The Complete Works of Wolf Road

Chapter 11 Possessing a strong mentality like a wolf

Chapter 11 Possessing a strong mentality like a wolf (1)
The mentality of the strong is a kind of tenacity in the face of difficulties, a mentality of never admitting defeat, a kind of perseverance in the face of difficulties, and a kind of tenacity that will not give up until the goal is reached.As long as a person has this strong mentality, dares to face difficulties and setbacks, and dares to challenge, success will be just around the corner.

1 A firm force to realize "ambition"
A person walks on the way to success, he can have nothing, but he can't live without dreams.If a person wants to succeed, he must first clarify what he most desires.When we have established the goal of life, it may take some time or even a lifetime of energy to pursue this dream in order to realize it.This is where the joy of life lies.

"Ambitious" people have a strong desire to succeed.And successful people must have dreams, vision, enthusiasm, and perseverance.People with dreams must dream about every goal day and night.For a person who is eager to succeed and has been working hard for it, the most urgent and desired thing is to establish a goal in life.

For us human beings, an expectation, an ambition, a hope, and a goal hanging in front of us are of great significance to our future life.The relationship between enthusiasm and human beings is like the relationship between a steam engine and a locomotive. Dreams are the main driving force for action.The greatest leaders of mankind are those whose dreams inspire the greatest zeal in his followers.Dreams are also the most important factor among many talents.

For many years, Napoleon Hill wrote mostly at night.One night, as Napoleon Hill was concentrating on his typewriter, he happened to look out of his study window—his residence was just across from Tower Square at the Metropolis in New York City—and saw what seemed to be the most bizarre reflection of the moon Reflected on the Metropolis Tower.It was a silvery-gray shadow he had never seen before.Looking carefully again, Napoleon Hill found that it was the reflection of the sun in the morning, not the shadow of the moon.

It turned out to be dawn.He worked all night, but was so engrossed in his work that the night seemed like an hour, passing in the blink of an eye.He went on working another day and night, without stopping to rest, except in between for a light meal.

Napoleon Hill could not have worked continuously for a day and two nights without feeling tired if he hadn't been full of dreams and enthusiasm for the work in hand, so that his body had gained sufficient energy.

The pursuit of your dreams is not an empty term, it is an important force that you can use to your advantage.Without the support of this dream, you are like a dead battery.

Dreams can generate a great force that you can use to replenish your physical energy and develop a strong personality.The process of shaping your dreams for yourself is as simple as starting by doing a job you love or providing a service you love most.

More than 20 years ago, a young man with nothing set foot on the land of Shenzhen.At first he worked as a small worker on a construction site, and every day he returned to his place of residence covered in mud and water. Other workers liked to get together to play poker and chess at night. Whenever he had time, he read biographies of the world's richest men and wrote a lot of them. An excerpt, where he enacted a dream for himself that seemed ridiculous at the time:

I'm going to be a millionaire!
Every morning and night, he said the same thing to himself: "I want to become a millionaire, no matter what job I am doing now." Several years later, this young man who was unknown at that time became one of the successful people. become a multi-millionaire.

Never give up until the goal is achieved. The goal is the most important driving force in life. This driving force must be formed by "dreams, goals, and persistence"

The three come together.If you want to achieve this goal, you must have enthusiasm, determination, backbone, willingness to work hard, willing to pay, and willing to work hard.With the established goal, we will move towards this established goal.In the process of moving forward, we will find that motivation and success are actually two very similar concepts. If you have motivation, you will succeed.When we understand what kind of person we are, clarify which path we want to take, determine the path we want to take, and take practical actions, your path will definitely become wider and wider.

Those who can articulate their dreams will have a better chance of achieving them than those who have only a vague idea of ​​what they want.

So, if you want to make more money, you should say exactly how much you want to make and when you want to reach that goal.

If your goal is to get a good job, write down exactly what you want to do.If your dream is to start a business, describe what kind of business you want to do and when you started it.Most people are just hopefuls.Be a dream come true!It is important to be a person who knows exactly what you want!

2Challenge an opponent stronger than yourself
We must be like wolves and dare to challenge opponents stronger than ourselves.As long as you have the mentality to dare to challenge the strong, those seemingly "impossible" things may become your "prisoners".To dare to challenge is actually to put pressure on yourself, to put pressure on yourself.

"There is no motivation without pressure", this is a famous saying.Just imagine, if a person feels very relaxed in his life, or if he does some simple things, and repeats this cycle, year after year, what can he gain from it?How can his courage and will be cultivated?In such a comfortable environment, one can only erode one's will and corrode one's fighting spirit.If we regard our own life process as a kind of competition, as an excellent athlete, we can only win in the end if we constantly increase our weight in training.

Tom Dempsey is a good example.

