God Level Collection

Chapter 250 Invitation from the Inner World

Chapter 250 Invitation from the Inner World

Heroic Spirit?What is this?
Yunjin feels that this should be something different from the creatures in the other world.

From a literal point of view, it is more inclined to some dead heroes in the real world.

Yun Jin couldn't help touching her chin and thinking, if even the terracotta warriors and horses have heroic spirits, would other historical figures also have them?
Thinking of this, he couldn't help being startled, maybe someday the great emperors like Emperor Qin, Han and Wu will be resurrected, right?

Because there was no more information, Yun Jin could only put these three cards into his pocket first, and planned to ask that strange painting spirit in Tsing Yi later to see if she had any clues.

Having dealt with the three terracotta warriors, Yun Jin looked around the museum, still feeling eerie.

But after inspecting the museum, Yunjin didn't find anything unusual.

As he walked out, he guessed that there were two possibilities why he didn't find anything of value here.

[-]. There is nothing of value, or life, here.

Second, the valuable things here are taken away by the first comers.

Yunjin felt that the second guess might be closer to reality.

After all, there are so many smart people in this world, and there are governments, armies, etc. If there are really good things in these places, they must have been taken away long ago.

Moreover, all terracotta warriors and horses can have heroic spirits, and other treasures should also have wonderful changes in the other world. It is impossible that only terracotta warriors and horses are special.

After guessing, Yunjin slapped her hands together, turned into a blood crow, and flew towards Central Park.

If according to his inference, the fixed places like museums and places with fixed exhibits have been looted, then people like Central Park and the zoo should not receive extra attention.

After all, these two places are full of flora and fauna. Unless there are special treasures, most people will not think about these creatures in the other world.

Because the distance is a bit far, this time Yunjin flew for 10 minutes before arriving at Central Park.

Central Park is surrounded by mountains on three sides, facing the sea on the south and the zoo on the north. It covers an area of ​​about 100 million square meters. There are more than 230 kinds of flowers and trees and 27 plants from all over the country. It is a large botanical garden.

Yunjin comes to Central Park every spring to enjoy flowers and get close to nature.

This is his rare pastime.

When I came to Central Park again, there was no vitality in the real world. The flowers, plants and trees were all withered and decayed, without any vitality.

Yun Jin flapped her wings in the air, looking at Central Park.

The world had already seemed depressed before, but suddenly came to this million square meters of dead trees and grass, and a chill still penetrated the heart.

That kind of depression and desolation is unimaginable to those who have not witnessed it with their own eyes.

Yunjin fell to the ground and walked on the stone path in Central Park.

If Central Park has always been like this, then even if there are any creatures from the other world in it, they will probably be taken away by those who came first.

Yun Jin couldn't help doubting her deduction.

Is it the wrong direction of thinking?

Are the creatures in the other world not what I thought at all?

And no place to live?
So what happened to Cobb and the others?

Even if Kobo and the others live in a remote place, but they have personally met Bipo and Bear Rabbit in the other world, this can't be a lie, can it?

After walking in the Central Park for a long time, Yunjin found nothing, so he simply came to the zoo again, wanting to see if it was what he deduced.

As a result, there was nothing in the zoo either.

This time Yun Jin was completely confused.

He sat on a stone bench in the zoo, looking at the empty cages and rockery in front of him, a little lost in thought.

Just when he was in a daze, a butterfly fluttered its two wings and flew past him, attracting his attention.

Yun Jin looked over and found that the butterfly seemed to have no entity, its whole body was made up of dots of light, each of which was very small, like particles, and combined into the shape of a phoenix-tailed butterfly as a whole.

The movement of the butterfly flapping its wings is very slow, and it takes three or four seconds to flap each time, but every time it flaps, it accelerates once, and the speed becomes faster and faster.

Concentrating spiritual energy in Yunjin's hand, he tried to catch it as fast as he could, but the butterfly just slapped it lightly, and when it reappeared, it was already 100 meters away from Yunjin.

Yun Jin turned into a blood crow and followed, but was thrown behind by the butterfly at a "slow" speed, getting farther and farther away.

Seeing the butterfly's disappearing figure, Yunjin stopped chasing and decided to go home first, and come back tomorrow to continue exploring.

He looked in the direction, turned his head, and flew towards his home.

While flying, Yunjin was doing analysis.

The butterfly just now is obviously a very strong creature in the other world, and Bipo, bear and rabbit are not on the same level.

Be it Begonia or moss, Qin Zhuoyan obviously has all kinds of magical creatures in the other world, and he has indeed summoned Kobo and Golden Crab.

Then it proves that these miraculous and intelligent creatures in the other world must exist.

Moreover, when Qin Zhuoyan took out hundreds of seeds, the little girl in red also summoned more than a dozen Yemen, which shows that these creatures should be fairly common.

But why can't I meet it?
There must be something I haven't discovered.

Thinking about it from another angle, if the inner world is really empty and desolate, why do the sloppy uncles stay in the inner world?

After analyzing this, Yun Jin even thought that the other world he entered was not the same place as the other people entered.

If it wasn't for him and Haitang, uncle sloppy and the others who had met in the other world, Yun Jin probably really thought that he had gone astray.

So what is the reason?
With doubts, Yun Jin returned to the real world.

He opened the door and came to the living room, where Wei Xiao had already returned.

Yun Jin greeted her, sat on the sofa, and continued to think about the strange things in the other world.

After thinking for a long time, there was no result. When she looked up, Yunjin realized that Wei Xiao had been sitting next to her, looking at her quietly.

Yun Jin touched her face, "Is there something on my face?"

Wei Xiao shook his head, "No."

Yun Jin said, "Then what's the matter? Don't you have to write a novel today?"

Weixiao shook his head again, "I want to write."

She lowered her head, thought for a while, and then said to Yunjin, "I have received an invitation."

Yun Jin casually asked, "What invitation?"

"An invitation from a university."

"University?" Yunjin was a little surprised, "You're only 16. Can you go to university?"

Yun Jin pinched Wei Xiao's face lightly, "And you don't seem to have an ID card, why is the university so casual?"

Wei Xiao nodded, and said flatly, "University in the other world."

(End of this chapter)

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