The Complete Works of Wolf Road

Chapter 22 Positive thinking like a wolf 1

Chapter 22 Positive Thinking Like a Wolf (3)
In 206 BC, Liu Bang, who had gradually become stronger, sent his general Han Xin to fight.Before the expedition, Han Xin sent many soldiers to repair the burned plank road, posing as if he wanted to fight back from the same road.After hearing the news, the Guanzhong defenders paid close attention to the progress of repairing the plank road, and sent the main force to step up defense at each pass fortress on this route to prevent the Han army from attacking.Han Xin's "Ming repair plank road" action really worked. Because it attracted the attention of the enemy and lured the main force of the enemy to the front line of the plank road, Han Xin immediately sent a large army to detour to Chencang to launch a surprise attack, defeated Zhang Han in one fell swoop, and put down Sanqin , A decisive step was taken for Liu Bang to unify the Central Plains.

Generally speaking, people's conventional way of thinking is to pay attention to "getting ahead of others", "preempting others", and "competing for the commanding heights", which is called taking the first step.However, in a certain period of time and under special conditions, limited to one's own strength, it is also a coup to adopt the lateral thinking mode of "half a step behind others", avoid the enemy's edge, restrain one's own weaknesses, and take advantage of others' strengths in order to achieve success. This is also a wonderful embodiment of wisdom.

6 Playing hard to get, multiple actions
When wolves hunt, they often adopt the method of playing hard to get.To deal with enemies stronger than themselves, they often take multiple actions, and each action bites the prey and lets it survive.The next day, the same action is taken on the same prey, so that the new wounds of the prey are not healed, and the old wounds are added, until the prey has no ability to resist, then they will capture the prey in one fell swoop.Their use of this kind of tactics, in fact, we humans have used this kind of strategy and tactics very early.

For example, in war, the only goal is to destroy the enemy and seize territory.It is not advisable to force the poor to jump over the wall in a hurry, struggling to the death, and losing troops and land.Letting him go is not the same as letting the tiger go back to the mountain. The purpose is to let the enemy's fighting spirit gradually slacken, and his physical and material resources gradually be consumed. Finally, one's own side will look for opportunities to wipe out the enemy's army and achieve the goal of destroying the enemy.Zhuge Liang's seven captures and seven moves were not based on emotion. His ultimate goal was to use Meng Huo's influence politically to stabilize the south, and to expand his territory every time he took the opportunity on the territory.In military strategy, there are two words "changing" and "changing".It is not routine to release the enemy's commander-in-chief.Under normal circumstances, if you catch the enemy, you should not let it go easily, so as to avoid future troubles.However, Zhuge Liang judged the situation, adopted a strategy of attacking the heart, captured seven times and moved seven times, taking the initiative in his own hands, and finally achieved his goal.

At the end of the Western Jin Dynasty, Wang Jun, the governor of Youzhou, attempted to rebel and usurp the throne.After hearing the news, Shi Le, a famous general of the Jin Dynasty, planned to wipe out Wang Jun's troops.Wang Jun is powerful, and Shi Le fears that it will be difficult for him to win for a while.He decided to use the strategy of "playing hard to get" to paralyze Wang Jun.He sent his disciple Wang Zichun to bring a large number of pearls and treasures to present to Wang Jun; he also wrote to Wang Jun to express his support for the emperor.The letter said that now that the country is in decline and the Central Plains has no master, only you are powerful in the world and have the right to be called emperor.Wang Zichun added fuel and vinegar to the side, which made Wang Jun feel happy and believed it was true.At this time, Wang Jun had a subordinate named You Tong, who was waiting for an opportunity to plot against Wang Jun.You Tong wanted to find Shi Le as a backer, but Shi Le killed You Tong and gave You Tong's head to Wang Jun.In this way, Wang Jun was absolutely relieved of Shi Le.

In 314 A.D., Shi Le found out that Youzhou was hit by floods, and the people had no food. However, Wang Jun ignored the life and death of the people and levied miscellaneous taxes, which continued unabated.Shi Le personally led the troops to attack Youzhou.In April of the same year, when Shi Le's troops arrived in Youzhou City, Wang Jun was still in the dark, thinking that Shi Le was coming to support him and proclaim him emperor, so he was not prepared to fight at all.It was only when he was captured by Shi Le's soldiers that he woke up like a dream.

Wang Jun fell into Shi Le's trick of "playing hard to capture", and his head was in a different place, and his dream was in vain.

When the society is based on the theme of market economy, "playing hard to get" is even more respected by the business community.This is indeed a good strategy.