When Dempsey was born, he had only half of his left foot and a deformed right hand.His parents never let him do less because of his disability.The result is that any boy can do it, so can he.

Once in the school military training, the scouts were asked to march 10 kilometers. The coach looked at Tom Dempsey and said, "You can march 5 miles." However, Dempsey said, "No, I want to march too. 10 kilometers, I can do it." Sure enough, Dempsey walked 10 kilometers with his extraordinary perseverance.

Then he wanted to play rugby, convinced he could kick the ball farther than any of the boys playing with him.He had a pair of shoes designed just for him, took a kicking test, and got a contract.

But the coach told him as gently as possible that he didn't have the qualifications to be a professional football player, prompting him to try other careers.

Finally, he applied to join the New Orleans Saints team and asked the coach to give him a chance. Although the coach was skeptical, but seeing the boy's confidence, he had a good impression of him, so he accepted him.

In the following training, in addition to receiving the same training as normal people, he also continued to increase the size of himself, increasing the training difficulty and items.Two years later, he was the team's best athlete.In a national championship, he won the championship in one fell swoop, and he became a star that everyone paid close attention to.

Everyone can't understand why a disabled person can perform so well?
In fact, there is no other reason, it is the result of him daring to challenge and constantly adding weight and pressure to himself.

Adding weight to yourself can also develop good habits and avoid the habit of procrastinating.A person who can continue to increase the size of himself will definitely know how to cherish time, do things vigorously, and work efficiency will also be improved accordingly.

We are now in a very competitive society, and pressure is everywhere.The concept has changed, we must overcome the old self; the environment has changed, we must have a new attitude; the society has progressed, we are faced with new tasks and goals; competition is fierce, we must go all out; interpersonal conflicts or ruptures , we're going to clean up the mess and start over.All of which are concrete manifestations of stress everywhere.

It is the existence of this pressure that we have endless motivation.

Constantly overweight yourself, that is, you are competing with yourself. "There is nothing more satisfying, and only then, than doing your best. Doing your best brings you a special kind of entitlement. A triumph of self-transcendence."

Those half-dead people need to put some weight on themselves, even if you think it is "impossible", you have to try it, you have to feel that you are a first-class person, and you have to have a little confidence in yourself.Get "impossible" out of your head.

The limit of human beings can be bent and stretched. As long as you have the courage and dare to challenge, you can produce a kind of power beyond the conventional.

Once upon a time a farmer watched in front of his barn as a pick-up truck zipped across his field -- driven by his 14-year-old son.Due to his young age, his son was not qualified for a driver's license, so his father only allowed him to drive on the farm.

Do not go out on the road.

Suddenly, the car overturned in the ditch, and his son was crushed under the car, with only his head sticking out of the water.Without hesitation, the farmer jumped into the ditch, put his hands under the car, and lifted it up, while another worker who came to his aid pulled the unconscious child out from underneath.The child suffered only minor injuries, but was fine.

Why was the farmer able to lift the car?When people are in an emergency, they generate extra energy.It can be seen that a person usually has a great potential physical strength.This incident also tells us an important fact that the farmer produces a kind of supernatural power in a critical situation, which is not only a physical response, but also involves mental and spiritual power.When he saw that his son was about to drown, his mental reaction was to save his son, and he only wanted to lift the truck that was pressing on him, and he had no other thoughts.It can be said that it elicits potential power spiritually.If the situation calls for a greater physical strength, a state of mind, then greater strength or potential can be generated.

Potential is the greatest and least developed treasure of human beings!Numerous facts and the research of many experts tell us that everyone has huge potential that has not yet been developed.

This spirit of daring to challenge the "impossible" is the foundation of success.There are many people who have a fatal weakness - they lack the courage to challenge, and they only want to be cautious "security experts". They dare not take the initiative to "attack" those extremely difficult things that do not appear, and hide and hide again and again. Can avoid the ends of the earth.

Not daring to challenge difficult things is to put a prison on your own potential, and you can only turn your unlimited potential into limited achievements.At the same time, ignorant knowledge diminishes our natural gifts, because we act like cowards, unworthy of our abilities.

"Warriors" and "cowards" simply cannot keep pace with each other.

When we challenge the "impossible" things, if the challenge fails, don't be depressed or disappointed. We will be recognized by everyone, because we have the work attitude of daring to challenge the "impossible" and are "warriors". ".What we experience and what we get, the timid onlookers will never have the opportunity to know - because they simply dare not try.

3 Facing reality bravely like a strong man

Wolves are truly strong.The mentality of the strong is not to complain about others when they are frustrated, and not to make excuses when they fail.Because the strong do not find reasons to complain, the strong only face the reality bravely.

