God Level Collection

Chapter 251 Wang Ke's Change

Chapter 251 Wang Ke's Change

Universities in the world?

Is there a university in the other world?
Yunjin couldn't help using a little force on Weixiao's face, and Weixiao let out a painful "Sh~".

Yun Jin hastily let go of the hand holding Wei Xiao's face, and apologized.

He hesitated and said, "Are you sure it's true?"

Wei Xiao nodded, took out a piece of paper from his pocket, and handed it to Yun Jin.

Yun Jin took the paper, it was a pure white paper, without a word or pattern on it.

Yun Jin looked at Wei Xiao, "Blank?"

There was no expression on Weixiao's face, and he said coldly, "You probably can't see it."

Yun Jin rubbed her chin, if it is really something from the other world and has some wonderful functions, it should be.

Yun Jin said, "Then, who gave it to you?"

Wei Xiao took out another file bag from behind and handed it to Yunjin Yunjin.

Yun Jin took it over, with four large characters written on it: SF Express.

Yun Jin: .
Does everyone in the world now know how to use SF Express?
its not right.
Yun Jin suddenly remembered her biggest question: Is there anyone in the other world?
It seems that after being in contact with the other world for so long, Yunjin has only seen some creatures in the other world at most, and Yunjin has entered the other world by herself, and even rarely sees creatures.

How could there be people in the world there.

Yun Jin found a reason to go back to the bedroom, "I'll go back to the room first and take off my clothes."

Although Yun Jin's reason was a bit lame, Wei Xiao still nodded.

Back in the bedroom, Yunjin took off her clothes, threw them on the bed, and looked at the file bag. There was only a recipient on it, but no sender. It seemed that there were no clues from the courier.

He turned on the phone, took out a game coin, and asked, "There are humans in the other world, and they really invited Weixiao to go to college."

After a while, a coin slot appeared, and Yunjin put the game coins into it.

After a while, a note with [True] appeared slowly.

It's actually true!
Are there really humans in the other world? !

Yunjin's mind was full of ideas: How do these people live?Do you eat dirt?Or eat those weird creatures?

So will they themselves look weird?

If there are human beings in the other world, what is the attitude of the governments of various countries?

With the current state of calm between the two sides, is it cooperation?Wait and see?Still communicating?

What is the status of those human beings in the inner world?
Like humans in reality, at the top of the food chain?still struggling to survive
Yun Jin felt a bunch of questions circling in his mind.

The more I think about it, the more clues I get, and the more I think about it, the more distressed I become.

He tidied up and left the room. Wei Xiao was still sitting on the sofa, talking softly, probably discussing with his sister.

When Yunjin walked over, they stopped communicating, Weixiao raised his head and looked at Yunjin.

Yun Jin patted her on the shoulder, "What do you think?"

Wei Xiao said, "I want to go."

Her tone was very firm, and her eyes were very serious.

Yun Jin didn't speak, sat next to her and looked at her.

Wei Xiao looked at Yunjin and said seriously, "My birth and my ability to awaken are closely related to the other world. I have no identity in the real world, and now I have an aboveboard identity in the other world. This is a good thing."

She paused and said, "Perhaps, this means that I ... belong there."

Yunjin looked into Weixiao's eyes, the girl's eyes were full of firmness, it seemed that she had made up her mind.

Yun Jin smiled and said jokingly, "Then I rented this house for nothing. I just moved to a two-bedroom house and ended up with a vacant room."

Weixiao's eyes fluctuated slightly, and after a while, she gently hugged Yunjin, and whispered in Yunjin's ear, "I'm sorry"

Yun Jin patted her on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I'm so sorry. I just took you in temporarily. It's just a little sentimental. After all, no one wants to accept parting."

Wei Xiao let go of the brocade, lowered her head, bit her lips lightly, and after a while, she said, "Why don't you go with me?"

Yun Jin froze for a moment, "Can we go together?"

Wei Xiao shook his head slowly, "I don't know. But I feel...it's okay."

Yun Jin patted her on the head and said, "Hey, don't think about it. It's better to try it with peace of mind. I will actually go to the other world."

Wei Xiao raised his head, "Really?"

Yun Jin curled her lips, "Probably."

"Fatty Qian asked me to help him find Shen Mo. If there is really a human gathering place in the other world, then Shen Mo will probably be there too."

Wei Xiao nodded, and hugged Yun Jin again, "Doctor Yun, I will miss you."

Yun Jin smiled and touched her soft hair, "I miss you too."

In fact, Yun Jin also wanted to follow, after all, it was a wonderful world, but it was a pity that this world didn't seem to be open to him for the time being.

Just as Yunjin was thinking, Yunjin's cell phone rang suddenly. Yunjin saw that it was Wang Ke's. He stood up from the sofa, came to the window, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Wang Ke's voice was a little strange, a little deep and hoarse, Yun Jin had been in contact with him for so long, and it seemed that he had just experienced a lot of torture.

Wang Ke, "I almost died."

Yun Jin was startled, "What's going on?"

Wang Ke lowered his voice, "I'll find you later, you come downstairs and wait for me."

After finishing speaking, Wang Ke hung up the phone.

Listening to Wang Ke's completely different voice, Yun Jin frowned, went back to her room to get dressed, talked to Wei Xiao, and went downstairs.

Within 10 minutes, Wang Ke came.

He seemed to be a completely different person, very emaciated, skinny, his face was a bit rickety, and his eyes were sunken, as if he was malnourished.

Yun Jin was startled, and rushed to meet her, "What's wrong with you?"

Wang Ke lowered his head, grabbed Yun Jin, walked to a corner next to the corridor, and said, "I'm fine, I just experienced some things."

Yun Jin looked at Wang Ke, "The way you look now is just going through some things, it's clear that something big has happened! What's going on!"

Wang Ke looked at Yun Jin and said, "If I tell you, is it because of you?"

Yun Jin looked surprised, "Because of me?"

Wang Ke nodded, "Do you still remember the bar you took me to?"

Seeing Yun Jin nodding, Wang Ke said seriously, "Don't go to that bar again, definitely don't go there again!"

Yun Jin, "That bar hurt you? Is there poison in the wine?"

Wang Ke shook his head, "I can't say. I can only say it's an opportunity, but it's not a good thing either."

"However!" Wang Ke's voice raised several octaves, "For me, you must not go, and don't ask. If you go, you will harm me and you."

After finishing speaking, Wang Ke checked the time and patted Yun Jin, "I'm leaving first. Remember my words."

(End of this chapter)

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