The Complete Works of Wolf Road

Chapter 26: Act Like a Wolf 1

Chapter 26: Take the initiative to act like a wolf (2)
Third, I never compete with my classmates. If my classmates are tall and big and run fast, but I am short and small, why do I have to compare with them?Knowing where you can stop is very important.I have also asked myself thousands of times, why can others learn easily?Why can't I ever answer the question?Why do I always fail?After knowing my illness, I received care and explanation from professionals.Understanding yourself and understanding your surroundings is very important.

From the above story, we can see that there are actually many aspects to taking the initiative.When we face the blind spots in our life, we should think and act from a different angle. There is no permanent difficulty in the world.To use a popular saying now: "There is only unexpected, nothing impossible."

In ancient times, there were two friends who went to distant places together to find the happiness and joy of life. They ate and slept in the open air along the way. When they were about to reach their goals, they encountered a stormy sea, and the other side of the sea was happiness and happiness. happy heaven.Two people had different opinions on how to cross the sea. One suggested to cut down the nearby trees to make a wooden boat across the sea. A dead end, it is better to wait for this current to dry up, and then walk over it easily.

Therefore, it was suggested that the shipbuilder cut down trees every day, worked hard and actively to build the boat, and learned to swim; while the other lay down to rest and sleep every day, and then went to the seaside to see if the sea was dry.Until one day, when the friend who had already built the boat was about to set sail, another friend still laughed at his stupidity.

However, the friend who built the ship was not angry. Before he left, he only said one sentence to his friend: Doing everything may not necessarily lead to success, but not doing everything will definitely lead to no chance of success!It is indeed a great idea to think of lying down until the sea water dries up before crossing the sea. Unfortunately, it is just a great idea doomed to fail forever.

After all, the sea did not dry up, and the friend who built the ship finally reached the other side of the goal after some wind and waves.These two people later settled down on the two shores of this sea, and they both gave birth to many descendants of their own.One side of the sea is called the fertile land of happiness and joy, and there is a group of people who we call hardworking and brave; the other side of the sea is called the land of failure and loss, where a group of people we call lazy and cowardly live.

We can read a signal from the story: people who are not proactive can only lie in place and "rest" forever, and there will be no day of success.

We can also discover the following truths from it:

Lying down and thinking, it is better to stand up and act!
No matter how long you have walked and how tired you are, never lie down and rest at the door of success!
Dreams are not fantasies!

Yes, there is no sheep that voluntarily goes to the wolf, it is impossible for "pie" to fall in the sky.Success depends on being proactive. It is impossible for us to be indifferent to external material, spiritual and social stimuli. We should try our best to adapt to society.A professor once said: "Adapting to the environment itself is part of the struggle." No matter what the external environment is, our response should be in our own hands.

4 Charge without fear
Wolves are fearless.Its fearless and fearless spirit comes from its continuous action. As long as it takes action, fear will naturally be eliminated.

Fear is one of the most basic emotions and an important psychological response.This response enhances the ability to protect oneself and avoid danger.However, fear can narrow people's consciousness, reduce judgment and understanding, and even lose reason and self-control, making behavior out of control.Being in a state of fear for a long time will seriously affect its life span.Two lambs born in the same litter lived under the same conditions of sunlight, water and food. One was accompanied by a tethered wolf, and died of emaciation due to fear, while the other grew healthy.

To eliminate psychological fear, action must be taken.Action is the best way to eliminate fear.This requires us to face our fears bravely.

Simald participated in a fire-walking meeting in the course of stimulating potential in the United States: walking barefoot through 200-degree Fahrenheit burning red charcoal.

I will always remember the first time I participated in the fire escape meeting, it was at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, and the 12-foot-long sparking charcoal reminded me of the meat on the barbecue grill, which was very scary.At that time, my teacher Anthony reminded: "You must always remember what you want, not what you fear."

I remember that time I was standing behind a little girl, thinking that if she could pass, I should too.

Then, the fire escape started, and hundreds of people walked past with their feet unharmed.Seeing this, I faintly increased some confidence.

Then, when I noticed that the feet of the girl in front kept shaking, my confidence was shaken again. At this moment, the girl walked over with great strides.I thought to myself, if she can do it, so can I.Then I walked over with confidence.

After passing the fire smoothly, my first thought was: fire escape is so simple!Indeed, there are many things that seem difficult or impossible, but they become very simple once you make up your mind that you must.

To overcome fear, we must first believe in ourselves, I will do it!There are no born winners and no born losers. Everyone is unique in the world and no one can replace them.

