God Level Collection

Chapter 23 The Ominous Red-Eyed Raven

Chapter 23 The Ominous Red-Eyed Raven

"Things are not what you think." Yun Jin tried to explain.

But Wang Yuqing was stuck in her head. She pointed to the "scars" on Haitang's face and asked, "If you hadn't abused her, how could she have bruises on her face, and I saw you push her with my own eyes."

Haitang decided to go out in person, "Sister, this is my boyfriend who hit me. He is my friend. You really misunderstood."

"It's over." As soon as Haitang spoke, Yunjin knew something bad was going to happen.

The last time when she was chased by Haitang, Wang Yuqing fell into the sewer at first, and then she only appeared after Haitang passed out, so Haitang didn't know that Wang Yuqing was actually half of the party involved.

Sure enough, Wang Yuqing had an expression of "You are insulting my IQ", "Sister! I knew about you two long ago! I was the one who sent you back with him back then! The clothes you are wearing are still mine!"

Haitang looked confused, and asked Yunjin with her eyes, "What the hell is going on! Where did this woman come from?"

Yun Jin said that he didn't understand, and he said he didn't understand if he could understand. He thought it would be best for him to pretend that he didn't know anything.

Just when the three of them had three thoughts, an accident happened. A crow flew towards Haitang suddenly, and when it was about to approach, it suddenly turned into a man with wings.

With a wave of his wings, Wang Yuqing flew out like a doll.

"Blood Raven!" It happened so fast that no one could react, and no one thought that the Blood Raven would appear at this time.

And Blood Crow fluttered his wings, and his whole body suddenly rose a certain height, his feet were right next to Haitang's hand, "Grab me, let's go!"

He was obviously deceived by Yunjin and Haitang, thinking that Haitang was captured, so he came to rescue Haitang.

But he didn't know that the person he wanted to save was the real mastermind behind the scenes.

Haitang reached out and grabbed his feet. The blood crow was about to fly high, but suddenly felt his body sink.

He turned around in surprise, and what greeted him was Haitang's long-prepared [Ling Chong].

The violent psionic energy was like a storm, easily dissipating Blood Crow's [Psionic Energy Recoil Wall], and hit him hard.

"Pfft!" The blood crow, who resisted the blow from the front, fell to the ground covered in blood.

The whole thing happened too fast, before Yunjin could recover, the battle was over.

He looked at Haitang with cold sweat on his face, "Your strength has changed so much?"

Having just knocked down her teammate, Haitang was full of hostility. She snorted coldly, "If the captain hadn't asked me to invite you to talk, do you think you can survive two tricks in my hands?"

Yunjin felt that she had underestimated Haitang.

"You come to collect abilities. I'll guard you." Haitang assigned a task.

Yun Jin came to the Blood Crow, who was still breathing and was slowly recovering from his injuries.Yun Jin took out the two 50-point psychic cards and got ready, and put her hand gently on the blood crow's forehead, "Collect!"

A psionic storm erupted suddenly, and suddenly the surrounding air seemed to be artificially pulled, with Yunjin's hand as the center, spinning non-stop, blowing whirlwinds.

Yun Jin only felt a vast expanse of whiteness in front of him, and his spiritual energy was being consumed rapidly, 20 points, 40 points, 60 points.

Yun Jin, who had experienced it once before, didn't panic this time. He held a psychic card and said softly, "Solution."

Immediately, a surge of spiritual energy poured into his body, replenishing his consumption.

80 o'clock, 100 o'clock.
After Yunjin used the second psychic card, the speed at which the collection technique could extract psychic energy gradually slowed down.

Finally, when 180 psionic energy points were consumed, a brand new card appeared in Yunjin's hands.

The card is still metallic, shiny and golden, but the lines have turned into feathers. On the central picture is a crow with blood-red eyes staring at the cardholder indifferently.

【Ominous Red-Eyed Crow】

Class E

Note: The bird that brings ominous doom, do you think you will be bald?
Full ability, unlimited times.