There is a large electric appliance company whose products are of high quality and enjoy a high reputation at home and abroad. It urgently needs to expand its production scale, but the company cannot spend so much money on the expansion project at that time. Small business legacy equipment.How to merge each other?If the other party gets no benefit at all, how can he bow his head and surrender?Electric companies give small businesses three major benefits:
One is to select some technicians to train the employees of small enterprises; the other is to allocate part of the funds to transform the original equipment of small enterprises; the third is to use the company's brand on the premise that the product quality is qualified.

As a result, these small businesses were easily annexed, so that this large electrical appliance company spent 70% less money, expanded its production scale, and increased its profits.This is like sowing seeds first and then harvesting in autumn. First win the favor of the other party and achieve your goal, which has a much higher success rate than taking the initiative to attack.

The Coca-Cola Company of the United States, in order to open up the Chinese market, did not dump products to China at the beginning, but adopted the method of "if you want to take it, you must first give it".First provide China with $400 million worth of cola filling equipment for free, spend a lot of effort on advertising on TV, provide low-priced concentrated drinks, whet your appetite, and make you happy to produce and sell American cola, and once the market opens , If you want to import equipment and raw materials, he will adjust the price according to your needs and raise the price to collect money.

In the past 10 years, American Coca-Cola has been popular in China, and the production company has grown from one to many, and the sales volume and price have also doubled.American businessmen have made enough money, and the investment in Chinese equipment for free has long been recovered several times.This is to let you taste some sweetness first, and then implement your own plan. This kind of playing hard to get is common in shopping malls.

When people accept a new thing, it takes a period of time to adapt.The same is true when talking about business. At the beginning, both parties often have some unrealistic ideas and various inherent opinions, hoping to achieve their goals smoothly.However, the process of negotiation often makes both parties suddenly come to their senses, the price that the buyer expected has become impossible, and the quick transaction that the seller expected has also come to naught.

It turns out that neither buyers nor sellers can immediately adapt to these new realities that they do not understand.

Generally speaking, during the negotiation process between the buyer and the seller, the buyer always needs enough time to consider accepting the unexpectedly high price, and the seller is never ready to lower the predetermined price at the beginning of the transaction, and needs enough time to make it Only when both parties adapt can an agreement be reached.

Therefore, both buyers and sellers should put themselves in the other party's shoes and don't rush to force the other party to make concessions.

In particular, it should be noted that many foreigners can't do business without bars.As long as you have just set foot on each other's territory, they will receive them cordially.After a long and bumpy journey, you must first find a hotel to have a good sleep.However, as soon as you get off the plane or train, a beautiful public relations lady will welcome you and immediately tell you that she has arranged a wonderful evening for you.It's no use even if you tell her how tired you are.At this time, in order not to hurt her high enthusiasm, you have no choice but to submit obediently.At a dinner party, you eat well and drink well, and you don’t get back to the hotel until late, thankful that you did have a really good time.However, early the next morning, the negotiator invited you to a meeting.The negotiator begins to bargain with you item by item.At this moment, you are still sleepy and your mind is still not clear, and you will undoubtedly be easily conquered by the other party.wait!Watch out for quick deals!I have to tell the other party that I don't understand, I haven't thought about it yet.

Marketing is the same as playing football, and terminal sales are equal to the finishing touch.How to adopt an effective terminal strategy, aiming at the needs of various consumers and the defense line to carry out strong attacks from different angles, so as to finally fly the goal and send the ball into the opponent's goal has become a hot spot of common concern for all enterprises question.

7 Avoid its edge and take a detour
In the process of hunting, wolves know how to advance in a roundabout way, and are good at luring them, that is to say, they can avoid their sharp edge.

"Avoid its edge and walk around", just like the blade and the back of a knife. The blade is very sharp and can injure or even kill people, but the back of the knife can at most cause you a little injury, which is irrelevant.Avoiding the edge does not require us to avoid passively, but to adopt a proactive attitude. In the process of avoiding, we must make preparations for confrontation. When others are not sharp, it is the time for us to attack.

What is derived from this meaning is to start from the sidelines and not confront them head-on, just like cursing someone: if he steals something, you call him a thief; if he steals something, you call him a thief, this is an idiot.To scold someone, you must first understand the method of concealing the truth and the falsehood, and you need to set off the background and make side attacks, and you can get the most important points with just one word.The so-called killing starts at the throat.The more you want to scold him, the more you have to forgive him, even if you say some compliments, it is not too much. This way of scolding can make it appear that what you scolded is true and true, so that others can see your measure.There is a saying in military affairs: "Compensate for success and avoid failure." "Gathering forces to form an overwhelming advantage is the basic principle above all else."

