The Complete Works of Wolf Road

Chapter 18 Possess a strong personality like a wolf

Chapter 18 Possessing a Strong Personality Like a Wolf (3)
On the grassland, some daring wolves have the spirit of breaking the boat.They clearly saw the hunter and the horse, but they did not run away. Instead, they calculated the distance between the man and the horse very accurately, and raced against the clock to grab every bite and eat as much as they could.

In order to survive, human beings must also have this spirit of breaking the boat.

Courage is given by God, but opportunities must be grasped by yourself!
We often say not to put yourself on the edge of a cliff and leave yourself a way out, but sometimes, people must have a little bit of the spirit of breaking the boat.

In life, I can often hear others admonishing myself like this: don't talk too much, leave yourself a way out, and so on.This is undoubtedly correct, because there is no absolute thing in the world, and all possibilities exist before things come to fruition.

For example, when we make some kind of promise to others, we can’t talk too much, otherwise, when the possibility that is not conducive to your promise becomes a reality, we will have no room for maneuver, but will give others a dissatisfaction with us. Honest bad impression.

However, when a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity comes to us, when something develops to a critical moment of life and death, people need to have a little spirit of breaking the boat and putting it to death.

When Xiang Yu led his troops across the river, he asked his soldiers to carry only three days' food and smashed all the marching pots to show his determination not to retreat.Xiang Yu's spirit undoubtedly inspired his soldiers, and they won the victory.

Maybe you will say, "Break the boat" is just a story, we will not encounter such a situation today.

Don't talk too much about this, or talk too much.Shopping malls are like battlefields, and sometimes a business may fail because you lack the drive to "break the boat".

Why is our life not like this?
When a Chinese student originally from Beijing arrived in Australia, he rode a broken bicycle along the Ring-Australia Highway for several days in order to find a subsistence job.During this period, he mowed grass, herded sheep, harvested crops, and washed dishes for others. As long as someone could give him something to eat, he would temporarily stop his tired steps.

One day, while washing dishes in a restaurant in Chinatown, he happened to see a recruitment notice for Telstra in the newspaper.He was worried that his English was not authentic and his major was not suitable for him, so he chose to apply for the position of line supervisor.

After passing five stages and cutting six generals, seeing that the position with an annual salary of 35 Australian dollars was about to be obtained, the recruiting supervisor asked him an unexpected question: "Do you have a car and can you drive? This job often requires you to go out. , without a car, it is difficult to move an inch.”

Newcomer here, life is a problem, can I have a car?But in order to get this very attractive position, he replied without thinking: "Yes! I will also open it!"

"Then, in three days time, you can drive to work!" said the supervisor.

Almost penniless, he needs to buy a car in three days and learn to drive. This is not easy, but in order to survive, this foreign student borrowed 500 Australian dollars from a friend of his, and bought back an old car in the flea market. Beetle sedan.

On the first day, he watched his friends drive.

The next day, he himself drove crookedly on the grass with trembling hands.

On the third day, he drove that classic car, shaking from side to side, to work.

Today, the Chinese student is already the business executive of that telecommunications company.

We don't know the professional level of this international student, but we have to admire his courage.If the Chinese student had hesitated a little when he applied for the job, and hadn't shown a little bit of desperate energy, and hadn't put himself on the edge of a cliff, he might still be washing dishes in some restaurant, or Shearing wool for some farmer.

It is precisely because of this situation of no retreat that people can concentrate on moving forward bravely, mobilize their potential to the greatest extent, and win their own place in life.

Many entrepreneurs dare to exchange temporary losses and pains for huge markets and profits in the course of their operations.Knowing that you can't do it, you can do it because you can see wider than others, think more comprehensively, far-reachingly, and think more deeply.That is to say, they won by the courage to win by putting themselves to death.On many important occasions, everyone can see the loss of a certain project, and often take short-term actions.Then, on such occasions, most of the victories belong to entrepreneurs who are willing to suffer losses and are good at suffering losses.Because, this kind of knowing that you can't do it and being willing to suffer a loss is actually a way of breaking the boat.This theory has been vividly confirmed by Zhu Jianghong, the general manager of Gree Electric.

Zhu Jianghong, the general manager of Gree Electric Appliances, is a blockbuster figure who keeps making a name for himself.Under his planning, the status of Gree air-conditioning has skyrocketed, and it has won the first place in the country in terms of product quality evaluation, market share and after-sales service.

Zhu Jianghong is an excellent entrepreneur with deep thinking, good at taking losses and winning the market with temporary losses.He flexibly grasped the dialectical movement laws of the market, and was able to soberly and actively put himself to death and survive.

When Zhu Jianghong was the director of a machinery factory in Baise, Guangxi, he directed a "bitter trick". A few days before the Spring Festival in 1984, he received a request letter from the Beijing Office of the Tibet Cement Factory.His rich experience in business warfare told him that this was just a tentative letter of request for purchase. The same letter of request for purchase must be sent to machinery factories all over the country like a goddess, and his colleagues undoubtedly know this fact.

But Zhu Jianghong further realized that Tibet represents a very special market in China, and he has a share in the Tibetan market, so he doesn't have to worry about not having a market in other developed regions.He was determined to make the deal happen.The sales chief was sent to Beijing early the next morning, and he made it clear that even if he suffered financially, he would sign a contract to supply the goods.