The generation of fear is actually a problem of a person's mentality.As long as we face it with our own good attitude and choose to be strong and brave, then disasters and difficulties will appear very small in front of us.

Cunningham suffered severe burns to his lower body in a fire as a child.Even the doctor said: "The child's lower body was burned too badly, and the hope of surviving is really slim."

The boy was unwilling to be taken away by the god of death like this, and he finally survived the critical moment.However, although he kept his two legs after the operation, he could only sit in a wheelchair all day long. His lower body was unconscious, and his two thin legs hung there weakly.Yet his determination to walk on his own legs never wavered.He asked his mother to massage his feet every day, and he tried to move his unconscious feet every day.Finally one day, after he fell countless times, he stood up tremblingly and took the first step.There were bloodstains on his knees and arms in many places, but he never gave up exercising.Later, he not only learned to walk, but even joined the track and field team.At a sports meeting, he ran the best result in the game.

In the face of disasters, we often catch them with nothing, and even blame others.Ask yourself, are you really in a desperate situation?

There is still a chance of life in a desperate situation, the question is whether you are brave enough to face it.

Tell yourself loudly: I am the greatest and most successful person in the world!Many difficulties that seem scary are actually paper tigers. The reason why they look so scary is because your determination is not firm enough and your goals are not clear enough!
"A great man is great because he is determined to achieve his goals when he shares adversity with others and others lose faith."

At work, if you go around every time you encounter difficulties, fear at work will follow over time.We must dare to overcome difficulties in our work, dare to challenge ourselves, and dare to challenge the seemingly "impossible" things.Only in this way can we do our job well.Only in this way can we overcome our psychological fear.

Act now!This is a great medicine for fighting fear.

5 rely on hard work, rely on competition
In the world of wolves, the head wolf is not elected, let alone the result of "going through the back door".To become a wolf, you must rely on hard work and action.

"Doing" is the key to the success of one thing, that is, what we usually call action is the key to turning goals into reality.Indeed, the establishment of great careers in life and the development of careers do not lie in knowing, but in being able to do.

While action does not necessarily bring satisfactory results, inaction is never satisfactory.

Action is a great thing, and it alone can make our life goals come true.

Without action, our fantasies are worthless, our plans worthless, and our goals in life impossible to achieve.

A map, no matter how detailed it is drawn and how precise its scale, cannot move its master even an inch on the ground.A code of laws, however just it may be, can never prevent evil from happening.A classic that teaches you how to succeed, no matter how well written it is, it will never make you a penny back.Only action is the starting point of your success, so that your fantasy, your plan, and your goal can become an active force.Action is the food and water that nourish your success.

Every day on our planet, thousands of people cancel or bury new ideas that they have worked so hard to contemplate because they procrastinate and dare not act.After a while, these ideas come back to torment them.Objectively speaking, most of the people around us actually want to succeed, and few of them are willing to live in vain.However, the truly successful people are a minority after all, because most people just have ideas of one kind or another, and have not put their plans into action.They procrastinate and fantasize, and their lives are wasted in this fantasy and procrastination.

Procrastination is the product of fear of failure. If you want to conquer fear, you have to act without hesitation.Only by taking action will the fear in your heart be swept away.

You can't escape and put off today's work until tomorrow, because tomorrow will never come.So you have to finish what you have to do today. Even if action will not make you happy, it may not necessarily make you successful, but it is better to fail than to sit still.

The joy of success may not be the fruit of action, but, without action, all fruit will rot on the tree.

Therefore, you must always remember that to be successful, you can only get up and take action.

When the loser wants to rest, you go to work.

When the loser is still silent, you speak up.

When the loser says it's too late, you're done.

If you want to make your grand plan not a blueprint that stays on paper forever, you have to use actions to turn it into reality.

The following two methods remind you to use them when implementing actions, which may bring some benefits to your actions.

Execute your plan so that it is worthwhile, no matter how well-planned and original your ideas are, unless you practice them, you will never gain anything.

Have peace of mind while carrying out your plan.The saddest sentence in the world is that I really should have done that but I didn't.Every day you hear people say, "If I had started that business, I would have made a fortune!" or "I expected it, and I regret not doing it!" There is no such thing as regret medicine.If a good plan or idea is stillborn, it will really make people sigh and never forget it.If it is really implemented thoroughly, of course it will bring you unlimited satisfaction.

Do you have a good goal now, if so, act now.

6 powerful winning beliefs

The wolves living in Spain, in order to capture blue sheep, which are very good at rock climbing, will go through very careful planning in advance, and sometimes they will not even eat for several days in order to capture their prey.It is actually very risky for wolves to do this, because whether the prey will be available is still unknown, but the wolves are always full of confidence in themselves.

