he should make a quick decision now, tried hard to hold back the tears in his eyes, and smiled happily: "I should go, anyway, thank you for giving me a good day of memories. Really, thank you very much... ..."

After she finished speaking, she turned her head, tears rolling down her eyes.In fact, she knew that she was still reluctant, but she would never hesitate because of it.One day's romance doesn't mean anything, what she really needs is a lifetime of persistence and respect.Will he stick to her for the rest of his life and respect her for the rest of his life?
Lei Yao also prepared other programs for her, but she stopped showing her face, and immediately started collecting evidence and materials to prepare for divorce.She also found Luanluan for help, and also asked her not to ask anything until the dust settled.Luanluan still agreed and tried her best to help her.She didn't tell Luan Luan about the absurd things about Lei Yao, let alone the fact that she was still a virgin after being married for so long.It's just telling Luan Luan that she didn't think clearly when she and Lei Yao got married, the relationship foundation was not enough, and the life after marriage was relatively alienated.The reason why she didn't tell the truth to Luanluan was not because she didn't trust her.It's because sometimes the more you face your friends, the more you can't uncover your own scars.In addition, she can predict that if she tells Luan Luan the truth, from the standpoint of a lawyer, Luan Luan will definitely ask her to have a gynecological examination in order to settle the lawsuit.She didn't want to do this, it would definitely cause Lei Yao to be fatally misunderstood.She naively thought that she didn't want property, and divorce should be an easy task, but it wasn't like that.

In Si Yu's situation, there is no hard condition for divorce.If Luanluan wants to facilitate their divorce, they must prove that their relationship has really broken down.However, emotional breakdown is a flexible concept, and there is no hard and fast standard.Is she really going to show the kind of evidence that can lead to death?Si Yu was very confused.However, at this time, God sent a witness.

The witness is Mrs. Amei. She has saved a little money and doesn't plan to continue working as a nanny. She has left Lei's house recently.Si Yu hurried to find her and asked her how much she knew.

She knew a lot, not only did she hear and witness the quarrel between Si Yu and Lei Yao several times, but once she accidentally found out that she and Lei Yao were actually in the same room but in different beds.Si Yu was very happy, and quickly gave her some favors, begging her to testify in court, but did not ask her to give false testimony.

In fact, Zhang Moli should be one of those who witnessed her and Lei Yao's "relationship breakdown".She was also actively trying to testify for Si Yu in court, but Si Yu couldn't bear to bother her anymore.The last time she blocked Chen Ma for her, Chen Ma scratched her face.Later, seeing that Si Yu took the initiative to go back to Lei's house, her painstaking efforts were wasted, and she didn't get angry and complain.Facing such a person, how could Si Yu have the heart to bother her again?
On the day of the court session, Mrs. Amei appeared in court and told what she had seen. The situation seemed to be one-sided.There has always been very little evidence in lawsuits about "broken relationship", and it is very rare to have such clear evidence.Facing such evidence, Lei Yao had no obvious reaction. Just when everyone thought that Si Yu had won, Lei Yao's attorney suddenly asked the court to play a VCR.

Si Yu froze, the VCR turned out to be the scene of Lei Yao celebrating her birthday!He didn't tell her that there was a filming arrangement!She didn't see the photographer either... Could it be that he asked someone to secretly take pictures?

Everyone saw Si Yu smiling and happy in the video, and there was a sudden commotion.Si Yuru was hit hard, felt the darkness in front of her eyes, and her whole body was sinking.What Lei Yao said and did that day flashed by her ears and eyes one by one, cutting her heart like a knife.It turned out that he had arranged everything that day... He planned it carefully, just trying to trick her into smiling, even if it was just a fake smile... Too much!unacceptable!

Si Yu originally had a little hope left, hoping that this VCR shooting would also be part of his celebration of her birthday, but when the camera was aimed at some scenes that could represent the time, Si Yu's illusions were completely shattered.The camera system can mark the time, but Lei Yao was afraid that the court would suspect him of falsification, so he deliberately took some scenes that could prove the time. If it wasn't for the VCR to take pictures specially as evidence, would he be worthy of taking pictures of these things?

The VCR ended after Si Yu closed her eyes sweetly and happily.Everyone cast suspicious and questioning gazes at Si Yu.At this moment, Lei Yao spoke.

"I'm very sorry for wasting everyone's time..." He rubbed his nose in an "embarrassed" manner, "Si Yu was just capricious and wanted to divorce me, but I didn't handle it well and wasted everyone's time, I'm very sorry .”

He pretended to be embarrassing and innocent, Si Yu was furious, and wanted to jump up to argue with him, but was held down silently.

Lei Yao continued: "Actually, Si Yu has always liked to have a temper with me, quarreled with me over trivial matters, and even slept in separate beds with me casually..."

What?Si Yu's eyes went dark again, he actually wanted to say that it was all her responsibility!He is turning black and white!However, the onlookers seemed to let him confuse black and white, because they believed his words even more!

"This time, she was going to divorce me because of a trivial matter. In fact, she happily celebrated her birthday with me a few days ago, so I was very confused. Later, I understood." Lei Yao looked at everyone with a smile , with a look full of love and tolerance, "That's because I didn't care enough for her, which made her feel insecure all the time. She was in pain, so she wanted to divorce me. I will definitely love her more in the future, and I will never let her She does this kind of thing."

Some spectators in the court started to commotion again, Lei Yao knew that they must be questioning that Si Yu has treated him like this, does he still love her?Then he hurriedly "dispelled the confusion": "I know she still loves me very much. The reason why she did this is precisely because she loves me too much. Because she loves me, she can't bear my neglect of her, so she wants to divorce me , although I made a lot of fuss...but it is precisely the expression of deep love for me. Our relationship has not broken down, but there is a little misunderstanding. I hope the court will not sentence us to divorce...otherwise, both of us will regret it for the rest of our lives."

Si Yu knew that everyone must be looking at her with disdain and resentment, and that was indeed the case.In the eyes of everyone at the moment, she must be a selfish, self-willed, hypocritical brain-dead, such a good, such a rich husband does not know how to cherish, and she will get divorced casually because of trivial matters.

Si Yu closed his eyes dejectedly, and broke out in a cold sweat like a collapse.It was too late, even if she went to prove her virginity again, it would probably be useless.Lei Yao can still say "it's because of her eccentricity that she doesn't want to have sex with him", everyone will definitely believe him, because they have already sided with him.

The court ruled in court that Si Yu and Lei Yao should not be sentenced to divorce.This was what Si Yu expected, the first thing she did after the court closed was to rush to her father and mother.Worse, the eyes of parents looking at her are also full of sadness and blame... They were also deceived by Lei Yao?Si Yu's mind went blank for a moment, and he looked towards Luan Luan subconsciously.Luan Luan stood far away, with an extremely obscure expression on his face... Oops!Is she blaming her too?

In the eyes of contempt and blame, Lei Yao came with a smile, and stretched out his hand to pull her.When Si Yu saw him, she was furious and couldn't help but slapped him hard.Lei Yao's face turned red, and he accepted it with obscurity.Among all the people, he himself knew that he deserved this slap, while others showed righteous indignation, wishing to jump out and scold her.

Si Yu knew that arguing with him in this situation would not lead to a good result, so he hurriedly dragged his mother outside.Unexpectedly, mother flung her hand away sullenly, and then pushed her towards Lei Yao.

Si Yu was stunned, and Lei Yao took the opportunity to grab her by the shoulders and pull her into his car.

(End of this chapter)

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