Most people did not expect Zhu Jianghong's recklessness or foresight. Even the representative of the Tibet Cement Factory was surprised and immediately signed the contract.The development of the matter was just as Zhu Jianghong expected, the business did not make any money.In order to fulfill the contract, the workers sacrificed the Spring Festival break to work overtime to increase production equipment.It was mid-winter, the transportation route was long, and the road conditions were dangerous. The factory sent 5 vehicles to take the machinery directly to Tibet via Yunnan, and one of them was specially used to haul the required gasoline.After nearly 50 days of tossing back and forth, landslides, landslides, snowstorms, and accidents continued, it can be said that I have suffered a lot.

Although this business did not make any money, it won the market and honor for Zhu Jianghong. In his words: "We are qualified to brag: except for Taiwan, our products cover the whole country!"

Sure enough, within a few years, Zhu Jianghong's machinery factory produced 10 products and 50 specifications, with an enterprise output value of 3000 million yuan and a profit of 800 million yuan. All indicators have become the "big brother" of the same industry in the country.

Zhu Jianghong's business philosophy is completely consistent with his thinking logic: fight for what should be fought, never fight for what should not be fought, dare to suffer for what should be suffered, and die when it is time to sink the boat, otherwise, you may miss countless second chance.

In a sense, the spirit of putting oneself on the cliff, giving oneself a chance to charge to the high ground of life, gave oneself a chance to become a strong man.

8 Use great judgment to seize opportunities
The wolf is a very patient, but at the same time an animal that is good at seizing opportunities.When opportunities come, they will not hesitate to make decisive decisions.This stems from the fact that wolves have a strong ability to judge.As human beings, we should also have the judgment ability of wolves. In the face of opportunities, we should be good at seizing opportunities and never let go of any opportunity.

Judgment should not be disturbed by emotional fluctuations, suggestions, criticisms, and appearances.Judgment is necessary in dealing with any event of importance.It is unaffected by anything other than the true state of the fact itself.It is the tragedy of life that some people, although outstanding in ability, are ruined by such a small weakness of personality, especially when they are strong in other fields.

Thousands of people today are mediocre because they are exceptional in ability but lack decisive character.You know, in any case, it is a tragedy not to make your own decision with full confidence.Many people fail because of it, not because of lack of ability.

Nothing in the world can help those who are always indecisive to form a habit of quick and decisive action.Therefore, a person who tries to cover everything will fail to grasp the essence of things.

Decisions are decisive and unchangeable. Once you make a decision, you must try your best to implement it. Even if you make mistakes sometimes, it is better than the habit of seeking balance in everything, always thinking about it, and procrastinating.

When we commit to forming a habit of quick decision-making, even if it seems mechanical at first, it builds confidence in our judgment.From this, a person will acquire a new spirit of independence.

People who are indecisive are often worried about the good or bad of things. If they make a choice today, there will be better possibilities tomorrow, and they always dare not make a decision.As a result, they lost many good opportunities and buried many good ideas.

Good opportunities are fleeting, and it is difficult for those who are hesitant to seize opportunities.

It is inevitable to make mistakes if you act vigorously and resolutely, but it is better than not daring to do anything.

Walter said: If a person is forever hovering between two things, hesitating which one to do first, he will not be able to do either.If a person originally made a decision, but hesitated and hesitated when he heard the objections of his friends, then such a person must be a person with a weak personality and no independent opinions. success, whether it is a pivotal event or a trivial matter, without exception.

The ancient Roman poet Lucan described a person who has the same perseverance as Caesar. In fact, only this kind of person can achieve the final success. Then decide decisively, and carry out his decision and will with uncompromising courage, never intimidated by difficulties that make the "little people" look sad and daunting-such a person in any rank. Outstanding, stand out from the crowd.

A vacillating man, however powerful in other respects, is always apt to be sidelined in the race of life by those who are determined, who want to do what they want to do immediately.It can be said that it is better to have a decisive judgment than to have the wisest mind.

Thousands of people have lost out in competition simply because of delays and delays.And countless successful people have created wealth because they took huge risks at critical moments and made quick decisions.

A wise man said: To make a person form a personality of decisive decision-making is the most important work in moral and will training in life growth.

The habit of decisive decision-making is so important to us that we are often prepared to risk premature judgment or adverse action.It is better for a person to make the wrong decision once in a while than never to make a decision.

There is a story about a father who tried to redeem his two sons who had been captured by the enemy in war with money.The father is willing to save his son with his own life and a ransom.But he was told that only one son could be saved in this way, and he had to choose which one to save.This loving and tormented father is so eager to save his children, even at the cost of his own life, but at this critical juncture, he cannot decide which child to save and which one to sacrifice.In this way, he has been in the great pain of a dilemma, and as a result, both of his sons were executed.

Quick decision-making and extraordinary boldness have carried many successful people through crises and difficulties, while indecision at critical moments can almost only bring disastrous consequences.

Decisive decision-making also requires overcoming the habit of procrastination.If "one-time processing" is adopted for all transactional work, then it is saved to spend the second and third time on one thing.If there is a letter to reply, you should write a reply immediately after reading the letter.

If you delay writing for a few days, you have to read the letter again, which of course takes a lot of effort.If you have to make a decision, make it now.

(End of this chapter)

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