The Complete Works of Wolf Road

Chapter 25: Act Like a Wolf 1

Chapter 25: Take the initiative to act like a wolf (1)
Wolves are born with a fighting character. It can be said that fighting is the essence of a wolf's life.Within the pack of wolves, it is necessary to determine their status in the pack through fighting; in nature, packs of wolves must fight to obtain food that guarantees their survival; packs of wolves also have to fight against the natural environment that brings them many disasters; and The most terrifying human confrontation ever.The fighting spirit of wolves has given us a lot of inspiration for human beings. We must act like wolves, conquer ourselves, and surpass ourselves.Today's society is changing, and the opportunity for success is fleeting. We must rationally and personally analyze the status quo, take decisive action, firmly resolve to take action and persistently pursue beyond the status quo, and declare war on success.

1 Emphasis not only on heart, but also on behavior
The living environment of the wolf is very harsh, but no matter how many setbacks the wolf encounters in its life, and no matter how serious each setback is, there is almost no time left for the wolf to think.Because if the wolf does not get out of the last setback quickly, but just thinks and thinks blindly, then the result can only be one: starve to death!Wolves are thinkers, but wolves never stop acting because of thoughts.

Dreams are the starting line for the strong, and determination is the gunshot at the start. Actions are like runners galloping with all their strength. Only by persisting until the last second can you win the championship.

The key to a person's success lies in action.Therefore, we advocate that more attention should be paid to action than to heart.

Decisions are silver, actions are gold.Only by action can ideals become reality; only by action can we approach success step by step; only by action can there be results.Just like wolves on the prairie, only by moving and running can they catch their prey and avoid being starved to death.

Everyone knows the importance of action. As long as you seriously recall and summarize your life, you will find that all your successes and gains, even the smallest and slightest, are the result of actions.When you were young, from babbling when you were just born, to trying to take the first step in life, to going to the society, swimming in the ocean of life, and practicing a good skill, everything is action the result of.

However, when we scan the crowd with our eyes, you will find that different people have different understandings of actions, and different people have different actions.Some people take a step and a half when they have to; some people take positive actions all the time with a positive attitude.The same is action, but these two different attitudes and ways of action will produce two completely different action results, forming two very contrasting lives.

In the United States, there is a girl named Sylvia, whose father is a famous plastic surgeon in Boston, and whose mother is a professor at a prestigious university.Her family has given her great help and support, and she has every chance to realize her ideal.Ever since she was in college, she has always dreamed of being a TV presenter.

She feels she has a talent for this because whenever she is around people, even strangers are willing to get close to her and have long conversations with her.She also knows how to "speak the truth" from other people's mouths.Her friends called her their "close psychiatrist".She often said: "As long as someone is willing to give me a chance to be on TV, I believe I will succeed."

But what did she do to achieve this ideal?Actually did nothing.

She has been waiting for a miracle, hoping to become the host of a TV show all at once.Such a miracle would of course never come.Because when she was waiting for the miracle to come, the miracle was passing her by.

You see why such a man is doomed not to succeed?It is not enough to have a dream. If you want to succeed, you must make a serious determination to pursue your ideals to the end and act immediately.

When Columbus was still studying, he accidentally read a book by Pythagoras. He knew that the earth was round, and he kept it in his mind.After a long time of thinking and research, he boldly proposed that if the earth was really round, he could reach India in a very short distance.Naturally, many common-sense university professors and philosophers laughed at his opinion.Because, if he wants to travel to the west and reach India in the east, isn't he just talking in his sleep?

They told him that the earth is not round, but square, and then warned that if he sailed westward, his ship would reach the edge of the earth and fall... Isn't this tantamount to committing suicide?

However, Columbus was very confident about this issue, but it was a pity that his family was poor and had no money to allow him to realize this adventurous ideal. He wanted to get some money from others to help him succeed. He waited 17 years in vain, but was finally disappointed.Deciding not to wait any longer, he set out to see Queen Isabella, so poor that he begged along the way.The empress admired his ideals, and promised him ships for this adventurous work.The next problem was that the sailors were afraid of death, and no one wanted to follow him, so Columbus mustered up his courage and ran to the seashore, caught several sailors, first begged them, then advised them, and finally forced them by intimidation go.On the one hand, he asked the queen to release the death row prisoners in prison, allowing them to be exonerated and free if they succeeded in their adventure.

Everything was ready, and in August 1492, Columbus led three sailing ships and embarked on an epoch-making voyage.

Just a few days after sailing, two ships were broken; then they were caught in a dilemma in hundreds of square kilometers of seaweed.He pushed aside the seaweed himself and was able to continue sailing.

After sixty or seventy days of sailing in the vast Atlantic Ocean, there was no trace of the mainland. The sailors were all disappointed. They asked to return, otherwise they would kill Columbus.Columbus used both encouragement and high pressure to finally convince the crew.

There is always a way out.While continuing to advance, Columbus suddenly saw a flock of birds flying to the southwest, and he immediately ordered the fleet to change course and follow the flock of birds.

