Chapter 232 Willow Dark Flower Bright Another Village

With the sound of "collection", Yun Jin's eyes lit up: because he had consumed a full 20 points of psionic energy.

Judging from the ratio of attribute psionic energy to ordinary psionic energy, a full 200 points of psionic energy was consumed, which was enough to collect an E-level awakening ability.

Harvesting will not consume energy for no reason, just like collecting those plant remains just now, Yunjin didn't even use up any spiritual energy.

This change this time shows that it is very likely that this piranha is still alive!

While Yunjin was thinking, the psionic energy stopped being consumed, and a card appeared in Yunjin's hand.

He quickly picked it up and took a look.

[Plant in the other world: Fragments of the giant star piranha]

Note: If the fragments of the plant superstar piranha in the other world are cut into pieces and put into the flame, after three days, roots will grow, and they can survive when transplanted into the soil.

Yun Jin noticed two serious problems, the first one is that the card information seems a bit too detailed.
Yun Jin remembered that he had collected plants from the other world before, and it seemed that there were no such introductions for transplanting, but this one actually did.

Is it because this plant is special?Or is it because of the attribute of my spiritual energy that my awakening ability has gradually become stronger?

The second question is: This plant is actually called [Super Star] Piranha, not [Giant] Piranha.

When Qin Zhuoyan spoke yesterday, he couldn't enunciate the words clearly, so he heard it wrong.
Well, the second question is a bit funny.

But when it came to Qin Zhuoyan, Yun Jin suddenly remembered that he seemed to have collected his body, could there be any other seeds on him?
Thinking of this, Yun Jin took out Qin Zhuoyan's body card, then threw it on the ground, and said softly, "Undo it".

Qin Zhuoyan's peaceful corpse appeared in front of Yun Jin, Yun Jin sighed, then snapped his fingers, summoned Kou Bo, and asked Kou Bo to touch the body instead.

And Yunjin climbed up the mountain, quietly looking at the world in the painting.

Because of the operation of Crab Girl, the inner world has become more and more vibrant. The lake is covered with moss and grass, and fish and shrimp wander in the lake and river from time to time.

In the nursery by the lake, the vegetables and books are lush and green, and Xiao Youqian is carrying her small wooden bucket to water the watering "humming, humming", very diligently.

Yunjin also saw seven little crab girls swimming around in the river.

Qianyi to Qianliu lined up in a row, swimming fast, exuding laughter from time to time, while Qianqian was behind, using both hands and feet, looking extremely clumsy.

The crab girl was sitting by the river, watching her daughters quietly, not knowing what she was thinking.

Tsing Yi still didn't come out, Yun Jin looked at the sun, it was almost noon, and something was wrong
The whole world in the painting is getting better and better, and it feels more and more like a real world.

And it's the real world that only belongs to me.

Just as he was thinking, Kobo teleported to him and said in a stumbling manner, "Yun, Dr. Yun, I found a few bottles, bottles. Take a look."

Yun Jin took it over, and it was three small crystal bottles, the same as the one Qin Zhuoyan gave him.

Each small crystal bottle is filled with seeds, but the shapes of the seeds are different.

The brocades were collected one by one, and they were found to be the three kinds of plants that Qin Zhuoyan used.

【Inner World Plants: Seeds of Serpentine Vine】

Note: The seeds of the snake vine in the other world should not be roasted.

[Inner World Plant: Single Shield's Seed]

Note: The seeds of the single shield of the inner world plant, please do not soak in water or freeze.

【Plants in the Inner World: Seeds of Sword Bamboo】

Note: Do not expose the seeds of sword bamboo in the inner world to the air for more than 6 hours.

There are still quite a few seeds of the three kinds of plants, which seem to be Qin Zhuoyan's commonly used plants.

If you look at it according to the category, it happens to be [enemy trap], [defense] and [attack], which is just right for fighting.

He had seen both the snake-shaped vine and the Dandun brocade, but he hadn't seen the sword bamboo, so he unlocked the carding of the sword bamboo seeds, took out a seed from the crystal bottle, and then used [Ortea's Grace] to accelerate its growth.

In just an instant, a slender plant appeared in his hand, and plunged into his leg with a "poof~".

Yun Jin: .
Was he infected by Wang Yuqing?Why did the style of painting start to go wrong?

Fortunately, the prick was not deep, Yunjin pulled out the sword bamboo, only to find that he seemed to have seen this plant before, it was the one that Qin Zhuoyan was holding in his hand, and was blown away before he could make a move.

It turned out to be it.
Yun Jin waved the sword bamboo in his hand, it felt a bit like a javelin, the whole was blue-black, pointed at both ends, thick in the middle, and looked very hard.

Yun Jin stretched out his hand and flicked it, there was the sound of gold and iron clanging.

With a wave of his hand, he threw it towards the opposite hillside, only to hear a "嗖~", the sword bamboo shot straight out like an arrow off the string, and the whole root of "噗!" penetrated into the hillside.

"Si~" Yun Jin gasped, so sharp?

Fortunately, Qin Zhuoyan didn't activate these things that day, otherwise he would have become a hornet's nest.

Yun Jin looked at the wound on her leg, it was still bleeding. According to the physique of the awakened person, such a small wound should have healed early, but it is still bleeding, indicating that this plant probably has the function of tearing the wound and preventing the wound from healing.

Yun Jin asked Kou Bo to fetch the sword bamboo for him, and then silently said "gathering".

With a flash of light, a card appeared in Yunjin's hand:
【Inner World Plants: Sword Bamboo】

Note: It is a rootless plant that grows in the dark forest. When the seeds fall to the ground, it only takes ten days to grow into a sword bamboo.The whole is extremely hard, and it has a special substance on its body to prevent wounds from healing.

Sword bamboo is the hardest when it is first born, and becomes softer as it matures. When it is fully mature, the body bursts open, and the seeds are spread by the wind, turning into new plants. Normally, a mature plant will give birth to three to seven seeds.

Looking at the detailed introduction on the card, Yun Jin had a comprehensive understanding of Jianzhu.

He put the cards away and went back down the hill.

Then he has two most important things to do, one is the antidote for snapdragon grass, and the other is the disposal of Qin Zhuoyan's body.

Yun Jin first picked up the snapdragon antidote that Qin Zhuoyan gave her from the ground.

The antidote was packed in a glass bottle. It was a small fruit the size of a cherry tomato. It was white all over and looked delicious.

But when Qin Zhuoyan gave it to him, he wanted him to pick it up, so Yun Jin didn't know if this guy was trying to trick him into being fooled, so that he could die together.

Now that Qin Zhuoyan is dead and has no worries, Yun Jin silently said "Collect" to the crystal bottle.

A card appeared in Yunjin's hand.

【Plant in the world: white wenge fruit】

Notes: In the world plant Baiwenguo, the nemesis of snapdragon, can eliminate snapdragon without harming the human body.

From the looks of it, Qin Zhuoyan didn't lie to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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