The Complete Works of Wolf Road

Chapter 24 Positive thinking like a wolf 1

Chapter 24 Positive Thinking Like a Wolf (5)
If Ms. Wang hadn't taken advantage of Ms. Liu's family's illness and needed to take care of her, and quietly got involved in Ms. Liu's life when Ms. Liu was too busy to take care of him, if she got close to him, Ms. Liu would probably be secretly concerned about Ms. Wang's actions. Fortification, unless Miss Liu happened to be secretly in love with Mr. Wang at that time.Mr. Wang took the opportunity to approach Ms. Liu while Ms. Liu was busy with other things, and achieved his goal.This is the successful use of the strategy of shaming in life.

The strategy of attacking the west by attacking the east has long been known by military strategists of all ages, so it is necessary to fully estimate the enemy's situation when using this strategy.Although there is one method, it can be varied infinitely.

This happened in the Spanish-American War.The United States went to war with Spain, and soon snatched the Philippines and Cuba from Spain, and then seized the "Pearl of the Antilles" Puerto Rico.

The battle to seize Puerto Rico is a typical example of the use of the east to attack the west.

Nelson Miles, the American general who was responsible for the capture of Puerto Rico, was a fierce general who participated in the Civil War.His battle plan is simple: send an army of about 3 people to land at Cape Fajardo or Cape San Juan on the east coast of Po Island, and then march northwest to San Juan, a town fortified by the Spanish army tens of kilometers away. Ann, attack the center of Spanish power in Puerto Rico.

Careful people will find that this plan is actually a foolish plan.Because San Juan's fortifications are strong, and there are nearly [-] Spanish soldiers defending the city, they can only attack head-to-head.

Actually, Miles had other plans.

His first troops embarked from Santiago, Cuba, and sailed for four days, cutting off all contact with the outside world. Even Washington could not figure out where he had gone.During these four days, the small convoy slowly headed east, around Hispaniola from the north, as if to follow the plan and sail to the east coast of Puerto Rico.

When the fleet was only 100 kilometers away from San Juan, Miles suddenly changed his mind and ordered the fleet to change course and speed up to sail westward.

Miles ordered a cruiser to bombard Cape San Juan, but he himself led the troops to land in Guanica, a small port in the southwest of the island.However, the Spanish army concentrated its main forces in the San Juan area. It did not expect that the US military would land here.

The Spaniards could not organize strong resistance.Miles' forces swept across the island of Puerto Rico.By the time the United States and Spain signed a ceasefire agreement, 75% of the island had already fallen into the hands of Miles.Miles fought on the island for nearly 20 days, with only 50 casualties.

We are no longer surprised that the tactics of sniping east and west are used in wars. Not only the Spaniards were deceived in this battle, but even US President William McKinley and Secretary of the Army Russell Alger were kept in the dark.It wasn't until the battle started that they realized that Miles had used a tactic of smacking east and west.

Although it has been commonly used by military strategists in the past dynasties, "striking from the east and attacking the west" is also a time-tested strategy in terms of life and career strategies, and it is also very useful.The tactics of smacking east and west can give you an unexpected effect if used properly.In the career of life, we might as well use a little of this wisdom, it can shorten the course of achieving career.

11 Draw a pie to catch appetite
"Draw a big cake to catch your appetite" is actually a specific application of "crossing the sea with the sky", and it is also a kind of wisdom that wolves are used to. "Drawing big cakes to catch appetite" often focuses on people's observation and handling of world affairs, because they have mastered certain common sense and consciously or unconsciously produced omissions and slack things, so they can take advantage of the emptiness to show the false and conceal the truth, and cover up certain facts. It is a kind of practical action or behavior, seize the opportunity, win by surprise, and deal with difficult things and people without others noticing.

The key to the application of this method is to hide the strategy in ordinary things so that it can be implemented smoothly.Behavior is sneaky, but it makes people vigilant, and the scheme is self-defeating; violence causes fierce resistance, and often leads to uncontrollable and irreversible consequences.These are despised by wise men.

In life, we will encounter many difficult things, such as shortage of funds, weak product promotion, lack of human resources and so on.