In our daily life, avoiding the front and taking a detour is also a detour tactic. If we cannot attack from the front, we might as well attack from the side and carry out "side attack".

In the education of children, how can we not put pressure on the child's mind and damage his self-esteem, but also achieve the purpose of education and let the child understand the truth?The most critical of these is the method.The following example is an excellent example of "avoiding the edge and taking a detour" in the process of educating children.

Xiaofeng is a very smart kid.However, I am impatient in my work, sloppy in writing, and careless in my homework, and my grades have always been at a moderate level.

Parents have adopted a variety of educational methods, but the effect is still not great.

Once, his parents took him to visit his uncle's house in the countryside and saw a carpenter repairing a barrel.I saw the carpenter carefully inspecting each of the barrel staves. After examining a plank carefully, he took it down and made a new one to put it on.

Xiaofeng was very surprised, and asked the carpenter: "Isn't this board very good? It's white and smooth, what a pity to throw it away?"

The carpenter picked up the thrown board and pointed it to Xiaofeng: "Look, there is a black spot here, which means that it has begun to rot. It is still ok now, but it will soon rot into a hole, and the bucket will leak and cannot be used anymore." .Isn't this a small loss?"

Xiaofeng understood and nodded.

The mother continued to say: "Look, the master is very serious in his work, and he is not sloppy at all." Xiaofeng's heart moved when he said that.

If Dad realized something and thought of the famous principle of wooden barrels, he took advantage of the topic and said earnestly: "Xiaofeng, the reason why a wooden barrel can hold water depends on the integrity of each wooden board. If one of the wooden boards is broken, it will affect the entire barrel. The water-holding function of wooden barrels. The quality of people is the same. Impatience, carelessness, and sloppyness are like a broken barrel, and they will lose the big because of small things! Son, are you right?"

Xiaofeng's face flushed red all of a sudden.After returning home in the evening, his father found a book describing the "barrel principle" for Xiaofeng to read, and guided him to write his reflections.From then on, Xiaofeng gradually got rid of his careless homework and impatience, and became a student with excellent academic performance.

Xiaofeng's parents seized an occasional opportunity, in a relaxed and happy situation, and when Xiaofeng witnessed doubts with his own eyes, they cleverly compared their son's shortcomings such as impatient work and sloppy writing with the "black spots" on the wooden board. "The education of analogy and reason enabled Xiaofeng to comprehend the profound truth from the principle of wooden barrels, and gradually corrected his shortcomings.

Xiaofeng's parents did not criticize directly, but adopted indirect tactics, giving advice from the sidelines, that is, incisively helping the child understand the problem.The application of this method varies from person to person. According to people of different ages and different personalities, the way of insinuating will also change.

This kind of insinuation is what we usually call "reverse thinking", that is, "look at the problem from another angle".This is actually a matter of a mindset and a way of thinking.But it is the right and wrong of this "thinking pattern" or "way of thinking" that often plays a decisive role in our business activities.Dislocation competition is an operation mode of reverse thinking.

The so-called "dislocation competition", expressed in the popular language of manufacturers and businesses, is: you do this line, I will do that line; you do this, I will do that.Compared with low-level price competition, dislocation competition is unique because of its unique and unexpected competition concept, so its competition space is wider and it is easier to get twice the result with half the effort.

In each economic hotspot, due to people's herd mentality, people blindly follow the trend, but the market capacity is limited, and everyone flocks to it, often causing economic bubbles. As a result, most investors will not make money, but will lose money.You are not the first to discover a gold mine, you are not the first to dig the first pot of gold, maybe you will never be able to dig gold, because there are too many people digging gold.A large number of facts prove that in many cases, following the trend in the industry is not a road to success, and there is no merit in following the trend outside the industry.No matter how lucrative a project is, it will soon lose its charm as investors flock to it; no matter how ordinary a project is, as long as it is first recognized by the market, it will also generate a lot of money.

"Thinking about the problem in a different way" may be able to find another way in the midst of economic hotspots.This is the so-called "free-rider phenomenon" in economics, that is, you can share the entrepreneurial profits of others without spending the cost of innovation. When the market is overheated, you can avoid hot spots to find good opportunities, develop adjacent industries, and take advantage of the market expanded by economic hot spots. capacity to earn extra profit.

