God Level Collection

Chapter 90: Lucky Li World Creature Summoning Ceremony

Chapter 90: Lucky Li World Creature Summoning Ceremony
Teacher Yang said, "I'll try it. She used to like me telling her fairy tales."

Yun Jin nodded in agreement.

After Teacher Yang went back to the room, Yun Jin went to the corner to smoke.

From this angle, you can see the yard. In the yard, several teachers led some children to play games there, and the children laughed happily.

It is estimated that these are children who have gradually integrated into the environment of the orphanage.

Most of the teachers in the orphanage have some experience and know how to guide them. Those like Xiaodouhua are quite special.

He lit a cigarette and played today's game while smoking.It is now 9 o'clock in the morning, and the difficulty of jumping is increasing. He can only jump to 25 steps, and he can't jump anymore.

I tried several times in a row and it was all around 25.

Yun Jin squinted his eyes and thought, if his strength is constant, then 6:50 steps and 9:25 steps just increase the difficulty by half.

consistent with his speculation.

As long as he tries again in the afternoon and evening, he can roughly get results.

If it is really parabolic difficulty, the best game time is from 23:0 to [-]:[-] every night, this hour.

You can play two games at once.

"Are you going to be a night owl in the future?" Yun Jin hesitated.

He stubbed out the cigarette, flicked it with his fingers, and bounced it into the trash can.Then click on the zombie WeChat and start commanding.

Because from Blood Raven's perspective, the female zombie had already driven to the orphanage.

Yun Jin gave the female zombie an order to stop the car at the entrance of the orphanage, and then went out by herself to bring her in.

Guided by Yunjin, the teacher of the orphanage did not stop them. The two came to the place where Yunjin was smoking, and Teacher Yang had already come out of the house.

She whispered, "Xiao Douhua is already asleep."

While speaking, her eyes fell on the female zombie and asked, "Is this your friend?"

Yun Jin nodded and said, "Her identity is a bit special, so she needs to pretend and it's not convenient for her to talk."

Teacher Yang nodded knowingly, "Understood. Then I will leave it to you, Dr. Yun. Call me if you need anything."

Yun Jin said, "No problem."

After Teacher Yang left, Yunjin and the female zombie came to the room, and Xiao Douhua curled up and fell asleep on the bed with the bear in her arms.

Yunjin drew the curtains, locked the door, and then checked the entire room to make sure there were no cameras before coming to Xiaodouhua's side.

He lightly touched Xiao Douhua's hand, but Xiao Douhua didn't respond.He closed his eyes and felt it.

Xiao Douhua actually has 150 points of psionic energy in her body, which is more than half of that in Li's body.

Judging from Yunjin's experience, this ability should not be out of the category of D-level, so the required spiritual power is estimated to be only five or six hundred.

But because too little is known about Xiaodouhua's abilities, it is estimated that the harvesting technique requires much more spiritual power.

Yunjin's current total psionic energy is 414 points, and he spends 160 psionic energy points every day, so there are only 254 psionic energy points left, which is definitely not enough.

So he lightly took out ten psychic cards from his pocket, each with 100 points, plus his own psychic power, it should be enough.

Thinking of this, Yun Jin sent a WeChat message to remind the female zombie to be alert.

Then he put his hand on Xiao Douhua's forehead and said silently, "Collect!"

With a flash of white light, a card appeared in Yunjin's hand.

[Spiritual power: 147 points]

Note: The mysterious power hidden in the human body, the source of all magical abilities.

Although Xiao Douhua has fallen asleep, collecting the awakening ability is a big deal. Once Xiao Douhua wakes up halfway and the collection fails, no one knows what the consequences will be.

So to be on the safe side, Yunjin still collected Xiaodouhua's psionic energy.

Because the spiritual energy is exhausted, people lose their physical and mental strength in a short time, and can only fall into a deep sleep.

In fact, it is more convenient to use sleeping pills, but sleeping pills have side effects. It is okay for adults to take them once in a while, but it is very bad for children to take them.That's why Yun Jin didn't consider this.

After collecting the psychic energy, Yun Jin called Xiao Dou Hua softly a few times, but Xiao Dou Hua didn't wake up, Yun Jin picked her up again and shook her, Xiao Dou Hua was still sleeping soundly.

Yun Jin put her back on the bed and felt relieved.

Then he put his hand on Xiao Douhua's forehead again, placed the power cards by the bed one by one, and closed his eyes.

This time, because he didn't understand this ability at all, Yun Jin was a little nervous, trying to think of the details related to this ability in his mind.

For example, the faceless girl, such as the blood sacrifice, but the three key words to focus on are [Xiao Douhua] [Awakening Ability] [Other World].

Finally, Yun Jin silently said "Collect".

The collection this time is obviously different from the previous ones. Yunjin didn't feel any psionic energy consumption at first, but slowly the psionic energy began to decrease bit by bit.

A small psionic storm also slowly appeared.

Then Yunjin felt that the speed of spiritual energy consumption was getting faster and faster, and the spiritual energy storm was getting bigger and bigger, and whirlwinds began to emerge.

He only felt that there was a vast expanse of whiteness in front of him, and it didn't take long for his psionic energy to bottom out.

Having experienced many times, Yunjin took out a psychic card and said softly, "Solution."

Immediately, a surge of spiritual energy poured into his body, replenishing his consumption.

As the psychic cards were used one by one, the vortex of psychic energy did not shrink at all, but tended to expand, and even the bed began to "creak".

Yun Jin was a little panicked.This momentum is wrong.Could it be that the awakening ability in Xiaodouhua's body is C-level? More than 1000 psionic energy is not enough?
Or because there are too few details, the energy required is too much!

Because of the constant pouring and pumping, Yunjin felt that her body was beginning to be overwhelmed.

Finally, when he used nine cards, the spiritual energy storm stopped slowly.

An exquisite card appeared in Yunjin's hand.

Yun Jin was panting heavily, his body seemed to be torn apart, he checked the psionic energy in his body, only 55 points were left.

In other words, it took a full 1100 points of spiritual energy to collect this ability.

This is too scary!

Yunjin decided that next time she must have clues about her awakening ability before collecting them. The consumption is simply unbearable.

Yun Jin picked up the rare card in her hand.

The card is still made of jade, the whole body is clear and smooth, and it is cold to hold. The lines on it are eyes, which look a little permeable.

The picture in the middle is a hexagram.

Why is this card so weird? Yun Jin glanced at the name of the card [Lucky Inner World Creature Summoning Ritual].

It's a scary long name
And what is this prefix!How lucky is this ability?Xiao Douhua almost committed suicide by slitting his wrists, okay?

But through this card, Yunjin knew that the faceless girl was a creature from the other world.

Creatures in the world are appearing more and more frequently now, and I don't know whether it is good or bad.

He put the card in his pocket and planned to study it slowly when he went back. Now that he was in the orphanage, it was not time for research.

 Thanks to "Wang Ke" for the reward of 10000 starting coins!Congratulations on becoming the rudder owner of this book!thank you boss!Boss atmosphere!Make a fortune! 6666
(End of this chapter)

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