God Level Collection

Chapter 136 The art of bullying and fearing hard

Chapter 136 The Art of Bullying and Fearing the Hard

Fatty Qian explained, "Western gods have a characteristic, that is, the range of priesthood varies greatly. Although she is the goddess of hunting, she was originally the god of the forest and nature, that is, the goddess of plants."

"Artemis' alias at that time was Ortea."

Yun Jin touched her chin and thought, so the real meaning of this card is the favor of the plant goddess?That would fit in nicely with the content of the card.

But is there really a god in this world?Or just express a kind of faith, or glory?

Just like the ancient "Son of Heaven", Tian will definitely not have a son, but this represents the right of the king granted by heaven.

Will this be the case for this card as well?Or does it have a deeper meaning?

After Fatty Qian finished his explanation, he thought for a while and said, "That's right. I don't think the real world has the kind of plant you mentioned, but it might exist in the other world."

Yun Jin asked curiously, "You also know the other world?"

Fatty Qian said, "What's so strange about this, the awakening ability and the inner world have been very popular recently, and the information can be found on the Internet."

"Besides, I have a distant relative who can get in touch with the other world. Of course, I will know more."

Yun Jin asked two questions in a row, "Where did you find out? Besides, that relative of yours is Jiang Xiaobai, right?"

Fatty Qian said, "I'll send you the URL later, anyway, the information on it is complete. I'm talking about Jiang Xiaobai, do you know what his abilities are?"

Yun Jin asked, "What is it?"

Fatty Qian said in a low voice, "Let me tell you, his ability is to randomly obtain animals or plants from the other world, and then use them to cook."

Yun Jin asked, "After the animals and plants were obtained, they were stewed so obediently?"

Fatty Qian said, "How can I! He has to defeat those animals and plants before he can cook. But I heard that he summoned a dragon-shaped creature a while ago, and he almost cooked him. So, he I swore I would never cook again."

Yun Jin complained silently, he just found an excuse, probably he didn't want to do it long ago.

Fatty Qian thought for a while, and said, "So, he probably has some useless plants that he summoned. You may need them. I'll ask him if he threw them away. You can go to him for them at that time." .”

After finishing speaking, Fatty Qian hung up the phone without waiting for Yunjin's reaction, and probably went to contact Jiang Xiaobai.

Yun Jin thought about it carefully. If Jiang Xiaobai summoned him randomly, then there might be some eligible plants left in the other world. After all, it would be very troublesome to cook poisonous ones.

Yun Jin patiently waited for Fatty Qian to ask, then he went back to the bedroom, took out the card sold by vivo, and planned to study it during this time.

The card is a golden color that Yunjin hasn't seen for a long time, with a metallic texture, and there are mouths on the pattern, which looks a little disgusting.

The picture in the center of the card is two Chinese characters and a symbol: 【Persuade! 】.

【The art of bullying and fearing toughness】

Class E

Note: Speaking is the easiest and the hardest thing.It is even more difficult to bully the soft and fear the strong.

Full ability, unlimited times.

This awakening ability can be used by others.

Restriction 1: You can give a multi-person [speech], each time consuming one-fifth of the psionic energy, and the duration and effect are calculated by psionic energy.

Restriction 2: You can perform single [persuasion] to influence people's judgment in a short period of time.

Restriction 3: You cannot [speech] and [persuade] people who have more psionic energy than you.

Restriction 4: Forcibly use [Persuasion] on people with psychic powers, and forcibly consume psychic powers equal to the total amount of psychic powers of the opponent.

Use cost: Each time you use the ability, you will lose your sense of taste for one hour.

Special ability: You can make your speech more contagious at the cost of 1 point of psionic power per second. (Friendly reminder: it may also be just a psychological effect.)
Yun Jin looked at the card and played with the lighter, feeling that the awakening ability was interesting.Regardless of [speech] or [persuasion], they can play a big role at critical moments.

Moreover, Yunjin originally thought that this ability could not be used on awakened people or people with psychic powers, but now that she saw it, it could only be used on people who were stronger than herself.

That's why this card is called "The Art of Talking That Bullies the Soft and Fears the Hard"
Holding the card in his hand, Yun Jin silently said "Solution", and a golden light entered his mind.

Yun Jin closed her eyes and sorted out the more detailed information on the card, and then planned to go out to find Wei Xiao for an experiment.

Wei Xiao hadn't slept yet, and was typing, "crackling" typing on the keyboard, Yun Jin walked around beside her, trying to attract her attention.

But Weixiao was still typing on the keyboard with his head down, as if he didn't see Yunjin.

Yunjin coughed twice, trying to get Weixiao's attention.

Weixiao silently picked up the earphones, put them on his ears, then still lowered his head, typing on the keyboard silently.

"Da da da"

It was like hitting Yunjin in the face.
Yun Jin: .
The kid definitely did it on purpose.

Yun Jin glanced around the house and saw Liujin Beast in the kitchen, he walked over, Liujin Beast was holding a piece of water pipe with its tiny claws, gnawing on it.

This was left by Yunjin when the property owner came to repair the water pipes.

When Yun Jin said he would keep it for pets, the plumber was dumbfounded, and looked at Yun Jin with crazy eyes before leaving.

Yunjin can only express that all kinds of strange things are happening in this world now, why should pets that eat water pipes be surprised?

Looking at Liujin Beast, Yunjin said firmly, "You don't like to eat iron!"

As soon as he said those words, Liujin Beast obviously froze for a moment, and stopped its movements.

Then two seconds later, it gnawed again.

Yun Jin: .
Was it a success?

Yun Jin was a little uncertain, because the time was too short.

Maybe Liujin Beast was just scared by himself?
Yun Jin decided to test individual ones, he stared at Liu Jin Beast and said, "You start biting the cage!"

This time the effect was much more obvious. The Liujin Beast threw the water pipe, opened its mouth and bit at the wooden cage, "Ka Ka Ka", the wooden cage was not damaged at all.

This cloud brocade was also studied a few days ago. The teeth of Liujin Beast are actually not hard. It just has a miraculous effect when facing metal. It may secrete some special substance to make the metal corrode or become brittle, which makes it so easy. gnawing on metal.

And wood, it can't do anything.

The proficiency test was successful and appears to be valid.

Just when he came to a conclusion, the phone rang, Yun Jin looked at it, it was a text message from Fatty Qian.

Fatty Qian said that Jiang Xiaobai did keep a few useless plants in the other world.

 Thanks to "lgsbv587" for the reward of 500 starting coins!thank you boss!Boss atmosphere!

  Thanks to "Shenfuyuan Bee Farm" for the reward of 100 starting coins!thank you boss!Boss atmosphere!

(End of this chapter)

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