God Level Collection

Chapter 329 Awakening Ability: King of Shadows

Chapter 329 Awakening Ability: King of Shadows

It is estimated that the reason why January kept all these corpses is also for this reason.

After all, it is impossible for the organization to have only a few of them in the future, and more helpers are needed.

Yun Jin moved the deceased who was placed in the base game last time to the fighting training, and then transferred two more dead into it.

Looking at the two dead men occupying the training position, Yun Jin thought for a while, trying to put the third one into the base game.

It turned out that the third position actually required a fee, 50 points of attribute power for one more position, and the price was only for one use.

Yun Jin grinned, really expensive.

But still bearable.

He simply threw all the dead in his hands into the base game.

There were a total of fourteen dead, which cost Yunjin 600 points of attribute power.

Now under Yunjin's hands, there are four awakened people who have been released: January, February, Zishu and Ugly Bull.

There are also two ordinary dead who have completed the base game and are in the fighting game.

All that's left are fourteen dead people who haven't done anything and are doing the base game.

The organization can be considered to have a certain embryonic form.

After arranging the dead, Yunjin went to the awakened one.

Coming to the awakened person, Yun Jin knelt down and looked at him. This is a man with vicissitudes of life and a beard on his lips. He looks a bit like a mature and good man.

Wearing a neat suit with a white rose in the suit pocket, he looks very elegant and gentlemanly.

It's just that now he is unconscious and tied to a pillar, looking a bit embarrassed.

Yun Jin looked at January, "What is his ability?"

January said, "It should be related to bats and shadows."

Yun Jin, "Tell me in detail."

There was a bit of embarrassment on January's face, "We don't know very well, I never let the enemy show their full capabilities when dealing with them."

"So he was stunned by us after he didn't make a few moves. It should be able to manipulate the shadow, or hide things in the shadow, and he can turn into a bat."

January said hesitantly, obviously it was really unclear.

Yun Jin nodded to make it clear.

He didn't ask about this ability casually. After all, if he wanted to know this ability in detail, it would be easier and more convenient for Yun Jin to directly collect this person's ability.

The main reason is that Yunjin's gathering technique will determine the amount of psionic power consumption based on the amount of information, and Yunjin just spent 600 points of attribute psionic power, and then wants to finish cultivating the head, so it can save a little bit.

Of course, what January did was right, Yunjin felt that he really couldn't give the enemy a chance to fully display his strength.

As for the current information, Yunjin felt that it was enough.

Thinking of this, and now that there are no outsiders, Yun Jin directly touched that person's forehead, and then kept imagining the information that January just said in his mind, and said "collection" silently.

With a flicker of light, the harvesting technique was activated.

For a moment, Yunjin felt that nearly 100 points of attribute spiritual power were missing in his body, and then a card appeared in his hand.

The abilities of ordinary awakened people are D-level or below. For the current Yunjin, the consumption of both time and spiritual energy is already very small.

If it wasn't for the fact that he didn't know too much information this time, and Yunjin hadn't seen it with his own eyes after all, and it all depended on imagination, otherwise Yunjin estimated that the consumption of this ability would not exceed 50 attribute psionic power points.

Yun Jin stood up, and hurriedly moved a sofa for Yun Jin in January, Yun Jin was not polite, just sat on it, and then picked up the card in his hand to check.

【Lord of Shadow】

Class D

Notes: Darkness is your veil, and you will be crowned king at night.

This awakening ability can be used by others.

Full ability, unlimited times.No cost to use.

Ability 1: You will be able to transform into a shadow bat and hide in the shadows.

Ability 2: You will have a shadow space where items can be hidden.

Ability 3: When dying, you can turn into a group of ultra-small shadow bats, as long as one survives, you will be resurrected.

Ability 4: You can manipulate your own or other people's shadows, attack or control other people's actions.

Ability 5: In the dark night, all the qualities of your body, including the total amount of psionic energy, will be increased by 50%.

Restriction 1: The size of the shadow space is determined by your psionic power, and storing items will continue to consume psionic power.

Restriction 2: If you escape as a group of ultra-small shadow bats, you will permanently sacrifice 80% of your spiritual power.

Cost 1: Using this ability, you fear sunlight, and prolonged exposure to sunlight makes you weak.

Price 2: You will become fond of blood, and blood will become your food.

Yun Jin looked at this awakening ability, and commented on this ability: it is a very powerful ability, but it also has very serious disadvantages.

Anyway, Yunjin would not use this ability herself, after all, Yunjin still likes sunshine very much.

By the way, isn't this ability a bit like a mutant vampire?
Yunjin couldn't help guessing, could it be that those legendary humanoid creatures were actually ancient awakened ones?
After all, Yunjin still remembered that Zishu Chouniu could turn into a werewolf while alive.

Yun Jin took the card in her hand and glanced at the four standing people.

Except for January, the other three all looked forward to it.

But Yun Jin thought about it and put the card away, because he suddenly thought of a good attempt.

For these three people, it is better to give the ability back to the awakened person in front of him.

Of course the awakened ones after death.

After all, this ability is his own.

Will it give him the ability to awaken himself again? There will be some unexpected surprises
Thinking of this, Yunjin directly asked Yiyue to break the awakened man's neck, then added him to the deceased's WeChat account, and then asked him to train at the cost of 50 attribute psionic power points.

After finishing the matter of the awakened people and the organization, January took Yun Jin to the upstairs living area.

Of course, Yun Jin left the place of the awakened leader.

Yun Jin felt at ease when she was doing business in January. When she entered the bedroom, everything had been cleaned, and the sheets and bedding were all brand new.

After Yunjin ordered January and the others to transfer Li Feixue here in time, she closed the door and took out the scroll from her backpack.

Hanging up a picture scroll in her new home in this world, Yunjin sent a message to Kobo with her heart, and Kobo came out of the world in the painting.

When it came out, it was still holding Xiao Dai in its arms.

Yun Jin let out a "huh", although Kobo moved the whole family here, but he had entered and exited the world in the painting several times before, but he didn't see Xiao Dai.

Where did this little guy hide before?

I didn't see anything.

While thinking about it, Yun Jin stretched out her hand to hug Xiaodai.


The following do not count as words:

The new year is here, and I would like to wish all book friends!
Miss Shenshen: I wish all friends good luck in the new year +++, and everything goes well!
Tsing Yi: I wish you all good health in the new year, well, kneel down.
Haitang: I hope everyone will have a successful career, work hard like me, and become a domineering president as soon as possible! (Although I haven't done it yet, I believe it will be possible!)

Xiaodai: Meow?Meow meow meow!Meow meow meow meow meow!
(End of this chapter)

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