The mentality of the strong can make a strong wolf, and even forge a successful person.In the face of difficulties, those who win are always those who have a positive attitude.At the beginning of life, your mentality determines the final outcome.

In a person's life, a positive attitude is an effective psychological tool and an essential quality to be able to control one's own destiny.If you believe you can fulfill your potential, a positive attitude will generate the strength and courage to make it happen.

The success of an archery world champion depends largely on his mentality.With each shot, he raised his bow and locked his eyes on the bullseye 30 yards away.At this moment, except for the red heart, nothing can attract his attention.He tightened the string, fixed his eyes on the target, and checked his physical and mental state quietly and quickly. If he felt something was wrong, he would put down the bow, relax, and draw it again.If everything is checked correctly, he only needs to aim at the bull's-eye and let the arrow fly out with confidence, and he is confident that the flying arrow will hit the red heart.

Is this calm, confident state only reserved for sports superstars?Not really.It is only when a sports star is in this optimal competitive state of mind that he can win.And when his mentality is not good, he will sweep away his usual prestige, and even lose to the little-known juniors.Likewise, even a mediocre athlete, when he is in the best frame of mind, can achieve astonishing results, beating those skilled but out-of-form stars.In fact, everyone has this mentality, but sometimes they don't realize it.

In a way, we are all shooters, and we all want to hit the mark in life.If we're exercising our muscular nervous system, shooting an arrow into the bull's-eye, why don't we do it every time?
What exactly is going on?We haven't changed, it should be the same as before, but why are we still smiling a little while ago, and weeping sadly a while later?Why do those first-class NBA players fail to score a goal for many days after they are handy?

In fact, mentality largely determines the success or failure of our lives.

How we treat life is how life treats us.

How we treat others is how they treat us.

More than any other factor, the mindset we start with when we start a job determines how successful we end up being.

The more positive your attitude towards life and the braver you are to the challenges of life, the more you can find the best mentality.

No wonder it is said that our environment—psychological, emotional, spiritual—is entirely created by our own state of mind.

There are two types of attitudes: positive attitudes and negative attitudes.Positive attitudes develop potential and attract wealth, success, happiness, and health; negative attitudes repel these things, take away everything from life, and keep people at rock bottom for life. Even when they climb to the top, they will be dragged down by it.

A positive mindset is characterized by self-confidence, hopefulness, honesty, love, and down-to-earth, while a negative mindset is characterized by pessimism, disappointment, low self-esteem, hypocrisy, and deceit.

Many experiences of gains and losses in life have warned us that mentality is the most magical force in the world.A positive attitude with love, hope, and encouragement can often lift a person to a higher place; conversely, a negative attitude with disappointment, resentment, and pessimism can destroy a person.

A positive attitude can bring great wealth to a person at any time.So, do you want to be a person with a positive attitude?Here is a prescription, if you can follow it, in time, you will become a passionate person.This prescription can not only make you have a positive attitude immediately, but also help you muster up your courage when you feel disappointed, depressed, and tired at any time, so that you can cheer up and become energetic and radiant.A positive mindset becomes your way of life and sets you up for success.It can also attract many good things and make life full of fun.

This prescription was a sign on the wall of General MacArthur's office when he commanded the Allied Forces in the South Pacific, with the following motto written on it:

You are young when you have confidence, old when you are doubting; young when you are confident, old when you are fearful; young when you are hopeful, old when you are hopeless; age wrinkles your skin, but damages your soul when you lose your positive attitude .

This is the best tribute to mentality.Cultivating and bringing out the attributes of a positive attitude, like everything we do, adds spark and fun.

A person with a positive attitude, whether he is a digger or the owner of a large company, considers his work a sacred calling and takes great interest in it.A person who loves his work, no matter how difficult the work is or how expensive it is, he will always do it with a calm attitude.With this attitude, anyone is sure to succeed and reach their goals.Emerson said: "In history, there is no great cause that is not successful because of a positive attitude." In fact, this is not a pure and beautiful discourse, but a beacon for success in life.

A positive mindset is a state of awareness that inspires and motivates a person to take action on the work at hand.Not only that, but it is contagious, and not only will it have a major impact on other enthusiasts, but all those who come into contact with it will also be affected.

A positive attitude is to humans what a steam engine is to a locomotive. It is the main driving force of movement.The greatest achievers of mankind are those who know how to inspire positivity in their followers.

Incorporate a positive attitude into your work, and your work won't seem hard or monotonous.A positive mindset energizes your entire body, allowing you to work double or triple your usual amount of work for half the time without getting tired.

A positive attitude is not an empty term, it is an important force that you can use to overcome your weakness of not being interested in some things to your advantage.Without it, a person is like a dead battery.

A positive mindset is a great force that you can harness to recharge your body's energy and develop a strong personality.

(End of this chapter)

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