God Level Collection

Chapter 91 World Creatures: Kobo

Chapter 91 World Creatures: Kobo
Yun Jin rested for a while, then looked at Xiao Dou Hua, Xiao Dou Hua still didn't wake up, but she didn't look like something was wrong.

He covered the poor child with a quilt, then went out of the room to find Teacher Yang.

I briefly talked about the situation with Teacher Yang, and asked Teacher Yang to give Xiaodouhua some porridge after she woke up, so as to nourish her body in the past few days.

Then Yun Jin and the female zombie got into the car of the violent little loli and left the orphanage.

The reason why she borrowed the car from the violent little Lolita's family was to avoid being traced by those who wanted to.

In addition, it is too far away, it is really inconvenient to take a taxi!
Yun Jin got off the car early near the car return location, and then asked the female zombie to return the car, then directed her to come find her, turned her into a card, and finally took a taxi home.

When I got home, it was already twelve o'clock, and Wei Xiao was sitting on the sofa watching TV. She must have taken a shower, and her hair was still a little dry.

Yun Jin asked, "Did you not change your clothes, let's go and buy some."

Wei Xiao shook his head indifferently, and said two words, "No money."

Just as Yun Jin was about to speak, Wei Xiao added, "I don't want to borrow yours again either. Thank you."

During the past few days with Weixiao, Yunjin also knew that this kid was very strong, so he shrugged and didn't say anything else.

Yun Jin changed her shoes and went back to her bedroom. Yun Jin tried the game first and found that it was really difficult. He lost after jumping less than five steps. It was really frenzied!

Then Yunjin ordered a takeaway, and while waiting for the takeaway, he took out today's harvest.

【Lucky Inner World Creature Summoning Ceremony】

Class D

Notes: Want a thrill?Let's play a summoning ceremony.See if you're lucky, or that creature.

This awakening ability can be used by others.

Full ability, unlimited times.No cost to use.

Ability 1: Randomly communicate with a creature in the other world.Both parties can communicate once a day.

Ability 2: Summon creatures from the other world to the real world for a short period of time through the ritual.

Ability 3: Through a contract, permanently summon creatures from the other world to the real world.

Restriction 1: You can communicate with a new creature in the other world every 30 days.

Restriction 2: Both parties can communicate once a day.The exchange should not exceed 10 minutes.

Restriction 3: The short-term summoning only exists for 1 hour, and the ritual needs to be completed.Summons can be canceled at any time.

Restriction 4: The contract is signed by both parties, and the contract type can be customized.After completing the summoning, the contract is established. If it is not completed within ten days, the contract will be automatically cancelled.

Remarks: This ability is dangerous, use it at your own risk.

Looking at the awakening ability in front of her, Yun Jin felt that it seemed a little unreliable.

And this is the first time the card has emphasized the dangers.

But thinking about the faceless girl, Yunjin felt that it was really dangerous.Summoning that thing into the real world, won't there be any problems?

And signing the contract here is also vague, Yunjin doesn't believe that any creature is willing to sign an unequal treaty with someone.

Not to mention the master-servant contract, even if it is an exchange of equal value, if there is not enough interest, it is estimated that it will not succeed.

And judging by the way Xiaodouhua was about to cut his wrists, it didn't look like an equal exchange.

Thinking about it this way, Yunjin still used this ability, anyway, there is no price, even if it only increases spiritual power.It is really dangerous, but it can still be collected.

Yun Jin said "Solution", and the card immediately turned into a golden light and entered Yun Jin's mind.There is also a lot of information about this ability in his mind.

Then, he also learned about the summoning ceremony of the faceless girl.

Yun Jin decided that if it was not necessary, it was better not to provoke this guy.Because he also knew the agreement that Xiao Douhua and Faceless Girl were going to sign.

Not to mention unequal, it is simply a loss of power and humiliation of the country.

Xiao Douhua used a blood sacrifice to summon the faceless girl to the real world, and she lost enough blood to kill half of her life.But the faceless girl only needs to talk to her.

This condition. Only six or seven-year-old children will agree.

Yun Jin shook her head, lamenting that luckily she handled it in a timely manner, otherwise Xiao Douhua would have summoned the faceless girl, and the orphanage might really suffer.

Speaking of which, Yunjin has already seen three creatures from the inner world.Ye Yan, the faceless girl, and the strange fish with spider legs caught by Jiang Xiaobai.

What kind of world is this world?
Yunjin couldn't help being a little curious.

And do the creatures in the other world have special abilities?

Thinking of this, Yunjin wanted to try [The Summoning Ceremony of the Inner World], because Xiao Douhua and the faceless girl had been in contact for more than 30 days, and the cooling time for communication had already passed.

In addition, this way of communication is also very strange, just close your eyes and say silently, "I'm lonely." That's enough.

It is estimated that Xiao Douhua unconsciously triggered her ability in this way.

Yun Jin sat on the computer chair, closed her eyes, and said silently, "I'm very lonely."

As soon as the words fell, a harsh but weak voice suddenly sounded in Yunjin's ear, "Hello, what help do you need?"

Yun Jin opened her eyes, but there was no one in the room.This should be the creature in that other world.

He communicated with the creature in his mind, "Hello. Who are you?"

The creature's voice sounded very humble, "I, I, you can call me Lao Huang, I am a Kobo."


What is this?
Yun Jin obviously didn't have any research on the creatures in the other world, and he didn't know what race it was.

"Yes. So if you need help, just ask."

After the creature finished speaking, a summoning message appeared in Yunjin's mind.

It's extremely simple, just snap your fingers, and then call that Cooper's name.

Is this also a summoning ceremony?
Perhaps because everything went so smoothly and this creature was so easy to talk, Yun Jin always felt a little creepy.

He decided not to summon it in such a hurry, if there was something wrong with this creature, something might go wrong.

And he doesn't know much about the other world, so it's better to find someone who understands and ask.

Both Haitang and the sloppy uncle should know a lot of information about the other world, and they might be of some help.

Compared with Haitang, the sloppy uncle should be more trustworthy, after all, he is a semi-official person.

But Yunjin has always been a little wary of him.

Maybe because of his occupation, Yunjin prefers the kind of person who can see the bottom line at a glance, but the sloppy uncle is too mysterious, and Yunjin can't see through it at all.

Every time he sees the sloppy uncle, Yunjin feels that there are layers of fog in front of him. His strength, his psychology, and his past are all a mystery.

As for Haitang, at least put all her emotions and changes on the surface, Yunjin can know what she is thinking at a glance.

Thinking of this, Yunjin sent another WeChat message to Haitang, saying that she wanted to meet and chat with her.

Not long after this time, Haitang replied on WeChat: I'll go find you tonight.Just to talk about [Moss].

 Thanks to "Coffee on the Wooden Platform" for the reward of 1000 starting coins!thank you boss!Boss atmosphere!

  Thanks to "Accidental 123456" and "Xuanhushou" for the reward of 100 starting coins!thank you boss!The boss is equally generous!

  I wish all the bosses a fortune!
(End of this chapter)

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