Because he knew that seabirds always fly to places where there is food and a suitable life for them, he expected that there might be land nearby.

Sure enough, Columbus soon discovered the New World of America.

It is conceivable that if Columbus waits any longer, his life will inevitably be wasted.The discovery of the American continent changed people's views on him, and the laurels of success belonged to Columbus.Columbus finally became a hero. He brought back a large amount of gold and jewels from America, and was rewarded by the king. He was immortalized as the discoverer of the New World.All this is the result of action.

We cannot leave today's affairs for tomorrow, even if our actions do not bring happiness and success.But failure to act is better than sitting still.Action may not bear the fruit of happiness, but without action all fruit is unreaped.

Do it now, do it now, do it now.From now on, we have to repeat this sentence over and over again, every moment, until it becomes a habit, like breathing, like blinking, it becomes a conditioned reflex.With this sentence, we can adjust our emotions to meet and challenge failure.

Today is all we have.Tomorrow is a working day reserved for lazy people, and we are not lazy; Tomorrow is the day to turn from evil to good, and we are not evil; Tomorrow is the day when the weak become strong, and we are not weak; Tomorrow is the day when losers make excuses for success Days, we are not losers.

Efforts should start from today, and the infinite scenery is in front of us!Work hard from now on, and always warn yourself: Never sit still and wait for the rabbit.Because of great opportunities, people who know how to cherish life and grasp the present have always been favored!
We are a pack of wolves who die unless we act.

The pursuit of success cannot wait.If we hesitate, she will throw herself into someone else's arms and abandon us forever.

Take action now!

2 Act automatically and spontaneously
As a wolf, if you live actively, you will be abandoned by life.At work, we should also have this wolf spirit.

Many things in this world can be done as long as one wants to do them, and the difficulties that should be overcome can also be overcome.The key is to see whether you have a heart to live actively, and whether you can act spontaneously.

Let's take a look at the following story:
In 1965, a Korean student went to Cambridge University to major in psychology.When drinking afternoon tea, he often went to the school cafe or teahouse to listen to some successful people chatting.These successful people include Nobel Prize winners, academic authorities in certain fields, and some people who have created economic myths.After a long time, he found that when he was in China, he was deceived by some successful people.In order for those who are entrepreneurs who quit and start his own hardships generally exaggerated, that is to say, they use their own success stories to frighten those who are not successful people.

As a student of the Department of Psychology, he believes that it is necessary to study the mentality of successful Koreans. in 1970, he "Did not look like Success You To imagine That Difficultly" took the graduation thesis, the founder Professor Will Braden the submission to the modern economical psychology.After reading it, Professor Braden was very pleasantly surprised. He thought it was a new discovery.Although this phenomenon is common in the East and even around the world, no one has boldly proposed and studied it before.Surprised, he wrote a letter to his Cambridge alumnus, who was sitting in the top position in South Korean politics at that time - Park Chung-hee, he said in the letter: "I dare not say how much help this book has for you. , but I'm sure it will shake up more than any of your decrees."

Later, this book really took off along with South Korea's economic take-off.This book has inspired many people, because they tell people from a new perspective that success is not necessarily related to working hard, starving the body, lighting the lights at three o'clock and five o'clock.As long as you are interested in a certain cause, you will succeed if you persevere for a long time, because the time and wisdom given to you by God are enough for you to complete one thing satisfactorily.Later, the young man also achieved success, and he became the president of Panye Automobile Company in South Korea.

It's not that we dare not do things because they are difficult, but that they are difficult because we dare not do them.This requires us to be spontaneous in our work and life.Automatic refers to being ready to seize opportunities at any time, showing work performance that surpasses others, and having the wisdom and judgment to "break the routine when necessary in order to complete the task".There is no wolf in the natural world who can sit back and enjoy what he gets, and the "stick to the rules and sit back and enjoy what he gets" in life must have no room for growth.

If you want to be successful in modern society, you must work hard to cultivate your own initiative: you must be brave enough to take responsibility in your work, take the initiative to set work goals for yourself, and continuously improve methods and methods; in addition, you should also develop the ability to sell yourself , In front of leaders or colleagues, you must be good at showing your own strengths. After you have research results or technological innovations, you must share them with colleagues or peers through speeches, presentations, exchanges, papers, etc., and you must have the courage to admit mistakes in your work.Only those who are spontaneous can succeed in the ever-changing competitive environment, and only those who are good at showing themselves can get real opportunities at work.

Working automatically and spontaneously, each of us has a chance to succeed, the key is that you have a sense of initiative.

Everyone is familiar with competition.In fact, there is competition in the whole world, and human society, including nature, is the survival of the fittest.The sense of competition in society is a kind of "ability" that we must have.

Let us read a short story to appreciate "competition".

