God Level Collection

Chapter 137 Classification of World Organisms

Chapter 137 Classification of World Organisms

Then he has already said hello to Jiang Xiaobai, Yun Jin can go to the restaurant to find Jiang Xiaobai tomorrow to see if there is anything he needs.

In addition, he also sent the website where various awakening abilities and creatures in the other world can be found.

In the end, Fatty Qian told Yunjin to read more books and newspapers, eat less snacks, and sleep more.Be a student useful to society.

Back in the bedroom, Yunjin turned on the computer and visited the website Fatty Qian mentioned.

The opening speed of that website was super fast, as soon as Yunjin hit the enter key, the website was loaded, like black technology.

There are two large characters [Monternet] in the center of the top of the website.

Yun Jin browsed this website, and found that the website is actually a bit crude, and it is a kind of database-like website.

There are several categories: [Inner World Creatures], [Inner World Plants], [Inner World Minerals] and [Introduction to Awakening Ability].

Yun Jin casually clicked on [Creatures in the Inner World], and found a brief introduction inside:

There are all kinds of strange creatures in the world. I temporarily divide them into five categories: [flying creatures], [terrestrial creatures], [underground creatures], [undersea creatures] and [hybrid creatures].

And according to the race, they are divided into [quadruped beasts], [winged beasts], [sea beasts], [half-human beasts] and so on.

Looking at the classification and introduction, Yunjin feels quite decent.
But when Yunjin finished reading the introduction and wanted to see what creatures there were, she was prompted that she had insufficient permissions and needed to register.

This is a common method for websites to attract tourists to register. Yunjin often encounters it when visiting websites, and he doesn't care.

He clicked to register, and a dialog box popped up, which is what users need to know.

A normal person may encounter this and drag it to the bottom, click to agree, but Yunjin is not.

Although he can't read a little bit, he always glances at it.

It turned out that there was something wrong with this glance.
Because Yunjin found that in the last line that users need to know, it says [When you click the agree button, it means that you agree to link to Monternet and are willing to bear its responsibilities and risks. 】

Looking at this sentence, Yun Jin always felt weird. He found a random forum, clicked on the user notices of that forum, and compared it with Monternet's. Other terms were similar, only this one was a bit strange.

"Link to Monternet?" Yunjin read these words, always feeling something tricky.

It's not that he's overly cautious, but now that there are more and more awakening abilities, it's always better to be more cautious.

And Yunjin herself has a similar ability [Zombie WeChat group chat], this ability needs to be added as friends to be effective.

This ability is also Yunjin's most powerful ability so far. As long as you add a friend, that person's life is completely in Yunjin's hands.

No matter what strength, no matter what identity, no matter how far away, as long as you drag that person into the group chat, that person will immediately become a zombie.

And not only that, as long as wechat is added, Yunjin can monitor him at any time, 360 degrees without dead ends, without any privacy at all.

Simply defiant.

And now Monternet's user terms are very similar to the addition of WeChat in [Zombie WeChat Group Chat].

If this is also an awakening ability, then it must be very abnormal.

Yun Jin looked at the user terms, thought for a long time, and finally decided to give up. He planned to meet with Fatty Qian after meeting Jiang Xiaobai tomorrow.

Since Fatty Qian obtained information from this website, he probably registered to see if there is anything unusual about him.

After Yunjin made up her mind, she looked at the time and found that it was still early in the night. Anyway, she turned on the computer to see if there were any new patients on the [Hello Doctor] website.

Thinking of this, Yunjin closed [Montnet] and logged in to the [Hello Doctor] website.

Perhaps because Yunjin hadn't been uploaded for a while, and the announcement was made, the number of netizens who came to watch was much less, so the comments did not explode like last time, only a few dozen.

Yun Jin browsed and found that there was something wrong with one person's message.

Question: Hello doctor, I have a little low self-esteem and always feel that I am inferior to others.

And I especially like to hoard things. When I see something I want, I want to buy it home, even if I know I don’t need it, I still want to buy it.

I'm still a little afraid of being in contact with people, and I always want to live quietly by myself.

I don't think I'm sick, but my friends say that I have a mental problem, so I should seek a psychiatrist for adjustment.Do you see anything wrong with me?
Yun Jin rubbed her chin, thinking, in fact, these behaviors of this patient can be seen in ordinary people, but if combined together, Yun Jin thought of a very interesting mental illness: Diogenes Syndrome.

Diogenes syndrome is a relatively rare mental illness. Most of the patients are elderly. The specific symptoms are not paying attention to hygiene, being sloppy, not liking to interact with others, and having the habit of forcing oneself to hoard things. Once you buy something, you don’t want to Throw.

Yunjin has never been exposed to this kind of disease, but he found it interesting when he learned it, so he was deeply impressed.

Because such symptoms are too common in modern society, but they are all very mild.

This goes back to what Yunjin often said to patients:
If you are in a bad mood during this period, you may be a little [depressed], but it does not mean that you are [depressed].

You are sloppy, thin, and have no appetite, but it doesn't mean you are a schizophrenic.

Because the degree is not enough.

The degree to which [the doctor judges that you have this symptom] and the degree to which [you think you have this symptom] are completely two concepts.

So don't think you have a problem after checking the symptoms.

Thinking of this, Yun Jin replied to the patient.

Answer: Your symptoms may have a little psychological problem. If it is convenient, please come to my clinic to have a look.

For these mental and psychological diseases, it is more accurate to see them face to face. Yunjin is quite rigorous in diagnosis.

After replying to this serious patient, Yunjin continued to look through the consultation, and found that there were no valuable questions, so she followed the usual practice and answered an interesting question casually.

Question: Hello doctor, my girlfriend went to my house today, and my mother cooked a table of good dishes for her, and she was also very happy.

But when I sent her back at night, she told me that abalone and sea cucumber should not be eaten together, and shark fin and bird's nest should not be eaten together.

I checked, these four are not offensive, why did she say that?

Answer: Maybe because we eat together, we will become poor.
After turning off the computer, Yun Jin finished playing the game and fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, Yun Jin had dinner, took a taxi and went to [Li World Restaurant].

When he arrived at the restaurant, Jiang Xiaobai was already waiting there. When he saw Yunjin, he waved and asked, "You are Fat Brother's friend, right?"

 Thanks to "Monster Ming'an" for the reward of 500 starting coins!thank you boss!Boss atmosphere!

  Thanks to "Cryer Viagra" for the reward of 100 starting coins!thank you boss!Boss atmosphere!

(End of this chapter)

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