If you want to solve these difficult things, you might as well keep your intentions hidden in your heart, and then act secretly.This is also the way we often say "painting cakes to catch appetite".

The first five-star hotel in China and also the first joint venture hotel between China and the United States - The Great Wall Hotel in Beijing officially opened for business.At the beginning of opening, the first problem faced is how to attract customers.

According to the usual practice, it should be advertised in Chinese and foreign newspapers, radio stations, and TV stations.This cost is very expensive. Domestic TV advertisements cost thousands of yuan every 30 seconds, and they need to be interrupted several times a day, and at least several 10 yuan a month.However, since the basic customers of the Great Wall Hotel Beijing come from Hong Kong, Macau and overseas countries, this requires overseas publicity, and the advertising fee of Hong Kong TV Station for every 30 seconds is at least 38 Hong Kong dollars. million yuan.

As for the advertising expenses in foreign countries, it is even more astronomical in a month.At the beginning, the Great Wall Hotel Beijing also placed several advertisements in several newspapers in the United States. Later, due to insufficient funds and poor results, the advertising campaign had to be stopped.Although the advertising campaign stopped, the public relations activities of Beijing Great Wall Hotel did not stop. They just changed their strategy.In order to alleviate the overcrowding of the Badaling Great Wall, Beijing renovated the Mutianyu Great Wall.

When the Mutianyu Great Wall had just been repaired and was about to be opened, the Great Wall Hotel Beijing lost no time in proposing to the Mutianyu Great Wall Management Office that they hold an event to entertain foreign journalists, and the Great Wall Hotel Beijing would bear all the expenses.The two sides quickly reached an agreement.

In the activity of entertaining foreign journalists, one of the contents was to invite them to browse the renovated Mutianyu Great Wall. The purpose of course was to use their mouths to promote the newly opened Mutianyu Great Wall to foreign countries.On this day, the Great Wall Hotel Beijing specially prepared a batch of small donkeys at the foot of the Mutianyu Great Wall.The donkey is a traditional means of transportation in ancient China. It can be used for both riding and carrying things.If the Great Wall and the donkey are spread abroad by these foreign reporters, it will increase the mystery of China, an ancient oriental civilization.

The donkeys prepared by the Great Wall Hotel in Beijing this time, except for a batch of donkeys provided for reporters to ride, are mostly used to carry drinks and food.When the foreign reporters came to the top of the mountain one after another, the owners took French champagne from the donkey's back and opened it on the Great Wall for the reporters to drink.The Great Wall, donkeys, champagne, foreigners, the reporters felt that the contrast of this shot was too sharp, they applauded again and again, and raised their cameras one after another.After the photos were sent back to various countries, the editors were also very moved.As a result, the next day almost all newspapers around the world published photos of the Mutianyu Great Wall.The reputation of the Beijing hotel named after the Great Wall has also been boosted.

Through this event, the public relations manager of the Great Wall Hotel in Beijing, a former reporter from the United States, experienced that introducing the Great Wall Hotel to countries all over the world through editors and journalists’ pens and lenses not only has far more effects than advertisements, but also Sweetness for less money.Therefore, the shrewd public relations lady planned to hold a larger-scale public relations activity.The opportunity came.

At the same time, US President Ronald Reagan will visit China.

The Great Wall Hotel in Beijing immediately began to understand the schedule and entourage of Reagan's visit to China.The public relations manager of the Great Wall Hotel in Beijing was overjoyed when she learned that there was a news delegation of more than 500 people accompanying the visit, including the three major television broadcasting companies in the United States, various news agencies and famous newspapers. The brewing strategy was put into practice step by step.

First of all, strive to invite a press delegation of more than 500 people into the hotel.They repeatedly invited the staff of the US embassy in China to visit the Great Wall Hotel for free. At the banquet, the general manager of the hotel asked the embassy for their opinions on the quality of service and visited them many times for advice.Afterwards, on the grounds that a first-class hotel invested by the United States should receive a first-class press delegation from the United States, they requested to receive the press delegation accompanied by Reagan. .