Anyone needs belief to survive. If belief is removed from life, then the existence of life is no different from walking dead.

Different people set up different beliefs, and some people may have new beliefs born every day.He always thinks that belief is to be able to eat well early and sleep peacefully at night, that's all; some people may only have one belief in their life.

Only those with lofty ideals have eternal faith.Once you have strong beliefs, you must act on those beliefs.Faith never disappoints, and we often sell it by refusing to overcome difficulties.

There was a man of faith named Leonard A. Tregar of Missouri. In 1928 Tregar inherited $10 worth of property from his father. In 1938 he went bankrupt.Here's the thing:
My dad was rich and generous, and when I was in high school, he let me write checks from his bank account whenever I wanted to spend money.By the time you get to college, writing checks is pretty easy.After college, I knew neither the value of money nor how to earn it myself.All I know is to write a check to my father's account.

This is how I prepared myself for life when my father died.He left me some wide, fertile land on the lower Missouri River near Rissington, Missouri, and I began to farm.Then the Great Depression swept across the United States.I ran into a serious deficit the first year.So I took a piece of land as a mortgage to pay off the debt.Then, the recession happened again, and I sold the mortgaged land, just to offset the loan.This is how my days are spent.When money is needed, the land is remortgaged or sold.

At last the comeuppance came and I realized that I no longer had money or any possessions.If I was going to survive, I had to get a job and go to work - which I never did in my life.I was so panicked that I couldn't sleep.The old pillar -- the check -- was gone; I didn't know where to turn for help.

One night, when I woke up from a nightmare, I started to face reality. "The good old days are over, man," I told myself. "You're an adult now, so act like an adult. Be an adult and go to work!"

I started thinking, not just about my situation, but about some beliefs.I have always clung to the belief that America is a country of equal opportunity for all who are willing to work hard.Although the timing was bad and the job opportunities were few and far between, I had some strengths: I had good health, a college education and some career training, plus the experience and knowledge I had gained from my failures and mistakes.All I need now is to stop wasting time feeling sorry for myself and take action now.

I rearrange my life and my thoughts.I had a hard time finding a job - any job is the same.Yet when depression thwarted my efforts, I forced myself to trade thoughts of doubt and fear for belief that America was a place where people of determination could have a place.I have always adhered to this belief and never gave up.

My conviction was confirmed, and I actually got a job with Union Finance in Saskatchewan.After happily working there for 4 years, I resigned to go back to my first love - farming.This time, things were relatively better.Slowly I built up my reputation and expanded my career.I run a farm business and juggle other businesses.My efforts have brought me success beyond my imagination.

I got back my inheritance, but this time by my own efforts.More importantly, I can live with confidence, which is better than money.

I've learned that we must have beliefs, but that beliefs are of no use if we don't live up to them.Faith without practice is useless.

Mr. Cuijia's story is an inspiring example of a maturing process—an irresponsible, spoiled child who grows up overnight when he learns that he must not only know beliefs, but also put those beliefs into action. Be an example of an adult.Before that, Mr. Cui Jia had been escaping reality blindly like a child, but his faith in America made him face reality like a man.

Dr. John A. Schindler, author of the book "How to Live 360 ​​and Five Days a Year", told us: "Maturity can only be achieved through learning." And it is often learned through painful struggle.

Work is the process by which we continue to mature, and it is also the process by which we continue to train our beliefs.Once you have a firm belief in your company and act on it, you're bound to be happier about it.At the same time, you will also learn a lot of principles of life at work, and gradually form your good character.

A person's beliefs are often expressed in the things he does.If you don't have faith in what you do, how can you do it well?Jesus said, "See the effect and know the cause." Yes, it is the action that counts.If we don't act on it, the most thought-provoking philosophy will be of no use to us, the fruit we will bear will be unpalatable, and our lives will be false.

We should know that there are many things that lose confidence not because they are difficult to do, but because they lose confidence.

7 Have the mentality of always striving for the first

When the wolf was running, its arrogant howl echoed in the wilderness, pouring out its wildness and arrogance.The wild wolf spirit is the mentality of always striving for the first place.

In man, this mysterious power is aggressiveness.Let us continue to work towards our goals.It does not allow us to slack off, it makes us never satisfied, and whenever we reach a height, it calls us to strive for a higher level.

If you want to be a go-getter, you have to overcome the habit of procrastination and get it out of your personality.This habit of putting off until tomorrow what you should have done last week, last year, or even years ago is eating away at a significant part of your will.Unless you get rid of this bad habit, you will hardly achieve anything.

(End of this chapter)

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