A foreign forest park once bred hundreds of sika deer. Although the environment is quiet, the water and grass are abundant, and there are no natural enemies, after a few years, the deer herd not only did not develop, but fell ill and died, and there was a negative growth.Later they bought a few wolves and placed them in the park. Under the pursuit and predation of the wolves, the deer herd had to run nervously to escape.In this way, except for those old, weak, sick and disabled who are preyed upon by wolves, the physique of the rest of the deer is increasing day by day, and the number is also increasing rapidly.

The running water does not rot, and the door hinge does not moth.People are born with a kind of inertia. Without competition, they will stand still and sleep on the credit book.The competitor is the wolf chasing the sika deer, and the sika deer is always aware of the wolf's position and the position of its companions.The sika deer running ahead can get better food, and the sika deer running last becomes the wolf's food.According to market rules, the first deer will be rewarded and the last deer will be eliminated from the market.

People are unconscious.Many times, we are doing "sika deer in the park".All we're missing is a sense of competition to allow ourselves to "get ahead".

3 Be proactive
The wolf's code is the code of initiative.

The so-called initiative does not only mean taking initiative, but also means that people must be responsible for themselves.Individual behavior depends on oneself, not external environment; reason can overcome emotion; people have the ability and responsibility to create a favorable external environment.

Responsibility is an important concept, and people who can take the initiative understand it well, so they don't attribute their actions to circumstances or other people.They deal with others by making conscious choices based on their own principles or values, rather than acting entirely based on their feelings about the external environment.

It is human nature to be proactive. If not, it means that a person has chosen to be passive intentionally or unconsciously.Proactive people have their own world in their hearts, and their own principles and values ​​are the key.Passive people are easily changed by the environment.But these all depend on your own mind.

A scholar came to Beijing for the third time to rush for the exam and lived in a shop where he often lived. Two days before the exam, he had three dreams. The first dream was that he was planting cabbage on the wall; Wearing a bamboo hat and holding an umbrella; the third dream is to lie naked with my beloved cousin, but back to back.These three dreams seemed to have deep meanings, so Xiucai asked a fortune teller to interpret the dreams.When the fortune teller heard this, he slapped his thigh and said, "You should go home! Think about it, isn't it a waste of effort to plant cabbage on a high wall? Isn't it superfluous to wear a bamboo hat and an umbrella? Laying naked with my cousin, but Back to back, isn't there no play?"

When Xiucai heard this, she was disheartened, and went back to the store to pack her bags and prepare to go home.The shop owner felt strange, and after asking about it, the scholar knew the whole story, and the shop owner was amused: "I can also interpret dreams! I think you must stay this time. Think about it, planting vegetables on the wall is not a high-end species ( Middle)? Doesn’t wearing a bamboo hat and holding an umbrella mean that you are prepared for this time? Being naked with your cousin and lying on the bed back to back means that it’s time for you to turn around.” When Xiucai heard it, she felt it made sense, so she participated in the event with high spirits. In the exam, he actually got a pass.

A positive person, like the sun, shines brightly wherever it shines.Ideas determine our lives, what kind of ideas we have, what kind of future we have.A person with positive thoughts has a bright future as well.

The wife of President Roosevelt Jr. once said: "No one can hurt you unless you agree to it." In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, the Indian nationalist and spiritual leader: "No one can deprive us of Self-esteem. So what hurts the most is not the tragic experience, but the acquiescing to allow it to happen to you.”

There is a real example, using the wolf's principle, stupid children can also lead to success.

From childhood to adulthood, Bit did things a little slower than other children. His classmates laughed at him for being stupid, and the teacher said he didn't work hard. No matter how he tried to do well and change himself, he never did it right.It wasn't until Bit was in the ninth grade that a doctor diagnosed him with dyskinesia.When graduating from high school, Beeter applied to the ten most average schools, thinking that no one would admit him.But until the end, he didn't even receive a notice.

Later, Bit saw an ad that said: As long as you pay $250, you can be admitted to a university.Turns out he paid $250, and a college actually sent him an acceptance letter.Seeing the name of this university, Bit immediately remembered a newspaper article about this university a few years ago: This is a school where no one fails, as long as the father of the student is rich, there is no one who will not be admitted .At that time, Bit had only one belief: I want to use the future to prove this false statement.After a year at this university, Bit transferred to another university, and after graduation, he entered the real estate industry.

At the age of 22, he opened a real estate company of his own.Since then, he has built nearly 900 apartments in four states in the United States, owns [-] chain stores, and has assets worth hundreds of millions of dollars.Later, Bit entered the banking industry and became the chief executive.

A stupid boy, how did he achieve success?The following three points are what Bit himself said:

First, everyone has their own strongest point, some people can write, some people can calculate; for some people it is difficult, for others it is a piece of cake.What I want to emphasize is: you must do what suits you best, don't cater to other people's tastes and do a difficult thing that doesn't belong to you, but you have to pay a lifetime price.

Second, I am very lucky to have parents who are so understanding, tolerant and patient with me.My parents never knocked me off when someone else took 15 minutes to complete a test question that I had to take 2 hours to complete.For my parents, as long as their son does his best, that is their purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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