8 Wait and watch the changes and grasp the pain

Wolves are very good at observation, and can accurately find the weakness of the prey during observation, and then attack from the weakness to capture the prey in one fell swoop.The use of this kind of tactics by wolves can be summed up as "wait and see what happens and grab the painful foot", that is, stop with static.

Use your own "quietness" to control the enemy's "movement".Stillness is not absolute stillness, but quiet observation, careful observation, and careful thinking.This strategy is often required when encountering a strong enemy or a sudden change.

The word "quiet" cannot be separated from it at all times.The door keeps closing and opening all day long, but the hinge is always still; beautiful and ugly faces "linger" in front of the mirror every day, but the mirror is often still; only "quietness" can brake.If you follow the tide and move with the flow, what you want to do will definitely have no results.Even when you sleep, if you don't maintain a peaceful state of mind, your dreams will be messy.

Any blind movement is worse than no movement.Stillness is sometimes more powerful than movement.Static braking should also be used flexibly according to the specific situation.Jing-guan does not mean being passive, on the contrary, it can create a certain momentum, force the other party to submit, and reap the benefits for oneself.

The stillness and movement of "braking with stillness" are not absolute, they are interrelated and can be transformed from time to time.In fact, there is movement in stillness, and there is stillness in movement. The distinction between stillness and movement can only be determined by who is dominant.The key to braking with stillness is that we must be good at observation, find the opponent's flaws in the subtleties, and use our own calmness to restrain others' movements, and finally attack their vital points to achieve our own goals.

During the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, there was a catcher named Cao Fu. Because he had been serving as a thieves arrester in the Yamen for a long time and accumulated rich experience, he could quickly solve the hard-to-solve major theft or murder cases if entrusted to him. Fu is highly valued by his superiors and respected by his colleagues.

Usually when he has nothing to do, Cao Fu likes to wander outside, actually observing the behavior of passers-by and finding suspicious things from them.

On this day, after lunch, Cao Fu wandered on the river embankment again.The boats in the river are like weaving, going from south to north, which is a busy scene.At this time, a small boat docked.It was an empty boat, and the owner tied the cable of the boat to a big rock on the shore, then sat on the rock, took out a dry cigarette and smoked.

Cao Fu looked at it for a while, then immediately boarded the boat and sat down.When the boat owner saw a stranger boarding the boat, he immediately stepped onto the boat and urged Cao Fu to leave, but Cao Fu refused to leave.The owner said: "If you don't go, I will untie the cable and start sailing." Cao Fu smiled and said:
"You sail, I am willing to go with you."

The boat owner had never met such a person before, and he scolded: "You are so unreasonable! Why do you stay on my boat?"

Cao Fu said unhurriedly: "Because there are foreign objects on your boat, I want to search. I'm the Yamen policeman."

Hearing what he said, the ship owner walked over to uncover the deck, and shouted at Cao Fu angrily, "Search it!" Cao Fu also followed to see that the cabin was empty. "It's time for you to go ashore now!" said the captain.

Unexpectedly, Cao Fu did not move, and continued to say: "Please open the bottom plate." The owner of the ship refused.Cao Fu picked up an iron bar and forcibly pried open the floor, and found a thick layer of gold and silk under the floor.The captain was suddenly dumbfounded.Cao Fu twisted it to the Yamen, and after interrogation, the owner of the ship was an old thief for many years.

Cao Fu seemed to have captured the old thief casually. People were very surprised and asked him how he found out that there were stolen goods on board.Cao Fu said with a smile: "Actually, it's very simple. I think this boat is very small, and there is no cargo in the cabin, but it is driving in the river, and the wind and waves can't make it fluctuate; It was very difficult, so I concluded that there must be heavy objects in the mezzanine of the ship, and it turned out to be true after checking."

Another time, a body was found in a ditch outside the city.The deceased was not a local, but a businessman from another place. It was obvious that the murderer was murdering for money.But after the incident, the murderer had already escaped, and the county magistrate strictly ordered the arrest to catch the murderer in recent days.The other policemen were very anxious and wanted to ask Cao Fu for advice, but Cao Fu was nowhere to be found.After some searching, they found him in a teahouse by the river embankment.Cao Fu was sitting by the window, drinking tea while watching the scene in the river.

"Brother Cao, you are so leisurely. Sitting here drinking tea and enjoying the scenery, we are all dying of anxiety." Everyone complained.

"What's the rush? Come, come! Sit down and have a cup of tea." Cao Fu beckoned everyone to sit down, but kept his eyes on the river.

Everyone was baffled by him, and said: "There is nothing to see in the river, except boats or boats. Come and find a way for us."

(End of this chapter)

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