This awakening ability can be used by others.

Restriction 1: You can turn people into blood crows, and you can also release blood crow puppets.

Restriction 2: The blood raven puppet must be within 50 kilometers of the user.

Restriction 3: The Blood Raven Golem exists for a maximum of 7 days.

Restriction 4: There is no difference in physical strength between a blood crow puppet and a normal crow.

Restriction 5: The blood crow puppet has no mind and can only complete simple tasks or replace the user's vision.

Use cost: Every time a blood crow puppet is released, it will naturally lose a hair.

This is the first time Yun Jin has encountered an awakening ability that has a price to use.Each blood crow loses one hair. Yun Jin calculated that the human body has about 8 to 12 hairs.The price is almost worthless.

Unless one day he has a brain twitch and suddenly releases [-] blood crows, he won't be bald.

"Collected?" Haitang asked Yunjin, Yunjin nodded and handed the card to Haitang.

Haitang glanced at it, and threw it back to Yunjin, "I will find the ability that suits me and come to you. You can keep this for yourself."

Yun Jin was also polite, and put the [Ominous Red-Eyed Crow] into his pocket.He was about to go to see Wang Yuqing when Haitang suddenly pinched the blood crow's neck with his right hand and snapped it violently.

"You're crazy!" Yun Jin's hair stood on end coldly, glaring at Hai Tang, "You killed him."

This change was unexpected by Yunjin.

Haitang was extremely calm, she glanced at Yunjin, "Killing him is the best choice, isn't it?"

"You." For a moment, Yunjin didn't know how to refute.

Haitang asked a series of rhetorical questions one after another, "If you don't kill him, are you going to 'adopt' him like you 'adopted' me? Then you will be afraid every day?"

"If you don't kill him, once he communicates with the organization, you and I are finished."

"Besides, if I don't kill him, can you trust me?" Haitang gave Yunjin a deep look, "I'll be a grasshopper on the same rope with you only after he's dead."

"So killing him is the safest way." Haitang lowered her head and wiped her hands on Blood Crow's clothes, took out her awakening ability card, and said, "Give me back my awakening ability, and I will deal with his Corpse, you go to deal with that girl."

Yun Jin realized that she had really underestimated Haitang by a large margin, and the deepest madness was buried in this woman's heart.

"I will deal with her well, but in my own way." Yunjin looked directly at Haitang, and was ready for a breakup between the two.

Haitang looked at him deeply, and after a while, sneered, "Oh, the kindness of a woman."

"It's up to you. Anyway, she didn't see anything." Haitang still gave in, and then repeated, "Give me back the awakening ability."

Haitang gave in, but Yunjin didn't move for a long time. He looked at Haitang quietly, hesitating a little.

Haitang's change was beyond his expectation, and it directly destroyed his impression of Haitang a few days ago.

For a moment, he didn't know how to face Haitang. After all, an ordinary person would be a little at a loss when he witnessed someone killing someone.

Perhaps because Yun Jin hadn't moved for a long time, Hai Tang narrowed her eyes slightly. Holding the Awakening Ability Card in her hand, she stood up and crossed her arms, "Do you want to go back on your word?"

 Starting next week, there will be double updates every weekday.I will guarantee the quality.Try to update and be a diligent little painter.No, little writer.

  Thank you "Emil Amy" for the reward of 1000 starting coins!Boss atmosphere!

  Thank you for the reward of 1000 starting coins from "Happy Forward"!Boss atmosphere!

  Thank you "Danmo Lanxin" for the reward of 1000 starting coins!Boss atmosphere!

  Thank you "Judge of Hell" for your tip of 600 starting coins!Boss atmosphere!

  Thank you "Xiaojie, Lan" for the reward of 500 starting coins!Boss atmosphere!

  Thank you "Actually, I am a computer" for the 500 starting coin reward!Boss atmosphere!

  Thank you "Dark Knight LC" for the reward of 100 starting coins!Boss atmosphere!

  I wish all the bosses a fortune!
(End of this chapter)

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