God Level Collection

Chapter 22: Blue is Blue and Green is Green

Chapter 22: Blue is Blue and Green is Green

Yun Jin checked the website and found no new patients, so she turned off the computer, picked up Xiao Dai and left the room.

Haitang was practicing there, when she saw Yunjin coming out, she stretched out her hand, "50 points."

Grasp the brocade, "collect", and get 50 points.

Looking at the card in his hand, he couldn't help crying.This kind of life that I voluntarily send up and be collected by myself is really wonderful.

Compared with the daily worry and fear before, the collection of what time and what time is much more exciting!

Of course, there is a reason for Haitang to be so proactive. Yun Jin had told her that she needed 180 points to collect one awakening ability, so she did it for her second awakening ability.

"The spirit is able now, isn't it?"

"Enough." Yun Jin nodded. After waking up this morning, he found that his psionic energy had soared to 90 points. He guessed that it was caused by forcibly absorbing a large amount of psionic energy during the collection last night.

90 points of power and two 50 points of power cards are enough to collect.

Haitang looked at the time. At six o'clock in the afternoon, she said, "Then let's go. Everything will go according to plan."

Yun Jin forcibly stopped the plan. "Let me feed the cat."

Begonia: .
Yunjin put Xiaodai down, poured water and cat food for it, and told him a few words, such as staying obediently, not jumping around, and coming back by himself at night, and so on, before going out under Haitang's white eyes .

In the corridor, Haitang still complained, "You really can't tell the priority, you still have the mood to feed the cat at this time."

Yun Jin smiled, "I'm not as strong as you, Xiao Dai is my family, of course I have to take care of it before going out."

Haitang rolled his eyes at him, expressing his incomprehension to this man with no ambitions.

The two are essentially not the same way.It's just that they came together because they had a common enemy.

Out of the corridor, Yunjin and Haitang walked one after the other. If you look carefully, there are still bruises on Haitang's face and neck, which is obviously the makeup she put on in the afternoon.

This is the first disguise for the two, pretending that Haitang was captured by Yunjin, and lowering Blood Crow's vigilance towards Haitang.

Sure enough, walking in the small garden, Yun Jin clearly felt that someone was watching her, it was Blood Crow.

He didn't follow his line of sight to observe, but continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened.

After leaving the complex, Yunjin took a taxi, pushed Haitang in, and sat on the other side.

The taxi driver was a middle-aged man with a bald head. He looked a bit like a gangster, but he was smiling happily.

He looked at the two curiously through the rearview mirror, and joked, "Did the young couple quarrel?"

Then he saw the scars on Haitang's face again, "Yo, why are you still doing this. Talk to each other, don't fight."

"Young man, I'm not talking about you. You can't hit a woman with your hands. Women are for pampering, not beating."

Yun Jin was a little embarrassed by the nagging of the bald master, he explained with a dry smile, "Master, you actually misunderstood."

Before he could say the second half of the sentence, Haitang kicked him violently.Yun Jin didn't understand, so... she didn't know what she said wrong.

Just when he was confused, Haitang lightly wrote two words on his arm, "Lip language."

Yunjin's heart skipped a beat, is she so awesome?Blood Raven also understands lip language?
Then the scene where the Bleeding Crow used the puppet crow to observe him, and then learned what he said through lip language appeared in his mind.

This is the gold medal scout!

Yun Jin turned her head sharply, looking for an opening, "We are friends. She was beaten by her boyfriend."

The bald master blinked, "I understand, it's a beautiful woman."

"What?" Yun Jin had a question mark on his face.

"Young man, let me tell you, when something happens, friends should help, but you two are the opposite sex, so you should pay attention to the scale."


"Oh, no, no, measure. Pay attention to measure. You can't make her boyfriend green, can you?"

Yun Jin: .
What kind of drama is going on in this master's head?
The taxi driver must have been driving for a long time, and he was full of chatterboxes. The driver kept talking all the way, from when he was young and not doing anything, to now he is in love, etc., all the way.

After getting out of the car, Yun Jin looked at the 40-year-old face of the driver, and really wanted to ask, "Are you growing up too fast, or is it too late?"

But he still didn't say it in the end, for fear of hurting this passionate master.

The place where Yunjin and Haitang got off was actually near Fatty Qian Hotel.

This is the result of their deliberation.

In the urban area, there are many high-rise buildings, and the blood crow can reach the top of the building by flying casually. It can be attacked or defended, which is too bad for Yunjin and Haitang.

Or the old city is better.These are all bungalows, with no cover, even if the blood crow falls on the roof, it is only a few meters high, and it can still be hit.

Of course, the most important thing is that there are few people here and they will not be discovered.

Yun Jin didn't want to be arrested by the police after a fight in the urban area.

The two still walked forward and one behind, without speaking to each other, and walked to the place where they fought last time.

Soon, they came to the alley.As expected, there are few people here, and after so long, it still maintains the original appearance of the original battle.

There were pieces of clothes on the ground, sawdust all over the ground, and the shriveled corpse of Ye Xun lying in the moonlight.
Haitang picked up a piece of white material and said silently, "My underwear."

These words were not the lines that the two had spoken to each other, but Yunjin had an idea and pushed Haitang, "Don't be mother-in-law, find something quickly!"

Haitang staggered and almost fell.

Yun Jin secretly had fun in his heart, he thought his acting skills were good, and he vividly expressed a conqueror's attitude towards prisoners of war.

In the end, before he was happy for a few seconds, a familiar voice sounded in his ear, "Why are you doing this to the beautiful sister?"

Yun Jin turned her head to look at Wang Yuqing.

In Yunjin's heart, ten thousand mud horses are galloping.Why is this poor god coming again?Could she really be an awakener?

Her awakening ability must be [go to the most dangerous place nearby], right?

Wang Yuqing didn't know what Yun Jin was thinking, she strode forward, stood in front of Haitang, and said, "How can you push someone? Even if you two have a grudge, you can't be so rude."

Yun Jin was dumbfounded, and Haitang was also dumbfounded. The two of them planned all afternoon and rehearsed the possible situations they might encounter several times, but no one expected that a nosy girl would come out halfway.

The two communicated silently with their eyes.

Haitang: 【Who is this guy? 】

Yun Jin: [A meddling passer-by]

Haitang: [Then send them away! 】

Yun Jin: [How can I get rid of it!I'm just an ordinary person, and now I'm at the limit of my acting skills! 】

Haitang said that the above sentence was too long and she couldn't understand it
【I do not care!You're done! 】Haitang's eyes are about to burst into flames.

Yun Jin rubbed her temples and suddenly felt a severe headache.

 A single chapter will be opened in a while, and I will talk about the update, and the reward will also be included in the single chapter. Thank you!I hope everyone can see it~
(End of this chapter)

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