God Level Collection

Chapter 330 Responsible for the Security Section?

Chapter 330 Responsible for the Security Section? (I wish you all a Happy New Year!!)

As a result, Xiaodai jumped out of Kobo's embrace, then wagged his tail, avoided Yunjin, and ignored him.

After avoiding Yunjin, Xiao Dai walked around the room on a catwalk with his tail upright. After walking for a while, he jumped onto the bed, found a comfortable place, nestled down, and curled up in a ball.

Anyway, he didn't even look at Yunjin, the master, from the beginning to the end.

Yun Jin smiled wryly, this little guy must be sulking because he blamed himself for leaving her behind without a word.

But cats are just like women, just coax them, there is nothing wrong with coaxing them, if there is, then buy a small dried fish
I don't know if there are small dried fish in the other world.

Summoning Kobo, Yun Jin asked Kobo to clean up the room, and then arranged it a little bit.

With Cooper's item teleportation function, the furnishings in the entire room can be reorganized very easily.

After everything was sorted out, Yunjin let Kobo move freely, while he continued to lie on the bed and began to practice.

There are still 10% of his head that has not been cultivated, and there are about 500 points of attribute spiritual energy left in his body, which should be enough.

Perhaps because of the development of the brain domain, Yunjin feels that his control power is much stronger, and he can also cultivate with attributes and psionic abilities. He has tried it in the detective school before.

So now you can practice.

After spending another night, Yun Jin finished cultivating the remaining 10% of her head.

And after finishing training the head, Yun Jin felt refreshed, and he seemed to feel sensitively that there was something similar to a pineal gland in the middle of his forehead, which was constantly releasing energy.

His ability to control his body has also become stronger.

Under his observation, the whole body should be indestructible, but there are actually many gaps in the joints of the internal organs, head, limbs, and torso.

Even the individual parts have a lot of omissions.

Moreover, some of the blood in the body may not be tempered because it is flowing.

Obviously, this is the key to the evolution from a fifth-level awakened person to a sixth-level evolved person.

Check the gaps and make up for the omissions all over the body, so that you can be completely golden!
After that, the psychic energy will be attributed, and you will truly embark on the path of an evolutionary!
And because Yun Jin didn't sleep for three days and two nights, his psionic energy hardly recovered, and even his attribute psionic energy was almost exhausted.

After waking up from the state of cultivation, Yun Jin tilted her head to see that Xiao Dai was looking at her next to her head, those two big eyes looked cute.

Seeing himself looking at her, Xiaodai yawned humanely, then turned his head away, ignoring himself.

Yun Jin stretched out his hand to touch Xiao Dai, who moved his body away from Yun Jin's hand.

Yun Jin simply hugged her into his arms, Xiao Dai stopped making trouble, but moved his body, found a comfortable position on Yun Jin's body, lay down and continued to sleep.

Yun Jin hugged her and slept for a while, then woke up.

Seeing that it was almost time for Minister Zhou to make an appointment for himself, Yun Jin carefully put Xiaodai aside and let her continue to sleep, then got up to wash up, got dressed, and took a taxi to the detective department.

When I came to the detective department, the former second-level inspector was already waiting there.

Seeing Yun Jin, he saluted Yun Jin, and Yun Jin saluted back, but his movements were a bit strange, after all, he had never learned it before.

The second-level police inspector didn't care, and led Yunjin inside.

There are still a lot of sheriffs coming and going from the detective department, and they all look hurried. Of course, there are also some potbellied or dignified superintendents who enter the office slowly.

Those are big bosses who have left the grassroots and entered the decision-making level of the detective department.

Compared with the real world, the Liberty Continent is all about strength, so even if there are some big-bellied high-level executives, they are still impressive. It looks like a walking bomb with explosives in its flesh, which is not easy to mess with at first sight.

Instead of making people feel that this person is a bureaucrat with more fat in his belly than his brain.

Yun Jin followed the second-level inspector and asked, "Sir, I've seen you several times, but I still don't know your name?"

The inspector was a little serious, "My surname is Han, and I'm Minister Zhou's secretary. You can call me Secretary Han."

secretary?Male secret.
But it seems that many government agencies have male secretaries.

Moreover, male secretaries are generally the confidants of various leaders. Once they are delegated, they can be promoted easily.

This is a shortcut to promotion.

Soon, under the leadership of Secretary Han, Yun Jin arrived at Minister Zhou's office.

Secretary He knocked on the door, and Minister Zhou's gentle voice came from inside the door, "Please come in."

Secretary He came in first, then whispered a few words with Minister Zhou, and then went out to let Yun Jin in.

Yun Jin entered the office, and Secretary He closed the door from the outside.

Minister Zhou smiled gently at Yunjin, "Sit first."

Then he lowered his head and continued writing.

I have to say that Minister Zhou's skeleton is really small, and he has a handsome appearance, wearing glasses, and his gentle personality. If there is one word to describe him, it is: a gentleman is like jade.

However, after knowing some of Minister Zhou's plans, Yunjin prefers to call him: Old Fox, or Smiling Fox.

This guy is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Sure enough, when Yunjin was bored, Minister Zhou asked casually while writing, "Which committee member is behind you?"

This sentence came out suddenly, almost making Yunjin's heart jump out of her throat.

With this sudden attack, if Yun Jin really had no backing, she might have been scammed out.

It's a pity that there is really no boss behind Yunjin, so Yunjin's expression changed slightly, but he kept silent.

Minister Zhou adjusted his glasses with a half-smile, half-raised his head and glanced at Yun Jin, "Is it convenient to say?"

Yun Jin simply shook her head, "There is no committee member behind me."

Minister Zhou nodded, his face remained unchanged, and he couldn't tell whether he believed it or not.

He lowered his head and continued to write. After a while, he said casually, "I heard that you are now a fourth-level awakener."

Yun Jin shook her head, "No."

Minister Zhou glanced at him, "Oh?"

Yun Jin, "I'm level five now."

There was a rare surprise on Minister Zhou's face, and then he stopped writing, as if he was thinking about something.

After a while, he smiled, "It's really good. I really didn't expect my strength to improve so quickly."

With that said, he put down his pen and asked, "Is there any hope of becoming the peak awakener within a week?"

Yun Jin nodded, "No problem at all."

Minister Zhou tapped his finger on the table, "Then graduate from the detective school and go to Hong'an District to take charge of the entire security department for me."

Yun Jin was surprised.

 The new year is here, and I would like to wish all book friends!

  Miss Shenshen: I wish all friends good luck in the new year +++, and everything goes well!
  Tsing Yi: I wish you all good health in the new year, well, kneel down.
  Haitang: I hope everyone will have a successful career, work hard like me, and become a domineering president as soon as possible! (Although I haven't done it yet, I believe it will be possible!)

  Xiaodai: Meow?Meow meow meow!Meow meow meow meow meow!
(End of this chapter)

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