Secondly, realize the potential motivation in the preferential service, and arrange the senior suite of the guest room into a convenient work room for publishing.Special care is given to the three major television broadcasting companies in the United States: the hexagonal pavilion of the "Yitingyuan" tea garden with Chinese garden characteristics was introduced to CBS, and the top-floor bar "Lingxiaoge", which combines Chinese and Western styles, was introduced to NBC. Introduce the simple and elegant open-air garden to ABC Company, and use it as the background for their TV news.

In this way, the essence of the Great Wall Hotel can be seen by the public in western countries.In order to make the public who watch and listen to TV and radio remember the name of the Great Wall Hotel, the general manager of the hotel proposed that if the TV broadcasting companies only need to say "I am speaking to the audience at the Great Wall Hotel in Beijing", all Fees can be discounted.The economically savvy American TV broadcasting companies are naturally willing to accept this condition, temporarily act as spokespersons, do free advertisements, and spread the name of the Great Wall Hotel to the world.

With the successful experience of these two steps, the Great Wall Hotel has set its sights on the high-standard President Reagan's appreciation banquet. It is quite difficult to win such a high-standard appreciation banquet, because in the past, such banquets, All will be held in the Great Hall of the People or the US Embassy, ​​and there is no precedent for moving to other places.They decided to speak with facts.

Therefore, while introducing the situation in detail and presenting materials to the heads of the Protocol Departments of China and the United States and the staff of the relevant executive departments, the Great Wall Hotel focused on inviting the leaders of all parties and responsible persons at all levels to visit the hotel. Let them take a look with their own eyes at the Great Wall Hotel's facilities, appearance, quality of food and beverages, and service level. It is first-class not only in China, but even in the world.

The Chinese and American officials who were present were convinced by the facts, and immediately made a decision, and also won the consent of President Reagan.After obtaining the right to host, the hotel manager immediately contacted major Chinese and foreign news organizations and invited them to rent a venue in the hotel to broadcast the U.S. President’s appreciation banquet live.

On the day when the appreciation banquet was held, the heads of state of China and the United States, foreign envoys in China, and Chinese and foreign journalists gathered at the Great Wall Hotel.The hosts said in unison: "Now we are broadcasting the last event of President Reagan's visit to China at the Great Wall Hotel in Beijing, China - the thank-you banquet..." During the frequent toasts, the name of the Great Wall Hotel passed through the airwaves again and again. Flying to all over the world, the style of the Great Wall Hotel has jumped into the eyes of the public from all over the world again and again.

President Reagan's wife Nancy later wrote to the Great Wall Hotel, saying: "Thank you for your thoughtful service, so that my husband and I spent a pleasant night here."

Through this successful public relations campaign, the reputation of the Great Wall Hotel in Beijing has been boosted.

Visitors, tourists, and businessmen from all over the world came here admiringly; the American yacht Jewelry came to sign the contract; the American Lindblad Travel Company came to sign the contract; several foreign airlines also came to sign the contract.

Later, when the heads of state of 38 countries led delegations to visit China, they all held a thank-you banquet at the Great Wall Hotel to show that they, like President Reagan, attached great importance to and expressed the success of this visit to China.Since then, the name of the Great Wall Hotel in Beijing has spread.

"Drawing a big pie to catch your appetite"-used to make money in business, the basic idea of ​​its techniques and methods is to use "deception" to act secretly and hide your money-making attempts in obvious things to achieve your own goals.Ordinary people tend not to doubt things that are commonplace.This plan is to use people's illusion to cover up their real intentions. "Painting cakes to catch appetite"

The trick is the most common and the most used.Because of this, it is easy to be ignored by people, so that it is easy for various merchants to implement in sales, so as to achieve their real purpose of promoting products, promoting themselves, and occupying the market.

This trick is no surprise to merchants, it is a means and method they often use.There are many merchants who use this method appropriately to make their business flourish, or let themselves get out of the predicament and regain a new life from the reality of being on the verge of bankruptcy and bankruptcy.The use of this method should be done in moderation, and you must not blindly advance, because a small loss makes a big difference.

(End of this chapter)

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