Chapter 233
Yun Jin sighed, and put this card into her pocket, and the next step is to deal with part of the awakening ability and essence in Qin Zhuoyan's body.

Qin Zhuoyan has two abilities, one is [Ortea's Grace], and the other should be the ability to copy.

And according to Yunjin's own contact and the few words that Haitang revealed, this kind of copying ability is very against the sky.

Not to mention anything else, he copied a person who was exactly the same as himself, and even copied the awakening ability. This ability is so powerful that it is terrifying.

And if you guessed right, Yunjin Huanhaitang once said: Someone in the organization copied Liujin Beast.

This should also be Qin Zhuoyan's doing.

As such, this replication capability serves at least two functions:

One is duplicating items or creatures.

The second is to copy the awakening ability to oneself.

If this ability is combined with Yunjin's collection technique, it will be a magical skill.
But it's still too early to say, after all, Qin Zhuoyan has two abilities in his body, so Yunjin doesn't know which one he will leave behind.

Looking at Qin Zhuoyan's corpse, Yun Jin's hand lightly touched his forehead, then imagining his leftover awakening ability in his mind, and silently said "Collect".

With the sound of "gathering", Yunjin felt that the psionic energy in his body was being consumed rapidly. He hadn't experienced that consumption speed for a long time since the psionic energy was attribute.

Ten o'clock, twenty o'clock, thirty o'clock have consumed two hundred points, and a card appeared in Yunjin's hand.

Yun Jin opened her eyes, wanting to see what it was that consumed such an intense ability.

The card has a metallic feel, and the color is silver, which has not been seen for a long time, without the slightest grain. On the central picture is an old skinny hand.

[Awakening ability: the right hand of the Dark Mage (fragment)]

Note: This awakening ability is in a fragmented state, and it must be warmed up with 500 points of attribute spiritual energy every day before it can be slowly repaired.

Looking at the card, Yun Jin thought a lot.

The awakening ability is in a fragmented state and cannot be used directly. He actually has certain expectations in his heart.

But the name of the awakening ability made Yun Jin feel a little more confused.

If you guessed right, this ability should be Qin Zhuoyan's [Copy] ability, but why all Qin Zhuoyan's abilities have character prefixes.

The first ability is [Ortea's Grace], and the second is [The Right Hand of the Dark Mage]. This kind of prefix with a character, Yunjin seems to have only been seen on Shen Mo's props so far.

[Devil's Lucky Dice], [Dwarf's Heightening Spray], but the others don't have this prefix, whether it's their own awakening ability or the awakening ability collected from others.
If you have to say that there is something similar, it seems that there is only the little loli Li Feixue's [Cupid's Sniper Bullets].

But this is an item, and Yunjin didn't collect her awakening ability, so it's not clear whether her ability will also have the prefix of [Cupid].

Yun Jin always feels that the awakening ability of this character prefix seems to be somewhat special.
Putting this doubt in her heart, Yun Jin then prepared to collect the essence of Qin Zhuoyan's body to see the difference between the essence of human beings and other creatures.

Yun Jin lightly touched Qin Zhuoyan's forehead again, and imagining the essence in Qin Zhuoyan's body, said "Collect" silently.

As a result, nothing was collected.

Unbelievable, Yunjin tried several times, but still couldn't collect the essence.

Yun Jin turned Qin Zhuoyan's body into a card, intending to see what happened.

The results card has changed:
[Corpse of the Awakened]

Note: The corpse of the Awakened has no essence.

Huh?Suddenly gone?
Yunjin hadn't done anything before, so the only possibility is that the fragments and essence of the awakening ability are one.

Yun Jin boldly guessed, maybe these essences are the substances left over from the awakening ability, but because other creatures were too weak to stay, but Qin Zhuoyan was strong enough, so part of the awakening ability remained.

Then, if there are more powerful creatures in the future, even if they are not humans, it is estimated that they will leave fragments of awakening ability.

Even if a person or creature is strong enough, will the awakening ability remain intact even after death?

But at that time, will those awakening abilities work on their own?Or will something change?

Too little information, everything is just inference.

But now the brocade has been harvested enough, not to mention the fragments of the powerful awakening ability, but the plants with three functions that Qin Zhuoyan has collected for so long, the brocade has made a lot of money.

After cleaning up the spoils and putting all the cards in his pocket, Yunjin looked up again, and saw the unknown purple sky tree in front of him, then waved his hands, turned into wings, and flew back to the lake.

When he came to the lake, Tsing Yi still didn't come out.

No matter how nervous she was, Yun Jin knew something was wrong.

With Tsing Yi's temperament, the probability of not leaving the cabin for a day is almost equal to that of Wang Ke being single for a month: both are close to zero.

Yun Jin came to the cabin with some concern, knocked on the door, and asked, "Tsing Yi? Are you okay?"

There was no sound in the house.

Yun Jin knocked on the door again, "Tsing Yi? Are you in there?"

Still no sound from inside.

Yun Jin tried to push the door, but the door was locked, and she couldn't see the lock hole or where the mechanism was.

Yunjin circled around the cabin, but found no windows or other hidden doors, which means the entire cabin is completely closed.
He came to the door again and asked, "Tsing Yi? Are you okay? If you don't agree, I'll hit the door."

At this time, Tsing Yi's voice came from the room, and he didn't know whether it was weak or drunk, "Who~ who is it! Disturb my rest!"

Yun Jin: Is Tsing Yi all right?Thinking about it yourself?
He knocked on the door and asked, "Qing Yi, what are you doing?"

The voice inside was gone again.

Yun Jin stood at the door, frowning.

Although Tsing Yi said something just now, Yun Jin was still worried, and always felt that Tsing Yi was weird now.

Or go in and have a look?
When this idea was born, Yunjin asked a few more tentative questions, but there was indeed no voice coming from inside, so Yunjin decided it would be safer to go in and have a look.

He knocked on the door tentatively first, but the door was still very strong.

He simply moved away, and after a run-up, he slammed into the door of the cabin!

After Yunjin's psychic energy was transformed, his body became stronger and stronger. After the impact, there was only a "Boom!", and the door of the cabin was directly smashed into pieces, flying all over the sky.

Yun Jin also rolled in.

When he stood up, he found that the green clothes were half untied, revealing the blue bellyband inside, and the slender white arms were exposed outside, and he was lying on the bed with a weak face, a little delirious.

(End of this chapter)

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